3min circuits

WARMUP: mosey to the parking lot behind First Baptist church.
SSH, IW, merkins, mountain climbers, squats
THE THANG: Mosey over to COG lot and doing 3 exercises for 3 mins.  In between sets run to stop sign and back.

3 exercise 3 min
merkins 15
Dips 20
Squats 25

CDD 15
WAM 20
Monkey Humpers 25

Big Boy 10
Hello Dolly – 20
Flutter 25 EL

plank tuck 10
Hello Dolly 20
Jump Squats 25

Hill sprints and then finished with some Mary


TClap |

Wellness Check on Mr Harris – and We Love You Cable Guy!!

WARMUP: None other than most excellent pre-run mumblechatter and then giving the route. The former warmed us up more than the latter.

THE THANG: We ran. Some faster than others but that does not matter as long as you are there. Route was L on Munn, L on Harris, take Harris to the end, L on Massey, L on 160 then take it to COT. Extra credit – old Kingsley loop.
Without EC – around 4 miles
With EC – about 4.9
Hills are in both versions.
Mr Harris can get in your head. He is a daunting hill. Just keep after it and DFQ. Get him out of your headspace to conquer him!

MARY: My Mom’s name. Love it.


COT: Plenty.

Special prayers towards one of our own – Cable Guy – and his family, loved ones. Today marks the one year anniversary of the way too soon passing of his much beloved son Noah. He was a great young man in many ways. We love you CG!!!

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2 Cats Eat More Than 1 Cat

Undeniably the Classic AO, my all time favorite, the place I started and the place I took a turn as site Q. Weezer has done a awesome job with this AO. It was an honor to lead.

knee tar n’diaye
LS Squats
curb walkers
high knees
butt kickers
more merkins
more squats
dying cockroach
imperial walker
hill billy walker
makhtar n’diayes
more merkins
more squats
shoulder tap
overhead clap

I’m sure I forgot a few things
*not in that order
**modifications were made
***counting was poor at best
****mumblechatter was as expected

noticeably absent … liver eaters

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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Jackson, Harris and Smith Oh My!

THE THANG: Out and back- 2 miles out. Depart from Veterans Park after the Pledge of Allegiance- head toward WEP: left on Jackson; Right on Harris : Turn-around at Sam Smith (first right after I77 overpass). Pain stations Top and Bottom of Jackson & Sam Smith.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: AKA coming -this is a event not to miss! Nice work Funhouse!
COT: RainMaker open discussion with possible new AO w a later start time : Freed to lead and Opportunity to EH a half a dozen men. Thank you for the opportunity to Q.

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It’s cold, we are old

Circle up
Warm up
Light to light stuff, up to and including bear crawl
To the benches for dips, no derkins, not a fan
Over to four corners with burpees in the middle
Down the hill for exercises (accumulating), back to the top, 4 or 5 times
Back up to the school for the last few exercises

Good work by Sawdust and prob a couple others, maybe
Plenty of modify as needed
Plenty of piss poor counting
Plenty of questionable form

Thanks peanut gallery, I couldn’t do it without you.

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

TClap |

Back to long pants

11 runners and 3 ruckers on display at Flight Plan. A few went to the hills of Braden.

Looking forward to trash pickup this Saturday at 0745 at Harris St Park.

Prayers for CrabCakes friend Ashley. Bass-O has a knee Dr appt soon. Def need to get that fixed.

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Fast FNG

Shady EH’d a nice young man who’s into biking, tennis and his name is Remington, so we named him Steele. Very fast too and kept Shady in check.

Prayers for Funhouse’s mom Joan who fell and that’s a bit of a setback.

Nice running down to the river and back.

TClap |