The Zipper

Pledge of Allegiance at 5:14 and then off to Hardee’s. The plan is called the zipper. Main spine is Springs St, 20 Merkins, at Unity Street, 25 LBC at Pine St 25 Flutter each leg. Meet back at Hardee’s at 5:55.

Got the call yesterday for the Q and luckily this site is easy Q to plan. The zipper didn’t disappoint and provided the sweat on a cool morning. Thank Jekyll for the call.

MARY: Plank Crunches and LBC with feet at 6”
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Blood drive, Bourbon and BBQ, Charity Shoot
COT: Prayers lifted

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Cross Town

WARMUP: 10 each SSH, cherry pickers merkins too
THE THANG: Start at FMCOG 15 merkins, run to parking lot on confederate and do 10 merkins and 20 flutters, up to First Baptist for 15 squats and 15 big boys, then to police station for dips and step ups, then to academy and Forrest for 15 monkey humpers and 15 bomb jacks. Ran through it twice
MARY: 2 rounds
ANNOUNCEMENTS: skeet shoot postponed

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Kingsley Loop is a thing

WARMUP: I warmed up the PAX with CLEAR instructions
THE THANG: Fartleks on Kingsley Loop, not Kingsley loop. Notice that one is a proper name and one is well, not. Run laps alternating moderate and fast pace. Rabbits got 5.
MARY: No Mary

Naked Man Moleskin: I had it worked out. But I guess I need to do a better job of Vision Articulation, Persuasion, Exortation. *Noted
Fort Mill Pax are the best around!

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Loopy Loops

WARMUP: SSH, IW, squats, Rebel merkin, MNC
THE THANG: 3 stations were established with 3 exercises at each station all 15 reps.
1st station – Lot next to Loom at the short wall
Exercise Dips, Derkins, Step-ups

2nd Station – Church of God parking lot
Exercise – WAM, Squats, Monkey Humpers

3rd Station – Top of Hill parking Lot
Exercise – CDD, Flutters, Merkins

Circle back to the first station and repeat. The loop was .5 miles. We all got 3 laps in and ended back at station 1 for a shoulder burn. Exercises in cadence.
25 MNC
25 OH Claps
15 CDD
10 Diamond Merkins.

Back to COT for Mary
MARY: Flutters, LBC with Feet at 6”, American Hammer.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: several announcements with events coming up. Make sure to look at the newsletter.
COT: lifted up prayers for healing, illness, family and marriages.

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Run to Fail

WARMUP: SSH, cherry pickers, Moroccan NCs, merkins, Down dog, plank, honeymooners

Partner Work – round 1 – Lap between each set
– 100 Merkins
– 150 Squats
– 200 Flutters

Round 2
– 100 Overhead Claps
– 150 Monkey Humpers
– 200 SSH

Round 3
– 100 Calf Raises
– 150 Carolina Dry Docks
– 200 LBCs

Finished up w 2 minutes of 6 count Burpees.


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Footloose Marketing at Clydesdales

WARMUP: The Q warmed up with a few laps in the LPL parking lot. Olaf warmed up out and about.
THE THANG: The pax were given the route out to the Footloose AO and back. (as the site Q, never miss an opportunity to put the AO on the Pax’s mind). Modifiable from 3+ miles – add or subtract as necessary. 11 men launched and passed in front of my M on her way to work at the red light at the Peach Stand.
11 men arrived back safely!
This is not a DeepFake. This is an ACTUAL Real backblast from Clydesdales.
MARY: nah, not today.
COT: marriages.

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Hill climber light post beat down

WARMUP: 10 SSH, 10 Cherry Pickers, 10 imperial walkers
THE THANG: Started with a mosey to WEP where we did a light post workout on the hill behind the amphitheater. The totals from the work out were 50 burpee’s, 80 Lunges, 90 HR Merkins, 80, Squats 50 LBC’s
After this we moseyed over to the playground for a Dora workout with a partner with 50 pull ups, 100 Merkins, 200 big boys. Total run distance was 1.6 miles
MARY: 3 minutes
ANNOUNCEMENTS: news letters

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Negative Splits

THE THANG: Half mile segments, targeting negative splits from 8:45 down 15 seconds per segment to 7:30. 3 min pain stations between segments:


Peter Parker
Parker Peter

Monkey Humpers
HB Squats

Box Cutter
Grave Digger

Mountain Climbers

Hello Dolly
Body Destroyer

Read your newsletter

Prayers for Kielbasa’s Son & Anchorman’s Daughter

Honor to Serve

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Not just crazy 8s….

WARMUP: ring of fire, plus 75 calf raises to celebrate Sammy Hagars 75th birthday

The men enjoyed the soundtrack to my fav Halloween movie, Maximum Overdrive. (Filmed in and around Wilmington).

That meant 45 mins of AC DC. (Solid!)

Ludicrous 8s
8 each of:
Am hammer
Hello Dolly
Bomb Jack
Big boi

Run figure 8 to ends of track

8 rounds

11s on the hill
Shoulder taps/squats

MARY: no time for Mary. We were hustling.

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Count the right only

WARMUP: mosey brogaish things, @reaper stuff, few other things
THE THANG: a little 4 corners around the track 15ish was the count for all. Mostly for those requiring right side counts only. Merkins, mtn climbers, shoulder taps. Little mosey squats calf raises and monkey humpers; mosey then SSH seal jacks and overhead claps; mosey abs stuff big boys weezy Jefferson’s and that other exercise I couldn’t remember yeah bicycle somethin. Mosey over to benches for dirkins and dips. Did a pledge of allegiance somewhere in there with some rebel merkins
MARY: not much time left for American hammers and upright flutters. Oh yeah those were Freddy mercurys we did earlier.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: finally Fogertys trash pick.
COT: marriages and health concerns for a few.

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