Airwolf inspired “ciabatta”

WARMUP: Mosey from flag to second parking lot. 20 count IC: SSH, hillbilly walkers, Cherry pickers, Moroccan nightclubs. 10 count down dog to 10 count honeymooner. Mosey to the band lot.

THE THANG: Tabata Time! 2 exercises, 45 sec intervals with a 10 sec rest between x 3 sets of ea. After 6th set, each PAX ran a loop around the light poles and planked for the 6. Rinse and repeat x5 cycles.
First cycle: hand release merkins & LBC’s
Second cycle: plank jacks & hello dollies
Third cycle: Carolina dry docks & calf raises
Fourth cycle: merkins & Bobby Hurley’s
Fifth cycle: Superman’s & monkey humpers

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter! Shady on Q at hanging with Stang today. F3 Dad’s is coming in June. Get your 2.0’s ready to roll!

COT: Bonsai’s family will be traveling to 3 different places, some separate from each other. Travel mercies and safety. JWOW travel mercies. Pothole clarity and patience. OTG is thankful to be back in the Gloom with his fellow PAX. We are all happy to have him back!

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Gear Mayhem

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Low slow squats, Moroccan Night Clubs, Arm Circles, Merkins
THE THANG: 2 min timer, AMRAP
KB Squats
Chest Press
Calf raise
Wall sit
Skull crushers
Freddie Mercuries
KB Lunges
Rinse and repeat until 5:55 am
Airborne’s Hip Thing

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Murph on Monday after all normal AO workouts
COT: Families in Texas, Baby #2 for BattleBot

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Snarky Title

Old man warmup of windmills and strawberry pickers, or produce pickers, or cherry pickers, or whatever… some SSH, a couple of Merkins… you get the idea

We tested our fitness this morning.
2 min max push-ups
2 min max butterfly sit-ups
1 lap around the park in sub-5 minutes

Then we moved to the modified Spartan 300
Run 100 yards
5 burpees
Run back 100 yards
That’s one round. We did 5 rounds.

Finally, we farmer carried heavy things in a relay race style. It was a little dumb. Peabody cheated, which I didn’t mind since he was on my team.
The things were: Cindy, a 45lb ruck plate, a 60lb sandbag, and an 80lb sandbag.

She wasn’t there.

SEE ALSO MY REPORT IN THE #1stF channel on Slack…

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Helping your brother bear his burden

WARMUP: SSH, Morrocan Night Club, Down Dog, Up dog, Merkins, Seated Surfers, KB squats

THE THANG: We began with a short mosey to the curb and back. Picked up our bells and lined up on a line in the parking lot. 50 man makers were called. It’s a lot. And it’s reminiscent of many of the burdens we carry. The PAX were challenged to push through and persevere. In turn, any PAX who finished was tasked to go take the bell of his brother and lighten the load. Demonstrating how we share the load with our brothers in need. No one goes alone.

After the glorious man makers, we moseyed to a more lit area for some station work. There were the following stations in a circle:
+Split Leg Squats 10 each leg
+Single Leg Deadlifts 10 each leg
+Calf Raises 20
+John Deere(lat pulls) 10 each arm
+American Hammers 20 IC
++The method of movements were bear crawls and overhead carries.
We completed 2 laps around the circle or so before COT.

COT: Praises for the acceleration of the Fort and the leadership were shared. Thanks for the opportunity to Q and participate in Q school week.

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Bootcamp Q-School

PAX ran around for some pearls on a string. At each stop, YHC worked to espouse some of my ideas on Qing. At the last stop prior to COT, other PAX took opportunity to count in cadence

Topics I tried to cover:
Counting the number present while calling SSH
Calling exercises in cadence – slower can be better
Keeping the PAX together – planking up
Modifying the Weinke based on numbers
Making mistakes as Q and moving forward
Having 11s in your back pocket
Be willing to leave something and mosey on
The mission of F3 involves building leaders. Do it. Build the leadership in yourself and in the other me that post with you.

Closed COT without a prayer, but took a moment to focus on someone in your life that needs an extra effort or word from you today. Challenged PAX to contact that person after they’d showered this morning.

Required Reading:


Suggested Reading:

Q School

10 of us also stuck around for 5 min to do 50 burpees with Badlands, who now has a new process to help him remember his shovel flag. 🙂

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3 > 1

Low slow squats


2 hill repeats on big hill

4 corners:
Kettlebell is conveniently stashed at corner #2

crowdsource mode of transport on short edges. If you have the bell, you are exempt from mode of transport.

Pax will plank up for the 6 before departing for next corner.

Start with 10 reps each, then increase by 5 per round

corner 1:
shoulder taps
hello dolly

corner 2:
diamond merkins
bomb jacks
Peter parkers
Big boys

corner 3:
wide merkins
Grave diggers
Freddie Mercuries
jumping lunges

corner 4:

made it 3 full rounds before COT

Passed the bell between the 3 PAX. Do a squat when you get it
Flutters in cadence
30 sec body destroyers

Bourbon tasting and trash pickup saturday

mental health

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Crashing the buffet

WARMUP: 0500-0505
Q school followed by 3 side straddle hops to practice calling cadence. We got places to be.


Coupons: sandbags and 60lb kettlebell. One guy without a coupon

Ruck to Golden Corral, trading coupons as needed
Moderate complaining about the kettlebell

Crash the party at Golden Corral
Line up all the gear
All PAX do 10 merkins, sprint to other side, 5 burpees, then choose your weapon. Faster guys got first pick. There aren’t enough coupons for everyone.
The recommendation before starting was to not be without a coupon.

The converged PAX were now separated into 3 groups:
Ruckers – those who picked up a ruck
Couponers – Slicks who picked up a sandbag or kettlebell
Slicks – Those who were not able to get a coupon

DORA – Couponers are the timers, everyone else does reps until they return.

Round 1:
Ruckers do merkins
Couponers carry coupons to other end of parking lot then do 20 squats with coupon.
Slicks do burpees

Round 2:
Ruckers do squats
Couponers carry coupons and do 20 overhead presses
Slicks do burpees

Slicks were taken off the hook and allowed to choose someone to trade with.

repeat round 1, then we had to get back to COT. Departed at 0540.

0540 – 0601
A brisk ruck back where there was even more complaining about the 60lb kettlebell, and arrived at COT at 0601. No extra charge for the extra minute

MARY: no time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: trash pickup saturday, bourbon tasting saturday

COT: A reminder from Slapshot about safety and being sure someone has a phone – especially when traveling off campus, and especially now that the weather is warming up.

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What idiot called this?

PAX showed up expecting for Shady to be on Q (which explains the large numbers). They had to settle for me, but I’m just happy to be Shady’s understudy. Hope he gets back to 100% soon

SSH, IW, HW, Shoulder Taps, Peter Parker, Parker Peter, Merkin

Extra weight. PAX had rucks, sandbags, and bells galore in honor of Gear MAYhem

3 groups
1 took a lap and did swings for the 6
2 groups carried weight the length of the parking lot, did 10 merkins, 15 squats, and came back.

Then we rotated. After everyone got to run we add weight

Between each set of 3 rounds:
(With no extra weight on)
5 manmakers
5 cleans (each side)
5 overhead presses (each side)

We got through 3 sets of 3 rounds

At one point during set 3, I causally and in a very neutral tone mentioned that my grip was shot. Vuvuzela pointed out that he’d never heard anybody gripe about their own Q so much. Maybe I mentioned something earlier too?

MARY: Uhaul Q-jacked for Mary a little early by my clock, but he doesn’t like manmakers.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: read the newsletter, lots of community impact going on!

COT: doing one thing really well is better than 5 things done halfway. Bear reminded us today that form matters. Do a good squat.

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