5 Minutes

THE THANG: Disclaimer: it is Friday we are going to keep it simple. I set watch for 5 minutes. We ruck for 5 minutes and then exercise. 1 PAX carries 60 lb sandbag. REPEAT.
Exercises: Squats, Merkins, Step ups, Bear Crawl, Lunge Walk, Curls/Triceps, 5 weighted Burpees.
MARY: None
ANNOUNCEMENTS: F3 Dads workout, Dad’s Camp, Fort Retreat.
COT: Prayers for Tinsel’s surgery, Bones headed to New Mexico for 2 weeks.

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Choose Your Cluster

Pledge of Allegiance then Mosey to FMRX.

4 cluster of cones set up in the parking lot. 3 cones in each cluster. One exercise (and count) on each cone. Pax, OYO, run the loop through downtown Fort Mill, choose a cluster of cones, do the exercise in the cluster, then rinse and repeat. The cones may or may not have been repurposed from yesterday’s workout at Ring of Fire.

Some had just a few minutes for Freddies and Flutters.

Awesome work by all pax. Thanks, FunHouse, for the opportunity to lead!

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Pendulum O’ Pain

WARMUP: The Pledge of Allegiance.
THE THANG: Pendulum O’ Pain. Run to Jekyll’s town center (near the churches at bottom of hill). Run up to the Town Hall, Merkins until failure. Run down hill and back up to parking lot at the factory, 20 Squats. Rinse and repeat for 35 minutes. Mosey back to COT.
COT: Prayers and Praises.

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1st Time For Everything

WARMUP: NONE….this is Clydesdales
THE THANG: a nice 4 mile loop: Down to Spratt…..Right on Harris……Back up on Munn rd….Bonus if you want.
1st time Q for the Clydesdales…..1st time I have Q’d and didn’t do the actual workout. Opted for the Ruck option.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Kenya Convergence. Boss Hogg’s going away party (although he already left?)
COT: Prayers for Luca/Vuvu family. Anchorman’s new business.

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A Little Bit of Everything

WARMUP: “long mosey” not to be confused with “medium” or “short”. around parking lot to the top of driveway. Windmills, produce pickers, Moroccan Night Club, Peter Parker, Down/Up dogs, Seal Jacks
THE THANG: Mosey “Medium” to back of school. Merkin Ladder: start at one curb….bear crawl across….other curb. start with 1 merkin and work up to 10 merkins. | Freddy Mercury ladder. 20 Freddie….NUR….18 Freddie….NUR…..down to 10. | Jack Webs | Mosey to front of school. Lunge 2 columns and 5 Burpees…..repeat 5 times.
MARY: Windmills
COT: Prayers or marriages, healing, teachers/students

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Cinco De Mayo History Lesson

WARMUP: Lap around parking lot ending inside football stadium gates.
THE THANG: Cinco De Mayo History lesson. Fun exercises while the PAX learned. Cinco De Mayo is a celebration of the victory of the Battle of Puebla De los Angeles in 1862.
5 Burpees
18 Merkins
62 Overhead claps
The battle was against the French. 20 Freddy Mercury’s
Pueblo de las Angeles: 10 Flying Squirrels
1861 Mexico defaulted on loans to Europe hence the invasion. 18 Werkins | 61 Moroccan Night Clubs
The countries Mexico default to were Britain, Spain, and France.
Britain: 10 Bonnie Blairs Spain: 10 Sumo Squats
The leader of France was Napoleon III: 10 Nolan Ryan’s each side
France: 6000 troops. Mexico: 2000 troops. 2 laps around the track.
France eventually withdrew from Mexico 1867. 18 Diamond Merkins | 67 SSH
Mexican Independence Day: Sept. 16 1810
18 Ranger Merkins | Burpees
MARY: LBCs, Flutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: prayers for healing

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Speed Work With Push-Ups

Mosey to WEP
Speed work, variation on One-Ones.  Quarter loop fast, quarter slow, quarter fast, quarter slow.

Exercises in ground at lap marker.  Are cumulative after each lap.

10 Burpees
20 SSH

10 Merkins
20 Mountain Climbers

20 Peter Parker
20 Parker Peter

20 CDD
10 Bomb Jacks

20 Squats
20 Monkey Humpers

COT: Read your Newsletter

Honor To Serve

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Kettle bell swings, Manmakers, oh my!

WARMUP: YHC came in hot so disclaimer was on the fly. All veterans in attendance so all knew the deal. Quick mosey around parking lot to warm up. Circled up: Windmills, Slow Low Squats, Moroccan Night Clubs, Downward/Upward Dog, Mountain climbers, Merkins.
THE THANG: JackWeb(ish): 1 Squat Thrust, 4 Kettlebell swings, 2/8, 3/12, 4/16, 5/20. (10 Flutters) 1 Upright Row, 4 Bicep curls, 2/8, 3/12, 4/16, 5/20. (15 LBC’s) Grab Kettle bell and walk to line. 5 rounds. 10 shoulder press, Lunge walk across parking lot. 10 Bent over rows (each arm), Riffle carry bell back. (20 Freddy Mercury’s). 11’s (Manmakers & Seal Jacks). Calf Raises (20).
MARY: Flutter with a Press. Windmill. Produce Picker
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Men’s, Ass Kicking April
COT: Prayer for safe travels.

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Jackson, Harris and Smith Oh My!

THE THANG: Out and back- 2 miles out. Depart from Veterans Park after the Pledge of Allegiance- head toward WEP: left on Jackson; Right on Harris : Turn-around at Sam Smith (first right after I77 overpass). Pain stations Top and Bottom of Jackson & Sam Smith.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: AKA coming -this is a event not to miss! Nice work Funhouse!
COT: RainMaker open discussion with possible new AO w a later start time : Freed to lead and Opportunity to EH a half a dozen men. Thank you for the opportunity to Q.

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