Flag Handoff at The Sink…..If you know what I mean?

Flag handoff from Maximus to Farmer’s Only.

Warmed up with a lap around small loop and back to circle perform a few exercises to get familiar with the bags.

– Merkin (5-5-5 – Regular, Wide, Diamond)
– SB Toss (10)
– SB Shoulder to Shoulder (10)
– Deadlift (10)
– Manmaker (5)

Partner up. DORA. One partner carries, One partner exercises. 50 reps for each exercise.

1 – Suitcase Carry/Overhead Press
2 – Shoulder Carry/Lunges
3 – Back Carry/Flutters w/ Press
4 – Overhead Carry/Rows
5 – Zercher Carry/Cleans
6 – Bear Carry/Curls

Everyone went through once at 50 reps each exercise. Some began making way back through before all PAX drop the exercise portion and began making way down the list completing just the carry. Stopped with about 10 mins left for next activity.

Next up, we piled all the sandbags up on one end and went back to the other side. PAX divided into two teams and one PAX at a time for each time raced down to the pile to retrieve a bag and bring it back to other side. All PAX take a turn and team that recovered the most weight at the end is the winner. Losers perform burpees.

Lots of CSAUP opportunities this Summer. July 4th convergence.

Flag Handoff. Congrats Farmer’s Only.

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Light pole Ladder

– 10 Moroccan nightclubs
– 10 cherry pickers
– 10 windmills
– 20 imperial walkers
– 20 hillbilly walkers
Mosey down road
– stop at curb and do 15 merkins hands on curb in cadence
– Mosey to wall
– Stop at next curb 15 calf raises in cadence
– Wall sit 20 count

Mosey to the top of the hill with light poles
Ladder workout
– run forward to first light pole and do one burpee, then run back to start and complete exercise
– Run forward to second light and do 2 burpees, then run back to start and complete exercise
– Repeat for 10 light poles
Exercises per pole:
– 10 archer merkins
– 20 bomb jacks
– 30 wide arm merkins
– 40 squats
– 50 chair crunches
– 40 diamond merkins
– 30 leg raises
– 20 Carolina dry docks
– 10 American hammers – cadence count


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The Murph 2024

1 mile run
100 pull-ups
200 Merkins
300 squats
1 mile run

It’s more than a workout

We get to because they did.

God bless you all. Keep pushing and never forget.

:facepunch: :facepunch: :facepunch:

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Abs, Abs and more abs

WARMUP: Windmills, Cherry pickers, SSH then mosey

THE THANG: 20 reps, 5 exercises: leg lifts, LBC’s, Big Boys, Flutters, heals to heaven, 1 lap after completion, 3 rounds total

Message on Q source topic of Missionality: getting out of the comfort zone and taking risk! Work in progress on the word familiarity! Mosey after message

20 Dips, lunge walk, 20 Merkins, bear crawl, 20 SSH’s, high knees, repeat 3 rounds. Same mode of transportation but last round was 20 Derkins, 20 squats, 20 mountain climbers

MARY: 5 burpees, box cutters, Freddy mercuries

ANNOUNCEMENTS: blood drive today

COT: prayer or praise from everyone

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Murph agitator

10 windmill
THE THANG: With Partner
50- manmakers / 100- Overhead press/ 150-Chestpress/ 200- Big Boy Sit-ups / 250- Squats.
MARY: Hello Dolly, American Hammer, Flutter, Stretch
ANNOUNCEMENTS: CSaups -3 this summer
COT: Pray for our country, those soldiers who didn’t make it home, their families , mental health, to be helpful to those around us. Praise for the group.

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Say it your birthday ?

WARMUP: Did hand full of exercises and then moseyed
Hit the benches and did some dips, step ups, other stuff
Did some shuffling, karaoke and jogging
Down on football field
10 exercises
Crawl bear 10 yards do 10 reps of exercise
Rinse and Repeat every 10 yard to 40yd line
Move to next exercise and do the same
It was awful and crowd pleasing
MARY: wrap up fin 3 exercises in COT
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read Newsletter and say Happy Birthday Barkley
COT: thank you for the opportunity to provide some suck in your life
Good Afternoon Sir!

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4 corners, 3 times = 12 corners

Airborne stretch
Side straddle hop
Low slow squats

4 corners-Merkins-CDD-Flutters-LBC’s
Mode of transportation: Toy soldiers, 1 burpee in the middle

4 corners-Hand Release-B jacks-heals 2 heaven-hello dollies-1 burpee in the middle

4 corners- 5 burpees at each corner, 1 burpee in the middle
Mode of transportation: High knees

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