SL parking lot tabata

After Disclaimer from YHC, mosey to an open area for Warm-o-rama

Tunnel Touches – Clap Optional
Hillbilly Walkers
Moroccan Nightclub
Imperial Walkers

Mosey to parking lot on Academy/Withers
Setup for a Tabata style beatdown

45 second * 2 sets each of alternating between,

Run a Lap

45 second * 2 sets each of alternating between,
Shoulder Tap
Freddie Mercury

Run a Lap

45 second * 2 sets each of alternating between,
Mountain Climbers
Run a Lap

5 Burpees

45 second * 2 sets each of alternating between,
Peter Parkers
American Hammers

Run a Lap

3 Burpees

45 second * 2 sets each of alternating between,
Flutter Kicks
Dying 🪳


Run to Shovel Flag

Monkey Humper

Completed the routing on the dot at 6:00AM

Read the newsletter
Hanging with Stang

COT: Prayers for friends & family

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Sandman WOD

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, MNC
5 Sets of 7 Reps
With Ruck and Sandbag in hand
Power Clean, Front Squat, Push Jerk to Back Rack, Back Squat, Push Jerk to a front rack to Ground
5 sets of 7 reps

6 Rounds with Ruck on:
10 Sandbag Thrusters – Sandbag Overhead carry 100 meters – 20 Sandbag Bent Over Rows – Bearhug sandbag carry 100 meters
Rinse & Repeat x6
COT: Closed in Prayer

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Shield Lock Q

WARMUP: SSH, Merks, Squats, Imperial Walker, Hill Billy Walker, Plank Jax
THE THANG: Four Corners with 2 exercises at each w a stop in the middle for some BombJax.
Destiny took over and knocked out some bench exercises w Derkins, Dips, Merkins, and a round of Peter Parker, Parker Peter and shoulder taps. Bass grabbed the Q stick for 2 rounds that included some SSH, Seal Jax, Overhead claps, and nightclubs. OH and the mumble chatter that erupted with the run up to the “top of the hill” and back. Round 2 offered up Squats, Jump Squats, and Calf raises before another run up the “hill”.
Solid leadership by Bass-oh-matic!
Rebel closed out the session with ramping up core exercises- sprints- and a lovely round of Mary ( which is always a crowd pleaser when you exceed the 10 count….

MARY: ugh!!!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Doty run, Litter pick up this Saturday May 13th, canoli run, blood drive and read the news letter. Sawdust reminded the group of the 2 mile run that happens each month.
COT: Bass closed us out.

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Wrapping up AKA#4

WARMUP: SSH X 30, Imperial Walker X 15, Squat X 15, Merkin X 10, Lunge X 15, Mountain Climer X 15, Dry Docks X 10, Burpees X 10, Monkey Humpers X 15, SSH X 30
THE THANG: Mosey to band lot, HIIT workout. 45 seconds work, 15 seconds rest. 4 rounds of each. Merkins, Squats, Burpees, Mountain Climbers. Mosey to Pull up bars. Try to get 4 sets of: Pull Ups – 5, Dry Docks – 20, Big Boys – 20, Diamonds – 10. Mosey to front parking lot for Mary.
MARY: All X25 – Flutters, Hello Dolly, Freddy Mercury, Rosalittas, Box Cutter. Mosey back to COT for cool down stretch.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Cannoli run, blood drive
COT: Prayers for FNG StageLeft for his upcoming move, Luka and Vuvazella. Thanks to all the PAX that supported AKA#4.

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WARMUP: Planted the Flag, walked the parking lot.
THE THANG: Grabbed the Ruck and did a tour of downtown FM.
MARY: Nope

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Taking the Conga Line Through Life

WARMUP: Bit of a mosey and short COP with mumblechatter from Bonsai on the Qs Disclaimer. No, it wasn’t perfect. It also wasn’t missed entirely (except you Bonsai).

THE THANG: Two sets of accumulator series 5x / 10x / 15x /20x / 25x with bear crawls or crawl bears in between. one series was all lower body, one all core. along the way we did a conga line mosey weaving through all the posts of the carpool awning at the school.

MESSAGE: Workout and message today were geared around life not moving in a straight line. it hasn’t for me in career, fitness, faith, marriage, finances, etc. there have been ups and downs and twists and turns. too often I fall into the trap of blaming myself or someone else for the downticks when in fact that’s just part of the journey. and in fact it’s those downticks when I have the most to learn and grow. so take the attitude about the #Suck from the Gloom and apply it to the #Suck in the rest of your life — Embrace It!

thanks for the invite Triple Lindy and the AKA spirit Funhouse and pax! always an honor to lead.

COT: It was Day 2 of AKA and we had a great showing and energy level. some new faces (FITS) and some welcome kotters (Naked and Afraid).

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Hills and Heavy things are hurtful

– Mosey the track loop around Runde Park
– Peter Parker x10 cadence
– Merkin x10 cadence
– Windmill x10 cadence

Part 1:
– Separate into 2 groups. One group starts at YHC’s truck and the other group starts at the batting cages

– Each station will have two sets of exercises. The first exercise will be done when the count is and odd number and the second exercise will be done on the even number.

Batting cage:
– Wall paver stones native to the AO. The general consensus was that they weighed about 70lbs.
– Odd: Bent-over Rows
– Even: Squats holding the massive paver

– “Hell Pavers” as previously labeled by Dark Helmet. Equivalent to a cinder block but more compact.
– Odd: Curls
– Even: Overhead Press

Rd 1: 15 count of the Odd exercise at the station your group started with. Then run to the other station and do a 15 count of the Odd exercise for that station.
Rd 2: 14 count of the Even exercise at the station your group started with. Then run to the other station and do a 14 count of the Even exercise for that station.
– Continue decreasing the count as you complete the exercises.
– We called it after the 7 count to be sure we had sufficient time for Part 2.

Part 2: Half-Pipe
– Ran to the bottom of the big hill. Once there we were nicely positioned at the bottom of 2 hills on either side of us….like a half-pipe.
– The moderate hill had 5 cones positioned moving up the hill. And the steep hill had spots marked with duct tape at various points up the hill with the last one at the top.

How the half-pipe works:
– Run to the first cone on the moderate hill. Complete 2 merkins. It was called out that if you were not matching Funhouse’s form, then you were doing it wrong.
– Run back to the bottom and up to the first marker on the big hill. Complete 2 burpees.
– Run back to the first cone on the moderate hill and complete 2 merkins. Continue to the second cone and complete 4 merkins. Run back to the first cone and complete 2 merkins facing the way you are running. This makes them derkins.
– Run to the first marker on the big hill and complete 2 burpees. Run to the second marker and complete 4 burpees. Run back to the first marker and complete 2 burpees facing downhill. Coming up on those while facing the downhill sucks on the legs!
– Continue the series for the 5 stations on each of the hills.

– Read your newsletter
– Prayers and Praises: Parenting, health, job searching

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