Is that a POLAR jockstrap?

WARMUP: some stuff
Everyone took a station. AMRAP while one person carried the sandbag out and back
Timer – Sandbag carry
Flutters with keg press
Squat thrusters
Triceps or skull crushers
American hammers

Hip flexors and some ab stuff

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Are you a Lizard Bullfrog or Leach 🤷🏻‍♂️

WARMUP: Cornerstone prayed us in
We discussed F3: Groups


Where are we leading in each of these groups

Most influential is in our HOME TEAM

Cyclops prayed us out!

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Destiny And The Random Rock Playlist


We played a round of Uno with the following guidelines

Blue – Merkins
Green – LBC
Yellow – Squats
Red – lunges

Skip – Run
+2 – pick 2 exercises, 2 reps
+4 – 4 reps all 4 exercise
Reverse – Repeat last exercise
Wild – Change color

We stretched a bit abs called it. Thanks Triple Lindy for letting me lead.

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MLK Tribute

5 men showed up at The Yard on a cold ,breezy morning. Warm-ups started at the basketball courts with SSHs, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Squats, and MNCs.
Next, we honored MLK with 15 burpees for his age when he entered college. He was only 39 years old when he passed away. I read his heart was in the condition of a 60 year old, mostly due to stress (he was also a smoker). Next, we moseyed to the back parking lot for a round of DORA (Merkins, Squats, LBCs). More MLK facts, over 700 streets, parks are named after this great man. He also made over 1500 speeches over his lifetime. Back to the basketball courts, dips on the wall, lunge walk to the basketball goal, reverse lunge walk to the foul line for 10 Bobby Hurleys (NC State graduate according to Boogie Down). We completed three round before time was up.
Back to COT.
MLK was an amazing man. We each have an opportunity to make an impact in this world, more importantly, in our community. We just need to take a step forward and act.

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Buckets of pain

Three buckets full of pain suggestions were spread out over .25 mile to get in some running as well.

Three groups moseyed around agonizing over what they would draw from the buckets, with one bucket containing only burpee counts.

Breaking into groups gives us a great chance for fellowship, perhaps with guys we see all the time, but may not know very well. Thanks @weezer for the opportunity. ASSASSIN 🔫

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Wait…you want me to Q a ruck workout?

WARMUP: Made our way to the upper parking lot for SSH, Mountain Climbers, Plank work, Windmills, and more SSH without ruck

THE THANG: FYI…this was my VQ (ruck)! I felt WAY outside my comfort zone, which is where we as leaders are meant to be…but like most any challenge we face, the way through it is my taking the next step.

Remaining work with ruck – relocated to the sidewalk just outside the entrance to the BMX track and started at the first light pole with 10 squats, lunge walk to next pole for merkins, reverse lunge walk to the next pole for curls, lunge walk to the next pole for thrusters.  Now at the bottom of the hill, we discussed my #OneWord for 2023 of #Intentionality and proceeded to use the hill for a Jacobs Ladder – starting with 10 burpees at the top and 1 big boy sit-up with the ruck overhead at the bottom.  The group completed this with just enough time to make our way back to COT
MARY: nothing other than the big boys
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mens shelter, blood drive, d2d fundraising, newsletter
COT: What’s share in COT stays in COT

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All of the Lights

mosey around the school to the picnic tables. Two rounds of step ups and dips.
Mosey to the front of the school. At each light, alternate, merkins, squats, and LBCs, set of 10.
Follow the light pole to the football field, across the bridge, and back to the picnic tables for more step ups and dips.
Back to COT.

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NFL Pickskin Pick’em Fund Raiser

14 Pax picked the potential winner of every NFL game this season
Each correct pick was awarded 10 pts
Each E.H. that posted throughout the season was awarded 20 bonus points
Each time a Pax volunteered at an F3 community service outing (Bethel Men’s Shelter, Blood Donations, FMCC, Adopt-a-Highway) was awarded 30 bonus points.

Most correct picks with 173 out of 269 games – Fogerty and Pusher
Most E.H.’s with 1 each – Uhaul and Cohiba
Most Community Service posts with 5 times – Fogerty, Sprocket, Badlands

Overall Standings
1st place Fogerty 1880 pts and $185
2nd place Sprocket with 1850 pts and $46
3rd Badlands 1840 pts
4th Pusher 1730 pts
5th Poppins 1710 pts
6th Double D 1700 pts
7th Uhaul 1690 pts
8th Cohiba 1670 pts
8th Dojo 1670 pts
10th Backdraft 1640 pts
11th Barry Manilow 1610 pts
11th B.O.B. 1610 pts
13th Crab Cakes 1390 pts
14th Cyclops with the tagline “4 yards and a cloud of dust” – 1340 pts

1st and 2nd place get to create a workout beatdown based on standings.

$273 dollars donated to the Fort Mill F3 Scholarship fund.

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Uno the Day

WARMUP: Walked across the parking lot to where the gear was set up.
THE THANG: Small 4 corners with 4 items. 40 lb. Sandbag (New), 35 lb. KB, Rucksack, and Cinder Block. Rotated around the circle doing exercises starting with 5 reps each and then escalate up one each round up to 12 reps each. 2 rounds with 20 merkins between rounds and at the end
COT: Prayers

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8 Block’a

– Goal planning best practices: 12 week planning (goals into smaller chunks), S.M.A.R.T. goals, have an Idea-ation process (uninterrupted listing/brainstorming)

Word of Year:
– Think of past words
– Create a list before critiquing each word, categorize and rank

1st F Themes:
– # of posts this year
– Event(s) for year
– Time/count based goals, i.e. 4-min mile

2nd F Themes:
– QSource
– Passion… Church groups, F3 weekly meets, etc
– Event like a long golf weekend or camping
-Engaging pax you don’t know well
Set an EH’ing goal

3rd F Themes:
– 3rdF Thursdays
– Service-based project
– Join a Life Group (church)

– What’s driving bad habits? Real Jester? “Onion” concept, keep peeling back layers
– Abstinence, i.e. quitting porn/booze
– Putting in guardrails, i.e. telling Shield Lock, avoiding situations

Mental Preparedness: Consistency, DRP, 3S2T

Improving Relationships: Consider 2nd F goals, Concentrica relationships

Advice to You get Self:
– Get a mentor
– Don’t procrastinate
– Don’t waste time wasted
-Learn to love unconditionally

COT: Prayer by the Boss of Cakes

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