1776 Workout: I’m not a professional, but the folks at GORUCK who I lifted this from are…

WARMUP: Forgot this…

2 laps around small lot loop
17 Ruck Overhead Squats
2 laps around small lot loop
76 Ruck Pull Through

2 laps around small lot loop
17 Ruck Overhead Squats
2 laps around small lot loop
76 4 Count Flutter with Press

2 laps around small lot loop
17 Ruck Overhead Squats
2 laps around small lot loop
76 High Pull/Row

MARY: No Time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: There were some, but I forgot… probably in the newsletter

COT: prayers for students and teachers wrapping up the year. Also prayers and praises for all F3 brothers serving their communities

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Ass Kicking April Kickstart

WARMUP: 20 Squats buy-in
Ruck to Walmart parking lot with pain stations along the way:
– Incline merkins
– Squats
– T planks
– Merkins
– Dips


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Making friends with a sandbag

– SSH / CP / IW / WM
– mosey to traffic light
– traveling PAX with sandbag to light pole, remaining PAX do exercise chosen by traveling PAX
– back to COT
– Jack-Webb with ruck 10-40 Merkin-OHC
– Sally: flutters
– brief Broga
– Thunderstruck: manmakers with SSH
– read newsletter
– was held

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WARMUP: stretch, mobility
THE THANG: rucks on move from point to point stopping every 3-4 min and completeing 10 squats, 10 merkins 30 second plank, 10 overhead presses.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Battlebot going away Q at Alcatrez, Jaeger
COT: Health for kids, marriages

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D2D prep

WARMUP: mosey to Ace Hardware. 51 SSH, IW’s, HW’s, shuffles and karaoke.
THE THANG: mosey to DD’s 15 six count burpees, 15 big boys, 15 LSS, mosey to apartment office 15 six count burpees, 15 big boys, 15 LSS mosey to church picnic area. 15 dips, 15 big boys, 15 LSS. Mosey to Teeter parking lot Dora / 100 merkens, 100 LBCs, 100 squats.
MARY: nope
ANNOUNCEMENTS: convergence
COT: what happens stays

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Twister will be Q @6@6 every week

The Twister claims 26 is a record. The site Q confirmed.

Also confirmed, a handful of guys showed to begin training for D2D

WARMUP: Probably a lot of hugging
THE THANG: running, with fly-bys at The Fort
MARY: no
ANNOUNCEMENTS: eat your Wheaties
COT: pre

Good luck to all at D2D

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2-18 Doras and light poles galore

WARMUP: step off at 0500 to the side lot of TCES

Exercises in cadence:
Side straddle hops
Imperial walkers
Cherry pickers
Seal jacks
Merkins w/rucks on

THE THANG: Doras and light poles

Dora with a partner:
100 merkins with ruck on
200 squats with ruck on
300 flutters with overhead ruck hold or press – dealers choice

Step off to opposite side of school to begin light pole work:

Light pole 1 – 2 man makers and 18 ruck merkins

Light pole 2 – 2 man makers and 18 squats

Light pole 3 – 2 man makers and 18 hand release ruck merkins

Light pole 4 – 10 ruck merkins

Light pole 5 – 2 spider man ruck merkins and 18 squats

Light pole 6 – 2 man makers and 18 squats

Light pole 7 – 2 sumo ruck squats and 18 big boy sit ups with ruck on chest

Onward to the pillars for gas pumpers I/C with rucks on chest.

Back to COT

MARY: geometry class for 2 minutes
COT: 5th cot principle

YHC regrets having to split after name-o-Rama but concentrica obligations were present.

Thanks for the call Falcon Crest. :eye:

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10lbs of crap in a 5lb bag

Route with a couple loops in stockbridge commons neighborhood

Escalator style workout with stops every .2 miles

Stop 1: 5 Burpees
Stop 2: + 10 Big Boy Sit-Ups
Stop 3: + 15 Squats
Stop 4: + 20 Carolina Dry Docks
Stop 5: + 25 Flutter Kicks (4-count)
Stop 6: + 30 Lunges (15 each leg)
Stop 7: + 35 Plank Shoulder Taps (single count)
Stop 8: + 40 American Hammers (4-count)
Stop 9: + 45 Overhead Claps
Stop 10: + 50 SSH (4-count)

Got close to 2.4 miles with warmup but ran out of time and never got to stops 9 or 10.

Just like we didnt get to everything in this workout – when you cram too much stuff into your life you will not have time for everything – get your priorities straight and focus on the important stuff (apparently that was burpees and big boys today)

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dusting the rust off

Basic warmup – Ruck off – In cadence SSH WM IW MNC LSS

Stragglers coming in hot

Ruck around lot

Starfish -easy version

ruck on – March between points and center
Center- 10x merkins
points – 15x squats, good mornings, calfraises, lunges, imperial walkers

Ruck around lot

Starfish – difficult version

Ruck off – Bear Crawl Ruck pulls between points and center
Center – 10x manmakers
Points – 15x thrusters, bent over rows, ruck swings, flutter press, ground to Overhead

Ruck around lot

Bavk on field – Overhead rifle carry to opposite end of field – farmer carry back switch hands half way

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