Is This October?

When Assassin asked me to q a while back I thought October would be great.  Cooler temperatures and lower humidity.  That wasn’t the case!  Oh well, let’s work.

COP included the usual suspects and we warmed up and got ready for the main event.

Our KISS (keep it simple stupid) method or working out was very simple.  Perform called exercise and then run a lap.  Repeat until the list is complete.  The list went a little something like this:

25 swings
25 goblet squats
20 merkins
20 tricep extensions
25 LBC
30 curls (15 each arm)
20 skull crushers
20 calf raises
20 American hammers

We finished in time for two more exercises from the top of the list then we stretched a bit, Destiny prayed us out and we were out of there.  Barely a rain drop fell.  Thank you Sky Q!

Thanks Assassin for the privilege of leading one of the best gear workouts around.

I’ll leave you with this quote:

“If we take a step despite feeling uncomfortable, afraid, or inadequate, our comfort zones expand. We grow in strength and skill. What we consider normal for us changes, sometimes radically”.

Hopefully you moved your comfort zone a little this morning.

Thanks for the honor of leading.

DT out.


TClap |

Pantheon – Boot Camp (Do the harder thing)

Fish Sticks asked me to Q this one and I was pumped as this was one of my first AO’s I ever visited.  I didn’t have a long time to ponder on this one, so I knew like my RUCK workouts I wanted to make it a little “heavy”.  So I pulled up early and hid my sandbags, ammo cans, and Ruck for a fun filled workout.

I keep deciding that I must “do the harder thing” in my life.  It’s easy to slack at work, its easy to let the TV raise my children, its easy to fartsack, but I must do the harder thing.  That was the theme of this workout, and the 8 PAX fully embraced it.

The W/O

A normal mosey at Pantheon is a lap around the lot, well we chose the harder thing and lapped around the entire lot and building, stoping with some merkins to throw in there.

Circle UP

Side straddle hops

 Cherry Pickers (even though Cable Guy informed me cherries do not grow on the ground so we should use the strawberry picker term)

Moroccan Night Clubs


Merkins – Hold Plank – Merkins – Hold Plank – Mountain Climber (That was for sure the “harder thing”)

Here we go:

So I lined up 8 different stations that we would rotate through.  One of the stations involved running, when the runner returned is when we would rotate.

Station 1 – 60lb Sandbag Toss (Lil E threw it like he was tossing someone an apple, killed it!!!)

Station 2 – Overhead Press – 30 Pound Ammo Can

Station 3 – Burpees

Station 4 – RUCK Swings – 45# plate

Station 5 – Box Cutters

Station 6 – Low Slow Squats

 Station 7 – Bomb Jacks

Station 8 – 40lb Sandbag run (trust me running is way harder with a bag)

I was super impressed with the PAX.  I had a “shorter” distance picked out for the first go around with the run, and after the first rotation through I asked lets make this longer and everyone jumped out and chose the harder thing and we looped the parking lot sprinting with a 40lb bag.

We went through this rotation twice, then I brought the PAX back to the main parking lot.  Typically in suicides we do it at the basketball court and have the prescribed lines, well the harder thing would be to do it across the long a$$ parking lot with dropping and doing 15 merkins at each stop.  Props again to cable guy for the most proper merkin I’ve seen in a while.  All PAX pushed themselves hard.

10 count then a chose the harder thing mosey back to our stations (we took the long indirect route).  Then ever PAX chose the harder thing and sprinted out the end of the mosey, even though our lungs were burning.

Back through for one last rotation on our stations, where everyone gave it all they had.

We then chose the harder thing again and made a long loop back to COT and held a on your six plank until we saw 6 hit a watch.

It was awesome and a pleasure to Q with these guys.  Everyone out there gave it there all and made me look slow on these sandbag carries!



Read  your News Letter


Expecting Mothers – PAX with sick family

Throughout the workout we talked a little bit about control.  I mentioned that we have to understand what we have control over and what we don’t.  We all have control over our mindset during this workout, and the ability to push as hard as needed.  We have the ability to show control and patience, as I mentioned my 3yo yelling at my 1yo and all I wanted to do was raise my voice in frustration and anger but a true leader shows control and mimics the desired results.  We also acknowledged how we have to relinquish control and follow the path for our life.

Half shell said something I’m going to leave you with that I will be pondering over for a long time to come, he said he was once told “calm is contagious” and that really stuck with me.

So with that I bid you farewell, and #calmiscontagious

TClap |

Lead, follow or move that Kettle Bell out of the way

A beautiful morning gloom dawned on The Armory where the Pax came to pick up heavy things and put them back down again. Cars kept coming and the numbers kept growing as YHC barked out the 2 minute warning. Just as the fun was about to commence, what do our eyes spy, but an FNG! And he basically EH’ed himself after a buddy from the ATL told him about F3. Impresssive indeed. Thus, a full disclaimer (well as close as YHC could get) was offered. And away we go-mosey around the parking lot with some Butt Kickers, High Knees and Soccer Hips thrown in.

COP: (all IC): Windmills * 10, SSH*15, IW*15, MNC*20, Merkins *10, Plank-O-Rama

The Thang:

Mosey with KB to the seat wall in front of the church.

  • 20 Upright Rows & 20 Skull Crushers. Then Take a lap around the lot- Rinse & Repeat 3 times
  • 20 Figure 8’s & 20 Around The Worlds. Then Take a lap around the lot- Rinse & Repeat 2 times
  • 20 KB Swings & 20 Goblet Squats. Then Take a lap around the lot- Rinse & Repeat 2 times

Partner Up (size does NOT matter) for some modified DORA:

  • 100 step ups- P1 starts exercise while Partner 2 bear crawls to top of church stairs and runs back, flapjack
  • 100 dips- P1 starts exercise while Partner 2 bear crawls to top of church stairs and runs back, flapjack
  • Never got to 200 LBCs with this large group.
  • Had to leave time for the TESH favorite- PASS THE DUTCHIE, 1 round to the right, 1 to the left.  Note to self-if you are in the circle with Tesh, switch circles. That 40 lb KB will make you want to cry.

Mosey to COT. Prayers for marriages, our leaders and our community. BE THE LEADER YOU WERE CALLED TO BE. Event if that means you have to get out of your comfort zone. F3 can be a High Challenge proposition but will bring High Rewards.

Thanks Assassin for the opportunity. Great effort by all this morning and great “picking up” of the six. It was a pleasure.

Short Sale out.

TClap |

The Painful Ideas of Virgin Q’s

Fourteen strong came out for the final week of VQ month, and our Q’s proved once again that the new Q’s have no trouble pushing the Pax to their limits.  Here is what they did.

Photobomb on Q

10 Yard mosey and right to COP

SSH x 30,, Imperial Walker x 20, Wind Mill x 20, M. Nightclub x 20,  Mtn Climbers x 20, Merkin x 10 PeterParker  x 15, Parker Peter x 15

Mosey to ball field for 50 yard reps
High knees
Butt kickers
Karaoke x2
Single leg hops x2
Pogo x2
Burpee broad jumps x2
Bear crawl x2
Partner up and Wheel barrel x 2
Backward sprints x 3
Lunge walks w Monkee Humpers x 4

Hand off to Copperfield

Six Cones spaced about 15 yards apart. Three exercises on each cone:  upper body, core, legs.  Bear crawl between cones.

Cone 1:
Wide Merkins x 10
Ski Abs x 30
Jump squats x 50

Cone 2:
Merkins x 10
Flutter kicks x 30
Air chair x 100 seconds

Cone 3:
Arm circles x 30
Shoulder taps x 30
Jump lung x 20

Cone 4:
Arm circles x 160
In and out abs x 25
Bomb jacks x 30

Cone 5:
Side to side Merkins x 20
Pretzel x 20
Apollo ono x 50

Cone 6:
Derkin x 15
Plank x 60
Goblet squat x 50

Once complete go in reverse and only do the core workout on each cone.


This is posted on behalf of our Q’s:  Photobomb and Copperfield.  After what you put us through today, you can post your own damn backblast next time!  Aye, it was a long morning for the Pax between the 50 yard wheel barrows, single leg hops, 160 arm circles (really?), and backwards bear crawling at the tail end of the workout.    I was completed gassed,  and admittedly,  called you both some unflattering names under my breath as we walked to COT.    After coffeteria, a nice shower, and some reflection, though, I realized that you did what I expect you to do and we are all better for it.

Our friend, Aquaman, was in town this weekend and YHC put a shout out on Twitter for the some of the Alcatraz ‘original line up’ to post today.  Some were able to make it  (Zima, Minuteman, Mr. Clean, Spark Plug) and we were glad to have you with us.   Don’t be strangers, men.  Welcome back Kotter, Cyclops, who I hope will continue to post regularly at Alcatraz.

VQ month was a success at Alcatraz.  All of our new  guys brought something different each week to challenge us.   My thanks to all of our VQ’s and ‘new to Alcatraz’  Q’s this month:  Which Hunt, Jedi, Chicken Wing,  Olaf, Lutefisk, Photobomb, and Copperfield.  Well done, men and you know you are always welcome to Q again at Alcatraz.

Announcements, Prayers,and Praises!

Read your newsletter!  The Fort 5th Year Invergence this Friday, Sep 29.  Be there.

We prayed for healthy families, and those with cancer.   We praised God for his healing hand on a mom with pancreatic cancer.


TClap |

All Eyes on You

Pantheon (Tega Cay Elementary)

Disclaimer: No FNGs this morning

Warm-a-rama I: Mosey around the big loop, including high knees, butt kickers, side shuffles, toy soldiers

Warm-a-rama II: To ball field for some SSH, Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Imperial Walkers, Hillbilly Walkers

Thang I: Indian Run: Last man carries a 32-ct case of water to the front. That’s 37.8 lbs in case you were wondering. Once the delivery is made, the deliverer drops to the back and the deliveree does 5 merkins then becomes the next deliverer. Did this around the school, for two carries per PAX.

Thang II: Line up on baseline, each pax in sequence goes down and back the court in the manner prescribed below while the rest do isometric workout, also as prescribed below.

  • Bear Crawl half court + people chairs
  • Sprints full court + forearm planks
  • Long jumps half court + superman
  • Wheel barrows half court + body destroyers
  • Power skips full court + balls to the wall
  • Side shuffles full court + 6 inches
  • Back sprints full court + low planks
  • ran out of time here (would have finished with piggy back carries)

COT: 9 paxposted this morning, that includes Fish Sticks who went for a run in preparation for a November half.  Prayers for marriages and relationships and for those going through hardships as from hurricane damage or otherwise.

Skin: Nice work by all this morning. I think everyone was forced modify at some point this morning on account of muscle fatigue, with the possible exception of Bear Gryllz.

Fish Stix thanks for the opportunity to Q. Sputnik thanks for your help planning the workout, and then not showing up for the workout!

God calls us to listen to Him: listen to hear and listen to do. Can you hear Him and are you following His voice?

Rocks Out

TClap |

Welcome to Alacatraz!

It has been a long time since YHC posted at Alcatraz and much less led a WO there. The AO is fabulous and thanks Senator for the invite. It is great seeing different faces going to different AOs and appreciate the opportunity to Q.

Warm Up

Mosey around the field with some dynamic stretching.  Circle up in the parking lot to avoid the wet grass. I know, we are soft!

SSH, Smurf Jack, Tuck Jumps, Monkey Humpers, and Bomb Jacks x 10 IC each, no rest in between

Squats x 20 IC

SSH, Smurf Jack, Tuck Jumps, Monkey Humpers, and Bomb Jacks x 10 IC each, no rest in between

Windmills x 20 IC

SSH, Smurf Jack, Tuck Jumps, Monkey Humpers, and Bomb Jacks x 10 each, no rest in between

Mosey around the hill for the main course stopping to grab some music along the way. This was a lot like the workout on Friday, so I knew we were in for it.

AMRAP 3 rounds of 9 minutes with 90 seconds rest in between.  Nirvana channel on Amazon was played….great songs once again. Channel does not dissappoint!

Round #1 – 10 Burpees at the bottom, bear crawl to the telephone pole, run up to the yellow sign 10 squats, 10 tuck jumps at the top

Round # 2 – 15 dips at the top, 15 CDDs at the middle, 15 bomb jacks at the bottom, crab walk to the pole

Round # 3 – 15 Merkins and the bottom, run backwards up, 15 jumping lunges at the middle, 15 tuck jumps at the top.

Mosey back to the parking lot for 90 seconds of boats and canoes.

COT – Prayers to those affected by the hurricane, families, addiction, and unspoken.

CAH work day on 9/30 at 10:30AM until complete.  Lunch will be provided
2nd at Dunkin
Invergence the 29th, Convergence the 30th

TClap |

Staying Upside-Down at Pantheon

I’m heading off-grid for two to six weeks, so when the call went out from Fish Sticks on Tuesday asking for a sub Q for Pantheon, I hesitated then accepted the challenge. Seven showed up and a disclaimer heavy on “modify as needed” (we’ll be upside-down a lot) was disclaimed.

Quick mosey around the parking lot, pulling in the usual high knees, butt kickers, and toy soldiers. Circle up for some good hip and shoulder prep:

  • Windmills
  • Hillbilly walkers
  • Pseudo-planche merkins
  • Side plank
  • Reverse plank
  • Inverted mountain climbers
  • Side plank on the other side
  • Normal merkins
  • Downward dog
  • Runners lunge
  • Low lunge

Mosey around the school to the basketball court for

The Thang

Pair up (or two twos and a three). One partner does wall walks (plank, walk up to BTW, and then back down to plank) at one end of the court while other partner does break dancer merkins (demo requested) at the other. Bear crawl to center court for partner pistol squats, then duck walk to other end of the court to do the exercise you hadn’t done yet. Bear crawl to center court to meet with partner for another round of partner pistols. That’s one round.

The plan: downward ladder from 10 to 1 rep of each

Audible called after the round of 9, so it turned into 10-9-6-4-2, totaling 31 wall walks, 62 break dancer merkins (31 per side), and 62-100ish pistol squats, depending on who was counting.

All PAX duck walked to the base line (we still had one of those left to keep it even), two quick ten counts were counted, then we moseyed back around to COT for a few minutes of Mary (and some shoulder relief via the shoulder lounge).

  • 8-count V-ups
  • Heels to heaven
  • Side crunches


  • Senator Tressel’s underwear drive
  • Invergence (Sep 29) and Convergence (Sep 30) celebrating 5 years of F3 in The Fort
  • Mini convergence Sep 7 to send off Colombia team
  • I think we mentioned some other stuff too

Praises and prayers

  • Nobody fell on their heads this morning, but Bolt slammed his knee into the wall, which reminded us to pray for all the injured PAX…and those dealing with life and family things
  • Prayers for those affected by Harvey and in the path of Irma (and those affected by flooding in Sierra Leone, Niger, India, Bangladesh…..)

Really proud of these guys for putting up with my twisted idea of “fun,” though I’ve never seen people leave an AO so quickly following COT.

I look forward to the next inverted exercise we can come up with and the brave men who get to try it. Thanks to Fish Sticks for the opportunity.


TClap |

Getting G-Fit in Paradise

What a fun evening in Paradise!  If you have not gotten the opportunity to come see what G-Fit on Friday night is like, I highly recommend it.  Our brothers Deacon and Bolt and others have taken ownership of this AO and really are making it into something special.  This was my first time back to Steele Street Park since our Easter Egg Hunt outreach and it is a great little park.  Full court basketball, a field for football, a pavilion, swing set, spray park?  Awesome.  And like it says in the bible, the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.  We need more Q’s to step up and lead.  DO IT!  You will be blessed and encouraged, I guarantee it.  Here’s what we did on my VQ:

YHC gathered his 2.0, Captain Snooze, and his FNG friend from the neighboorhood and we arrived a the park around 18:40.  Kids and teens were on the court shouting around so we joined them.  I quizzed the crowd about F3 and who had attended a workout.  About half had.  We quickly head locked the other half and it was announced we’d start at the top of the hour.  As 19:00 approached, more and more of The Fort PAX started showing up.  It was great seeing so many familiar faces!  Longer shout-out to you all below but back to the blast.  We circled up at half court for disclaimer and a few words about what to expect for the next 45 minutes and we were off.


Mosey around the park, past the pavilion, around the bathrooms, loop around the spray park then high knees and butt kickers as we head to the parking lot.  Once on the lot, karaoke right for half, then left until the end.  Up the grass hill to the field area for COP

Reps were kept to around 10 for the following exercises, all in cadence:

SSH, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Squats, Merkins, LBC, Flutters

Water break while we talked about the word of the month, discipline.  What is discipline?  We discussed that discipline is doing what is necessary even when it’s not what you want to do.  We need discipline in our lives to reach our athletic goals.  Kevin Durant did not develop his jump shot by shear luck or talent.  It has taken years of hard work and discipline to get his game to where it’s at.  We need discipline in our lives to reach our academic goals.  Good grades and success don’t just happen, they take discipline.  AYE!

The group was then split between younger kids and teens / adult and each group headed to a basketball hoop.  We lined up from tallest to shortest on the free throw line for a game of knock-out.  Classic game that is always fun.  Bolt quickly emerged as the man to beat but nobody actually could!  Fortunately he sat out after one victory and let some others win.  I think a total of 3 games were played.  Maybe 4?  Anyway, we grabbed a quick sip of water and then headed to the field for some flag football.

Deacon picked 2 younger lads as team captains and all the younger PAX were picked for teams.  Deacon and YHC served as coach / referee while the adult PAX resumed their battle on the basketball court.  The football game was a blast to watch and it was great to see the younger PAX work together as teams.  A bunch of touchdown were scored and a bunch of smiling faces greeted us as we call time and headed for COT.

At COT we named to 4 FNG’s and it was sweet to see how pumped the kids were at their names.  I think we did pretty good with 88 (Cowboys fan), Clutch (the star of the football and basketball games), Man of Steel (Steelers fan who was wearing a team jersey), and Philmont (Boy Scout working towards Eagle).

Announcement was made about a special Labor Day workout on 9/1.  Did somebody say PIZZA?  Expect record breaking numbers for that one.  No prayer requests but YHC took us our with a prayer asking God for help in developing margin and discipline in our lives.


As this was my VQ, I really appreciated seeing some familiar faces.  Thanks to Barry Manilow, Bolt, Deacon, Polaroid, Fish Sticks, and Wapner for posting.  Most brought a 2.0 with them and that is a great part of this AO.  Sharing the vision of F3 and the mission of this particular workout with your kid and having them join you is truly a blessing.  I have to say my heart was warmed when I saw a young kid from the neighborhood jump on my 2.0’s back.  Everybody got along great together, supported each other, and had a blast on a beautiful Friday night.  The sunset was unreal BTW.  Deacon said it’s like that after every workout.  Thanks to you, Deacon, for the opportunity to Q.  After all the unrest and hate on display in our country, it was a breath of fresh air to laugh and play and pray with men and young men of different nationalities.  It’s really not that hard when you just love one another.  Everybody loves love.

Flat Tire

TClap |

Set those goals and discipline will take you there

11 hearty Pax posted to Alcatraz looking for that perfect mixture of pain and fellowship. I was stoked to be able to lead alongside a well-known Master of the Beatdown, our own Jekyll. We agreed ahead of time that YHC would take the 1st half and this is how we started:

Full Disclaimer was given for our FNG (my wife’s cousin Joe) who I had been EH’ing for some time along with Old Bay and Destiny. Old Bay gets the assist as he agreed to drive Joe to Alcatraz. Luckily, my legal training has prepared me for denying and disclaiming all liability.

Mosey along Windward with some Butt Kickers, High Knees and karaoke mixed in.

COP, all IC: SSH * 20, Imperial Walkers * 15, Merkins * 10, Windmills * 15, Diamond Merkins * 10, Squats * 15, Plank Series, MNC*15, Wide Arm Merkins * 10

The Thang:

Grab cinder blocks from Jekyll’s car and mosey to the near baseball diamond. Partner up and prepare for a modified Dora-Milwaukee Baseball Trivia style. With the monthly theme of Discipline swirling in my head and heart all week, my thoughts turned to the sport of baseball as it requires so much mental and physical discipline to reach the highest level. So, our exercises would be informed by some trivia about my hometown of Milwaukee and its’ teams. To Wit:

  1. 1954-1st National League city to pass 2 million in attendance- not New York or Chicago, but Milwaukee-do 54 chest presses total
  2. 1979 1st time there were Co-Rookies of the Year in the AL- 79 block swings– The co-rookies were Alfredo Griffin, Toronto and John Castino, Minnesota. John happens to be my cousin and his discipline and determination at baseball made a large impression on me and grew my love of the game immeasurably.
  3. 1982- 1st and only World Series appearance for the Brewers- 82 overhead presses
  4. 2008- Brewers end 26-year playoff drought- 108 LBCs w/block

Closed out my portion with 20 leg throws/partner and 20 partner hand-clap Merkins.

Cue Jekyll:

With Short Sale testing the cerebral and the chesticles, I thought wise to focus on the ol back and stumps.  We moseyed the loop around the park stopping for a few upper, middle, lowers- ala: pearls on a string.

Keeping with the baseball theme- we ran bases as such:

  • Bear Crawl to 1st, do 5 Burpees, crab walk to 2nd, More Burpees, Bear Crawl to 3rd, You guessed it-5 Burpees and Crab walk home
  • Squat walk to 1st, tip toe lunge to 2nd, squat walk to 3rd, tip toe lunge to home
  • Partner carries swapping as needed for everyone to get 2 full laps
  • Wheel barrow with partner swapping at each base

We probably did some more but I (Jekyll) had sweat in my eyes the entire time.

Short Sale had great words of wisdom RE: theme of the month Discipline.  YHC offered his two cents:

  • Ephesians 6:4 Fathers do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord
  • Hebrews 12:11 For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.

NMM (from Short Sale):

After COP, I mentioned our first thoughts on Discipline. I often blur the line between Discipline and punishment towards my kids. Discipline should be a way to moderate their behavior and show them the “guardrails” in life. YHC can be heavy handed at times and I need to be less of a taskmaster. Also, be more disciplined and do a better job of treating our 2.0s equally and not showing favoritism. Discipline is also the bridge that takes us from our current accomplishments towards the goals we have set for ourselves. Personally, the gap between my accomplishments and my goals can be very wide sometimes. Need to focus more on serving my M and less on selfish pursuits. Jekyll’s bible verses above were spot on. All the advice I need is right there in Scripture, just need to take the time and give my faith walk greater attention.

I was honored to lead with Jekyll and humbled at the opportunity. Thanks Senator Tressel for the nod. To me, Alcatraz is one of the finest AOs, and that is a testament to the Senator’s leadership.

Short Sale and Jekyll out.

TClap |

Pantheon Sweat fest

Always a pleasure to be invited to Q at Pantheon, especially since it’s basically in my backyard.  The Pax gathered and it was great to see some guys I haven’t seen in a while, and always great to have Jekyll show up because I know that there will be great mumble chatter.  No FNGs the disclaimer was given and we were off for a little warm up lap and then circled up for COP.

The Thang – SSH, Imperial Walkers, Abe Vagoda, Mountain Climbers, Plankorama, Moroccan Night Club, Freddie.  Mosey to the front of school where cones were neatly set up along the walk. Very simple, do the exercise on the cone and then a lap around the parking lot, come back do the exercise again and add the next one in line, and on and on until all 8 cones are done alternating large and small laps. Start with 10 Merkins, 15 Squats, 10 Hello Dolly, 10 CDD, 20 LBC, 10 Burpees, 10 Monkey Humpers.  I called at 6:00, everyone did awesome and a few even finished them all! Head to COT

Announcements- Invergence 9/29, read your newsletter

Prayers – Bob the Builders M going in for test, Sputnik job interview. A quick discussion on the Discipline of the Lord and how we are not supposed to hate it, we are called to rejoice in our suffering because our suffering leads to perseverance, which leads to character which leads to Hope, and Hope will never let us down.

A great morning and always a joy to lead the Pax



TClap |