Snowman suicide at Sweep The Leg

YHC was late to the party placing cones for the beatdown so my man Gears lead the charge from StartEx. YHC was rolling up as the PAX were rolling out so I quickly parked and jail broke it towards the elementary school parking lot untied shoes and all.

Disclaimer was quickly disclaimed, thank you Maximus for providing cues as YHC struggled to be able to talk and tie shoes at the same time.
The Snowman Suicide was on tap for the unsuspecting PAX and boy was it going to be a doozy.

During this trying time, everyone is dealing with something and I wanted to remind everyone that Life is a team sport. And developed a beatdown that allows every single guy an opportunity to jockey for the top spot. This allows for the man out front to be continually pushed so that no one gets to take a break, no matter their individual fitness level.

Just as with anything in life, we are going to have setbacks, and we must remember that during these setbacks we must focus on the path forward and learn from the experience. It is also during these times that we must share that experience with our fellow PAX and those close to us; To allow them to learn without having to make the same mistakes for themselves.
The details:
Ten cones are placed along the route from the Elementary school teacher parking lot through the carpool dropoff lane over to the bus lot all the way around to Dam road.
Each cone has an exercise written on it. Every exercise will be performed 10 times.
This is a suicide workout but not just any suicide. It’s a slinky suicide of life so you go up 3 cones then back 2. Meaning that everyone will start by performing the exercise listed at cone#1 then the PAX will sprint past three cones to cone#4 to perform the exercise before coming back two cones to cone#2 to complete the exercise.
Then run to cone#5 to do the exercise, then back to perform the exercise listed on cone#3 and so on and so forth all the way up to cone#10.
So each time the guy in the lead is making progress by one cone but it’s taking him a lot of effort and having to backtrack a ton.

Here comes the kicker:
The kicker is that when the man in first-place finishes the exercise after coming back to cone #2 he then yells “Charge or Onward” and starts to run towards cone#5. Every person that he passes that are still on their way back to cone#2 skips the exercise at cone#2 and joins the leaders heading to cone#5. The leader has already cleared the path and is now lighting the way towards the next cone/challenge of life. Everyone can learn from the leaders experience and head towards the next challenge together. COVID SIDE NOTE: When I say together let me clarify that the distance between cones was large enough that social distancing was easy to maintain along the route (a full-sized road with no traffic) and ample hills to naturally separate the PAX. It is an extremely difficult process that allows every PAX to pick each other up and challenge themself to get better.

Here is the list of exercises
#1: Mack Tar Jighs
#2: Suicide Squats
#3: SSH
#4: Bomb Jacks
#5: ChaCha Merkins
#6: Bobby Hurleys
#7: Hand Release Merkins
#8: Jump Squats
#9: CDD
#10: Burpees

I try to hit all of the 3S2T in all of my Q’s and I feel this one delivered. The speed, strength, and stamina were definitely worked on and the constant switchbacks and hills really focused on the mental and physical toughness aspects. The look on guy’s faces during the beatdown showed the struggle but the encouragement was strong.

I think we made it through the burpees then back down to the Cone # 4 before having to jail brake all the way back to COT.
Great work was put in by all and I think the leaders got in over 4.6 miles and who knows how many exercises.
Count-A-Rama, Name-A-Rama, Announcements and Prayers and Praises before a circle of man.

It was a pleasure to witness the longest shooting star I have ever seen with you gents.

Thank you to Gears for the opportunity to lead these great HIM.
Stay Frosty My Friends!

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Day after the “Barry” – Same location – RPG

6 PAX and an amazing doggie showed up at RPG in an attempt to add some much needed Flexibility  training.  Sasquatch did not disappoint as the mumble chatter was running wild. (Clearly, the pain endured (not less than 8 hours earlier) admonished by a CakeBoss CSAUP “The Barry” was still present and accounted for by the PAX.  Nice work by all.

 New Location   – Pyramid building – 7000 Regent Parkway – (same location as the “Barry”)  was also given 3 thumbs up by Pax who live within walking distance.  Hmmmmm….

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Sasquatch takes RPG to a whole new level.  BodyWash Sasquatch and Fogerty completed a Road/Off Road run to close out the Fellowship run

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The Herd at Sweep The Leg

Week 3 of Sweep The Leg was not about to be a letdown. Apparently, 24 other PAX posted to hold me accountable in ensuring they got the return on their investment, too. Gears started this AO a few weeks ago to present the PAX with an opportunity to push themselves harder and faster than currently offered at another AO, at least on a Monday. It is so easy to come out of the gates hot but the hard work is in consistency. Hard work was what we did for 40 of the 45mins this morning which concluded with some up hills and a jail break to ensure we finished as strong as we started.

Lots and lots of headlights kept rolling into the lot and as we were about to start the disclaimer, 4 more cars rolled in. So…
Sweeper identified…check (Thank you Cake Boss)
Overview  of Sweep The Leg for the rookies…check
Count off…25, are you serious?

Warm up mosey out of the lot, L/T Len Patterson, L/T 160, L/T Dave Gibson Blvd and circle up at intersection with Ben Casey Dr.

Warm Up
Wind Mills
Imperial Walkers
Moroccan Night Clubs
5 Burpees

Overview of the pace. When I say “Get It”, it’s your fast pace or All You Got to get to the next stop. If you’re in the first wave of runners to get to the destination, we’ll be starting the exercises and doing them until the 6 got in.

Get It: To parking lot in front of GHES
Box Cutters
Dying Cockroaches
10 Burpees

Get It: End of straight way in front of the schools to the lot for Colosseum
5 Merkins

Get it: Run the GHMS drop-off loop then 1/2 the GHES loop taking us to the benches near the basketball hoops
20 Derkins
20 Dips
10 Carolina Dry Docks

Get it: Run to the end of the bus parking lot, run back, run to the end of the lot again and stop

Get it: Run up the long, never-ending bus entrance hill to just before Dam Rd and back to the start.
Mountain Climbers (keep the merlot down)
Peter Parker
Parker Peter

Get it: Run the remaining loop in front of GHES to the bottom of the hill on Dave Gibson Blvd.
5 Burpees

Get it: Run to 160, back to Patricia Ln (almost all the way back to the bottom of the hill), then back up to Ben Casey and thanks to Vuvuzela, circle up in the bank parking lot.
American Hammer

Now really get it: Run down the straightaway back to COT.

Gears, I appreciate what you’re doing here. Thank You.
If anyone is still reading this, please wear black on Wednesday but something reflective if you’re running.


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BROGA and 2.9 Miles

4 Pax got a little better this morning.  It is easy to accelerate with Sasquatch on location!

Sasquatch pulled double duty this morning.  Not only did he drop off Wegmans at Charlotte Douglas before his RPG BROGA session at 515am, he fielded a phone call mid-run from his brother and didn’t miss a beat!

RPG delivers again! Come out for a change of pace, and start your weekend with some much needed BROGA! SYITG!


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RPG Delivers

Sasquatch continues to bring the heat with BROGA!  Every week he adds a new way to stretch, loosen, & bring the pain to areas of the hamstrings, lats, neck, back, calves, etc…….15 mins and you are renewed.  CakeBoss continually offers a Ruck option along with joining the Fellowship run to make RPG complete.  The best part of today’s version of RPG was watching the HIM Sasquatch take control of the Fellowship run along w a solid COT! Prayers & Praises as we head into the Memorial Day weekend!

Remember the Fallen, honor all who give their lives for our freedom!  SYITG.

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The “RPG” provides Options

9 Strong at “the” RPG for a perfect weather acceleration into the weekend.  Sasquatch always delivers an impressive BROGA session, followed by a fellowship run with Rebel on Q.  CakeBoss took the Ruck Q and did not disappoint.  Wegmans looked like the Ruck was meaningful, either that or fatherhood has set in very nicely.  Good to see Harry Carey, Body Wash, and Skate or Die.

Sasquatch closed us out.


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RPG: BROGA : RUN : RUCK options

RPG Grand re-opening offers a new start time with a RUCK option.  5:15am new start time allows Sasquatch to stretch your limits with some BROGA, followed by a fellowship run or Ruck option 5:30am sharp!

45 degree weather met the 4 PAX this morning, minus the sweet smell of Bacon normally filling the morning air from the nearby WaffleHouse.  Bass 0 Matic, Fogerty, Cake Boss & Sasquatch patiently waited for a Wegman sighting before taking BROGA to a whole new level.

Sasquatch (after knocking out 100 Burpees) barked out proper instruction to keep the BROGA on an elite level.  The 4 PAX quickly transitioned to a Ruck/Run event at 530am (similar to Triathlon changing areas) efficient and clean with no spills.

Nice work by all.  RPG is back open!  SYITG!

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Boss Hogg Issued a Challenge at the Ballroom and the PAX did not Disappoint!!!

Boss Hogg threw out a challenge to see how many PAX would show up at the Ballroom.  As usual, the PAX did not disappoint.  39 was the count.

Boss Hogg arrived in his all white Q outfit.  Disclaimer was given.  A quick message was given about the power of being an influencer.  PAX were reminded to always pick up the 6 and to encourage the guys around them.

The Thang:

Mosey to the center of the football field for a quick warmup:

  • 15 SSHs
  • 10 Windmills
  • 15 Imperial Walkers
  • 15 Cherry Pickers
  • 15 Hillbilly Walkers
  • 15 Gas Pumpers (THE Twisters favorite exercise)

Next was a Guillermo 1-2-3 (Dora’s little brother).  Similar to a Dora but PAX break up into two groups instead of pairing off in partners.  All exercises are done in cadence with a focus on form, not speed.

Exercises were:

  • 100 Overhead Claps
  • 200 LBCs
  • 300 Low Slow Squats

The other group started at the goal line, bear crawled to the 20, ran to the 50, did 1 burpee, and returned to the goal line.  Teams switched back and forth until all exercises were complete.

With the remaining time, the PAX moved to the track for some large dice fun.  One die contained the name of an exercise on each side.  The other 4 were used to determine the count.  Dice were rolled, exercises were done, and the PAX moved 1/4 of the way around the track.  This was repeated until the group had moved all the way around the track.

Time was up and the group headed back to COT.  Announcements were made.  Prayer requests focused on physical healing and marriages.  Due to the overwhelming support from the PAX in attendance, $1,000 was donated to Classroom Ready.

A great reminder to all PAX, don’t just be influenced but go out and be influencers!



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Cindy shows up at Slow Burn

It was nice to get out into the gloom on Friday for a mildly foggy start at slow burn.  A little pre-work at the lower parking lot set us up for a back to the basics beat down.  Shout out to Twister for inviting Cindy to join us for the morning.  We started out with the disclaimer and intro and moved on to grabbing our coupons and moseying down to our first stop.

A quick call to circle up for our warm-up that encompassed:  Side straddle hops, windmills, Moroccan night clubs, imperial walkers, hill billie walkers, and overhead claps.

Now on to the meat and potatoes of the workout with a little 4 corners and our coupons.  Each corner had 5 exercises starting with 10 reps per exercise at each corner. We did the first 2 exercises and moseyed to the next corner with Cindy.  After the first round of corners we took a lap around the building to let Cindy get some rest.  Round 2 for the remaining 3 exercises at each corner.

Somewhere in between there we had a short plug for shieldlocks and the importance of having accountability with each other.  A very important part of leadership and growth.

If you are curious the four corners and exercises are below:

  1.  Side Straddle hops, Shoulder taps, flutters, triceps and squats
  2. Mountain climbers, merkins, Big Boy sit-ups, chest press, calf raises
  3. Peter parkers, wide arm merkins, curls, monkey humpers
  4. Overhead claps, Carolina dry docks, Freddy Mercuries, overhead press, sumo squats

It was great to be out with the PAX and have to opportunity to lead.  Thanks Twister!

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