The Murph 2024

1 mile run
100 pull-ups
200 Merkins
300 squats
1 mile run

It’s more than a workout

We get to because they did.

God bless you all. Keep pushing and never forget.

:facepunch: :facepunch: :facepunch:

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Abs, Abs and more abs

WARMUP: Windmills, Cherry pickers, SSH then mosey

THE THANG: 20 reps, 5 exercises: leg lifts, LBC’s, Big Boys, Flutters, heals to heaven, 1 lap after completion, 3 rounds total

Message on Q source topic of Missionality: getting out of the comfort zone and taking risk! Work in progress on the word familiarity! Mosey after message

20 Dips, lunge walk, 20 Merkins, bear crawl, 20 SSH’s, high knees, repeat 3 rounds. Same mode of transportation but last round was 20 Derkins, 20 squats, 20 mountain climbers

MARY: 5 burpees, box cutters, Freddy mercuries

ANNOUNCEMENTS: blood drive today

COT: prayer or praise from everyone

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Shoulder exhaustion-complete

WARMUP: Mosey-warm-up 51 SSH
THE THANG: Max shoulder reps 2:00 x2 each Merkins, Dips, CDD, Heels to heaven-

ending with 50 yard sprints-NUR 50 and repeat x4
MARY: out of time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 3 events this summer
COT: mental health. alcoholism and I shared people usually do the opposite of what they need to, when depressed, they usually withdraw and isolate. They need connection with fellows.

multiple messages-

1.Listen with the intent to understand not to respond!

2.also be careful what you think about? what consumes your mind rules your life!

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WARMUP: Always
THE THANG: Mosey to bottom of hill at gate
– On the way, 10 merkins, 10 squats, 20 2-count flutters at each light pole

5 cones up the hill
– Up two, back one
– 10 burpees at the front cone, 10 big boys at back cone
– Meet at corner by Ivybrook – partner up

Enter parking lot – look for chalk instructions:
– 10 patty cake/hand slap merkins
– Around the little lot alternate bear crawl and partner carry
– At the end of the exit line, 50 flutters (2-count)
– Up the hill and do it again

MARY: No chicks
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: The 5th Core Principle

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Coach’s Box – Whetstone

THE THANG: I deviated from my weinke as written, so I don’t have an accurate accounting of the activity…
MARY: No chicks
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: The 5th Core Principle

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Grinding through Mammon


Mosey to gym parking lot.

Across the lot:
– Bear Crawl for a segment
– 10 Jump Squats
– Lunge Walk for a segment
– 10 Merkins


Mosey to hill by the track

Grab a stone. 5 minute AMRAP on the hill the top three performers in terms of reps get a prize:
– 5 Man makers at the bottom
– 5 OH presses at the top

Winners of the AMRAP, repeat

Mosey back to band lot.

5 burpees at the start
Suicides out on 10 yard markers. Using the first digit:
For evens, 10 monkey humpers
For odds, 10 squats

Shared words on how to maintain proper perspective on work and how to ensure you have men speaking truth in your life to keep you from going off the rails.

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circles up

WARMUP: run to stop light at entrance to Baxter and do monkey humpers and goofballs in-cadence until all traffic passes

THE THANG: Berkshire heights loops with 10 jump squats, 10 merkins, 10 LBCs every stop sign
All got 2 loops, some got 3

MARY: 13 American Hammers IC and 3 big boys

ANNOUNCEMENTS: lots of stuff – check newsletter

COT: yup

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Play time is over

WARMUP: it’s sweep the leg. We did a burpee ladder instead on way to school drive. Starting with 1 worked our way up to 5 then back down performing the burpees at each light pole on way down Dave gibson, we also stopped every so often to perform exercises IC waiting for 6

THE THANG: short version of longest mile with using light poles, lunge walk to 1st pole, then bear crawl to 2nd then crab walk to 3rd.
We all picked up 6 before moseying to back of school by bottom of hill where YHC did not provide very clear instructions at start so had to run around and update pax as we went. but we started 11s with HR Merkins (10) and BombJacks (1) at last pole top of hill. Plan was to drop a pole each lap so it would get progressively shorter think the gazelles got up to round 6 or 7 but we still ran out of time, and a couple PAX got back a min or two late

MARY: no time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas party, lots of Saturday CSAUPS coming up, PnP tomorrow, HIM camp. We named hashbrowns

COT: yep!

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To the 50….and beyond

Nice morning for Acceleration at The Box. First day on site as Site Q and on the the Q as well. Middle and Upper Management present to ensure flag in ground and disclaimer read. Following Qsource, the topic today was “M”.

Mosey, SSH x 26 (IC), Windmill x 10 (IC), stretched the calves, MNC x 15 (IC)

Spur #1 – Accelerating Fellowship requires Relational Rhythm –> Preparedness. Goal is not a static state of balance.


Mosey to hill closest to Hwy 21
Down and up the hill x 3. Burpees at the top, Merkins at the Bottom. (15-10-5). Complete 20 reps each hill completion (i.e. 15 burpees/5 merkins, 10/10, 5 burpees/15 merkins).

Spur – You do not meet your M at the 50 yard line. This is not a balancing act, it may not be fair. You go beyond the 50 and to the endzone if need be.

To illustrate this, we did a 4th round down and up the hill even though the thought was we were doing 3 and recovering.

We then moseyed to the pull up bars for some AMRAP. We made it through 4 rounds of: 5 pullups – 10 merkins – 15 squats – 20 LBCs. Then partnered PAX up. One PAX would hang from pullups bars while the other held 6 inches merkins. Loser had to complete 5 burpees. Rotate.

Mosey back to benches.

Spur #2 – The M is the most important relationship –> Quiver of arrows to target the M in the Concentrica

Mosey to the 50 yard line on the band lot football field. Reminder that we do not stop at the 50.

Spur #3 – Accelerating the M requires skill and love –> 1) Maintenance = Deceleration, 2) Culture is a Jester, 3) No 50 yard line, 4) M is not your best friend, 5) Joy > Happiness.

Finished with some diamond merkins, flutters, protractor and freddie mercuries. Mosey back to COT.

MARY: A little
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Blood Drive, Hanging with Stang

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That Veronica Vaughn

SSH x 20 (IC)
Cherry Pickers x 10 (IC)
IW x 10 (IC)
HW X 10 (IC)

The Thang:
Billy Madison Goes Back to School

Mosey to bus parking lot
Run down and back and perform 1 exercise of 12 reps
This concludes 1st grade
So and so forth until 12th grade is complete


Calf Raises
Shoulder Taps
Good Mornings
Big Boys
American Hammers

936 total exercise reps
1+ miles of running

Mary: Finished with a couple minutes of Mary and Dark Helmet demanding excellence in cadence counting, much to the crowds displeasure.

Announcements: We announced some things.

COT: There was a circle and trust in and around it.

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