Partner Shredder

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, and Strawberry Pickers
Mosey to football field
Cheese Shredder
Partner Up:
Exercises (Weinke = W) – 10 Yard Line- Burpees, 20 Yard Line- Shoulder Taps, 30 Yard Line- Peter Parkers, 40 Yard Line- Monkey Humpers, 50 Yard Line- LBCs
Round 1= Human Wheel Barrel/ 10 Yards – Run Back 50 Yards; Repeat W
Round 2 = Partner Carry/ 10 Yards – Run Back 50 Yards; Repeat W
Round 3 = Bear Crawl/ 10 Yards – Run Back 50 Yards; Repeat W
Round 4 = Crab Walk/ 10 Yards – Run Back 50 Yards
SPECIAL MESSAGE: A partner is always better to help you through life.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: HIM Camp, Bethel Shelter Taco Night, 9/11 5k Run
COT: Prayers and Praises

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i.e.; e.g.

WARMUP: yea. It’s important
dynamic yoga rotations
Butt Kickers
Toy Soldier’s Mosey

Visited a few churches for a warped 4 corners
Most of the time we bear crawled between corners, but not always
Stough Baptist
10 HR merkins
10 in cadence monkey humpers
10 in cadence burpees
(3 sets because it was a “warped” version of four corners)

Down to Print Shop for called pull-ups and squats

Back to COT for TapOut’s “favorite” hip exercises
Lots of grammar and punctuation discussion today; it was swell.

HIM camp:

Stuff the Bus:

COT: Isaiah 55:2
Why spend money on what is not bread,
and your labor on what does not satisfy?

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Hot Enough Yet?

We have an FNG!! We went through the 5 core principles of F3, stated its mission, and did a full lengthy disclaimer so the FNG knew the full monty, money back guarantee.

8 bootcampers and 4 shield lockers doing their own thing (Olaf, Sasquatch, Beaker, and one other I could not see/hear).

WARMUP: Mosey around the parking lot for about a half mile or so, circle up near the school for 10-20 of the following:
* Windmills
* Imperial walkers
* Moroccan night clubs
* Strawberry pickers
>> Then over to the road by the JROTC building for the main event.

1. First up, 11s w hill repeats
Utilizing the mild grade hill alongside the JROTC building that leads down to the elementary school, we did some 11s. 10 Merkins at the top, 1 box cutter at the bottom, repeat accordingly until we finish with 1 merkin at the top, 10 box cutters at the bottom. Overall about a mile and a half of running and 55 reps of each exercise.

Then we discussed shield locks and how important they are. We men tend to internalize our struggles, keep them to ourselves. That only amplifies the pain. Find someone you can trust – the key word in making it work – and that you can be open and vulnerable with. Whether it is inside the F3 ranks our outside F3, just lock up with a someone. No OYO!!!
Next up…..
2. Cindy relays
Divide into 2 groups. Luckily we had an even number of 8. Using the new cinder blocks…..still with that new cinder block smell!…..blocks were placed about 20-30yds from the start. One person from each team runs to the blocks, does the exercise with the blocks, then runs back to the group. Group is exercising as well while they wait for their go. Next person up runs, and so forth, relay style. Constant movement, no rest.
Round 1: 15 cindy curls (1 block) while group does SSH
Round 2: 15 cindy overhead press (1 block) while group does flutters
Round 3: 15 cindy squats (2 blocks) while group does lunges
Round 4: 10 cindy manmakers (1 block) while group does IWs. >> We ran out of time and did not get round 4 in.
>> Back to COT

* Read your newsletter and get involved!!
* Marriages, being a father, and your relationship/responsibilities to both your M and 2.0s.
* Sorry if I missed anything else. Several things were lifted up.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead! SYITG and God Bless!

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Laps around WEP

WARMUP: Pledge…run around WEP to parking lot. Windmills, Moroccan Night Clubs, Slow Low Squats, Merkins, Knees to chest, Seal Jacks.
THE THANG: Run lab around WEP. Merkin ladder: start at one side of parking lot with 1 Merkien….Bear crawl accross….2 Merkins…..Bear Crawl back….3 Merkins….etc. until 10 Merkins. Run a Lap. Lt. Dan’s around parking lot (4 lunges w/1 squat). Ab work (flutters, LBCs, Hello Dolly) 10 diamond Merkins. Run back around WEP to COT.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: F3 Dad’s camp, F3 men’s camp
COT: Praises for 2.0s

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Next Man Up

WARMUP: @harrycarry lead us through a standard array of warm ups
THE THANG: ascending rep count 5-> 10 -> 15 -> 20 -> 25 -> 30 of calf raises, squats, Freddy mercuries, merkens, CDDs with some running in between each exercise
MARY: extensive session that included many lbcs and the dreaded J-LOs
COT: did this

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The Fort Horsemen at the Colloseum

WARMUP: 15 SideStattleHops
8 (3 count) Michael Phelps
10 Moroccan night clubs
10 (3 count) V-ups
10 (3 count) dying cockroaches
10 (3 count) Mt. Climbers
10 (3 count) Peter parkers
10 (3 count) Parker Peters
10 (3 count) Hello Dollies
10 Box cutters
10 (3 count) Airplanes
8 (3 count) J-Lows

Dora – Partner 1 bear crawl down and toy soldiers back. Partner 2 does Turkish Get-ups until partner 1 gets back.
Two – 30 second 6 inch hold in plank position while resting in straight arm in plank position in between sets for 30 seconds. This allowed for my 2 minutes of sharing about the benefits of our SL.
Jack Webb Wheelbarrow style, partner up, partner performing the Jack Web gets into the wheelbarrow position with other partner holding his legs. Perform 1 merkin, then wheelbarrow 4 paces, then perform 2 merkins, then wheelbarrow 8 paces, so forth and so on until you reach the ultimate goal of 10-40. If the first partner attempting the wheelbarrow jack web needs a break he will remember where he was in the web upon stopping while his partner starts the same process. Keep swapping back and forth as many times as needed until both partners complete the series.
Ran a circuit around the school lot with six leg stations along the way. At each station do rep count of 15 for the first lap, then 20 for second lap, then 25 for 3rd lap.

MARY: No time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter, Come to the Testament on Wednesday.

COT: Prayers for deaths in the family of close friends, Praise for opportunity to serve others,

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Team LiverEaters

WARMUP: Stretchy things, lap around the lot
4 parts for each member of the SL, all done in teams of 4 (or 5 if needed)

Gears: Two partners run up the hill to Pull Up bars, 10 2 pullup Burpees between the two PAX while the other two are doing 10 Big Boys each and squatting till swap. Two rounds.

Maximus: 50 yard out and back for 2 partners, when they return 10 burpees. Waiting pair is doing American Hammers. Swap. Next a set of perfect merkins to failure for each group. Losing SL does 5 burpees each.

Dark Helmet. Mosey to the rock lot on AO Jones. Partners bear crawl between light posts. If you stop, you do burpees till all the pax are done.

Spider Man: Partner Carry loop around the lot. Finish with one partner flutter while second partner runs to top of lot turnaround and back. Flapjack.

MARY: None
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Many (read your news letter)
COT: Prayers for M’s, parents, jobs, travel, and kids.

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I’ve Never Done This Before

WARMUP: World’s shortest mosey (10yds), 5 Burpees, Mosey more, Shoulder Taps, Mosey more, SSH, Mosey more, Toy Soldiers, finish the Mosey to the back lot.
THE THANG: We had a circle of cones ~10yds out from the center cone. On the outside of the circle, we’d complete the round of exercises, 10 reps each, then bear crawl to the center cone for 2 wide-arm merkins, then crawl bear back to the outside circle and wait for the six.
Rd 1: 10 Carolina Dry Docks & 10 Peter Parkers
Rd 2: 10 Parker Peters & 10 Dips
Rd 3: 10 right side lunges & 10 left side lunges
Rd 4: 10 Slooooow Squats & 10 Jump Squats

Light Poles: This is something I’ve never done and had no idea how long it would take. Remember, not a pro and this is peer led.
Starting at the first light pole, run up two light poles, NUR back one, then 2 V-Ups.
From that point, run up two more light poles, NUR back one, 3 V-Ups.
Continue all the way up the hill to the 13th light pole, adding 1 more V-Up at each light pole.
Mosey back to the 1/2 wall I love so much and grab a partner.
Partner 1: 5 Over & Backs (more complicated than it should’ve been)
Partner 2: Burpees
As a group, 10 Muscle Ups.

MARY: Back at COT
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Independence Day Convergence, Stuff The Bus, HIM Camp
COT: Yes

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WARMUP: Mosey in the parking lot with some stretchy stuff.
THE THANG: Mogadishu Mile History – “Three Rangers Foundation”
In the late Summer of 1993, then-President Bill Clinton deployed a Special Operations Task Force (Task Force Ranger) to Mogadishu, Somalia, to capture Somali warlord Mohammed Farah-Adid. The bulk of that Task Force was composed of American Rangers from the 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment. On 3-4 October 1993, Task Force Ranger became embroiled with Somalia militiamen in an overnight gun battle, the intensity of which was likened, at the time, to the most intense firefights in Vietnam. (This story is captured and told in Mark Bowden’s best-selling book, “Blackhawk Down,” as well as in the major motion picture, by the same name.)
On the afternoon of 3 October 1993, Task Force Ranger boarded Army helicopters for what was expected to be a “textbook” raid to capture two of Adid’s lieutenants. Using rocket-propelled grenades, Somalia militiamen shot down two US Blackhawk helicopters, turning a planned raid into an unexpected rescue mission. Driving that change of mission was the galvanized commitment of American Rangers to “never leave a fallen comrade.”
When the US and Pakistani relief convoy arrived on the morning of 4 October to relieve the battered Ranger force and return them to the Mogadishu Olympic Stadium, there was only enough room in the armored vehicles for the dead and severely wounded. The walking wounded and the few unscathed Rangers would move from the helicopter crash site to the Olympic Stadium on foot – a distance of about a mile – all the while still under attack from rocket-propelled grenades and small arms fire. At the end of the battle, 18 Americans were dead and 73 were wounded, and one was captured. To those moving by foot on the morning of 4 October, that relatively short but lethal distance between the helicopter crash site and the Olympic Stadium became known as “The Mogadishu Mile.”

I neglected to remember the significance of the rep count 19. It represents the 18 service members killed + 1 captured.

4 Rounds to be completed with a coupon. Options were Ruck, Cinder Block, Kettle Bell. Never lose contact with your coupon. Shield & Click Bait completed this with a weight vest.

19 Ground-to-Overheads
19 Squats with coupon racked on the front
19 Push Ups: 19 with left hand on the coupon then 19 with right hand on the coupon (38 push ups per round)
400m run with coupon

Once we completed that WOD, we went to the pull up bars.
One man on every bar for 19 pull ups. Every remaining man holds a 6″ plank until all pull ups are completed. Flapjack.

MARY: A few of these exercises for 19 reps.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: HIM Camp, Independence Day Convergence, Stuff The Bus
COT: Yes

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