Ring of Jellystone Fire

WARMUP: MNC, Imp Squat Walkers, ChPickers, SSH, Mosey to Cinderblocks
THE THANG: (structure based on Beakers beatdown from 7/10/24- thank you bro!)

Each round, Home to base(s) & back
Home: Cind-urpees (AKA Man-Makers) R1-12 reps, R2-8 reps, R3-4 reps

OUT: A) M.Bunnies, B) OH carries, C) W. Lunges
HOME: Farmers carry

A) curls & OH triceps
R1- 10 each, R2-15 each, R3-20 each

B) flutter Presses (4ct)
R1-10, R2-15, R3-20

C) clean & press
R1-10, R2-15, R3-20

End of each round Plank until 6 is up before starting next round
Pax Completed 2 rounds before running out of time

MARY: Box Cutters, Hello Weazy, Freddy Mercury
ANNOUNCEMENTS: T&H, Road cleanup, others forgotten
COT: Prayers for those coping with Loss, family with failing health

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The Yard – 3 Aug 2024

WARMUP: We did.

There was a lot of back and forth down the field and back with 6-inch holds and exercises and such. Threw in some burpees, and partner carries, and bear crawls. It’s all Julie Andrews and my favorite things… that’s for Band Camp…

Went up to the parking lot track and did some more exercises and loops on the track.

– JCruise took a dump on the 50-yard line and blamed it on the dog. Or maybe it was the other way around… I forget
– FunHouse died of dysentery on his way back across the expansive plains to his home, Oregon Trail style…
– Spider-Man changed into his (not present) shirt after the workout…
– Gears went sleeveless to show off his newly acquired Hawaiian tan…
– Maximus was glad we didn’t do 81 burpees to start our workout…
– Tapout (11) carried Headspin for 50 yards, thus reinforcing my statement about being grown f-ing men. But he promises to keep himself in check in front of his mom…
– Time Machine loves ducks. Like, it might be an unhealthy focus of his life…
– Drop Thrill knows how to keep a man humble…
– 3D (if you haven’t noticed) is accelerating whilst shedding his former self…
– Suplex agrees that we don’t use the word “whilst” nearly enough…
– Yoyo Ma was the War Daddy today. He won’t read this, so I can write whatever I want about him…
– Sprocket continues to fill out his rewards card. Just a few more punches and I think he gets one free workout. Or an ice cream cake or something like that…
– Ruby Slippers loved doing a 6-inch hold. I’ll just leave that there.

When truth pulls up next to you in its limo, rolls down the window and asks you if you have any Grey Poupon, you can pass it this report as a substitute.
no poop was actually created or discovered at the 50 or any other yard line.
no Poupon was actually created or discovered at the 50 either…

MARY: No chicks.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter.
COT: The 5th Core Principle.

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(Insert something creative)

DISCLAIMER: disclaimed
WARMUP: Mosey loop around parking lot, circle up near ROTC
– 10 Windmills IC
– 10 LSS IC
– 10 Imperial Walkers IC
– 10 Hillbilly Walkers IC
– 10 MNCs IC
– Yoga

And since we were so close to the pull up bars, we partnered up for 3 rounds of 5 pull ups. Partner does wall sits while other PAX does pull ups.

Mosey to football field.
THE THANG: Figure 8 on football field with 6 pain stations. Always face the clock that is always wrong for mental toughness, but also because your mode of transportation will vary from run, nur and shuffle.
– Freddie Mercury on goaline – shuffle across goal line to opposite sideline
– Flying squirrel on goal line – nur back to 50 yard line
– Squats at 50 yard line – shuffle across 50 to opposite sideline
– Merkins at 50 on opposite sideline – nur to other goaline
– Big Boys at goal line – shuffle across goaline
– Grave Diggers on goal line opposite side line – run to 50
– Back to 50 for Squats – shuffle across 50
– opposite sideline for Merkins – run to original goaline
– back to original goal line to start Round 2.
1. Round 1 – 10 reps
2. Round 2 – 15 reps
3. Round 3 – 20 reps
Strong push at end to get it all in. Moseyed to CoT.

MARY: No girls allowed.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lots of 3rd F ops – Bethel, Blood Drive, Stock the Bus, Fort Mill Care Center, Hwy Clean Up.

COT: Stays in CoT

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It’s a moderate without Bs

Started at exactly 6:30 AM with a professional disclaimer stating that YHC is not a professional.

We moseyed around the lot and warmed up with,
Side Straddle Hop
Produce Pickers
Moroccan Nightclubs
Imperial Walkers
Hillbilly Walkers

Mosey to the benches for,
50 step-ups (25 each leg)
25 25 calf raises

40 step-ups (20 each leg)
20 calf raises

Mosey to the running tracks for some partners work.

100 Merkins
150 CDDs
200 Big Boys
300 LBCs

Mosey to the shovel flag for some Mary, PAX choice as we went in circle one by one until time ran out.
There were,

Toe touches
Freddy Mercury
Box Cutters
and more


Burpees and Bear Crawls

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No Run Dora

Had my weinkie prepared by Wed. afternoon. Participated in the SweatyBarry on Thursday night. Immediately afterwards grabbed the weinkie and reduced the rep count by half. I and the rest of the PAX this morning thank you .

WARMUP: Started with 2 laps around the Bob Jones parking lot while mixing in some high knees, buttkickers, and karaoke. Circled up near the flag and performed the following: 10xMNCsinIC, 1 burpee OYO, 10xCPsinIC, 2 burpees OYO, 10xLSSsinIC, 3 burpees OYO, 10xIWsinIC, 4 burpees OYO, 10xHWsinIC, 5 burpees OYO. We were warm and ready.

50 – Alternating KB Lift, Clean & Press
1 partner performs the exercise until the other partner completes 10 Kraken Burpees, then switch until total rep count is completed

75 – Alternating 1 Arm KB swings
1 partner performs the exercise until the other partner completes 20 SSH IC, then switch until total rep count is completed

125 – 2-handed KB Thrusters
1 partner performs the exercise until the other partner completes 20 MCs IC, then switch until total rep count is completed

150 – KB Bent Over Rows
1 partner performs the exercise until the other partner completes 25 LBCs IC, then switch until total rep count is completed

175 – 2-handed KB Swings
1 partner performs the exercise until the other partner completes 25 Flutters IC, then switch until total rep count is completed

MARY: No time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: CSAUPS, Blood drive in Massey this weekend, lots of 2nd F opportunities out there so get involved, read your newsletter.

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Running Backwards Uphill

WARMUP: SSH, merkins, BROGA x12 minutes
THE THANG: partner up for 5 stations x 2 rounds
1. Partner merkins
2. Partner leg throws
3. Alternating burpees with partner
4. Alternating 20# ball slams with partner
5. Combined 15 pull-ups with partner (TIMER)

Dynamic warmup: toy soldier, butt kicks, high knees, Carioca, toy soldier lunges, power skips

Hill Time…
Partner up- partner A NUR until rest needed as partner B jogs and encourages, switch until A & B reach the top… award for 1st place = no burpees, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th place teams receive 2, 4, 6, and 8 burpee rewards, respectively
Repeat x3
One more NUR uphill OYO for good measure.

MARY: side plank leg lifts, front plank Peter Parkers, down-regulation breathing x2-3 minutes… nixed Tapout’s body destroyers recommendation
ANNOUNCEMENTS: newsletter comes out tomorrow
COT: praying for God’s will as it pertains to SILFAB (reach out to for more info).
Praying for grandma’s recovery from yesterday’s cardiac procedure.
Thank you, God, for the air in our lungs!

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It hurt me more than it hurt you

Opening Act:
windmill, dying cockroach, hillbilly walker, mt climber, overhead clap, freddie merc, low slow squat, plank jack, side straddle hop, flutter, calf raise

accumulator, 5, 5-10, 5-10-15, up to 35, plus a run around the playground in between
5 burpees
10 hand release merkins
15 imperial walker
20 carolina drydock
25 jump squats
30 travolta
35 LBCs

had a back to the board too, but time ran out
thanks for the Q nod CB

I saw a possum

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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300% humidity and 80 degrees

Cherry pickers
Low slow squat
Maraca nightclub
Arm circles

Mosey to the track where shield and his 2.0 were already putting in the work. Great job!

Run a mile
100 merkins
110 yd bear crawl
Run .75 mile
100 merkins
110 yd bear crawl
Run .50 mile
100 squats
100 LBCs
Run .25
100 squats
100 LBCs

Run stadium steps till time

Finished off workout with Airborne hip exercises. Dark Helmet is not a fan so he didn’t participate.

Great work by all Pax. It was extremely hot and humid but they all pushed to get through at least the last round of bear crawl. Leaders were running stadium steps when time was called.

This was a workout created to honor DEA Special Agent Terry Watson. Who was killed in Bogota Colombia June 20, 2013.

Workout was modified, but it still sucked.

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Bringing Fire at ROF


Mosey to the ROTC building for Warmaroma
SSH x 30
MNC x 15
Mtn Climbers x 20
Peter Parker x 15
Windmills x 10
Smurfjacks x 10

Head over and grab a Cindy then mosey to football stadium


5 Manmakers
10 Goblet Squats
15 Curls
20 Triceps
25 Flutters

All with Cindy

Indian Run a lap

Overhead Marches (from Youtbube) to concession stand and back

Rinse and Repeat adding 1 each time (YHC missed this the first time)

Mosey back to put Cindy up


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Hard chargers of The Fort

WARMUP: In the Field
25 SSH
10 HB Walkers
10 Merkins
10 Mt Climbers
Downward Dog
Honey Mooner
10 Peter Parker
10 Plank Jacks
Run a lap – CSAUP leaves

Big Bang – Circle up on cone in field. Q calls out an exercise and a #. Pax run to any edge and complete the exercise, then run back to the center and plank for the 6.
10 Merkins
20 lunges
30 American Hammers
20 bobby Hurley’s
10 burpees

Move to the hill – Bear crawl up for 11s
Big boys at the top and mike Tysons at the bottom

Partner up in Field (Grab Cones)
20yd partner wheelbarrow (switch back)
20yd partner carry (Anyway you like)
20 Wheel Barrow Pushup with Squat
20 plank hold- partner jumps on
20 reach and touch planks

Run the loop with 5 SSH at each bench

Mosey to COT for MARY
10 LBCs
10 Mike Tysons
10 Freddy Mercury’s
20 flutters
10 J-los

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