Fort 12 Year Anniversary

THE THANG: Liberty led boot camp, 3D led Kettlebell and Time Machine led run
MARY: Dark Helmet rambled about cadence and people not keeping up with the rhythm of his glorious mane
ANNOUNCEMENTS: NASA presented the purpose of the Children’s Attention Home
COT: Esso talked about the purpose and greatness of the work being done by the Fort and Rock Hill regions.

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Thirty Twenty Ten

Total of six pax for an awesome morning of wind and rain. I had to lash the flag to a light pole as anything else would have resulted in “flag down!”
Count was three for bootcamp and three for IPC make-up.
Bootcampers had 1980’s tunes going and did the below.
Brief warmup: SSH, windmills, stretches.
Thang: 30-20-10
Pax do 30 reps of two exercises, then do 20 reps, then do 10 reps. Run a loop (we used the bus loop). Then proceed to the next pair of exercises. One exercise of each pair used a cinder block. The exercise pairs were:
Curls (w/ cindy) – Crunches
–run loop–
KB Swings – Flutters (count only right leg)
–run loop–
Merkins – goblet squat
–run loop–
OH Press – Pickle pointers
–run loop–
Chest press – big boy sit ups
–run loop–
Side bends – leg raises
–run loop—
Curls (w/ cindy) – Crunches
30-20-10 because (in my mind/experience) 30 is the limit to executing with good form. I tend to get sloppy after that. The get down and get up aspect between exercises adds something.

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Four Corner Fest

IC SSH, Moroccan Nightclub, Cherry pickers, lss, mtn climbers, plank, hands to the sky, Honeymooner, down dog

Four corners
Up main – Hold plank at each corner for 6
Right at Tom hall
Right at Monroe white
Right on confederate

Shoulder taps 20 IC
Up main – Hold plank at each corner for 6
Right at Tom hall
Shoulder taps 15 IC
Right at Monroe white
Shoulder taps 10 IC
Right on confederate
Shoulder taps 5 IC

Low slow squat 20 IC
Up main – al gore at each corner for 6
Right at Tom hall
Ls Squat 15 IC
Right at Monroe white
Ls squat 10 IC
Right on confederate
Ls squat 5 IC

Monkey humper 10 IC
Up main – al gore at each corner for 6
Right at Tom hall
MH 10 IC
Right at Monroe white
MH 10 IC
Right on confederate
MH 10 IC

Mosey to COT. Stretching and LBC to 6

Making these editable is a dangerous proposition that <@UGU3XR5RP> should look into before <@U5CVD8D7V> really causes problems.

It’s ok, nobody reads them anyway.

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75mins, a little complexity, a lot of effort

The image of the board will be used as the workout details but in case others want to use this, here are a few notes to consider:
– Split the group if needed.
– Predetermine a good distance for the Mode of Transportation (M.O.T.) and ensure it’s clearly articulated.
– Keep repeating the “Thang” section until every PAX completes 1 time on the M.O.T.
– Give example of the exercise before that “Thang” section, not all examples in the beginning.
– Open to other feedback
THE THANG: See image.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Newsletter content.
COT: 5th Core Principle

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Dick Webb, AB Board of Pain, and Lifting Heavy Things

Pulled into WEP and parked at the little lot at the top of the hill. Had to unload some heavy things before heading down the hill to plant the flag at the COT area.

WARMUP: Stayed in the COT area for warmups.
SSHx25IC, WMsx7IC, IWsx10IC, CPsx10IC, HBWsx10IC, MNCx10IC. Completed the warmup by moseying from COT to the playground at WEP.

Thang #1: Asked the PAX to find a spot where they can perform pullups ( or modify ) and merkins. DICK WEBB – 1st exercise 1-10 – Pullups, 2nd exercise 4-40 – Merkins. Totals = 55 Pullups & 220 Merkins, arms were smoked.

Thang #2: There is small parking lot at the top of the hill. This was our lifting area. Weinkie in this area is written below:
Sandbag = 5 ManMakers
Cindy = 5 Thrusters
2 – 35lb Dumbells = 5 Squat/Curl/OHPress
SlamBall = 5 OH Slams
20lb Rope & 50lb Sandbag pull = pull for 20 yards around the cones set-up in the area.

At the bottom of the hill heading down to the COT parking lot there was an AB BOP – See below:
100 – LBCs
90 – Flutters
80 – Penguin Touches
70 – Freddy Mercurys
60 – Reverse Crunches
50 – Mountain Climbers
40 – Big Boy Situps
30 – Straight Lower Leg Lifts
20 – American Hammers
10 – V-Sits

The routine was simple. Starting at the bottom of the hill complete the 1st exercise on the AB BOP. NUR to the top of the hill and enter into the lifting area. Grab a heavy thing and perform the described exercise ( asked the PAX to rotate which heavy things they lifted each turn ). Run back down to the bottom of the hill and perform the next exercise on the AB BOP. Rinse and repeat until complete.



COT: STKnow!

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Iron Pax 2024 Week 0 – Wednesday

Jog around the 400m loop
Warmup exercises
The Thang
Kalsu – 100 thrusters
Start the 1-minute EMOM timer
Perform 5 burpees
As soon as you finish the burpees, start doing thrusters
When the timer goes off, do 5 burpees
Keep repeating this until you finish 100 thrusters
After 100 thrusters, run 400 meters
Reverse Kalsu – 100 burpees
Start your 100 burpees as soon as you get back
Don’t restart the EMOM timer. You are at the mercy of the timer as to when you get back
Each time the EMOM timer goes off, 5 thrusters
Perform burpees in between until you get to 100 burpees
Workout ends after your 100 burpees
Record your total time
Recovery Stretching
IPX 2024
Show To Know

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Not Much Running Wild At The Ranch

WARMUP: Run over to the middle school, around the loop to the flag. Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Squats, Dead Lifts, Plank, Downward Dog, Up Dog, Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Peter Parkers, Merkins
THE THANG: With just about everything in cadence…
Run down the right side of the school to the corner
Low Slow Squat, Sumo Squat, Stationary Lunges (forward & reverse), Side Lunges
Run the next parking lot to the front door of the school
Again, in cadence…
Boats & Canoes, Grave Diggers, Freddy Mercury, American Hammers, Gas Pumpers
Partner Catch Me If You Can
P1: Bear Crawl around the perimeter
P2: 10 LBCs and catch P1
Complete the loop
25 Pull-Ups at the playground
Picnic Benches:
Bulgarian Split Squats, Dips
MARY: See above
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Yes (Hi Bandcamp)
COT: Indeed

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