Blocks of Pain

WARMUP: Mossie, side straddle, cherry pickers, windmill and merkins
THE THANG: max reps with cinder blocks while your partner runs, 3 sets of each exercise Curls, Shoulder press, bench press, upright row.

Then finished on the pullup bars, 10 knee ups or toes to the bar and then run a lap.
MARY: No Mary- out of time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read knews letter
COT: Prayer by LD

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Burpee 420 spring training – AKA in March

WARMUP: SSH, wmills, tappy taps, merkins… ddogs to hmooners to arm raises – both arms, yes BOTH arms.
THE THANG: benchwork- step ups, derkins
A Sweetest 16s – burpee & sumo squat madness.
MARY: 3 minutes of Mary. Some held onto the ball until the buzzer
ANNOUNCEMENTS: AKA apparently started 3 days ago, even though we still have 2 days of March. read your newsletter
COT: yes

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Hodgepodge of WODs

WARMUP: SSH, Arm Circles, Jogged a lap around the parking lot
Hold Ruck overhead for 3 mins
20 upright rows
Hold Ruck overhead for 2 mins
10 upright rows
Hold Ruck overhead for 1 min
5 upright rows

2 Rounds
24 Mountain climbers with ruck
24 Plank jacks
12 Man Makers with sandbag and ruck on
12 Ruck get Ups

Rucked to the back of the build with sandbag and ruck – rinse and repeat

2 Rounds
12 Sandbag deadlifts with ruck on
12 Bent over rows with sandbag and ruck on
12 Chest presses with sandbag
12 Sandbag bridges

Rucked to the back of the build with sandbag and ruck – rinse and repeat

MARY: 1 minute plank hold with ruck on back

COT: Closed in prayer

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History was made today as YHC made his VQ at The Armory. I’m happy that after 9 years someone finally noticed me. All it took was getting up at 3 am to make the drive across the bridge to the “other side” of Fort Mill.

We didn’t do a disclaimer because only professionals showed up.

Warm up was an Indian Run in a slowish pace around the parking lot. Battlebot decided to snake us a bit but we made it back. 5 Windmills and about 10 Polish night clubs.


After much discussion on the properness of the name, we did a Jack Web because I said so. Although others were determined it should have been called 11s. Luckily, I didn’t fold under the pressure and called it what I wanted. We started with 1 press and walked across the lot for 10 curls. Now normally you would assume we then did 2 presses and 9 curls…. but somewhere in YHC’s Coors Light daze the numbers didn’t add up. We pretty much did 10 of each exercise on both sides of the parking lot. I wish I could say it was a test to see who was paying attention, but that would just be a lie.

Next, we again debated the name of the exercise group. I said accumulator, some said Dora, others said Misogi….look I don’t care what yall call stuff, just do the exercises. We partnered up with 1 person doing the call out while the other ran across the lot and back. Each time the partner ran they had to add 1 merkin. I think by the end we were around 14-16 merkins each time we ran. Call out was 300 swings, 200 tri extension, and 50 man makers.

Closed with good news about Band Camps youth trip and prayers over the P200 runners

….Hope your happy 3D and thanks for the invite Battle Bot

Partake in 4/20


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The Accumulator hit by inflation is painful for everyone

We had 12 Pax, make it 13, Splinter drove through the Circle of Pain while we were doing out Side Straddle Hops. While I did prove a disclaimer, I forgot to mention incoming vehicles as a potential hazard.
Back to warm-ups (SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Plank Stretches, Peter Parker, Parker Peters)
Next, we moseyed to the entrance of the Middle School. The workout for the remainder of time was The Accumulator:

Do the exercise and take a lap around the buffet. Rinse and Repeat, accumulating each exercise.

10 Merkins – 20 Flutter Kicks – 20 Squats – 30 Plank Punches – 20 LBC’s – 20 Carolina Dry Docks – 10 Burpees

Unfortunately, the above reps were impacted by inflation, here are the revised reps:

15 Merkins – 25 Flutter Kicks – 25 Squats – 36 Plank Punches – 28 LBC’s – 25 Carolina Dry Docks – 15 Burpees

**lesson: inflation has a random impact on prices (in this case reps)

Most pax got through the full list, some of the crazies (fast pax) started from the top again. Back to COT.

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Fishsticks is under the weather so I tried to fill his shoes. Disclaimer given and short mosey through first loop. Warm-up with SSHs, Windmills, Hillbilly walkers, Merkins, Peter Parkers, Parker Peters, and MNCs.
Mosey over to near flagpole. Start on one side of curb, bear crawl to other side, 5 merkins, craw bear back to start, 5 V-ups. 5 rounds.
Mosey over to parking lot behind schools. There are 5 posts (3 lights, 2 bball hoops).
1 – Run to 1st post, 5 burpees, run back to start, run to 2nd post, 5 burpees, run back to start, etc, through 5th post.
2 – Run to 1st post, 10 jump squats, back to start, same pattern but through 4th post.
3 – Lunge walk to 1st post, bear crawl to 3rd post, reverse lunge walk to 5th post. Jog back to start.
4 – Run to 2nd post, 10 mtn climbers and 10 seal jacks, run back to start, run to 4th post, 10 mtn climbers and 10 seal jacks, run back to start.
5 – Run to 5th post, 50 SSHs, 50 LBCs, run back to start.

Move over to benches. Time was running short so a round of 8s. 7 step-ups, 1 squat, 6 step-ups, 2 squats, etc.

Time’s almost up so mosey back to COT to finish with some boxcutters. Time’s up, recover. Small group today but it was good to hang out with some guys I don’t normally see.

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…and thats how history is made

History was made today as YHC made his VQ at The Armory. I’m happy that after 9 years someone finally noticed me. All it took was getting up at 3 am to make the drive across the bridge to the “other side” of Fort Mill.

We didn’t do a disclaimer because only professionals showed up.

Warm up was an Indian Run in a slowish pace around the parking lot. Battlebot decided to snake us a bit but we made it back. 5 Windmills and about 10 Polish night clubs.

The Thang

After much discussion on the properness of the name, we did a Jack Web because I said so. Although others were determined it should have been called 11s. Luckily, I didn’t fold under the pressure and called it what I wanted. We started with 1 press and walked across the lot for 10 curls. Now normally you would assume we then did 2 presses and 9 curls…. but somewhere in YHC’s Coors Light daze the numbers didn’t add up. We pretty much did 10 of each exercise on both sides of the parking lot. I wish I could say it was a test to see who was paying attention, but that would just be a lie.

Next, we again debated the name of the exercise group. I said accumulator, some said Dora, others said Misogi….look I don’t care what yall call stuff, just do the exercises. We partnered up with 1 person doing the call out while the other ran across the lot and back. Each time the partner ran they had to add 1 merkin. I think by the end we were around 14-16 merkins each time we ran. Call out was 300 swings, 200 tri extension, and 50 man makers.

Closed with good news about Band Camps youth trip and prayers over the P200 runners

….Hope your happy 3D and thanks for the invite Battle Bot

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