Ham-Hock Fishing on a Steamy Morning

5:15am – Welcome, no FNG’s, disclaimer was made. It was warm & VERY humid. I think I was sweating before finishing the disclaimer.

– 20x SSH
– 10x Windmills
– 10x Moroccan Night Clubs
– 10x Imp Walkers
– 1x Single Token Burpee
– Mosey down to better pavement

1. Four Corners: 4 Circuits with Reps of 20/15/10/5
– Merkins > Jump Squats
– Dips > Calf Raises
– Mtn Climbers > Sumo Squats
– Carolina Dry-Docks > Lunges

2. Ft. Mill Death Crawl
– Indian Run Style w/Bear Crawling as mode of transport
– Rear PAX = 3 Burpees, then run to front
– Continued from lower lot (Ft Mill Church of God) to stop sign (Academy & Withers Intersection)
– Measured at around 120yds
3. Jail Break Run
– Back to Flag for ~8 minutes of Mary

MARY: Various – Rotating PAX Choice
– Flutters
– Boat>Canoe>Swim
– American Hammers
– Box Cutters
– Gas Pumpers
– Something similar to V-Ups (can’t remember)
– LBC’s

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter.

COT: Prayers for summer travels, marriages, and for everything that remained unsaid

Mumble Chatter was strong throughout the workout. Lots of talk about things that sting (specifically ocean wildlife/at the beach), how some Dads may alter their beach/pool attire based on that of their daughters (I’ll leave it at that), and Hamhock Fish… lots & lots about Hamhock Fish! Should’ve shown to know… but to share some insight:

1. If your Daughter insists on questionably appropriate body coverage, one indirect method to encourage said Daughter to reconsider could be to “out-do” her original choice.
a. i.e.: if the shorts are too short – Dad grabs a pair of old jeans, makes some quick alterations with a pair of scissors and VOILA! Dad is now showing off more bottom-cheek than Daughter… and most likely hairy bottom cheek.

2. Hamhock Fish – this was a new one to most of us, with credit to Change Order for enlightening us. There seems to be a trend in Women’s swimwear making a comeback – the Thong. While there are places where this is better presented than others (British Virgin Islands = GOOD, local community pool = varies wildly depending on those in attendance), there’s a valid argument that the view of a thong-clad derriere resembles that of two inverted ham hocks arranges side-by-side.
a. Conclusion: Hamhock Fishing could be a great activity or, perhaps, not so much. I suppose I’ll conclude by saying, “to those who fish, may your lines always be tight!”
b. OK, maybe a few more:
i. “The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable, a perpetual series of occasions of hope.”
ii. “Be patient and calm, for no one can catch a fish in anger.”
iii. “He who wants to catch fish must not mind getting wet.”

Thanks, Dojo, for the opportunity to lead this fine AO this morning!


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Murder Bunnies – Part 2

WARMUP: SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Merkins, Plank, Superman in puddle, Peter Parker, Parker Peter.
Dora-ish workout
50 Man Makers , partner runs loop around parking lot, flapjack
200 squats, partner murder bunny mosey to cone and back, flapjack
300 Flutters with block press, partner runs loop around parking lot, flapjack
200 LBCs, partner murder bunny mosey to cone and back, flapjack
150 Curls with block, partner runs loop around parking lot, flapjack
Finished with burpees no block, partner murder bunny mosey to cone and back, flapjack

Good prep work for Iron Pax Challenge…Great job guys!

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New sheriff in town

Poppins started off with a quick warmup, 50 SSH, Windmills, Cherry Pickers, some other stuff, Plank, Merkins and some yoga stuff
THE THANG: I started it off with a mosey to the back playground where we did a crowd pleasing Dick Webb, got up to 8 RDS, then we did a quick tabata at the nearby park benches. Part 2 was Mainframe leading us to the parking lot in the back where we had to do a series laps around the lot with various leg exercises including burpee broad jumps and then a bear crawl and crawl bear activity from the lines in each space over to the line opposite side, 6 rounds.
COT: Was held

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All about Mark’s Ass

This morning started innocently enough. Good group of PAX showed up and as we were about to get started Change Order mentions his butt was sore from all the squats and lunges yesterday. So we mosey over to behind the tire shop to warm up. He immediately says he’s not sure he can do step ups on the wall so we start with windmills…then do step-ups. It all pretty much went downhill from here. Series of exercises using the wall: windmills, step-ups, SSHs, derkins, squats, inkerins, mtn climbers, more step-ups, overhead claps. From there mosey to the far end behind the center, past the ever-ripe dumpsters, for some shredder sets.

First set – 10 hand release merkins, 9 mtn climbers, 8 hr merkins, 7 mtn climbers…..down to 1 mtn climber then finish with 10 hr merkins.
2nd set – Legs, more Change Order mumblechatter: 10 squats, 9 lunges, 8 squats…..1 lunge then 10 squats.
3rd set – 10 hello dollies, 9 freddie mercs, 8 hello dollies….1 freddie merc then 10 hello dollies. Keep feet off ground for entire sequence.

Mosey up to parking lot in front of church. Series of cards on far end of lot. Each card has a group exercise and a hold exercise. While 1 PAX runs to get card, rest of PAX do the hold exercise. Then when PAX returns we do the group exercise. Group exercises were 10 burpees, 15 diamond merkins, 15 jump squats, etc while hold exercises were plank punches, squats, SSHs, etc. However it worked out the first couple of cards were mostly leg exercises so Change Order was really happy to talk about his ass soreness some more. Finished a round of this and then moseyed back to COT for a few abs. A little light on the miles today but we got in everything else. Thanks for the opportunity to lead today Slow Jams!

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Kettlebell Grab Bag

WARMUP: The usual – SSHs, IWs, HWs, MNCs, LSSs & Good Mornings
THE THANG: Input from everyone. Started w/11’s: curls & tri-extensions with lunge walk back/forth. Mixed bag from there. Lots of arm work, lots of core work, lots of leg work. Oh, and there was bear crawling & burpees to finish it off. It was a well rounded & solid way to kick off the week.
MARY: Yes – done w/workout.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Praises to Change Order who’s last day with his “old” company is today – new life starts tomorrow! Prayers for marriages, for 2.0’s throughout the summer, for the PAX of the Fort who encourage myself & others in the constant pursuit of striving for better, and for everything/everyone that remain unspoken this morning.

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SlowBurn:Running to the Chinese Massage 😳

Mosey to the Chinese Massage
Hillbilly Walkers, squats, Merkins
Mosey to funeral home
Lunge walk
Reverse lunge walk
Mosey to entrance to FHC
Do exercise at entrance
Run to top of driveway
Do accumulating exercise 1st,2nd…so on

1 Merkins x10=10
2 Leg lifts x9=18
3 Sumo squats x8=24
4 CDDs x7=28
5 Burpees x6=30
6 Wide arm Merkins x5=30
7 Donkey Kicks x4=28
8 Squat jumps x3=24
9 Flutters x2=18
10 Plank punch x1=10

Mosey to Chinese Massage
LBCs, Freddy’s, Rosalitas, HelloDollys
Mosey to COT
Some more Mary all the way to 0600

F3Dads, Saturday guest Q at The Yard, keep posting
Prayers and Praises
Lots of health concerns, cancer, surgeries
Also lots of travel and prayers for safety
Family and praise for F3 and people in our lives

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God often hides opportunities to be faithful. Don’t miss them


Mosey around the parking lot admiring the new smooth pavement. Then some SSH, Windmill, Moroccan Nightclubs, Imperial Walkers & Hillbilly Walkers. Finishing with a mosey over to the band lot. Which it should be noted is not nicely newly repaved…


Kind of a modified shuttle run design

From the end zone line, run to the other end zone and do one squat and run back.

Once back, run to the other end zone again, do one squat, bear crawl 10 yards, do 2 squats, then run back.

Once back, run to the other end zone again, do one squat, bear crawl 10 yards, do 2 squats, bear crawl 10 yards and do 3 squats, then run back.

Continue doing this until you are doing 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 squats, each with a 10 yard bear crawl on the return (so the return run gets shorter each revolution).

I interspersed some of this with a brief discussion of the impact of walking in faith in my life. God often presents opportunities that appear as struggles or obstacles/setbacks in our life. He never promised life would be easy, but did promise it is for a purpose. Life life with a purpose and faith in a bigger picture, and often you will see in hindsight, those obstacles were the refiners fire preparing you for opportunities you never even imagined.

Hebrews 12.1 says “Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.”

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read the newsletter

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Burn but not so Slow

WARMUP: stretching, IW, Hillbilly Walkers, squats, merkins, MC
THE THANG: 11’s, 2 exercises at each end. One end, Merkins & Squats other end Monkey Humpers and Plank tucks. Once finished we did ab work until 6 was in. Then accelerator merkins up to 10. Regular merkin but 1 pump on bottom and then 2 and keep going to 10. This was new and a crowd favorite.

Mosey to parking lot for Dora 100 Derkins, 200 Dips, 300 Hello Dolly. Indian Run back to COT with a stop for a sprint back into COT.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: convergence and Print Shop for Boss Hog
COT: prayers lifted for healing and parenting.

Thanks Weezer for the opportunity to lead.

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Show Tune Tuesday

Mosey around parking lot. Stop for a few quick warm-up exercises:
– Mountain Climbers
– Imperial Walkers

Run to Rite-Aid
4-Corner Accumulator
Round 1- 1 burpee at each corner – run in between corners
Round 2 – 1 burpee, 2 Donkey Kicks at each corner
Round 3 – 1 burpee, 2 Donkey Kicks, 3 Run Stance Switch
Round 4 – 1 burpee, 2 Donkey Kicks, 3 Run Stance Switch, 4 merkins (4 count)
Round 5 – 1 burpee, 2 Donkey Kicks, 3 Run Stance Switch, 4 merkins, 5 plank jacks (4 count)
Round 6 – 1 Burpee, 2 Dokey Kicks, 3 Run Stance Switch, 4 merkins, 5 plank jacks, 6 box cutters
Round 7 – 2 Donkey Kicks, 3 Run Stance Switch, 4 merkins, 5 plank jacks, 6 box cutters
Round 8 – 3 Run Stance Switch, 4 merkins, 5 plank jacks, 6 box cutters
Round 9 – 4 merkins, 5 plank jacks, 6 box cutters
Round 10 – 5 plank jacks, 6 box cutters
Round 11 – 6 box cutters

Made it half way through round 11. Totals:

Burpees: 24
Donkey Kicks: 48
Run Stance Switch: 72
Merkins: 192
Plank Jacks: 240
Box Cutters: 72
Mileage: 2.1

Great work by all men! Thanks again, SlowJams!

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Board & Broga

WARMUP: Light & Moderate

THE THANG: Board of Fortune

MARY: Broga

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Upcoming 6/10 events (Kenya & Boss Hogg)

COT: Prayers & Praises

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