Casualties carry at Currahee

Today’s non moderate ruck WOD brought some mumble chatter at the beginning but then most of us got gassed and out of breath so barely any words were being said.

buy in: 1/4 mile run, 50 BBSU.. main event: one mile carrying casualties (ladders loaded with sandbags for 240# and 230#) with Tabata every two minutes, stop, put casualty down, 10 push-ups with ruck on alternating with 10 squats with ruck on. Pick up casualty and keep moving. We finished the mile in 33 minutes :muscle:, buy out: 1/4 mile run and 50 BBSU, Tabata clock was still ticking so more push-ups every two minutes. Endex: 1/2 mile ruck with sandbags, switching bags with partner every time the alarm went off.  Totals: movement 2 miles, +- 200 merkins, +- 80 squats.
Great push everyone!!


TClap |

F3 Dads #2 @ The Fort

I must admit, major fail on the part of the Q. I missed getting the FNGs names on video so I missed tagging them here. My apologies.

With Watch This & 5th Set by my side (missing Cheetah), we welcomed the 54 PAX to F3 Dads and provided the disclaimer. We even had some Kotter PAX (Dads) and a whole bunch of 2.0 FNGs. The total was 57 for today!

We then took off down the hill and circled up for the brief warm up:
SSH & Low Slow Squats

Then, line the kids up on one side of our square and the dads on the other side for the classic, Sharks (dads) & Minnows (kids).
After a few rounds, we flipped it around so the roles were reversed and the kids seem to really enjoy this one.

Next, line up in a long line for a family cone drill. As a family,
Run to the first cone. 1 Merkin & 1 Jump Squat per family member in attendance.
Run to the second cone. 2 Merkins & 2 Jump Squats per family member in attendance.
Run to the third cone. 3 Merkins & 3 Jump Squats per family member in attendance.
Run to the fourth cone. 4 Merkins & 4 Jump Squats per family member in attendance.
NUR back to the start.

Move over to our (2) 4-cone squares for a friendly kids vs dads relay competition.
Due to the number of kids, the dads would have to complete the following twice while the kids only once:
Cone 1 to Cone 2: Crabwalk
Cone 2 to Cone 3: Lunge Walk
Cone 3 to Cone 4: Bear Crawl
Cone 4 back to Cone 1: NUR

Shocking, the kids won so the dads got to do 5 Burpees per kid they had in attendance while the kids laughed at us.

Lastly, go run as fast as you can to the top of the hill for COT.

And then…POPSICLES!!!!

Great job leading this Band Camp.

Watch This, 5th Set, Maximus appreciate the opportunity to Q today.

TClap |

Run, do this. Run, do this…

It’s Sweep The Leg, the start to a new week, it’s supposed to be a challenge and the headlights kept on coming. Man, what a great day in The Fort. As my Q slots continued over this past week, I’ve been reminded of several things, mostly encouraging. One of those is that if you’re willing to make the workout/route/plan more challenging, guys will show up.
Let’s be honest, it’s humbling yet exciting to see guys show up to your Q so why not make it worth it. That was the aim this morning.

Simple? Yes
Effective? I hope so
Worth it? For sure

We had 29 total.
Redwoods and guys who just hit the 2wk mark.
7min/mile guys and 12min/mile guys.
14yo – 50+yo

The Thang:
Disclaimer and just a few warm up things
Run to the teacher lot at the entrance to GHES
5 Burpees – 10 Tuck Jumps – 15 Merkins

Run to Velux on the corner of 160
5 Burpees – 10 Tuck Jumps – 15 Merkins

Run to Horizon Bank
5 Burpees – 10 Tuck Jumps – 15 Merkins

Run to Model A
5 Burpees – 10 Tuck Jumps – 15 Merkins

Run back up to Famous Toastery
5 Burpees – 10 Tuck Jumps – 15 Merkins

Run to South State Bank
5 Burpees – 10 Tuck Jumps – 15 Merkins

Run back to the Earth Fare lot for 4 Corners:
Corners 1 & 3: 10 Alternating V-Ups
Corners 2 & $: 20 X’s & O’s

All in all, everyone got 3.2mi+ and some got closer to 4mi.

How will you follow that up this week? After all, you’re up 1-0 now go live life as a servant leader.


TClap |

You good with a shoulder workout…good

Man, it’s a good day when I get to Q with Spiderman and our full Shieldlock posts. It was steamy, the bugs were active, we worked a lot, struggled to breathe a little and I have to believe, we’re all better for it. I’m writing from memory and that means the details are fuzzy. If you feel slighted, you should’ve been there.

More or less, it went like this…

Spiderman on Q with a few warmup exercises.
Run out the back of WEP, down the never-ending path to the bottom of Harris St…you know what’s coming. Spiderman marked chalk lines up the major hill to our left.

At the bottom, 2 alternating V-Ups (like a killer dying cockroach)
Run up to the first chalk line, 2 Spiderman Merkins…how fitting
Run down to the bottom, for 4 alternating V-Ups

Run up to the second chalk line, 4 Spiderman Merkins
Run down to the first chalk line, 2 Spiderman Merkins
Run down to the bottom for 8 alternating V-Ups

Run up to the third chalk line, 6 Spiderman Merkins
Run down to the second chalk line, 4 Spiderman Merkins
Run down to the first chalk line, 2 Spiderman Merkins
Run down to the bottom for 12 alternating V-Ups

Run up to the fourth chalk line, 8 Spiderman Merkins
Run down to the third chalk line, 6 Spiderman Merkins
Run down to the second chalk line, 4 Spiderman Merkins
Run down to the first chalk line, 2 Spiderman Merkins
Run down to the bottom for 16 alternating V-Ups

Yeah, that was a smoker which covered about 2miles total. Hand off to Maximus:

Make our way back on the trail with a few stops for exercises as a group, along the way.
Line up on one end of the park.
Bear crawl until I call out Carolina Dry Docks or someone takes a break from the bear crawl, at which point we’d do a burpee (so much better).
After a few stops, we made it almost 1/2 way across the park then circled up in the grass.

Full set of Jack Webb using the traditional exercises. You know, since we didn’t do much with shoulders.

Afterward, we made our way to the playground.
Grab a spot to do pull-ups and do 1 burpee into 5 pull-ups, starting from a dead hang. Do this set 3 times.

A few ab exercises then COT.

Read your newsletter & check in on Tinsel.

Spiderman & Maximus

TClap |

Escalation at The Hive

It was Kettle Bell time at the HIve but that doesn’t hold a candle to the 2 FNGs we had this morning. That’s right. 2 FNGs!!! However, at the start, we only had 1. How’s that, you ask?

One of them, now known in the gloom as Father Time showed up 12mins late. When you see him in the gloom, you should ask him how he got his name. Regardless, here’s what we did:

Warm Up lap that would become our lap after each set of exercises. Followed that up with some basic warmup exercises before heading into the following:

10 Lunges (ea leg) – lap
20 Man Makers – lap
30 Merkins – lap
2min Plank done together

40 “Real” Squats and the quotes are a reminder that we’re not doing half squats – lap
50 Mountain Climbers  – lap
60 Curls – lap
2min Plank done together

70 LBC’s – lap
80 Bent Over Rows – Lap
2min Plank done together

Flutters the way I now like to do them
Boats & Canoes


TClap |

F3 Dads 2021 Session 1

45 PAX gathered up at the Calhoun St parking lot

BIG circle up on the green space for some warmups. All in cadence,
– Imperial Walker
– Hillbilly Walker
– Squat
– Merkin (Skeeter wanted to call this in cadence, but got nervous in the center of the circle. We’ve gotta give our kids a chance to fail.)
– Played: Rock, Paper, Scissors, Burpee
– Just like Rock, Paper, Scissors
except the loser has to do a burpee for every person in their family group that beats them. i.e., if you’ve got 3 kids they all throw paper and you throw rock, then you do 3 burpees.

Line up behind one side of the cones
– Dad vs. Kids race: stipulation Dads have to bear crawl.
Loser did 10 burpees counted by the kids
Lots of form critiquing
– Dad vs. Kids race part 2: stipulation Dads have to run backwards (Nur)
Loser does 5 burpees
– Dads vs. Kids race part 3: stipulation Kids bear crawl, Dads lunge walk
Loser does 5 burpees
– Dads vs. Kids race part 4: stipulation Kids run backwards, Dads run forwards….Finally!
– Dads load up your kids and carry them across the finish line

Sprint over to the hill (there were two guys doing a weight workout…did somebody EH them? Also, there was a dad up at the top of the hill with his daughter. Did somebody EH them?)

Load up and carry the kids up the hill
kids do 5 merkins at the top
Mosey Down

3-leg bear crawl up
mosey down
3-leg bear crawl (other leg) up
mosey down

Mosey over to the tumbling mat. Kids can make their dad run up the hill by doing a trick on the mat.

COT and popsicles

I got the red/white/blue ones thinking they’d be more popular. But the kids love the little freezer pops. Duly noted!

Bolt (the younger)

– of gratitude at the opportunity to be a father
– to be worth of the responsibilities laid in front of us
– for our children to grow up wise and strong with hearts to know the will of the Lord

Part 1 –
Part 2 –

Band Camp dismissed

TClap |

Building reliability at Bushwood

It’s Bushwood and L-Train says to bring a message. Honestly, I struggled with this one as I get caught in the misnomer of thinking I have to have it perfected or the idea that I can’t still be struggling with something if I’m going to talk about it with others. I recognize that’s not the case but nevertheless, it’s still an obstacle.

That said, the topic was essentially, building reliability. Throughout the workout, I would pose questions to the PAX that I personally have struggled to answer over the years. Questions like:

  • Can you be counted on in less than ideal conditions? What if it’s not 65 degrees and sunny; do you have what it takes to take charge? Will I be ready?
  • What if life doesn’t give me a 10ct; what then? You mean I don’t have time to catch my breath? How will I handle it?
  • What if I step out of my home office and the mess just hits the fan? What’s my response?
  • Do I have what it takes to shut my mouth and open my ears when listening is all that is desired?
  • You mean, I don’t have to be right?
  • Sometimes I just feel like licking my wounds and quitting? Can I be relied upon?

As for the physical part of the bootcamp, it went a little something like this:

SSH / Jump Squats / Tuck Jumps / Burpees
Run 1/2mi

Flutters / V-Ups / American Hammers / 10 Burpees
Run 1/2mi

Carolina Dry Docks / Mountain Climbers / Diamond Merkins / 10 Burpees
Run 3/4mi

Now for the crowd pleaser:
1 Burpee: 4 Tuck Jumps / 2 Burpees: 8 Tuck Jumps up to 5:20
Run 3/4mi

Quick discussion on life that sometimes all it takes, is all you got.
Sprint the final 1/2mi to COT


Brothers, I appreciate you pushing yourself and pushing me as we covered right at 3mi this morning..

See you Friday.

TClap |

Covering ground at the Pit

My apologies for breaking my own self-imposed 48hr Backblast rule but I appreciate the grace. It’s been a few weeks since my last time leading men from the Q spot so it was good to be back. What did we do? I’m so glad you asked:

Disclaimer and Polaroid took the BC’ers while the KB’ers stayed with me.
Your typical warm up exercises and some pretty good chatter if I remember correctly. If I don’t remember correctly, there’s a chance you don’t either.
Next, we did an atypical thing, we ran around the school…without the KBs. That was a 1mi warm up.
5 Man Makers with the KB
10 KB Swings / 20 lunges (10 ea leg) / 30 Curls (15 I/C)
Run down to the bottom of the hill. 5 Burpees. Run back up. 5 Burpees

10 KB Swings / 20 Leg Raises w/ KB at a 45 / 30 Flutters w/ a press
5 KB Man Makers / Run down to the bottom of the hill. 5 Burpees. Run back up. 5 Burpees

2min Plank
10 Very sloooooow squats I/C / 20 Thrusters / 30 Calf Raises

2min Plank / 5 KB Man Makers

Thanks for the invite.

TClap |

Crowded Colosseum

As I caught my breath after a two mile pre-run with Straight-Up and Shady, I noticed the line of headlights from the cars arriving.  I wasn’t expecting to have as many Pax this morning, but this was a good problem.  In addition, we had an FNG, Jorge, dressed with cut-off sleeves and ready to roll.

After the disclaimer, We moseyed to the elementary school parking lot for the standard warm-up exercises (SSH, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Moroccan Night Clubs, and Planks Stretches).  Lots of chatter so it was time to step it up a notch.  We ran down to the bottom of the hill on Dave Gibson Blvd.  The next exercise I borrowed from Spiderman’s Q at Alcatraz.  We partnered up and wheel barrowed up to Patricia Lane.  Each time the partners switched up, they had to perform five burpees.  Extra credit Ab work for those who completed early.  We were not done yet, we finished up the wheel barrow exercise at the end of Patricia Lane.

Next, we jogged over to the office building for a round of Dora 1-2-3.  Same partners, one partner would run around the parking lot while the other started on the list of exercises ( 100 Hand-Released Merkins, 200 Dips, 300 Squats).  Mumble chatter died down, men were focused.  Once complete, we had enough time to jog back to COT.  I mentioned to stay with your partner and find out something new about him.  I think it is good for us to make those personal connection to reinforce F3 is more than a workout group.

Great job by all!

TClap |

Mini-training day

(For the record since it’s been a while since I’ve posted a backblast, I actually wrote this the morning after the workout and sadly it took me another fully week and then a couple days to copy and paste it…at least I’m making some kind of backblast progress…)

Aren’t all days in a sense training days?

Today, 9 men gathered, 3 had miles on their minds so split off for laughs and miles but could have just been laughs and coffee as YHC wasn’t there to witness.  Regardless, 6 men set off for the unknown.  Before any setting off happened, we had ourselves a little warm-up.

Slick: 20 SSH, 10 man makers, 25 SSH, 5 man makers

With heart rates higher than 5 minutes ago, we rucked up, gathered our 3 sand bags, and headed towards the church parking lot.  Wait…we first had Mainframe and Maximus do a quick demo on how to transfer a sand bag the proper way since a majority of the crew is headed to GrowRuck Grandstrand next week.  Demo concluded and we trekked off.  At the arrival of the church, we did 2 group sand bag handoffs, somewhat successful, and started on the first pain station.

While 1 guy ran / shuffled, with ruck, around the church parking lot circle and acted as our timer, the remaining 5 did the following exercises:

  • Plank hold
  • Flutter
  • Merkins
  • Squats
  • Overhead ruck press
  • Upward row with ruck

Next, we got in a ball of man of sorts, but YHC asked the guys to close their eyes and “mix around” while all the time keeping our eyes closed.  The goal of this exercise was to play with our minds and remove our site so communication became key since vision was impaired.  During an event, it’s going to be dark and disorienting and a guy, or guys, will need to find their voice BUT, also be ready to listen.

  • Objective 1: organize ourselves by height from tallest to shortest in a single file line
  • Objective 2: organize ourselves by age (days matter) in a single file line

Objective 1 – fail by ¼-1/2 inch.  Tinsel is working out too much and has stunted his growth.  10 burpee penalty

Objective 2 – pass

In summary, communication is key, but details matter.  How much is too much communication?  Depends on the situation and if penalties are involved.

Loaded up and moved to the fire station with sand bag transfer happening and Ruck event war stories filling the early morning air!

Arrived at fire house and unloaded gear.  Next up was “jacob’s ladder” modified version.  1 end was burpees and other end was squat presses with ruck (so this was done slick).  Counting was starting at 7 for both exercises and working our way down to 1.  Finished this by 0555 with not a lot of time (underestimated distance to COT) to get back.  We did see the space shuttle walking back which filled more questions about alien invasions and why is that plane’s lights facing the wrong way, etc.

Made it back to COT where we did the normal….aside from ball of man which we may have done for those that were ok to participate.  I will tell you that it felt pretty awesome.

Thanks to Tinsel for the opportunity!


TClap |