Hot dogs

Ran to back of the school and did an Indian run with a KB back to cot with stop along the way for merkins and SSH. Circled parking lot for remainder of workout doing more merkins and SSH. Badlands was fastest dude to get to the farthest point so he got some delicious beer from Amor Artis. It was hot and so am I.

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Juneteenth Inspired


Rucked into the woods stopping periodically to do exercises in counts of 6 and 19 in honor of Juneteenth.
First stop was “The Office” for 6 pull-ups and 19 squats. Headed down to the benches by the river at the bottom of the hill by GHMS for 6 tricep dips and 19 irkins. Moseyed around then headed back to COT.

Had great conversations and fellowship along the way.

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Let’s Show ‘Em Who’s The BOSSmen

WARMUP: The 3 mile prerun if you were present

With the BOSSmen on Q, we jumped right into it with 10min/BOSSman
Headed over to pull-up bars for a Jack-web DORA
Partner up, one partner starts the Jack Web of 1 pull-up to 4 merkins (next 2:8, 3:12, etc.) while other partner runs down to the bottom of the hill and back. Picks up Jack Web, while other partner runs. Keep flap jacking while going up the web until time was up.

Starting from the pull up bars, bear crawl to the stop sign heading towards the school. Followed by high skips to another sign, back to bear crawls, to a moving Hill Billy Walker, followed by moving Imperial Walker. Then Toy Soldiers back to bear crawls. Ending in a circle of planktitude (planking while giving thanks goin around the circle).

10 min AMRAP
10 squats, 8 alternating lunges (4 each leg), 6 burpees.
This was the crowd favorite.

Wrapped us up with 10 min of some good ole Broga! #RPG

COT: prayers for everyone. There’s a lot going on in everyone’s lives. Just reach out to a brother.

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Let’s not bicker and argue over who killed who

WARMUP: Begin run to Pull Up Bar Driveway, stopping periodically for
10 Windmills IC
10 Hillbilly Walkers IC
10 Shoulder Taps IC
10 Merkins IC

THE THANG: Coach Pat Summit’s Definite Dozen
12 Stations. First round as a group, then OYO.
First Round: 10 reps each
Second Round: 20 reps each
Third Round: 30 reps each
1. Merkins – Respect yourself and others – There is no such thing as self-respect without respect for others.
2. Sumo Squats – Take Full Responsibility – There are no shortcuts to success.
3. LBC’s – Develop and Demonstrate Loyalty – Loyalty is unilateral. You have to give it to receive it.
4. Bomb Jax – Learn to be a great Communicator. – Communication eliminates mistakes.
5. Calf Raises – Discipline yourself so one else has to – Self-discipline helps you believe in yourself.
6. Pull Ups – Make hard work your passion. – Do the things that aren’t fun first and do them well.
7. Lunges – Don’t just work hard, work smart. – Success is about having the right person in the right place at the right time. Know your strengths, weaknesses and needs.
8. Wide Arm Merkins – Put the Team before yourself. – Teamwork doesn’t come naturally; it must be taught.
9. Big Boy Sit Ups – Make winning an attitude. – Combine practice with belief. Attitude is a choice. Maintain a positive outlook.
10. Seal Jax – Be a Competitor. – Competition isn’t social. It separates achievers from the average. You can’t always be the most talented person in the room, but you can be the most competitive.
11. Squats – Change is a Must – Change equals self-improvement. Push yourself to places you haven’t been before.
12. Carolina Dry Docks – Handle Success like you handle failure – You can’t always control what happens, but you can control how you handle it.

We successfully finished the round of 30 reps, before collecting cones and moseyed back to COT.
Olaf was timing us, but we made it back at 0600 on the dot!

MARY: n/a
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Hanging with Stang, July 4th Convergence, Take a new PAX out for coffee.
COT: Stays in CoT

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6 years of F3 at Kitchen Sink

WARMUP: windmills, Moroccan night clubs, low slow squats, mosey, windmills
Today marks my 6th year since I started F3, back to same AO and used the columns as we did on my first post.

Sandbag Front Toss to column, 1 squat, repeat until you reach last column, add 1 squat for every column, finish with 17 squats.

Sandbag Front Toss to column, 1 bend over row, repeat until you reach last column, add 1 BOR for every column, finish with 17 BOR.

Sandbag Lateral toss left to last column, back to starting point with sandbag lateral toss right.

Mosey to end of sidewalk and back.

MARY: 10 minutes of broga

ANNOUNCEMENTS: HIM retreat, dads camps

COT: 5th core principle

Thankful for all the PAX that one way or another have been there for about 2,190 days to support, encourage and bring the pain.

Tinsel out…

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601 Finals Week!!!

Nice cool morning for the 4th and final edition of siteQ school. As with the other days the theme was Stewardship. In short, how are we as SiteQ’s acting as stewards of F3’s mission, our fellow PAX, and our actual Sites.

We moseyed to the elementary school where we ciricled up and asked the assembled Site Q’s what is F3’s mission. Slow Jams impressed by quickly noting it. I then challenged them all on what our credo is and what are our 5 core principles.
I think repeating what our mission, the credo and the principles is fundamental in reminding us of why we do what we do.
After a brief discussion on what it means to be a steward of our respective sites : leave no trace, be mindful of risks, plant the flag etc… We got to work. (since it is a workout afterall)
Stewardship of Site
30 second Tabata with 10 second rest 4 rounds. ( 2 shoulder 2 leg) The series is to do one rep of a “base” exercise then follow it with a single rep of another exercise and then increase reps as the time goes on. So 1 merkin to 1 tap increases to 2 merkins to 2 taps…3 to 3…4…to 4… and so on until time expires.
Shoulder Series by 1
1 Merkin to :
Shoulder Taps
Peter Parker
Mountain Climber
Hr Merkin
Leg Series by 1
1 Squat to:
Calf Raises
Jump Squats
Step ups (if available

After I smoked everyone’s shoulders We talked about the importance of siteQ’s role in making sure both tenured PAX and especially newer PAX or FNG’s are taken care of at their sites. Meaning, picking up the 6, explaining terminology, introducing yourself to newer ppl, and ensuring we are creating a welcoming and positive atmosphere. We then got to more work. This series was focused on core so we did 1 to 4 ratio. 3 rounds.
Stewardship of Pax
Ab Series by 4
1 BBS to :
Feet to Ground LBCS
Freddy Mercury

After the Core series and looking at the clock I moved us quickly back towards COT but we did partner up and did a quick catch me if you can with merkins and bear crawls..up a hill. Because why not.
At COT I had us do a quick 5 burpees OYO and then got into the final piece which is the stewardship of the mission. How we as SiteQ’s can help influence the mission by how we run each of our sites.

I encouraged pax to read the detailed SITEQ guide that Fishtix put together and then closed us all out with announcements and COT.
In Lieu of a prayer I closed it out in a moment of silence and a final thought…that for all of us to remember that somebody…somewhere…is looking at YOU not only as an example…but as THE example for something. Don’t’ let that somebody down.
Thanks for coming and the opportunity!

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Sandlot and Heavy Things

THE THANG: 7 Workout Stations to include: Big Curls, Merkins, Triceps, Flutter Kicks c/Chest Press, Squats, Burpees, and kettlebells. After 10 reps at each station, campers had to carry heavy things to the end of the alley and back. Every 15 mins PAX played follow the leader around the track. Some campers wanted to carry heavy things as well. Tunes and Burpee Video provided by 2.0. No one was lost or hurt through out our journey.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Upcoming Q School events, Newsletter, and praises all round.
COT: Prayer requests for pax members and family with upcoming surgeries. Closed in prayer, and ended with constructive feedback about @Sofrito’s VQ.

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WARMUP: Hula Hoops, and mosey to the trail entrance by GoldHill Middle School.
THE THANG: Perform exercise for each book of the new Testament.
Matthew: Merkins with ruck of course.
Mark: Merkins again with ruck
Luke: Lunges
John: Jump Lunges
Acts: Apollo Unos
Romans: Ruck Swings
1st Corinthians: Bear Crawl
2nd Corinthians: Crawl Bear
Galatians: Getups
Ephesians: ?
Philippians: flutters with press
Colossians: Ruck Curls
1 Thessalonians: Bobby Hurleys
2 Thessalonians: Bobby Hurleys
1 Timothy: Bobby Hurleys
2 Timothy: Bobby Hurleys
Titus: Shoulder Taps
Philemon: Ruck Pull throughs
Hebrews: Halos
James: Jack Webs
1 Peter: Peter Parkers
2 Peter: Parker Peters
1 John: Jack Webs
2 John: Jack Webs
3 John: Jack Webs
Jude: Jack Webs
Revelations: Bomb Jacks

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Remembering D-Day at Blockparty

WARMUP: pledge and setting the stage for the workout by pretending to be in a boat on our way to Normandy.
THE THANG: 6 BombJacks, 6 Airplanes, 6 mack tar jais, run up the hill to the mid point of hill, 6 bigboy burpees, 19 carolina dry docks. 44 SSH.
MARY: did I mention the big boy burpees

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The Fort’s 1st Ever Ruck & BOWLING Workout

WARMUP: squats with spinal rotations and hamstring lengthening; plank exercises and mix in upward<>downward dog holds
THE THANG: Rucks on, carry 1-2 bowling pins, 1 pax carrying a 20# ball; ruck ~.2 miles, circle up and perform in cadence one set of one of the following exercises [1. squat hold with arm circles holding the bowling pin; 2. lunge hold with shoulder flexion overhead holding the bowling pin; 3. lateral lunge hold with shoulder abduction (lateral flexion) holding the bowling pin; 4. plank and gravediggers while holding the bowling pin]; THEN all pax places the pin in triangle formation, takes 10 walking lunge paces away from the bowling pin triangle, one pax “bowls” the 20# ball, and the number of remaining pins equals the number of manmakers that had to be completed; strikes were rewarded with 10 merkins.
BROGA: warriors and prayer twists
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Kenya workout on Saturday
COT: We landed an FNG via a passerby while doing broga at the end. Strongly believe he (Mr. Burns) will be returning. Thanks for the Q opportunity, Sprocket!

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