Tour of the Yard

If you saw the video, Bowzer is your guy if you need a face/voice for video intro.

After committing to a pre-run, I was then a fill in Q, my tail was dragging.

Dynamic warm up, back and forth across the lot, a couple exercises, the a motion across, couple more, motion across, you get it.

Finish with the bear crawl challenge. Often times when working out with PAX at my old and broken fitness level, a bear crawl means you take a half dozen “strides” and stand up, grunting and groaning and swinging your arms around like you are loosening up. Over the last couple Q’s I called this out and gave the PAX a distance to make. If you call it out, they (I) will do it.

over to the light poles for one round of suicides

back to the school wall where we did wall sits and tons of BURPEES

on our way to the hill in front of the school we weaved in and out of the perma-cones

At the hill we did some exercises at the top and some at the bottom, super high counts, 5-10-15, than 10-20-30 at the bottom

then over to the bench, where we did the typical dips and incline merkins

Wrapping the morning up, all PAX crushed a 10 count of BALLS TO THE WALLS (my ode to Accept)

Exercises throughout were typical old guy stuff, windmills, BURPEES, shoulder taps, BURPEES, mountain climbers, monkey humpers, squat jumps, BURPEES, multiple rounds of Makhtar N’Diayes, BURPEES, stuff like that

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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The Dirty 21s

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Morrocon NC, Merkins, Burpees, Hillbilly Walkers, Overhead Claps, Calf Raises, and Cherry Pickers
THE THANG: 21s of Big Boy Sit Ups and Carolina Dry Docks with running in between; Light Poles: 5 Burpees then Lunges and Nur to next light pole and then 10 Squats then bear crawl to next light pole and run back to COT
MARY: Flutters until 6am
ANNOUNCEMENTS: CSAUP Relay Race and Check your bulletin
COT: Spectre buying a house and trying to get pregnant

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WARMUP: First, we warmed up.
THE THANG: Then we did a lot of kettlebell stuff and ran a little.
MOSTLY, we listened to what might have been the worst playlist ever conceived. From the marginally incestuous Osmonds, to the Killers, to what was probably the biggest surprise which was Wilford Freaking Brimley. The diabeetus commercial guy you say? Yes. Beloved actor who starred in the 1985 hit movie Cocoon? Yes. He’s a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? Well, he was when he was alive, yes… but please tell me THAT isn’t the thing that you find most surprising. He has albums. Of music. Where he sings. Doesn’t that shake you a little more to your core? I mean… even just a little? And to add insult to injury (and trust me, his singing was injurious), there’s not a single freaking song on his album about DIABETES TESTING SUPPLIES. Seriously, lean into your strengths, Wilford. WTF? You know diabetes supplies like no other… and yet you choose to sing about someone’s silver-haired daddy…? I’m not sure what to think anymore… I’m not sure this world was meant for me…
MARY: Once again, girls aren’t allowed. Core Principle #2.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter.
COT: Core Principle #5

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I’m Not A Runner?

Slight mosey to the road leading from the Fort Mill parkway entrance to the AO.
Some 21’s of SSH and IW/HW (alternating IW and HW every round of 5)
20 SSH & 1 IW
19 SSH & 2 IW

16 SSH & 5 IW


100 Merkins
200 LBCs
300 Squats
One partner runs ~70yards up and down the slight incline
Continued the 21’s from above for another 5 rounds.

5 burpees
Run the same distance as from the DORA
10 squats
10 Merkins
10 LBCs

Then wrapped up as many of the 21’s as possible before COT.

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Great Pyramid of Dirt and Grass

WARMUP: Mosey towards entrance – circle up and perform following in cadence: goofballs, low slow squat, shoulder taps, updog/downdog, MNCs then mosey back toward field next to CoT

Pyramid of Pain- start around midfield where all gear was laid out

Tier 1:
50yd bear crawl then run back to midfield and perform 25 reps of the following: medicine ball slams, diamond merkins, upright rows with weight plates, Freddy Mercuries, imperial squat walkers

SSH for the 6

Tier 2:
40 yd bear crawl then run back to midfield and perform 30 reps of the following: merkins, alternating lunges (both legs is 1 rep), calf raises, bent over rows with weight plate

Plank for the 6

Tier 3:
30yd bear crawl then run back to midfield and perform 35 reps of the following: wide arm merkins, jump squats, curls with weight plate or Cindy

shoulder tap for the 6

Tier 4:
20 yard bear crawl then run back to midfield and perform 40 reps of the following: LBCs, overhead claps

flutters for the 6

Tier 5:
10 yard bear crawl then run back to midfield and perform 50 reps of the following: burpees

upon completion, PAX began working their way back down the Tiers with most getting back down to Tier 2 before it was time to head back to CoT.

MARY: Help carry my gear back to CoT and start trying to get all the grass and dirt off

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Final F3 Dads session this Saturday at WEP from 9-930, convergence Monday NaFo 0500, 1776 merkin challenge for July

COT: Show to know

Thanks for the chance to take over the Ranch for a day Poppins. Enjoy your vacation!

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Recess at Block Party

WARMUP: 10 Burpees OYO then grab bricks from DD’s truck and mosey to bank parking lot

THE THANG: Pax moseyed from bank to WEP and back to bank with a partner and two bricks for each pair of pax. One partner had the bricks and they were traded back and forth between partners after each exercise throughout the workout. We did all sorts of fun stuff, including:

Wide arm merkins
Seal jacks
Moroccan Nightclubs
Peter Parkers
Parker Peters
Plank jacks
American Hammers
Man makers
Pull ups (for Trucker)
Bear crawls
Crawl bears
Lap around the playground
Overhead presses
Boxer punches

MARY: Rebel finished off the pax with a bit of Mary in the lot

ANNOUNCEMENTS: QSource on Tue at Baxter Starbucks, Coffeeteria on Wed at Kingsley

COT: Great to have Cousin Eddie out for his 2nd post after FNG status last week. T-claps to Rebel for helping him launch well and to Cousin Eddie for giving Rebel some added purpose!

The workout today was inspired by Sprockets from F3Boone, who led a brick based workout 2 weeks ago. The intent today was to break out of our routine and to create an extra push and some accountability with a partner.

After 10yrs+ posting in The Gloom, I still find it tough to roll out of bed at 0430 most mornings. It’s easier than it once was but it’s NEVER easy! I know that I’ll get better if I post, but I’m also susceptible to the voice in my head saying “you need some sleep” or “you can still exercise on your own at 0600”. Either or both might be true on any given day, and when I’m focused on ME, then the odds of me giving into that voice are high. The key to rising early and posting with you, my brothers, is when I can focus outside of me and instead see YOU. I know how much I’ve needed you over the years, which reminds me that there are many mornings when you need someone else beside you in the Gloom. Making that choice to be that someone is always the extra push I need to get out the door. When I can surrender my self, my ego, my petty simple desires…that’s when I find that something extra — another gear, a purpose, inspiration, the Holy Spirit…whatever you call it for yourself. Surrender…give your morning for your brother…it’s a small sacrifice with a HUGE payoff.

Thanks to Kermit for the honor of leading the pax this morning!

Keep Posting!!!

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Slash’s Slam

WARMUP: dynamic: exercise>Mosey>rinse/repeat

THE THANG: 4 Corners. Each corner had two exercises. Do exercise 1 run to middle for 3 burpees run back out to next corner. Complete rotation. Rinse/repeat with exercise 2. 10 reps each. Continue with 8 reps then 6 reps.
MARY: various all counted by Repeat

Armory is funny. How do you keep fresh what is essentially the same thing. Maybe that can be true for all workouts. T-Claps to those creative types that continue to push and find new wrinkles to keep pax engagement high. While four corners isn’t new, nor the exercises, hopefully the style and rep count kept it interesting.

Lots of #mumblechatter today. Mainly about the music selection (and the size of Repeats bell). We had two camps- I’ll just say the cut line was 45/older and 44/younger. The DJ spun the debut album of Cinderella. Hair band hierarchy. And while they may have sound all the same(to some), you knew every dang word. Lucky for 44 crowd- the entire record is only 35 minutes.

Lastly- there is no one like @slash. #Slam

Blood donation coming up mid July.
Final Countdown CSAUP this fall.

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Juneteenth 2022

SSH x19
Windmill x6
Burpee In cadence x10
Swings x89 (89 years from 1776 to 1865)

Move to far parking lot
13th amendment (abolishing slavery)
1 manmaker
3 squat thrusters
13 rounds

14th amendment (birth-right citizenship, equal protection under the law, insurrectionists can’t hold office)
1 manmaker
4 snatches (2R, 2L)
14 rounds

15th amendment (right to vote guaranteed without regard to race)
1 manmaker
5 cleans
Only had time for 2 rounds

6 burpee snatches
19 merkins

The workout setup worked pretty well for some mumblechatter and discussion. Good to recognize the emancipation day when liberty and justice for ALL was made the law of the land.

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Shield Lock Brothers Take On 6 Of The Finest Pax At The Fort, 2 Scared Pax Ran Trails

Cheddah led us for the first half

Warm up – cherry pickers, windmills, imperial walkers, mountain climbers

Balls 2 wall/wall sits for 2 rounds

Run to the hill in front of Pike

Jacobs Ladder
Start with 10-Hand release merkins Bear crawl up the hill then 1-big boy sits ups, Crawl bear back down. the mode of transportation changed from bear crawls/crawl bears, lunges/reverse lunges, run/nur

YHC took over after 30min

Run to the wall across from veterans park

10 Muscle up

Catch me if you can Indian run with 2 burpees to each stop

First stop the top of hill by Fortmill church of God

5 Kraken burpees
5 Lunge lunge Squat

Second stop Hill st and unity st near the cemetery

5 Kraken burpees
5 Lunge lunge Squat
10 Merkins Hold at the bottom
10 Worst worst LBC

Third stop WEP at HWY 160

5 Kraken burpees
5 Lunge lunge Squat
10 Merkins Hold at the bottom
10 Worst worst LBC


Read your news letter.

Grinder Thanks for the opportunity for us to lead

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