Walk like your favorite Bear or Crab!

Ran up that big ole hill
Imperial Walkers
Hillbilly walkers
Cherry Pickers
Moroccan Night Clubs
Run back down big ole hill

Part I: First Baptist Parking lot, stop at each island
Do this set 3x
5 reps burpees
10 reps merkins
15 reps jump squats
20 reps WWII sit-ups

Mode of Transport between islands:
1st time – Cubbie Crawl
2nd time – Crab Walk
3rd time – Lunge Walk

Part II: relay races
Team planks until your turn

Part III: Print Shop
Dora, 1 set
5 x pull-ups
5 x dips
1 trip down the monkey bars
LBCs until your partner returns

Plank out to Ram Jam with Merkins on “Bam-a-Lam”

Bourbon and BBQ this Friday
Convergence on Thanksgiving, 6:30 at the Ranch

Named Cobbler!
We recited the 5 rules of F3 for Cobbler’s (and some of our own) benefit 😀
I brought up how I’ve had a Whetstone for 3 months and it has really helped me find more consistency with posting. Can’t wait to dig deeper and keep accelerating!
Had a moment of silence so men could pray on their own.

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Go run somewhere

WARMUP: stretch
THE THANG: run to Brayden light. Loop through a couple times come back.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: BBQ Bourbon, Slash thing Sat, pints padre, that is all
COT: prayers& praises. Be thankful for all our blessings.

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Mr October

THE THANG: some rucked, some ran Hills of Brayden, some did their own route, all got better
COT: Shout Out to Assassin as Site Q keeling Flught Plan strong! Thx for Q invite!

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Pull up your zipper

WARMUP: run to old Hardy’s and do something while waiting for the six
THE THANG: the zipper run to Elliot street turn right. Run to Unity turn left. Do 10 merkins and 15 squats run to pine turn right and repeat till you run out of time.
MARY: nada
ANNOUNCEMENTS: to many to list. Call pusher
COT: prayers and praises.

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Started with a Mosey to Lowes parking lot, followed with Warm-O-Rama exercises of below,

Side Straddle Hop
Produce Pickers
Hillbilly Walkers
Moroccan Nightclubs
Imperial Walkers

Mosey to persis for some,

Lunge Walk
Toy Soldiers
Butt Kickers
High Knees
Bear Crawl

Mosey back to the shovel flag for the main course Tabata workout that included 40 second exercise with 15 seconds to switch gears for the next one.

2 sets each alternatively of,
Carolina Dry Docks

Run a Lap

2 sets each alternatively of,
Shoulder Taps
Freddie Mercury

Run a Lap

2 sets each alternatively of,
Mountain Climbers

Run a Lap

2 sets each alternatively of,
Peter Parker
American Hammers

Run a Lap

2 sets each alternatively of,
Flutter Kicks
Dying Cockroaches

Run a Lap

2 sets each alternatively of,
Monkey Humpers

And the clock struck 6…

Dam2Dam Fundraiser events

Prayer Requests
Started the day praying to the Almighty

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Bodily functions are real

WARMUP: started with a mosey around the parking lot. Stopped for some SSH, merkins, squats, mountain climbers, and a little back and hip stretching. Made our way over to grab some cindy’s.
THE THANG: Once we had our new toys, we went to the hill for 11s. Shoulder presses at the top with cindy and bottom of the hill hand release merkins. Pax that finished early did chest presses or picked up Pax and finished with them.

Next we took our cindy friend to the pull up bars for work. 7s was the game with 1 pull-up and 6 man makers…down to 6 pull ups and 1 man maker.
MARY: made our way to COT for Mary on steroids…1 hammer, 4 flutters; 2 hammers, 8 flutters…made our way to 5 hammers and 20 flutters before the crying started. Then it was 3 burpees and round the horn ab callouts.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: lots in the newsletter
COT: patience, schools, families in general.

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Rocktober Finally at SlowBurn

Mostly old guys at SlowBurn. Effort was acceptable for SlowBurn, but poor at best. Attention to detail was poor at best.

There were 10 counts
There were options to modify down (and they were clearly used)
You vs. You gents

Anywho, some busted their butt, well done.

opening band (reps of 10-12 unless stated otherwise:
low slow squat
imp walker
hillbilly walker
2 flying squirrel OYO
side S hop (really? this is where you modify)
shoulder tap
calf raises
2 flying squirrel
peter parker
hand release merkin
overhead clap
2 flying squirrel

the headliner:
6 boards
6 exercises on each (repeat until end of song)
6 songs

musical interlude:
Prong, Non-Existence
5 flying squirrel
20 OH claps
5 burpees
20 mor night club
10 plank jacks
10 imp walker

musical interlude:
Static-X, Sweat of the Bud
15 low slow squat
15 merkins
15 jump squats
15 HR merkins
15 sumo squats
15 carolina DD

musical interlude:
Helmet, Unsung
10 BB sits
10 shoulder taps
20 lbc
10 mtn climbers
10 lunge
10 scorpion DD

musical interlude:
The 69 Eyes w/ Wednesday 13, The Last House on the Left
10 monkey humpers
10 flutter
10 hillbilly walker
10 hello dolly
10×3 calf raisies
20 lbc

musical interlude:
Gojira, Stranded
5 donkey kicks
5 burpees
5 inchworm merkins
5 burpees
5 bomb jacks
5 burpees

musical interlude:
Hatebreed, I Will Be Heard
10 squats
10 lbc
10 side s hop
10 merkins
10 imperial walker
10 dying cockroach

Thanks to Peach Stand to lead at the best AO. Yes, I said it.

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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Reduce Reuse Recycle

having been put in charge of both of our running with push-up AOs this week, I decided to make them entry level. it does not mean easy, it just means easy to understand what is required to do. to that end, I decided to recycle some of the easier to follow Qs in which I have participated.

the word, recycle and reuse together often. remind me of a program I saw in fourth grade. you may have bag memories of being hurted into your elementary school gymnasium in order to see what amounts to a public service announcement or little skit or play put on by a bunch of kids , maybe a small performance by the 5th graders who got to start orchestra. but the one I remember most vividly is being brought to that sad little gymnasium to watch a dude dressed up as McDonald’s mascot and Ronald McDonald caper about singing about reducing reusing and recycling. somehow they burned half an hour of our day listening to Ronald McDonald it’s founding on the virtues of mineralism in a 1980s world where everything was designed to be thrown away immediately after use.

WARMUP: the pledge of allegiance
THE THANG: run to Hardee’s. pair up. run opposite directions saying the block. On the east side (post post office) do 5, 10 and then 15 partners BBSU. Then 15 every time. continue running until meeting up at or around the Hardee’s lot. where you at 5, 10, 15 partner pushups. after the pushups, run the way you came back. this way each partner gets to run both directions around the block multiple times. sort of like a weird freaking Newton cradle
with about 4 minutes left PAX were gathered and Bandcamp led burpees while YHC perform the exhausting job of keeping an eye out for stragglers
MARY: 30-45s of flutters while YHC grabbed my phone
ANNOUNCEMENTS: duties were assigned to Funhouse
COT: duties were assigned to Funhouse

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Slow Burning Tabata…

Started with a Mosey to Lowes parking lot, followed with Warm-O-Rama exercises of below,

Side Straddle Hop
Produce Pickers
Hillbilly Walkers
Moroccan Nightclubs
Imperial Walkers

Mosey to persis for some,

Lunge Walk
Toy Soldiers
Butt Kickers
High Knees
Bear Crawl

Mosey back to the shovel flag for the main course Tabata workout that included 40 second exercise with 15 seconds to switch gears for the next one.

2 sets each alternatively of,
Carolina Dry Docks

Run a Lap

2 sets each alternatively of,
Shoulder Taps
Freddie Mercury

Run a Lap

2 sets each alternatively of,
Mountain Climbers

Run a Lap

2 sets each alternatively of,
Peter Parker
American Hammers

Run a Lap

2 sets each alternatively of,
Flutter Kicks
Dying Cockroaches

Run a Lap

2 sets each alternatively of,
Monkey Humpers

And the clock struck 6…

Dam2Dam Fundraiser events

Prayer Requests
Started the day praying to the Almighty

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