10/20/30 at Cannonball (Back to the Basics)

12 PAX appeared in the gloom. We got the Kettlebells out and No FNGs present, but a lot of new faces in the gloom. Gave a basic disclaimer as we moseyed around the parking lot and through the dark tunnel and into the old Church Parking lot were Whitesnake took control of the COP. He has a VQ coming up so I hit him up yesterday and asked him if he wanted to lead us in the COP and he said “heck yah” . He was prepared, he later told me that he watched a Video online of Dredd showing how to lead a COP. Whitesnake killed it with some Imperial Walkers, Produce Pickers, Sun Gods both ways, MNC’s and then some fast paced until we slowed him down Wind Mills (something we all get a little fast on when we do them for the first time). I remember Jedi stopping me and setting me straight. I then went into the middle of the COP and had everyone hold an Al Gore and I briefly talked about all the new faces and that when leading up to the VQ’s remember you are the one in charge and to take lead and men will follow you. Also keep in mind that it is only exercise and not surgery so it is ok if you mess up.

We then moseyed over toward the New Parking lot and on the way we did some Toy Solders. Picked up our Kettle Bells and did the Following

10/20/30 (3 reps)
Big Boys with a Kettlebell raise and push over the head to the knees
Tricep Ext.
Lawn mowers (15 each arm)
Then take a lap with the Bell

10/20/30 (3 reps)
Kettlebell squat thrusters
American Hammers counting the right side only
Skull Crushers
Then take a short bear crawl lap with the Bell to the first cone and back

10/20/30 (3 reps)
Turkish Get ups 5 each side (not a popular one just ask Whitesnake and the Pax with the Ruck on
KB Swings
Shoulder Presses 15 each arm
Then take a lunge lap around the second cone with the Bell

Ended right on time with cheers that the Turkish Getups were done.

Announcements as usual Canoli Run, Savage Race, Heavy Coming up, New River Men’s Breakfast, F# Dads May 25th, Memorial Day Convergence, Read your news letter.

Prayers and Praises, O’Reilly had a friend end his life recently, Roger (Riverboat) and his battle with cancer, Traveling Pax and sick Pax.

Thanks to all that came and got better. I am glad to be out there with each of you . You make me stronger. Kudos to Whitesnake for leading the COP.

TClap |

What’s in Your Bucket?

9 men started their Easter Week off right on a cool morning (I was gonna bring my 2.0 this morning who turns 13 today but there was no luck getting him up).  A couple guys showed up that were up late watching some TV Show about Games or Thrones or the combination of the two.  Thanks to those who did and to bad to the others that didn’t.

I showed up with a trailer full of Buckets filled with Ziplock of Dirt.  A couple of the Pax seemed intrigued while a couple were confused.  Since I work for a Civil Engineering Firm I get paid to play in the dirt.  Typically I have to carry buckets full of Dirt around on a jobsite and no matter how good of shape I am in It always gets the best of me.  So I instructed the Pax to grab a bucket and lets mosey.  I did challenge them to grab  2 Buckets if they felt brave.  We took a short mosey to our normal area to circle up and do our COP: Nemo was running behind but caught up quickly after with his bucket.

Moroccan Night Clubs (10 in Cadence)
Cherry Pickers (10 in Cadence)
Sun Gods both ways (10 in Cadence)
SSH’s (30 in Cadence because it should always be 30 – I think I heard DOAH say that)
Merkins (10 in Cadence) – Hold into Downward Dogs into Honeymooners

I then explained  that the bucket of dirt is to symbolize what you are carrying around with you daily in life like Bills, struggles in marriage, children, Work and so on.  I wanted the Pax to carry the bucket around whole work out. If someone struggles then another Pax will take a couple bags out of their bucket and put them in their bucket to help them out. And when they start doing better we put the bags back into their bucket. Sometimes on my job sites I have to carry buckets of dirt around and it challenges me. Just like when you think you’re in good shape and you have everything under control in your life your bucket seems to get heavier.  I had a couple other small talks about this message that I threw in there for some 10 counts.  Fill your buckets with Joy and not Burdens.

So we went over to the Loading dock where we split up into 1’s and 2′ so we didn’t get over crowded on the dock and did 15 of the following while we jogged back and forth from the Dock to the Curb: Big Boys, Burpee’s, Mt. Climbers, Merkins and Monkey Humpers.

We then took our Buckets over to the Big Green Monster and did a 12 Ladder.  Bomb Jacks up top and Sumo Squats at bottom.  Lots of Slipping and Slidding today on the Green Monster.  It showed it’s teeth this morning.  Nemo went down along with some nice shoes turned into old mud shoes.

Had a few minutes left so we did a little Nascar Circle (sorta like Duck Duck Goose).  Each Pax would run around the Circle of Pax while each held a Bucket Squat and the second time while we held the Buckets over our heads.

Long mosey back with the buckets.  Not Fun!!!

Announcements about the Savage Race and Cannoli Run, Prayers for Injured Pax and traveling Pax.  Closed in Prayer remembering what this week really is about.  Oh and Homebrew announced that Me, I Two Ferns is getting Baptized this Easter Sunday!!



TClap |

1097 Day Review for Lake Wylie

Today started off great.  It was warm(ish) around 58 degrees.  Set up at the Poopdeck and pulled in to a big crowd of guys.  In total we had 21 when I gave the disclaimer.  Once again really glad to see Funhouse, Fishsticks and Anchorman on their tour of the region for Asskickin’ April! 30 days, 30 AOs around the region, year #2!

So my teaser in twitter last night was a note on “Show up today to find out what happened 1097 days ago!” We would take a little trip down memory lane.  I gave the disclaimer and we were off.

dynamic warmup run =  High Knees – Buttkickers – Toy Soldiers


SSH – IWs – Daisy Pickers – Merkins – Windmills – Broga – Mt Climbers

At the end of COP I shared what happened 3 years and 2 days ago (1097 days).  That was the first day of the launch of The Deep on the west side of Lake Wylie.  It has been just over 3 years that F3 has been around (seems like yesterday) for many of these men.  I let them know we would take a stroll down memory lane because I pulled some ideas off a few of my weinkes from that time.

1st Evolution

Lt. Dans with 10 flying squirrels at each of three cones

At the end we took an “Apache 10 count” and Anchorman got to share about himself.

2nd Evolution

I discussed that 1st day at thee Deep and Dark Helmet’s introduction to our own “special” exercise…the Kraken Burpee.  Half the guys didn’t know what it was! (I have truly failed you).  For the guys that did know, they let out a sigh knowing what was to come.

This evolution required four corners (cones) and one in the center for:

  • Center 5 Kraken Burpees
  • Corner 1 30 Merkins
  • Corner 2 30 Squats
  • Corner 3 30 Crunchy Frogs
  • Corner 4 30 Bombjacks

We split into four groups, started at the properly numbered cone.  Did the exercise, then met in the middle for the 5 Kraken burpees each time then rotated clockwise (yes Flux CLOCKWISE) to the next cone.

When all this fun was done I shared an old moleskin that I wrote back on 4/24/2016 a few weeks after The Deep’s launch.  I was so glad to see Anchorman today, because he’s mentioned in it!

Here it is:

Moleskin from 4/24/2016:

For the last month I have butterflies every time I pull up to The Deep…I always feel like I’m going to be alone at 7am. But every week, my fears go away when that first car makes the long turn into the parking lot…and more just keep coming! It’s been an honor to be able to share what F3 has done for me over the last year with the men of Lake Wylie. And although we didn’t have any FNGs this day, I know that the men already involved are going to make a difference in this community.

During our 10 counts today I shared some of the great truth nuggets I’ve gathered from our 3rd F conversations around fatherhood. There were 3 main lessons we received from What Did, Double D, Anchorman and Gekko at the 3rd F convergence a few weeks ago…and I thought it was something to repeat to the PAX today.  So Fatherhood was my 10 count.  Here’s what my interpretation looked like…I hope it does justice to the men that shared!

  1. Respect your M for your family to see. Your children see everything…every fight, joke, rudeness you put out there.  And then they think this is an acceptable way to treat a woman or wife.  Make sure it’s positive.
  2. Be present: We usually get family time at our worst time.  The last few hours in the day after you’ve done what it takes to feed the family.  Through F3 I’ve received the energy and strength to make that time worth while…when I used to want to veg out in front of the TV or my iPad for my alone time.  When you do get that time, use it and be there in mind, body and spirit!

3. I shared Gekko’s story about his daughter’s recent break up with her boyfriend. In short, she broke up with him because she expected more, like the relationship that Gekko and his M have.  What a complement to being a parent! But Gekko shared that his #1 advice was to raise his children to glorify God, and point them in his direction… and that’s the best you can do.  I appreciate those words Gekko.  Wanted to make sure they were shared!

Long enough share.  Mosey over to the wall by COT.  BUT WAIT! on our run back we see the Cat Lady… 5 burpees men!

Went to the wall…

Evolution #3

BTTW Mosey that Bart created back on his VQ in 2016. PAX would stand in a line doing reverse lunges while end of line would go to the wall, post up in BTTW and then hand walk down the full length of the wall.  This was new for a LOT of guys this morning.  Lots of mumble chatter on this one.  Half way through we switched to Squats to finish out the long line.

Evolution 4

Jack Webbs to 10…another crowd pleaser.  Radar lied and said he didn’t know what these were…

Back to COT with no time to spare

Announcements – Ass kicking April and Savage race 5/18

Prayers: For healing for Chop Block’s FIL with brain tumor and needs a true miracle,  Rocket in Lake Norman and his biopsy, Bones, Tinsel and Davinci for injuries that need healing.

BOM and we’re out!

BUT WAIT… on my way home I get a text from one of the PAX.  Next time you see Jedi you’ll understand what I mean… THAT happened at the Poopdeck. I’m so glad he is OK, pride will heal and cuts do as well… with 5 stitches.

An honor to Lead

~ Royale

TClap |

Papers Of Pain

For the second Q this week I actually suckered 15 more PAX to come out to one of my workouts.  No really I feel extremely blessed that 15 HIM actually decided to crawl out of the fart sack and post.  My Twitter advertisement for the BOARD OF PAIN and a challenge to see how far you can get in it certainly had a factor to play in the strong showing.

After my usual goofy disclaimer and a short mosey around the parking lot (trying to keep the running to a minimum due to an annoying heel spur that does not seem to want to go away) we went to COP: SSHx20/Windmillx10/Nancy Kerrigan’s X10(each leg fwd and reverse)/Produce Pickersx10/Reach To Sky-Touch Toes-Down Dog-Honeymooner-reverse sequence.


I did not have a board so I printed out the exercises on 7 sheets of paper and taped them to a store window for all to see.

100 Burpees/150 Calf Raises/100 Ski Abs/100 Merkins/100 Squats/200 LBC’s/100 CDD’s/100 Russian Hammers/100 Makhtar D’iayes/100 JumpSquats/100 Mountain Climbers/200 Shoulder Raises/100 Mary Cathrines/100 Hello Dollies/100 Wide Arm Merkins/100 Squat Jacks/100 Nipplers/100 Burpees

After a good 35  minutes of this Jedi got the furthest through the papers by getting to Shoulder Raises, great job!  I myself improved from CDD’s my first time on the board to Makhtar’s this time out. 

Prayers for all sick and injured Pax out there and people battling cancer.  Q source is heating up and read the Muggo! Till next time, peace.


TClap |

Flag Day

15 High Impact Men rolled up to the Crow’s Nest for a very humbling day for myself.  I did a quick disclaimer as we did have a FNG in the house and we moseyed on over to one of the side parking lots for some COP.

SSHx20/Windmillx10/Reach To Sky,Touch Toes, Down Dog,Honeymooner/Annie’s/Produce Pickersx10 

We then moseyed on over to the back playground which where all the fun toys are.  With the crowd at the Nest this morning I decided against having each individual PAX doing monkey bars swings while the rest of the PAX did Burpees as it would have taken forever and most of the PAX would’ve beed smoked within the first 15 minutes of the workout, so I went right into the …

Main Event

My very first post was the Crow’s Nest during the very first time there was an F3 workout there and in honor of this I borrowed from Flux’s workout all the way back from last March 5th, 2018.  He had us do crazy 8’s so I followed suite but with a little modification.  We all did 8 Pull Ups/ 8 Merkins/ 8 Squats for 8 rounds.  In between each round we traveled in between the parking lot islands in a figure 8 pattern but each time there was a different mode of travel. First was a normal run, then bear crawl curb to curb, then Crab Walk curb to curb, then bunny hop around islands, then pylo skip around islands, normal run, bear crawl, finishing off with a run.

Co-Main Event 

Bear Crawl up ramp to park area with plenty of stone seats where I had us do Elevens of Step Ups(each leg) and merkins.

Moseyed on over to side wall for some people’s chair while end Pax did 3 burpees each. Much to the chagrin of Flux, Qbert had the best burpee form though Flux’s bear crawl is second to none. Moseyed on back for COT.

Observations-never drink a protein shake before a workout or it might splash back up on you.  Luckily I was able to hold it down as it would have been real embarrassing to splash merlot while Q’ing.  Also welcome FNG Meltdown!  Someone wanted to name him Chernobyl but that would have been just wrong(LOL).

Grateful and honored to receive the Crow’s Nest shovel flag from Flux.  He has truly been a great leader. The 13 months I have been a member of F3 have been some of the best months of my life.  To many more adventures with you crazy people! Prayers for the families of some high profile murders that have been in the news lately, God give them strength.  Till next time, peace.

TClap |

Constant Movement @ Crow’s Nest

A week late… but it’s here!

(I don’t remember everything… this was my first Q without writing stuff down and just going with the flow.  The template is accurate… the exercises on the other hand, probably not)


Started with a quick disclaimer and some light static stretching.

Mosey to the facing the building left side of Crow’s Nest (that I don’t think gets used very often?).  Warm-O-Rama in quick succession… Windmills, Weed Puller, SSHs, Hillbilly Walker

1st Workout-

Partner up- A runs the loop and back to starting point, B completes AMRAP of the following… 1st Round- CDD , 2nd Round- Squats

Long Mosey to opposite side of building (facing front right side of building)

2nd Workout-

Exercises completed in quick succession…  LBC, Prison Cell Merkin Burpees x3, American Hammers x 20, Prison Cell Merkin Burpees x3, Flutters x20, Prison Cell Merkin Burpees x 3

Mosey to the very back loop of the parking lot

3rd Workout-

Hold People’s Chair while going 1×1 down the line, person jumps out and completes 10 Curls with 50 lb sandbag.

BTTW x 2

Return to COT by means of Indian Run with person in front carrying/trading off the sandbag


Thanks for the opportunity to lead Flux!

TClap |

Bear of a Time

The weather report was absolutely miserable, mid-30’s and pouring down raining, so we were all pleasantly surprised that it was rain free for the duration of the 45-minute workout and the morning felt great because of it.

We had a newer guy there I had never met before, Duck Dynasty, so I gave a disclaimer and told everyone to glove up and off we went.

Fast mosey with some Toy Soldiers along the way and some shuffles followed by a quick lap around the track before circling up for a quick CoP.

  • Windmills x8
  • SSH  x25
  • Peter Parker x15
  • Downward Dog/Honeymooner stretch
  • Tempo Merkins x10
  • MNC x20

I did this workout last time I Q’d the Abyss and we didn’t quite get through it, I was hopeful that with the colder weather and a faster CoP we would have just enough time and I was right.

1st Routine – Paula’s up & down the hill/road at the back of the school

6 cones placed about 30 paces apart going up the hill each with an “up” exercise and “down” exercise on them.  We would move 2 cones forward and 1 cone back until reaching the top.  Our method of movement was always via Bear Crawls 2 cones forward and Crawl Bears 1 cone back.  Once we reached the top/cone 6 we started over and performed the “down” exercise on the cone, which were the same exercises in reverse order.

  • Cone 1 – True Americans/Absolution x 10
  • Cone 2 – Donkey Kicks/Diamond Merkins x10
  • Cone 3 – Squats x30 /Groiners x10
  • Cone 4 – Groiners/Squats x30
  • Cone 5 – Diamond Merkins/Donkey Kicks x10
  • Cone 6 – Absolution/True Americans

A few of us finished this up, Jedi out in front followed by YHC, Cha Ching, and Wolverine.  Most of the rest of the PAX were about to finish up or maybe a cone or 2 back when I told everyone to finish up their exercise and bear crawl back to cone 1 and finish up to keep things moving along.

Last time we did the next routine on the grassy hill, but due to the weather, we kept it on the road for better traction.

2nd Routine – Burpback Mountain

Partner up and split 120 total burpees.  1 PAX NUR’s up the hill all the way to the top and mosey’s back down while his partner is doing as many Burpees as possible then switching etc, until 120 Burpees are accumulated.

Once we finished this we mosey’d back to CoT and had a couple minutes to spare.  I called out 20 Flutters IC and Cha Ching followed with 15 Crunchy Frogs.  That’s it, circle up.


Yeti is almost here and read your newsletter!  Continued prayers for this group of men and the ability to come out every morning together.  We also lifted up Prayers for some friends of Jedi’s family whose father committed suicide and Emma, Cornerstones daughter, who hasn’t been feeling well and pray her cancer stays away.

Thanks for the Q Copyright, I can’t wait to come back, I love this AO.

Until next time,


TClap |

Tinsel’s Utensils at Poopdeck

It was a great way to start Valentine’s Day with a non moderate workout with lots of props.

Since the day before I had Q’ed at the Abyss and we focused on legs and abs this day we had to work our upper bodies and get our hearts pumping.

No FNG’s and a quick disclaimer was given followed by some mosey around the parking lot.




Moroccan night clubs

Low Slow Squats

Hillbilly walk

Mountain Climbers

Low Slow Merkin

Cherry pickers


I had setup 4 stations, we split into 4 groups and each group started with a station, transportation mode was bear crawls and crawl bears alternating after each station, goal was to complete one full circuit of the following:

-> 10 diamond merkins

-> 15 wide arm merkins

-> 20 regular merkins

-> 30 battle rope wave SC

-> 40 Shoulder taps

-> 40 plank jacks

bear crawl to…..

-> 15 big boy sit ups

-> 20 LBC’s

-> 25 slamball throws choose from 10 and 20#

-> 30 sledgehammer                                                                                                                                      swings (15 each side)

-> 40 Heel Touches SC

-> 40 American hammer with slam ball

crawl bear to…

-> 10  Tire flips

-> 15  burpees

-> 20 cindy push/drag

-> 50 shoulder shrug with cindy

-> 80 calf raises

crawl bear to…

-> 15 man makers with weight (choose from weights starting at 12# up to 40# for this one and all exercises below)

-> 20 bent over rows

-> 20 biceps curls

-> 25 overhead presses

-> 30 SSH Single count

-> 40 Carolina drydocks

everyone pushed hard to complete their routines and we finished one full circuit with about 15 minutes to spare; we found a wall for some BTTW while PAX from each end will perform 3 burpees finishing up with PAX in the middle of the pack, shoulders were on fire after the full circuit and BTTW so we needed a brake for our arms, someone mentioned Captain Thor and it was a go!! unfortunately there are no grassy areas in the Bowl N Bounce parking lot so we had to choose from rocks or pavement so we went for the second, lots of mumble chatter here about tail bones but no one backed out from the legendary Captain Thor (1 big boy sit up followed by 4 american hammers, all the way to 10 BBSU and 40 AH) we finished up with one minute to spare so we added 50 LBC’s to end the bootcamp (more mumble chatter here).

Great push by everyone, some of the newer PAX had never been to a Tinsel’s workout so they were in for a big surprise, we all left in one piece, tired but better than before and with our hearts pumping fast to start a great V-Day.

We finished up with  announcements, prayers and praises at COT.

Thank you Peg for the opportunity to lead!!

Tinsel out…


TClap |

Love Hurts

Maybe it was three days early, but YHC thought it would be fun to do a Valentines Day Q. It was 37 degrees and raining – love was in the air.

9 of the regular LW crew and 1 FNG (this must be the winter of the FNG) showed up to feel the love. After a full and complete disclaimer, we moseyed to the back of the school.


A bunch of the normal stuff. Merkins, low slow squats, produce pickers, downward dog. Probably some others.

The Thang


Cupid Shuffle

YHC had his speaker in tow so all the PAX could have a romantic Valentines dance. First, the song Cupid Shuffle was played. When “down” was said we did a merkin. “Kick” = donkey kick. “Left/right” = side plank to the left/right. Mountain climbers were done in the intervals.


Get Lucky

Next on the Valentines playlist was the Daft Punk song Get Lucky. Because, let’s face it, we are all hoping to get lucky on V-Day. “Up” = bombjack, “get lucky” = burpee. Crab cakes to the rhythm during the rest of the song. Lots of mumble chatter by this point. Repeatedly going from a bombjack directly into a burpee is a great crowd pleaser.


Heartbreak 1,2,3

Sometimes playing the game of love you get your heart broken. This routine is like Doras, but with a heartbreaking hill to run. And they don’t come more heartbreaking than the Green Monsta. We moseyed to the Monsta and PAX partnered up and as a team completed: 100 diamond merkins (diamonds are forever), 200 boxcutters (boxes of chocolate), and 300 monkey humpers (the ideal end to Valentines Day). Originally YHC had thoughts of playing 80s love ballads during this segment, but I decided against it and went for 90s rock instead. Who knew Two Ferns was such a Pearl Jam fan?



The final segment of the morning. Sometimes in a relationship you need a tie-breaker, and a little rock-scissors-paper is as good a way as any. In pairs, PAX played RSP. First round: winner does 1 merkin, loser does 1 burpee. Second round: winner does 2 merkins, loser does 2 burpees. Go all the way to 10 rounds. We managed to get to about 8 rounds each before time was up and we headed back to COT.



FNG AJ was asked to tell a story that he would use to impress people at a cocktail party. After a detailed account of getting conned by an old man, he revealed that the whole thing was a fabrication. He hoodwinked us. Therefore, we welcomed FNG Ponzi to the crew.


Thanks for making a rainy morning fun fellas. And thanks to Flux for the opportunity to lead.


Stay Classy,


TClap |

4 Cones and a Teabag

10 Pax today including Chop Block, who rolled in 20 minutes late.  Better late than never I suppose.

I gave a somewhat sarcastic disclaimer and then made everyone do 5 fingertip merkins because Two Ferns gave me the finger last night in a Tweet.  Not very nice!

We took a mosey around the 1/4 mile dirt track and did some side shuffles and toy solders before circling up.


  • 10 Windmills
  • 20 SSH
  • 10 Merkins
  • 15 Low Slow Squats
  • 20 LBC’s

I then explained the routine for this morning, nothing fancy.  4 cones placed in the shape of a rectangle with an exercise written on each of them.  Pick a start cone and make your way around the cones as many times as you can, with a few small wrinkles.

  • Cone 1 – 5 Burpees
  • Cone 2 – 10 Merkins
  • Cone 3 – 15 Big Boy Situps
  • Cone 4 – 20 Squats

This was meant to hit some of the core muscle groups and is a great youvsyou routine.  The wrinkle was the ever changing method of travel between the cones.  Once Chop Block joined us, we took another lap around the track to let him warm up a bit and then got back to it.  That also gave us an even # of PAX so I threw in some partner work as well.

Transport methods included:

  • Bear Crawl long side
  • “Itchy Back Merkins” short side (plank position, down, roll over completely, push back up, down, roll over, etc., until we hit the next cone.
  • Crawl Bear long side
  • Crab Walk short side
  • Partner Assisted Bear Crawl Long side (this is what Chop Block affectionately named the “T-BAG”)
  • Partner Wheelbarrow long side

We finished up with a NUR around the track before banging out a set of flutters and then circled up for CoT.  I think most of us made it around 8-10 times which really starts to add up.  A good setup for some of the newer guys so they could pace themselves and it encouraged mumblechatter so it was a lot of fun this morning.

Announcements, Praises, Prayers

Yeti, Joe Davis run coming up.  Homebrew is changing jobs so prayers for that along with all the sick and injured PAX to get HEALTHY!  Also, some prayers for my sister-in-law who is in her mid-30’s and has to have all of her teeth pulled.

Thank you for the Q Homebrew!

Until next time,



TClap |