Anybody got a shakeweight?

WARMUP: SSH, cherry pickers, windmills, arm circles forward, backward. Mosey around the parking lot
30 sec on 30 sec off-
KB Swings
Goblet squats
RH row
LH row
RH merkin
LH merkin
RH clean and press
LH clean and press
MARY: she was there
ANNOUNCEMENTS: cannoli run, read your newsletters
COT: aye

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Kettle Bell Dora pain

THE THANG: 17 man cheese grater. A kettlebell lung walk stopping at stations to do man makers. A 100 A. Hammers, 125 Halo’s, 150 Curls and 200 lawnmower pull Dora while parter ran the PL.
Jaeger rescheduled. Canola Run
COT: Prayers and appraises. Praise for Children. P and P for new careers and endeavors!

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Partner Work

THE THANG: multiple Dora’s included dips, step ups, irkins, derkins, CDDs, squats, whole running the track
MARY: yes, lots of core work
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Yaeger is going to change dates, bethel men’s shelter this Thursday, rock fort convergence Saturday
COT: prayers up

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Sandbag circuit

WARMUP: SSH, Moroccan night clubs, cherry pickers
THE THANG: Dora partner workout.
One partner runs a loop in the parking lot or walks with bag to the end and back while the other partner does exercises.
100 Reps of each
– OH press
– sb to shoulder + calf raise, switch sides
– chest press
– tri extension
– Curls
– Bent over rows
50 manmakers

MARY: heels to heaven and the milker (JWOW special)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: HIM camp, cannoli run, bethel
COT: Jeremy’s recovery from infection after brain surgery

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Roll around the store

Quick warmup, SSH, windmills, cherry pickers. Short Mozy to Walgreens.
Start with 10 merkins at drive thru, bear crawl or lunge walk to front corner for 20 mt climbers, butt kickers across the front of the store to other corner for 30 squats. Karaoke down the side, switch half way and do 20 imperial walkers at back. Mozy across back of store for 10 SSH’s then back to merkins to rinse and repeat

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Upgrade of Bandcamp’s Tallawah KB Workout

WARMUP: upwarddownward dog variations and plank-type exercises (merkins, peter parkers, plank jacks, shoulder taps, etc) until core and shoulders could no longer endure the burn
THE THANG: partner up
rack KB on R shoulder squats x10 – core exercise x10 reps
rack KB on L shoulder squats x10
THIS [Partner 1 farmer’s carry ~50 yards to and fro, Partner 2 lunge walk about 20 yards and jog back to meeting point, then flap jack]
snatch R x10 – core exercise x10 reps
snatch L x10
single arm KB swing R x10 – core exercise x10 reps
single arm KB swing L x10
R hand on KB merkins x10 – core exercise x10 reps
L hand on KB merkins x10
R power step-ups on wall x10 – core exercise x10 reps
L power step-ups on wall x10
R lawnmower rows x10 – core exercise x10 reps
L lawnmower rows x10
R squat, snatch, swing, merkin, row, step-up x10 each
core x20 reps
L squat, snatch, swing, merkin, row, step-up x10 each
core x30 reps
MARY: side plank hip abduction x8 each; front plank; merkins until 0600
ANNOUNCEMENTS: newsletter came out last night
COT: “heading into crisis, in a crisis, out of a crisis” – Spectre
CONFIRMATION of DaVinci’s son!

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I love front squats

Dora with farmers carry, running and bear complexes (hang clean, front squat, press, back squat = 1 rep) around 60-70 reps completed with 800 meters for farmer carry. Bag toss overs with man makers. Finished by a row, press and front squat on repeat for five minutes.

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Armory 15APR2024 – Mog Mile

WARMUP: Not really. We lived.

THE THANG: Mogadishu Mile
– 4 Rounds for Time
– 19 Kettlebell Ground-to-Overheads (53/35 lb)
– 19 Kettlebell Front Squats (53/35 lb)
– 19 Kettlebell Push-Ups (each hand)
– 400-meter Kettlebell Run

– If you lose physical contact with your Kettlebell, you must start that round over.

MARY: No chicks

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter

COT: The 5th Core Principle

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300 is the count

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Cherry pickers, merkins

THE THANG: Partner work: count is 300; Big Boys, Chest Press, one arm overhead press, 100 count tricep extensions & LBC’s

MARY: no time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: HIM Camp, read your newsletter

COT: Prayers for all things mentioned and unspoken

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THE THANG: Dora hill runs with upper body at the top and lower body at the bottom. Run to print shop. Obstacle course on the bars. Lots of dips, pull ups and pushups.
MARY: 50 flutters with slow merkins
ANNOUNCEMENTS: check your newsletter
COT: praises for everyone coming out

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