Long Duck at The Coop

It was a brisk morning at The Coop. As Site Q I feel led to write a quick Backblast for LD.

30 SSH
20 Wind Mills
20 Tappy Taps
Mosey to Pull Up Bars

Partner up. Partner 1 runs down and up hill once while other partner chips away at the board of pain.

100 Pull Ups
100 toes/knees to bar
200 Merkins
200 Big Boy Sit Ups

Mosey to parking lot – 2×50 yard sprints

Back for COT.

Great lead by Long Duck!

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NYE at the “Ant”- BB 2wks late

Link to the Pre-Blast: https://f3thefort.com/2019/12/18/the-force-to-bring-us-back-in/

The script changed but we discussed burnout and the challenges associated with getting burned out. Nevertheless, we did some work with heavy sand bags and rucks. The legs were put to the test and teamwork was present.

A lot remains on the written weinke which should see the light of day or the darkness of the gloom…some day.

Until next time.


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Petty Officer Taylor J Gallant

On this breezy and 66 degree December morn, eight badgers answered the call to post for the last Monday of the decade. We honored Petty Officer Taylor J Gallant by putting our all into a one hour suck fest.

The Work:

Run 1 Mile (4 Laps)
60 Burpee Pull Ups
Run 800 Meters (2 Laps)
30 Burpee Pull Ups
Run 400 Meters (1 Lap)
15 Burpee Pull Ups

It was an oldie but goodie, and fun was had by all. We finished just in time for a quick round of flutters and mosey back to COT.

It was great to see Shield and Cheddah back from their stints on IR.


Read your newsletter.



Dirty Harry enjoyed a prolonged break with his M over Christmas – her longest stint off since starting her new job. Praise for that time, prayers that it happens again soon.

Pray for your word for 2020 and for each PAX to step up and lead in their respective circles of concentrica this year and beyond.


Dirty Harry – thank you for trusting me with this last Badger of the decade.

Punch List out.

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Twitter Burpee Challenge

There is something about twitter and Slack (your welcome Crab Cakes) where you get to poke the bear and start a rash of replies about which AO is better, which one will have more PAX post, and who’s WO will SUCK more. Your YHC tried to create an unofficial convergence by calling out multiple PAX, and then Punch List took it to another level and would do burpees if additional PAX would post….Stang where were you???? Your Vols are bowl eligible, you should be posting now that you can be seen without getting grief. Actually where were all those PAX who were called out??? Disappointing, we all wanted to see Punch List do 100 burpees 🙁

The 12 PAX who did post were not disappointed.

The Thang:

Warm up with toy soldiers along roadway for 2 light pole lengths (longer than I thought), return with knee ups and lunges.  Circle up for COP – some windmills (Dirty Harry loves these!), Imperial Walkers, Hillbilly Walkers, Slow Squats, and merkings. Mossy past the pull up bars….PAX were shocked we didn’t stop there….they just didn’t know what as in store for them…to the bottom of the hill for round 2 of COP. Moroccan nightclubs, overhead claps, and toe touches.

Mossy up the hill to the pull up bars. Time for the real thing. Dora 400! Partner up. As a duo, 60 pull-ups with a challenge that each PAX does 20 true pull-ups (not using the foot rests). 100 merkins, 150 squats, and 200 LBCs. I know, this does not total 400….The other partner runs to the bottom of the hill and back.

Each PAX was then required to do 10 true pull-ups and 10 toe touches, while resting wall sits. Once completed, 5 more pull-ups. Can’t get better without doing them and they are the best exercise out there!!

Mossy to crosswalk and sprint to next crosswalk. Finish with 3 minutes of Marry.

Appreciate the opportunity to lead and push PAX on pull-ups, thanks Punch List.

Read the newsletter!

Prayers for Cash and Karrie who are fighting cancer….you can do it!

Trucker out

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Wegmans and Repeat at the Coop

Since this was Repeat’s 2nd VQ, YHC led the warmup. Nothing fancy. Nothing special.

Partnered up near JROTC building. P1 runs to the top of the loop, 25 Merkins whiles P2 is doing LBCs. Switch once P1 returns. Next is 25 bomb jacks and flutters. Last is 25 monkey humpers and Rosalitas. Hand off to Repeat.

Repeat ran us up near the band field. There is a covered walkway with lights. At the first light we did 5 Merkins and 5 LBCs. At the next light we added 5 to each exercise so 10 and so on and so forth. Repeat estimates we did roughly 280 reps of each exercise.
Thanks for the opportunity to lead Punchlist.


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Colosseum- KISS (you know what it stands for)

Always one of my favorite AOS in the Fort. A great place that makes you want to work. I like to KISS (keep it simple st&#%d)
We had a little disclaimer and intro and were off.
couple laps around the parking lot and circle up for a quick warmup.
22 SSHs
10 windmills
22 Mtn Climbers
6 inches with slow 10 count x 2
head down road for dynamic stretching and let the games begin.
light poles
1. 5 burpees.
2. 5 burpees, 10 plank jacks.
3. 5 burpees, 10 plank jacks, 15 merkins
4. 5 burpees, 10 plank jacks, 15merkins, 20 squats
5. 5 burpees, 10 plank jacks, 15merkins, 20 squats, 25 LBCs
Mosey down road. Pick up piece of rip rap
10 chest presses, 10 curls, 10 shoulder presses x 3 sets
Hill repeats mosey to top 10 merkins, 15 squats mosey to bottom 5 burpees. flutter kicks until 6 finishes 3 sets.
Indian run back to light poles.
1. 5 burpees.
2. 5 burpees, 10 plank jacks.
3. 5 burpees, 10 plank jacks, 15 merkins
4. 5 burpees, 10 plank jacks, 15merkins, 20 squats
5. 5 burpees, 10 plank jacks, 15merkins, 20 squats, 25 LBCs
COT- like I said KISS.
announcements- thanksgiving convergence
Christmas Party sign up by Sat. Dec. 30th
Prayers and Praises

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12 Days of Christmas

Today at the Ranch I had the pleasure of leading nine men in a 12 days of Christmas Beatdown. I know its a week before Thanksgiving but like everyone else we will skip to Christmas.

We started with a warm up of Windmills, Tappy Taps, SSH and Moroccan NC and then we moseyed to the back playground for some real fun.

Our 12 Days of Christmas :










10 CDD



OH!!  I forgot there was a lap around the loop after every day. There was some singing and some complaining as well.

We ended with some Mary and Two Ruckers joined us for  COT!!

Thanks Jiffy for letting me lead these fine men.

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1990s HIITs

Nine in total arrived. The rain held off, but conditions were still slick.

Warm Up
Mosey run
SSH (IC 10x)
Windmill (IC 10x)
Imperial Walker (IC 10x)
Low Slow Squats (IC10x)
Headed towards the benches area under the awning in front of the school.

Thang 1: HIIT Routine
The winner of Twitter poll, for which decade of rock to play during the workout, was the 1990’s!  Playlist is at end of BB.
Set A: Do the below 32 seconds on, 10 sec standing rest in between
Cherry Pickers
Bobby hurleys
Set B: Do the below 40 seconds on, 20 sec rest in between (rest is a Low Plank)
Mountain Climbers
Amer Hammers
plank jacks
Set C: Do the below 45 seconds on, 15 sec standing rest in between
Flying Squirrels
Imp Walkers
Squat Jumps
step ups
Rinse/Repeat sets

Thang 2: Thunderstruck burpee routine
Played AC/DC’s Thunderstruck (Just squeaked in being released in 1990); do a burpee every time you hear thunder/thunderstruck.

Fini, COT

Prayers for those under doctor’s care. It’s been a heavy week, make sure to hug your kids/family.

Most of those in attendance were in our forties, so the 1990’s music was during our ‘coming of age’ years. Set B was a real core burner due to the low plank rest.

Playlist, year of release noted.
1. Everlong, Foo Fighters, 1997
2. Only happy when it rains, Garbage, 1995 (Shirley Manson representing Scotland)
3. The Beautiful People, Marilyn Manson, 1996 (Slash noted this song was written in Charlotte)
4. Lump, Presidents of the United States, 1995
5. Sabotage, Beastie Boys, 1994
6. Pepper, Butthole Surfers, 1996 (…pourin’ like an avalanche comin’ down the mountain…)
7. Enter sandman, Metallica, 1991
8. Flag pole sitta, Harvey Danger, 1997
9. Song 2, Blur, 1997 (Woo hoo!)
10. Thunderstruck, ACDC, 1990 (burpee challenge, always a crowd pleaser)

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Veterans Day beat down at the Badger

Started with a light run and warm up routine.

Partner pull ups X 40

Discussed the importance of thanking a Veteran today for their service to our country.

Facts about Veteran’s Day
– Veteran’s Day originated as “Armistice Day” signaling the end of World War I on Nov 11, 1919 paying tribute to all soldiers fallen or living.
– There are 18.2 million living veterans that have served in at least 1 war as of 2018
– 9% of veterans are women
– of the 16 million Americans who served during World War II, about 496,000 are still alive as of 2018
– Random fact, the top 3 states with the highest percentage of Veterans were Alaska, Maine, and Montana.

The Thang

Rd 1 = 30 merkins, 30 squats, 20 BB situps, 1 lap
Rd 2 = 15 burpees, 20 lunges, 30 LBCs, 1 lap
Rd 3 = 25 Mac-tar-jies, 25 monkey humpers, 20 bomb jacks, 1 backwards lap

Rinse and Repeat

Finished with Mary

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Disco inferno with DJ Twister

Twister was up to getting the group awake this am with some 70s TV trivia which is good for the respect crowd but very challenging for those of us born in the late 70s…and even an 80s in there.  Since YHC controlled the weinke but not the jams, all was good.  Disclaimer was given as the sweet melodies of 80s rock played in the background, and a brisk mosey ensued to the track.

Warmup of SSH, windmills, imperial and hillbilly walkers, merkins, low slow squats for counts ranging from 10-25 got the blood flowing.

Boss Hogg took off for loops on the track given the nursing on the shoulder while the rest of us counted off in 2 splitting into groups.  Here’s the game: name the 70s TV show tune played by DJ Twister and avoid the 5 burpee penalty.  While you’re thinking of the song, do the name of the exercise called off by Shady below with a minimum and maximum number associated (this was adjusted very quickly b/c some people watched a lot of TV growing up!)

  • 10 hand release merkins
  • 20 squats (10 min)
  • 25 CDD (10 min)
  • 30 lunges (10 min)
  • 50 plank shoulder taps (20 min)
  • 40 ski jumps (20 min)
  • 60 calve raises (30 min) – out/reg/in
  • 20 diamonds (10 min)
  • 50 SSH (25 min)
  • 25 merkins (10 min)
  • 40 mountain climbers (20 min)
  • 30 American hammers (20 min)
  • 30 plank jacks (15 min)
  • 50 LBC (25 min)

We rinse and repeated through most of the list but the minimums were removed a second time through.  With about 15 min left, we ran around the track stopping at each 100 yard corner where we did some core (for the most part).  1st corner was 50 LBC, 2nd corner was 20 big boy (and some monkey humpers for our our track walkers passing by), 3rd corner was 30 American hammers, and 4th and final was 30 flutters.

With about 5-10 min remaining, we took our last bit of time to the football field.  Lining up on the goal line, we ran back and forth from the goal line to the 10 yard, back to goal then to 20…all the way to 40 yard line.  At each 10-40 yard line, we did 1 burpee for 10 yard up to 4 burpee at 40 (so a total of 10 burpees + the running for those of you who struggle with quick math!).  Once back on the line, there was time for a 10 count along with a message about being intentional.  Be intentional with the exercise, be intentional with your kids at home and at their activities, be intentional with your wife – pay attention to them!

Once everyone caught their breath, we rinse and repeated the lines and burpees – crowd favorite!  Once said and done, we did a mosey back to COT for closing ceremonies.  All in all, great morning and great push from the PAX.  Enjoyed it as usual and thanks to Manziel for the opportunity!!


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