Escalators and Sprints – What a joy!

Poop Deck

We had 14 HIM at the Poop Deck this morning on a chilly, but beautiful morning. We started with a mosey around the parking lot (little did they know this would be included in the workout).

Warm Up
Windmill – 10 IC
Cotton Pickers – 10 IC
SSH – 25 IC
Sun Gods – 10 IC then Reverse IC
Hillbillies – 15 IC
Imperial Walker – 15 IC
Diamond Merkin – 10 IC
Parker Peter – 15 IC
Parker Peter – 15 IC


Round 1: 10 Burpees  / Lap around the entire parking lot = 1.5 of a mile
Round 2: 10 Burpees / 20 Merkins / lap around the entire parking lot
Round 3: 10 Burpees / 20 Merkins / 30 Squat Jumps / lap around the entire parking lot
Round 4: 10 Burpees / 20 Merkins / 30 Squat Jumps / 40 Flutter Kicks / lap around the entire parking lot
Round 5: 10 Burpees / 20 Merkins / 30 Squat Jumps / 40 Flutter Kicks / 50 Carolina Dry Docks / lap around the entire parking lot.

After the escalator we had about 10 minutes remaining. To keep the heartbeat going I decided on Sprints.

One PAX would call out an exercise where we would perform that exercise until the person says ‘Go.” Each pax would then sprint to the light pole and sprint back where another person would call out a second exercise and so forth. We did this six times.

Circle of Trust
Some of our pax are participating in the Savage Race and Cannoli Run May 18.

F3 Dads Event in Lake Wylie at Oak Ridge Middle on Saturday, May 25 beginning at 6:30 p.m.

Prayers for those that are sick and/or injured.

Prayers for Duck Dynasty who is traveling today.

I enjoyed the opportunity to lead. I hope you all were able to burn a lot of calories this morning!

Sean Corcoran (RADAR)

TClap |

Kettlebells, Bear Crawls, Oh My

Assumed the Cannonball AO was about as far from me as the Deep and left the house early, only to arrive at the AO a solid 12 minutes before kickoff.  Was surprised to see one of the Church doors open and kettlebells visible from the parking lot.  I guess that kind of red carpet service you get when the site Q is the Assistant to the Parking Lot Manager of New River Church and one of their pastors frequents this new AO.

Once the pax funneled in, I took them for a quick loop around the parking lot and knocked out the warm-up:  (in cadence) SSH x25, windmills x10, overhead press w/ KB x10, halos x10 (counter clockwise & clockwise), merkins x15, downward dog / honeymooners and an attempt at Supermans w/ KB in hand (went over real well lol).

Ran the guys w/ our KB’s down to the far end of the parking lot and we got started:

  • 4 cones set-up (1st at the far end of the lot), the next 3 about 7 parking spaces apart.  Quick and dirty – do an exercise at the first cone, immediately lunge walk (w/ twist) w/ KB to the next cone, drop the KB, run back to the first cone (every time) and bear crawl back to your KB.  Once there, you do the next exercise, lunge walk w twist to the next cone, drop weight, run to the very first cone, bear crawl back to weight (now 2x the original distance)….you get the point.
    1. Exercise #1 – plank rows w/ kettlebell (10 reps per side).  Key here being to maintain flat plank the whole time as you hold body w/ 1 arm and pull w/ the other.  Lunge walk, run, bear crawl, (wait for all Pax to finish bear crawl – those waiting did upright rows w/ KB), then
    2. Exercise #2 – wood choppers (crowd pleaser).  It’s a play on the KB swing, but a little harder.  Start w/ KB above your head to the left then swing it down to the right side of your legs, and then swing back up to the left side of your head.  Key here is to not blow out your knee, but to actually accelerate as much as you can on the way UP.  10 reps going left to right, 10 reps right to left.  Lunge walk, run, bearcrawl 2x the distance (wait for pax, those waiting did curls w/ KB), then
    3. Exercise #3 – single leg RDL’s (romanian dead lifts) w/ kettle bell in the hand of the leg that is going straight back.  10 reps per side.  Lunge walk, run, bear crawl 3x the distance (those waiting for pax to get back did thrusters w/ KB), then
    4. Exercise #4 – toe touches w/ KB (20 rep count).
    5. Turn around and rinse and repeat whole cycle, only double the rep count for all exercises above.  Good stuff.  Bear crawled out at this point.
  • Next up were some good old fashioned super sets – two exercises given, do them back to back, no complaining.
    1. Alternating merkins w/ one hand on the KB at all times (10 reps per side) / bent over KB tricep extensions (10 reps per arm)
    2. Get ups (hold KB in each hand 5x each) / KB jump squats (10 reps)
    3. Big boys w/ KB press (15 rep) / KB american hammers (20 reps per side)
  • Only had a few minutes, so we gave ourselves 10 parking spaces to get back to COT and everyone did bear crawls back to COT w/ KB in hand (use it as a hand, no dragging, switch hands half way through).

    I have to say the effort level by everyone was awesome to see – not a single person was half a$$ing it – all were finishing each set strong and suffering through each of the long bear crawls.  I was especially proud of one of their newest pax, Mysterio, who did not give up on that last KB bear crawl stretch.  The dude had some serious fight – he’s going to be good one.

    Thanks Two Ferns for the chance to step up and lead at the new Lake Wylie KB AO.  Didn’t really know what to expect w/ a KB workout, but had a blast – hope the others did as well.


TClap |

Challenged to “Bring It”

A few months ago, Dark Helmet and I were challenged to “bring it” to The Deep. I’m not sure how I got roped into the conversation as I no longer provide the top-tier workouts I used to. You see, it’s not because I’ve gotten soft (well, maybe a little), it’s more due to the physical acceleration of the PAX, which is evident when I cross the water and see the brothers in Lake Wylie. My workouts aren’t as hard as they used to be for some.

That said, I’ve become known for 2 things: the deck of cards and cinder blocks. I couldn’t disappoint the fellas. Dark Helmet on the other hand, is known for many things (not including many leather-bound books, rich mahogany, a perfect quaff or starbuck-y hands). And, with these many things, he brought his level of creative, pain-inducing exercises to the first half of the morning’s Q.

Once DH signed a few autographs, gave a very clear disclaimer, he took off for the warm up mosey. Then did a few warm-up-type exercises which included all the regulars and plenty of chatter.

Grab a partner and since when does size not matter…in Wheelbarrow racing?

You and your partner will alternate wheelbarrow’ing around the circle which I swear, grew as we were encircling it.

Next, grab the cinder blocks from Maximus’ truck for a little DORA activity.

Partner 1 (P1) would run around the main lot while Partner 2 (P2) would do the exercise then flapjack for:

200 Bicep Curls

300 Overhead Press

400 Bent-Over Rows (modified the count for timing and inserted chest press)

Hand off to Maximus for more partner work

P1: Ski Abs

P2: Toe Taps on the block (25ea side)


P1: Burpee Broad Jump ~50yds & NUR back

P2: Mountain Climbers with your hands on the block


P1: Beep Beep I’m a Jeep for 25yds & Lunge Walk back

P2: Bomb Jacks


Now with both partners at one end and the block at the other:

P1: Sprint to the block, 10 Man Makers with the block, Sprint Back

P2: Flutters from the V-up position

Next up, partner big-boy sit-ups while passing the block back and forth

I can’t fully recall if we did a few 8ct burpees to finish it off but it’d be a lot cooler if we did…so let’s assume we did.

Hey PAX, wherever you call home, go somewhere different. Organize a clown car with a few other locals and go see a different AO on a Saturday and attend their Q-Source. You never know what you’ll learn. Dark Helmet and I appreciate the opportunity to put ourselves through misery in the spirit of Qing for a great group of F3’s finest PAX.

Until Next Time.


TClap |

Cannonball for One and All

Eleven of the roughest and toughest PAX joined YHC for my 12th Q of the year at Cannonball.  Here is how it went down:

At 5:16 AM as I waited for Whitesnake to limp his way to the group, disclaimer was given and a short mosey around the parking lot was commenced.  (Whitesake and his bum ankle did LBCs while we moseyed).


  • Imperial Walker – 15 IC
  • WindMill – 10 IC
  • SSH – 20 IC
  • Balance Merkins – 10
  • Moroccan night clubs – 10 IC forward, 10 IC reverse 🙂
  • 10 LLS, IC

The Thang Part I

We counted off by 4 for the 4 station kettlebell work out:

Station 1:

  • KB Swings – 20
  • Single arm row – 20
  • Goblet squat – 20
  • Take a lap and go to station 2

Station 2:

  • Curls – 20
  • Single arm floor press, 10 per arm
  • Tricep Extensions – 20
  • Take a lap to station 3

Station 3

  • Single arm snatch – 10 each arm
  • American Hammer – 20 single count
  • Tiny Tim deadlift (75lb bell) – 15
  • Take a lap to station 4

Station 4

  • KB Turkish get ups-5 each arm
  • Big boy situps – 20
  • Stationary reverse lunge -10 per leg
  • Rinse and repeat once

The Thang Part II

Balls to wall while guys on the ends did 3 burpees


Announcements: Savage race 5/18, Kids workout at the Deep on 5/25;

Prayers for Enrique, injured PAX, Thanksgiving.

Like you all, I get some much more out of this than I put in and I am grateful beyond words.


TClap |

Remembering Family

Thought about this one at the last minute.  April was a great month for me as I celebrated Easter with my family, Spring Break, my mother’s birthday, my 8th wedding anniversary, accepting an offer on my house and so many other things that were wonderful yet forgotten.  But as I tried to create something new for this Q, it dawned on me those family members that are still a part of me emotionally/spiritually but not physically. I wanted to do something that brought back and help me to preserve those special moments that will hopefully stay with me even longer.  That being said, I established a Q that honored the memory of two loved ones that I have lost in the month of April: my maternal grandmother, Gaye Lindsay (April 4, 2001) and my uncle Jody Hudson (April 28, 2014).

Warm-O-Rama: I honestly don’t remember what we did.  But we warmed up.  Some dynamic stretching and the usual amount of SSH’s.

The Thang: as a way to honor my family members, I chose to do a partner BLIMPS type workout with one person completing reps while the other partner running a lap to each respective name.  Up first, my grandmother…

We each grabbed a rock near Papa Doc’s and partnered up to complete 61 reps of each exercise:

  • Goblet squat press (with rock)
  • American hammers (with rock)
  • Yurpee (had to dig in the exicon for this one… and we did this one cumulative with a partner instead of individually…. and without rock)
  • Extensions (triceps extensions with the rock)

Gaye is for the name of my grandmother.  61 reps for her age when she passed.  She died when I was a junior in high school.  She was married for 42 years to my grandfather. She was a great definition of the word Matriarch.


Next up… my uncle (no rocks for this one).  Partner style BLIMPS workout again with 40 reps.

  • Jump squats
  • One legged burpee (cumulative reps between partner)
  • Dips
  • Y-lifts

Jody is for the name of my uncle.  40 reps for the age when he died.  He died 5 years ago.  He also died at a young age, which still sticks with me to this day.


This was a workout that I needed.  As time passes, we tend to lose memories of those who are not with us anymore.  There are certain memories that were brought back from just thinking about this workout which brought smiles to my face.  Memories that were long gone but not forgotten.  I hope that more memories I shared with these special people will continue to stay with me and pop up from time to time; allowing me to reminisce on how lucky I was as a child and growing adult to have such wonderful people in my life.


As always, thanks for the opportunity to lead Peg!

TClap |

Co-Q with Two Ferns

Last minute Co-Q with my boy Two Ferns stepping up to lead the first half.

Those brave enough to pre-run made an appearance 45 minutes prior. (For the record, those PAX were Two Ferns and Shakespeare).

Disclaimer given by YHC and Two Ferns took us on a mosey to the elementary school parking lot for Warm-O-Rama.  We welcomed Delay-Of-Game (Chop Block’s name after missing the starting gun), his 2.0s, and Respectable Olaf to the party as they arrived.  Mosey to the football field.

Lacrosse Drills w/ Two Ferns:

Two teams pitted against each other for glory.  With YHC keeping score, I just want the record to show that my team won.  First drill of partners going out to pick up a lacrosse ball with a stick, minimum 5 partner passes (each drop, other team members complete a punishment), first team to retrieve all balls gets the win.  Team members “on deck” held plank until the others returned, when a ball dropped, teammates completed a merkin.  Other times through, we held Al Gore and completed a squat on dropped balls.

After a few rounds, we did 1v1 sprint retrieval, 1v1 back to back fight for the ball, and 2v2 sprint retrieval with passes.

Little Tykes Basketball w/ YHC:

In what seemed to be easy (and was extremely hard) each PAX took 3 attempts (some more as we had to change the rules a few times for LOTS of misses) at shooting on a Little Tykes kid hoop.  For every miss, we completed a Burpee.  Let’s just say there were lots of burpees.

Ultimate Football:

In what has become a tradition at The Deep, we played some Ultimate Football. It was a short game, but again, my team won (I was keeping score).

COT & Prayers

Thanks for helping me Q this one Two Ferns!

TClap |

10/20/30 at Cannonball (Back to the Basics)

12 PAX appeared in the gloom. We got the Kettlebells out and No FNGs present, but a lot of new faces in the gloom. Gave a basic disclaimer as we moseyed around the parking lot and through the dark tunnel and into the old Church Parking lot were Whitesnake took control of the COP. He has a VQ coming up so I hit him up yesterday and asked him if he wanted to lead us in the COP and he said “heck yah” . He was prepared, he later told me that he watched a Video online of Dredd showing how to lead a COP. Whitesnake killed it with some Imperial Walkers, Produce Pickers, Sun Gods both ways, MNC’s and then some fast paced until we slowed him down Wind Mills (something we all get a little fast on when we do them for the first time). I remember Jedi stopping me and setting me straight. I then went into the middle of the COP and had everyone hold an Al Gore and I briefly talked about all the new faces and that when leading up to the VQ’s remember you are the one in charge and to take lead and men will follow you. Also keep in mind that it is only exercise and not surgery so it is ok if you mess up.

We then moseyed over toward the New Parking lot and on the way we did some Toy Solders. Picked up our Kettle Bells and did the Following

10/20/30 (3 reps)
Big Boys with a Kettlebell raise and push over the head to the knees
Tricep Ext.
Lawn mowers (15 each arm)
Then take a lap with the Bell

10/20/30 (3 reps)
Kettlebell squat thrusters
American Hammers counting the right side only
Skull Crushers
Then take a short bear crawl lap with the Bell to the first cone and back

10/20/30 (3 reps)
Turkish Get ups 5 each side (not a popular one just ask Whitesnake and the Pax with the Ruck on
KB Swings
Shoulder Presses 15 each arm
Then take a lunge lap around the second cone with the Bell

Ended right on time with cheers that the Turkish Getups were done.

Announcements as usual Canoli Run, Savage Race, Heavy Coming up, New River Men’s Breakfast, F# Dads May 25th, Memorial Day Convergence, Read your news letter.

Prayers and Praises, O’Reilly had a friend end his life recently, Roger (Riverboat) and his battle with cancer, Traveling Pax and sick Pax.

Thanks to all that came and got better. I am glad to be out there with each of you . You make me stronger. Kudos to Whitesnake for leading the COP.

TClap |

A Q of Ice and Fire

Firstly, there are no spoilers contained in the backblast. YHC had been thinking about doing a GOT themed Q for a while. When I was offered to Q Crows Nest within 12 hours of a new episode dropping, I knew that winter had come.

14 men showed up and were disclaimed. Before we moseyed, the first game was explained.

Where are my Dragons?!

PAX were told that there were 3 toy dragons (dinosaurs if we are being honest) hidden around the AO. If any man found a dragon they were to let the whole group know and everyone would stop what they were doing and complete 20 Flying Dragons [flying squirrels] OYO. If all 3 dragons were not found with 5 mins left in the workout all the PAX would have a penalty – winter had arrived early and we would all have to do rounds of Climate Change. After this was all explained, we moseyed. Before the warm up began, Peg found the first dragon. So 20 Flying Dragons.

Wildfire Warmup

Lord Tyrion Leaps [SSH], Braavosi Night Clubs [MNC], White Walkers [imperial walkers], Gendry’s Hammer [American hammers], Benjin Starks [ranger merkins], The Hound [downward dog]

The Kingsroad

The Kingsroad connects the capital of the 7 Kingdoms, Kings Landing, all the way North to The Wall. It actually starts at Storms End, but whatever. PAX received a raven that white walkers were marching for the Wall and they needed to journey up the Kingsroad with reinforcements, or really bad stuff would happen. The Wall was on the opposite side of a parking lot from Kings Landing. PAX had to Lieutenant Bran (he don’t got no legs) there. At each pillar they passed they had to do 5 Iron Borns (Carolina dry docks AKA Pike pushups).

Once at the Wall, we needed to defend it. This entailed several rounds of Wall sits with PAX taking turns going beyond the Wall to do abyss merkins. Fortunately, for the realms of men, the White Walkers were defeated by the valiant efforts of the PAX. Flux also found the second dragon – so 20 more flying dragons. We then had to return to Kinds Landing. But as we had already found 2 dragons by this point we did not need to Lieutenant Bran – instead we did Welsh Dragons back, which was much shorter as the crow flies… though not necessarily less painful. Check the exicon; these ones are tough on the shoulders.

The Nobel Houses of Westeros

Stations were set up, each with the sigil, words, and name of a house of Westeros. There was also a corresponding exercise for each house. The lexicon came in real handy with this one. Complete station 1, run a lap. Complete station 1 again, then 2, and then run a lap. 1, 2, and 3, then run a lap… you get the idea. Here were the stations:

  1. House Greyjoy – 3 Kraken Burpees
  2. House Baratheon – 20 Leaping Stags (power skips)
  3. House Stark – 10 Dire Wolves (Werewolves)
  4. House Lannister – 20 Lion Kings
  5. House Frey – 20 Oblique Bridges (10 each side)
  6. House Martel – 30 Sun Gods
  7. House Targaryen – 20 Flying Dragons
  8. House Arryn – 3 Tony Hawk Burpees

We didn’t make it through all the houses before time ran out, but enough to get the sweat going. YHC also conveniently found the last dragon – sparing the PAX from global warming session, as we really didn’t have time for that anyway. I may work that into a future Q. We all moseyed back to COT, dragons in hand.

This was the most fun I have had creating a workout yet. Thank you to all the PAX who came out and endured a bit of nerdy fun, especially those who were up late watching GOT last night. And thanks to Iced Tea for the opportunity to lead.

Valar Dohaeris,


TClap |

Ladders everywhere at Crows Nest

I’m very ready to be done with the cold.  Another day below 50 degrees, but we warmed up pretty fast.  At 5:15 we had 7 guys ready to start their week right. Disclaimer and GO!

Dynamic warm-up going behind the school

High Knees –  Butt kickers – Side shuffles  –>

I heard one of the PAX behind me say, “watch…next will be Toy Soldiers…”

Sounds like I’m being too predictable!  But I like toy soldiers, so we did them anyway…


SSHs – Abe Vagotas – Daisy Pickers – CDDs – Merkins – Mountain Climbers – Broga – Crunchy frogs

Headed over to the loading dock, one of my favorite spaces at the Crows Nest.  If you haven’t been here, this AO has so many options, you can do almost anything! A Giant Hill, playground pull ups, rocks for weights, the loading dock…

Today would be filled with Ladders…

Ladder 1 = 10 down 1 up

11s with Derkins & Crunchy Frogs

10 derkins on the curb run to the loading dock overhang, jump up and do 1 crunchy frog

Ladder 2  = 10 up 1 down

Ran over to the brick “round table”

10 Step Ups each leg –> 1 Big boy sit up

Apache 10 count from Speed Handle (thanks for sharing)

Ladder 3 = 6 up 1 down

Over to the playground

6 pull ups –> 1 Deep Squat

Next was a new one for me Indian Merkin Bear Crawl?

Line up in plank head to toe

Last PAX bear crawl to the front while rest of the line does merkins

We made it two rotations before we almost crashed to our faces… my arms definitely did not want to work on the 2nd bear crawl!

Apache 10 count from Whitesnake (thanks for sharing)

Mosey to COT at the front of the school.  6am sharp!


Savage Race 5/18  Cannoli Run same day, lots of other great things


For Flux’s son Evan as he gets some testing down today.  Safe Travels. Celebration of Jesus and his resurrection! The Baptism of Two Ferns Sunday and his son Hound!

An Honor to Lead



TClap |

Of Dice and Men

6 men decided they liked the cold steel of a kettlebell more than the comfort of a fartsack. Disclaimer was disclaimed, and we were off for a mosey.


sun gods, produce pickers, mountain climbers, some static stretching, downward dog, honeymooner… If you are actually reading the warmup portion of this backblast Tweet @toddbrodie2 a money emoji. He’ll give you $5 next time he sees you.


Farmer Carries

Partner up. P1 takes two KBs and farmer carries them the length of the parking lot and back (about 200 yards round trip). P2 AMARAPs the static exercise for the round while waiting. Flapjack. When both partners are done they do the partner exercise together. Then rinse repeat for each round.

1.       Static:  Merkins, Partner: 20 goblet curls (SC)

2.       Static: Boxcutters, Partner: 20 KB American Hammers (DC)

3.       Static: Bombjacks, Partner: 20 KB Partner Twists (DC)


Dice’n in the Dark

YHC’s cushy foam die made the trip to Cannonball this morning. PAX take turns rolling the die to determine the exercise. Reps are determined by the round: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 though we did not make it nearly that far. Between rolls run to the top of the hill and back (without KB) and do an increasing number of KB swings (+1 per round). The die values were:

1 = Flutters w/ Press (DC)

2 = Goblet Curls

3 = KB Calf Raises

4 = Tricep Extensions

5 = Monkey Humpers

6 = Bent Over Rows

Great to be out in the gloom this AM. Both the mumble chatter and the sweat were flowing richly. Shout out to Two Ferns for the opportunity to have some fun planning a KB workout. If you haven’t been to this AO yet, you should definitely make plans to roll by and check it out.

Stay Classy,


TClap |