Honor of Cash

Today, we honored Cash, hospital name Jay Griggs, who passed away in Sept 2020 of cancer. He was given the name “Cash” as in Johnny Cash due to his all black outfit he worn at his first workout along with his hometown of Nashville, TN. The Coop was renamed “Ring of Fire” in honor of Cash. Double D shared stories through the workout. Cash was a genuine person who was always ready to help out a friend.
Jekyll provided me with a backblast from 2015 where Cash was in attendance. I decided to copy it on a piece of paper and unfortunately dropped it in the gloom so it did not match the exact workout.
We first moseyed to the front entrance of the school for COP (SSHs, IWs, Windmills, Cherry Pickers, Plank Stretches, and Mountain Climbers)
Next, we moseyed to the gym wall for People’s Chair with each pax running out to the parking lot for 5 merkins. One round of Balls to the Wall.
The lights came on making it easier to navigate, mosey to the ROTC building.
Dirty McDeuce (3 exercises, 12 reps) Run to the top of the hill, 5 burpees and back down to starting point.
R1: Merkins, LBCs, Lunges
R2: Wide Arm Merkins, Hello Dollies, Squats
R3: CDD, Flutters, Jump Squats
R4: Stagger Merkins, X/Os, Calf Raises

Back to the top of the hill near the school
Three rounds of toe touches, Dips, Derkins (12 reps)

Back to COT
Closed with Cash’s prayer

Search me Lord. Lead me to you. Help me to be a good man, a good father, a good husband and a good employee. Help me to forgive and release from resentment those that I feel have offended me. Let me see the good in others and draw that goodness out of them.

TClap |

The Final Countdown

The day finally arrived for our CSAUP, The FInal Countdown. The rainy weather was not ideal, but it helped keep the temperature and humidity down for ideal running conditions. 67 men participated in the event. Most groups participated in the relay. Ruckers and trail runners fought the elements and got their work done to.
Relay details:   The first Pax will run 3 miles and return to the starting point.  The 1st and 2nd Pax will run 3 miles and return to the starting point. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd runner will run the final 3 miles.  Each route will be unique.  If you get lost, just run 3 miles and return back to the park.

Total miles:  3+3+3 = 10 F3 math   (Runner 1 – 9 miles, Runner 2 – 6 miles, Runner 3 – 3 miles)

Inspiring stuff this morning. River Rat’s 2.0s ran the course like it was a lap around the track. Lots of guys ran distances they have never run before.
We’ve got a good pool of runners for the upcoming Dam to Dam Relay.

Great job by everyone this morning!

TClap |

Week 1 Iron Pax

So Humid…so dark….so wet….

In other words conditions were perfect for IPX week 1.

WARMUP: We did some SSH, windmills, and other stuff. It was all to loosen up for the inevitable beatdown.


45 minute EMOM

4 Cones in a square. Each 25 yards apart

Start at cone 1 bearcrawl to cone 2 do 25 Squats,

sideways bearcrawl to cone 3 do 25 merkins,

Crawlbear to cone 4 do 25 Big Boy Sit-ups

sideways bearcrawl back to cone 1 do 25 burpees.

As many reps as you can in 45 minutes.

This was tough. Sweat poured, merlot was spilled, no tears shed but weakness did leave the body.

Grateful for the men that showed and did the really….really…. hard thing.

Week 2 here we come!! ⚔️⚔️⚔️

TClap |

‘Tis an unfortunate thing…

WARMUP: I’m sure we did something.
Run to the pull-up bars and grab a cinderblock…
BUY-IN: Bear Crawl down the hill toward the Elem School, then CrawlBear back up.
25 Pull-ups
400M run (up and down the hill twice)
25 4-ct curls
25 burpees (no block)
25 4-ct flutters with press
onto Phase 2…

Mosey to the track with your brick…
1 lap with brick
25 overhead press
1 lap with brick
25 curls
1 lap with brick
25 overhead press
25 curls
No more laps, ran out of time…

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter

COT: So many thoughts about backblasts and about the process I went through on my own to write this one. One day, if you are interested, ask me and I’ll gladly share…
For now, here is the BB.

TClap |

Week 0 Iron PAX challenge


15 Michael Phelps IC (DH gave us an abridged Michael Phelps bio during this exercise)
5 Windmills IC
15 Mountain Climbers IC


The COE Sandwich.

5 rounds
20 Thrusters with Coupon
20 Standard Merkins

3 Rounds
100ft Bear Crawl
100FT Burpee Bear Crawl back (3 burpees for every 5 broad jumps)

5 more Rounds of Coe.

Modified version offered Goblet Squats and Incline or Decline Merkins for Coe and a 100 FT mosey/Lungewalk for Brenton with 10 HR merkins at the halfway point

We decided to make it harder than the recommended 3 merkins.

Please remember to submit those times.

As always it was a tough workout but we all better for it. Today’s workout was a combination of 2 hero WOD’s I encourage you all to take the time and read up on it at F3 greenwood.

Until Next time………

Announcements…. Read the newsletter!

TClap |

4 Quarters & a “soggy weinke”

1st Quarter: 1 LAP
-20 ea. Curls – (with blocks)
-20 ea. Overhead Press – (with blocks)
-20 yard high knee out and back
*rinse and repeat 4 times
2nd Quarter: 1 LAP
-20 ea. Merkins
-20 ea. Swings (with block)
-20 yard shuffle out and back
*rinse and repeat 4 times
3rd Quarter: 1 LAP
-20 ea. LBC’s
-20 ea. American Hammers (in cadence)
-20 yard Bear Crawl out and back
*rinse and repeat 4 times
4th Quarter: 1 LAP
-20 ea. Squats
-20 ea. Lunges
-20 yard Nur then run back
*rinse and repeat 4 times
MARY: none
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read the newsletter. several PAX registering for the Spartan November 19th

TClap |

Regal Manor Impromptu Tour

WARMUP: None- we just run
THE THANG: Took a tour of Regal Manor from NaFo. It was a good fellowship/conversational pace. Pax ran between 4.8 and 5.3 miles. The fast guys @SkateOrDie and @Badlands stretched their legs and bit and we got separated for a bit there and they had to run a little further to find us again.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter. Get ready for the 10 yr celebration

TClap |

IronPax Pep- The Wheel of Misfortune

WARMUP: Instructions and pick up Cindy
THE THANG: The Wheel of Misfortune
In a throwback IronPax workout from 2020, we did the Wheel of Misfortune. 43 minutes of AMRAP.
Start with a 400 meter run
Pick up your block, do 10 Thrusters
Rifle carry the block 25 yds. to the 1st of 6 stations. They included: Decline Merkins, Blockees/Man Makers, Squats with the block on your back, Kettle Bell Swings, Chest Press and Cross Arm Block Raises.
In between each station, Rifle carry back to the light pole and do 10 Thrusters.
Each round consisted of 210 reps.
Most completed 2 rounds. Some more, some less.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Sign-up for IronPax, Ft. Mill Care Center still needs items. Get ready for Tour de Fort for the 10 year.
COT: Prayers for kids/teachers/parents as school starts back. Prayers for @Slapshot as he visits PA and his 102 yr old grandmother.

We ended with a discussion of community and building your brothers. IronPax is a great way to make new brothers by doing something hard together. Get signed up at https://f3greenwood.wordpress.com Workouts start will be Tuesdays and Fridays at NaFo. 5am start times as some of the beatdowns are timed to completion, though designed to be done in 45 minutes.

TClap |

Impromtu Q

WARMUP: 15 SSH, Windmills, and Moroccan Night Clubs. Run a lap around the campus.
THE THANG: TABADA of 1 minute AMRAP then 30 seconds rest. The order was Merkins, SSH, Squats, American Hammers, Suicides, Flutter Kicks, Burpees, LBCs, Knee Taps, Leg Raises, Low Plank, Left & Right Side Plank, High Plank. Rinse and Repeat until we ran out of time at the 2nd round of Knee Taps.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter b/c @fishstix couldn’t remember all of them as he was still trying to catch his breath.
COT: Prayers for schools as we head back on Monday. Prayers for YHC’s 2.0 as he switches elementary schools this year. Praises for 15 years of marriage for YHC and M. Prayers for @fishstix and his family as they approach the 1 year since losing his father.

Message of the day, always have a Q ready to go in case you’re called in to pinch hit when the scheduled Q no-shows. Great work today gents!

TClap |

“Just the Facts, Ma’am.” pt 2.

It was a glorious 75 degree gloom today, complete with humidity and dew. The air was saturated from the storms overnight. Along the ride there was a Shield & Splinter sighting – running all the way from Regent Park. Animals.

YHC rolled into the AO in a good mood, made even better by the sighting of Dirty Harry waiting in the parking lot. To top it off, Albatross showed up the day after his FNG post. The man’s got gumption.


Disclaimer was disclaimed, then we walked through the 5 core principles. YHC was excited to deliver the pain this morning.


SSH x 34 IC

Merkins x 7 IC

Six Count Burpess x 5 IC

Jump Lunges x 8 Each Side


Quick mosey to adjacent lot.


1 Squat : 4 Squat Pulses up to 10:40. The PAX dropped it like it was hot.

Walk Like an Egyptian

This is a lunge hold Indian run. Take a step in a lunge, hold it, PAX in rear sprints to front. Step forward with other leg, hold while PAX in rear sprints to front. Repeat until you arrive at your destination.

Luckily our destination was only 50 or so yards… but the burn was felt.


1 6-Count Burpee : 4 Bear Crawl Steps up to 10:40. YHC called the cadence throughout to keep the PAX together.

Mosey to field to complete final iteration.


1 Merkin : 4 OH Claps up to 10:40. The shoulders were on fire for the duration of this iteration.

5 Min of Mary

Protractor into Rosalita’s x 10

Flutters x 10

American Hammers x 10

Gas Pumpers x 10 (at the discretion of Dirty Harry)


Today’s workout was pleasant – most would disagree – but the mutual suck endured alongside my brothers quickly became fun for YHC. I wanted to cut the movements short multiple times, but we don’t wake up at 0430 to half ass it.

I’ve been struggling to post as of late, and to be honest I am not happy with myself about it. I ran into Esso on Monday at Publix, and the camaraderie gained from posting quickly translates into the world a sense of community and belonging. He promised he’d come to my Q, and much to my delight, he did as he said. This community we have in F3 is not to be taken for granted, even by a kotter like myself. I am better when I post. Not only because of the 1st F. It’s because of the 2nd F that we all enjoy so much, followed by the 3rd F in putting our community and faith above ourselves. We push each other to be better daily. It starts with showing up.

Who is in your world that would benefit from this?


Bethel Men’s Shelter tonight – and every first Thursday of the month. Hit up Poppins for info.

Prayers & Praises

Larry & Patty Pettus

DH’s Father in Law – Roger

Splinter’s friend getting herniated disc surgery

Albatross’ weekend trip to Chucktown and him focusing on getting his thoughts straight

Poppins – thanks for bringing me out to lead at The Ranch.

Punch List out.

TClap |