Full Metal Jacket

WARMUP: Parking lot mosey to Stop sign 20 SSH, 10 Windmill. Continue mosey to COT 10 Imperial Walker, 10 Hillbilly Walker, Plank, Honeymooner, Downward Dog.

THE THANG: Mosey to Cindy, rifle carry her to SCES bus loop.
Buy-in: 20 Merkins
10 Thrusters – Run lap around loop
20 LBC’s – Run lap around loop
20 Cindy curls – Run lap around loop
10 Carolina Dry Docks – Run lap around loop
20 Squats – Run lap around loop
(Rinse & repeat for 3 reps)
Cash-out: 30 Merkins
Return Cindy – mosey to COT
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas Party, Golf Tourney
COT: Prayers & Praises

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Full Metal Jacket

WARMUP: Parking lot mosey to Stop sign 20 SSH, 10 Windmill. Continue mosey to COT 10 Imperial Walker, 10 Hillbilly Walker, Plank, Honeymooner, Downward Dog.

THE THANG: Mosey to Cindy, rifle carry her to SCES bus loop.
Buy-in: 20 Merkins
10 Thrusters – Run lap around loop
20 LBC’s – Run lap around loop
20 Cindy curls – Run lap around loop
10 Carolina Dry Docks – Run lap around loop
20 Squats – Run lap around loop
(Rinse & repeat for 3 reps)
Cash-out: 30 Merkins
Return Cindy – mosey to COT
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas Party, Golf Tourney
COT: Prayers & Praises

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Iron Pax 2024 Week 0 – Wednesday

Jog around the 400m loop
Warmup exercises
The Thang
Kalsu – 100 thrusters
Start the 1-minute EMOM timer
Perform 5 burpees
As soon as you finish the burpees, start doing thrusters
When the timer goes off, do 5 burpees
Keep repeating this until you finish 100 thrusters
After 100 thrusters, run 400 meters
Reverse Kalsu – 100 burpees
Start your 100 burpees as soon as you get back
Don’t restart the EMOM timer. You are at the mercy of the timer as to when you get back
Each time the EMOM timer goes off, 5 thrusters
Perform burpees in between until you get to 100 burpees
Workout ends after your 100 burpees
Record your total time
Recovery Stretching
IPX 2024
Show To Know

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Not Much Running Wild At The Ranch

WARMUP: Run over to the middle school, around the loop to the flag. Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Squats, Dead Lifts, Plank, Downward Dog, Up Dog, Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Peter Parkers, Merkins
THE THANG: With just about everything in cadence…
Run down the right side of the school to the corner
Low Slow Squat, Sumo Squat, Stationary Lunges (forward & reverse), Side Lunges
Run the next parking lot to the front door of the school
Again, in cadence…
Boats & Canoes, Grave Diggers, Freddy Mercury, American Hammers, Gas Pumpers
Partner Catch Me If You Can
P1: Bear Crawl around the perimeter
P2: 10 LBCs and catch P1
Complete the loop
25 Pull-Ups at the playground
Picnic Benches:
Bulgarian Split Squats, Dips
MARY: See above
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Yes (Hi Bandcamp)
COT: Indeed

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Blocks and Hills

There were three at the Badger this morning. Disclaimer – It’s been a while since I Q’d here, modify if necessary.
Warm-ups – SSHs, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, MNCs
Next, we made our way to the Pull-up bars and grabbed a cindy. 11s, 10 pull-ups, 1 squat thrushers and run down the hill and back up, rinse and repeat -1 pull-ups, +1 Thrusters.
Next, we moseyed to the stop sign near the bus line. Overhead cindy carry stopping at each tree for +1 man-makers (Four trees in total).
Took a couple steps to the main parking lot. One farmer carried two cindies, once shoulder carried one cindy, the other ran to the next lightpost, 5 merkins and return to switch out with the other pax. We snaked around the whole parking lot and returned to the pull up bars for three rounds of curls, bent over rows and run down the hill.
Back to COT.

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Sparty Start

Short mosey run

Warmup: SSH (20xI/C); windmills; Imperial Walkers; Moroccan N/C; Low Slow Sqts; big arm circles; peter parkers; plank stretches

Thang 1: Mini-Spartan:
Start at bottom of hill, run up to pull up bars, do 10 pull-ups, then out to the street and crawl under the barbed wire (2 wires), then farmers carry cinder blocks about 100 feet out and back, drop blocks, back to the bars and do 10 toes-to-bar, run back to bottom of the hill and rinse/repeat.

Barbed wire detail:
Two cinder blocks staked horizontally, string a cargo strap across to another stack of two cinder blocks.

Place a second set of barbed wire ten feet further down. Two-block height worked well in my opinion, it’s a real crawl underneath and not a bear crawl. Top view:


Side view:
꙱ ꙱
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Thang 2: Spear throw
Target was a red bucket. Stand 3 parking spots back and throw.

Run up to shovel flag.

3 burpees just for fun.


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Round Up the Cattle

Since it’s The Ranch, I wanted to do something Yellowstone-inspired. This was my attempt. I can’t say my “best attempt” with a straight face.
WARMUP: Run a lap around the campus (about .8 miles), then some SSH and Windmills
THE THANG: Lots of rounds of Catch Me If You Can. This was designed as a partner workout, but we modified it since there were only three of us. One person did the exercise below, and the other two ran around the drop-off loop until catching the person doing the exercise and switching off. Since there were only three, we got way more miles in than anticipated, but as I was a substitute Q and today would have been my run day, this worked out well.
Lap 1: Bear Crawl
Lap 2: Karaoke
Lap 3: Burpee Broad Jumps
Lap 4: Lunge Walk
Lap 5: 5 Merkins, take 10 steps
Lap 6: Duck Walk
MARY: American Hammers, Gas Pumpers, Flutters, LBC’s
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Light on announcements as we start the school year, but we are looking for it to pick back up as more D2D Fundraisers begin to pop up.
COT: Stays in COT

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Folds of Honor

WARMUP: Honored corporal Brock Buckner and the Folds of Honor Foundation. Got some work in with SSH, windmills, tappy taps, overhead claps, honey mooners, light merkins, etc
THE THANG: pull up work at the bars, then grabbed Cindy and headed to field. Combination of exercises while carrying Cindy to the 20-50-20. Curls, overhead press, merkins, dips, squats, swings. Run a lap after each 100 yard trek. Ended with 100 yard bear crawl and 100 yard rifle carry
MARY: Mary in between laps waiting for 6
COT: don’t get caught up in the fight this election season rather bring the light. Family, 2.0s

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