Simple but Effective

22 Men got better today:

Run to Office Parking lot: 15 Merkins and 15 CDD

Run to Gold Hill Elementary teacher parking lot: 20 LBC and 20 Hello Dolly

Run to Gold Hill Middle teacher lot: 15 squats and 15 Lunges

Mileage ranged from 3-5.  Great job.

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Carry on bitches

15 Merkins IC
Mosey over to bottom of hill where a piece of cardboard in the trash had a weinke in it. (I put it  there)


7 Halos each direction
6 goblet squats
5 KB swings
4 russian twists (each side)
3 straight arm over head
2 skull crushers
1 man maker

Run to top of hill and back drop one exercise off each round

1 burpee at top, increasing to 7

Part II

Overhead weighted carry over in front of field
Dora the Horror


Partner up,

partner 1 does 100 OH press with bell.
Partner 2 does Lunge walk with KB

Rd 2

Partner 1 does 200 curls
Partner 2 Bear crawl to cone and back

Rd 3

Overhead weighted carry to cone and back 300 drag throughs – didn’t have time to finish

MARY: none

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Bunny fu-fus

WARMUP: Jog lap around lot then some basic warm-ups. Grab bags and move to front of school.
THE THANG: Complete the following exercises. Every 2 mins run to cone at end of drop off line and back.
20 OH presses
50 hop overs
30 front rack squats
50 hop overs
40 push-ups
50 hop overs
30 back rack squats
50 hop overs
20 OH presses
Solo was calling the hop overs bunny fu-fus or something since they really started to add up.
After finishing the board we moved over to the amphitheater. Starting at the bottom, bear crawl to 1st landing dragging bag and do 15 jump over burpees. Crawl and drag to 2nd landing and do 12 jump over burpees. Crawl and drag to 3rd landing and do 9 jump over burpees. Bear hug sandbagand move back to start. Crawl and drag bag to 1st landing and do 15 over the shoulders. Crawl and drag to 2nd landing and do 12 over the shoulders. Time was up before we could make it to the last landing. Carry bags back to COT. Great work by everyone. Thanks for the opportunity to Q!

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No Mercy for 2024

Ran past schools toward the lightpoles/hill

mandatory stop for some Bobby hurleys at the bball hoops

starting at first light pole – run to second lightpole do 10 merkins then run back to first pole. run to 3rd lightpole do 10 merkins then run back to first pole. run to 4th pole do 10 merkins….etc. didn’t make it all the way to Walmart but got close.

headed back with about 10 minutes left and got a few more Bobby hurleys as we passed the basketball hoops.

4.25 to 4.75 miles with close to 70 merkins

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Jingle (Kettle) Bells

WARMUP: 12 SSH, 12 Windmills, 12 Imperial Walkers

Ladder format.
Do the first exercise, run to the bins and back. 2nd then 1st exercise, bin and back. 3rd, 2nd, 1st exercise. Bin and back. Keep going until the ladder is complete. Once the ladder is completed, work it back down.

Ladder as follows:
1 man maker
2 snatches
3 upright rows
4 cleans
5 swings
6 lawnmower pulls (single count. 3 each side)
7 skull crushers
8 lunges (4 each leg)
9 goblet squats
10 single leg deadlifts (5 each leg)
11 bicep curls
12 manmakers

Some Q jackers decided to do some Mary after completing the ladder instead of working it back down. lol.

Clave Boss 5k/10k and Christmas convergence. Dam2DamBar

Patience, travel, family, addictions, loneliness.

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Pre-Convergence Convergence

There were Ruckers and runners.

Barry Manilow led the runners for 5+ miles around The Fort.

The bootcampers were led first by Maximus with a SSH x Merkin combo x2 to warm up.
After a quick warm up, the weinke was
10 merkins, 10 mountain climbers (double count) at each of the 9 swings around the park. When done and waiting on the 6 to fill in, hold an Al Gore. To wrap up, starting at the bottom of the grassy hill from the parking lot, flutter kicks, then burpees at the top of the hill.

Cake Boss took second shift with playtime at the playground.
Partnering up, one partner does squats, while the other runs around the playground. Then flapjack. Next was pull ups/merkins following the same format. To wrap up, keeping the same partner, one bear crawled across the field and run back, while the other did flutters. Flap jack until 3 rounds were done.

Fogerty took us home with some 11’s and hill repeats.
At the bottom of the hill with the statue, started with 10 merkins and bombjacks. Half way up the hill, 5 burpees, then 1 squat and big boy sit-up. No burpee on the way back down the hill. Repeat until 11’s are done cutting out the burpees when you hit 5 & 6.

This was a fun 60 min bootcamp.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Clave Boss & convergence in 12/23. Happy Birthday Walker. Tallawah is officially closed for good.


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Tentatively titled “The Watchmen”.

Partner up for 4 x 4-minute AMRAPs
Burpees: Partners alternate reps
Bear crawl: 1 partner forward, 1 backward (swap at fatigue)
Reverse Burpess: Partners alternate reps
Run: 1 partner forward, 1 backward (swap at fatigue)

Repeat entire circuit.

Moral of the workout? Make sure someone has eyes out when you are in a vulnerable position.

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12 days of Kettlebells

Quick lap to help get bodies warm
Maraca nightclub

Grab our bells and went over to the circle in front of the church where we did 12 days of Christmas with a run to the end of the parking lot between each round

Day 1 – man maker
Day 2 – snatch (each side)
Day 3 – single leg deadlift (each leg)
Day 4 – Bulgarian split squat (each leg)
Day 5 – Curls (lower, upper, full – 5 each)
Day 6 – chest press
Day 7 – nut crushers
Day 8 – Tricep extension
Day 9 – squats
Day 10 – OH press
Day 11 – swings
Day 12 flutter with press

MARY: no time left, barely finished in time

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The Total Body Destroyer

YHC gave the Disclaimer and also Noted last time I Q’ed a KB workout everyone hurt for at least a week.

We started off with

15 – imperial walkers
15 – wind mills

Slowlesy to the larger parking lot where the board was set up along with some music

Explained this is OYO not a group effort as they looks on the pax did not look amused by the number of reps.

Also on every minute on the minute 3 KB man makers.

After the first 2 rounds I Omahaed that to every 2 minutes as it took about 30sec to get done and few seconds to gain your composure back.

50 KB Thrusters
75 KB Stright Arm overhead Ground Taps (this is done on your six with the KB straight above your chest. You then proceed to lower the weight over your head till it touches the ground. This works you lats like a lat pull down in the gym)
100 KB Curls
125 KB Swings ( this is definitely a full body exercise)
150 KB Halo’s smoke those shoulders
175 KB Squats

Due to time we Riffle Carried to the opposite end of the parking lot then found our way back to COT.

There was a lot more intended but due to the stupid time constraints we only made it this far.

Planked it up for the 6.

Hope I lived up to the Hives expectations and my KB reputation.


Dam to Damn Bar 10k, Christmas party


Alot of health concerns with families getting sick, elderly parents sick and in well. It’s always hard around the holidays when we find ourselves in a house hold with sickness

rolling around. 🙏

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A Little of This and a Little of That

On a brisk morning in the gloom we began by heading to the soccer fields.

Butt Kickers, HIgh Knees, Karaoke, Other direction, NUR.

Mosey to parking lot by playground:

SSH x15, plank, Peter Parker x15, Honey Mooner, Down Dog, Parker Peter x15, Honey Mooner, Down Dog, IW x20

To the playground

10 Pull ups, 20 Merkins, 20 swing knee ups, One Lap around the parking lot, Rinse and Repeat, Rinse and Repeat.

Mosey to parking lot with big island.  Bear Crawl, Crab Walk, Crawl Bear and Walk Crab.  Stopping  3x for AB LAB.

Mosey to side of school:  Peoples Chair (person on each end does 5 burpees and repeat until all have done them), BTW (10 count each person down the wall), rinse and repeat.

At picnic tables and 10 step ups each leg.

It was great getting out to the Ranch.  Seeing some HIM that I don’t regularly see.

Thanks to Mainframe for the opportunity.


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