East side continues to GET stronger

We had 10 at <#C0653MWMA8K> for an East Side continuous to get stronger, with accusations FNG had splashed Merlot!!!
pre explanation of Tillers F3 name (Tiller company, a fire apparatus)

Followed by Yoga stretching and relaxing music.

Vuvuzela lead the PAX up and down stairs at Red stone theater followed by Tomb Raider.

Next exercises seated wall coupon pass. Tiller was heard giving the mission of F3 loudly. Abagnale was told to move up faster followed by Shoe String to step up the pace.

PAX moseyed into Bear crawls with two Merkins. Ringer per usual lead the beat down.

PAX moseyed to front of theater for a slalom through the front pillars to return for squat jumps 20

Moseyed past large group of coupons on sidewalk only to be told to do Mike Tyson’s in cadence 10

Murder Bunnies next with Merkins 10

FNG went topless after Bunnies and Merkins

Moseyed through pillars for squat jumps 5

Serpent into pillars for dips on benches. PAX seemed confused as Tiller gave order to get on wall for step ups 10 each side.

Confusion set in as Rosie asked what we are doing after step-ups

Tomb Raider and PTL had to be redirected to follow Tiller as we ran back to C.O.T

Goose had to be told directly to stop moving coupons OFF the parking lot onto the side walk.




ANNOUNCEMENTS: new AO coming to Indian Land soon, Convergence, Walter Elijah Park this Saturday. St John church, September 27 @ 6:30 (Dredd) gust speaker

COT: prayers for us and family

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TT Mahomes

Usual disclaimer stayed close by for Sugarbug arrival. Open with broga, SSH, windmills, shoulder taps etc.

Mosey to the school entrance. Did reps of 5 incrementing to 30 for each light pole up the hill.
Each exercise totaled 105 reps per Bobbers math.

Flutters – bearcrawl
Calf raises
Monkey humpers – run

Back to COT for announcements and stuff. PSA get body scanned for skin cancer it’s no joke :ear_with_hearing_aid:

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Jackal’s 1st Field Trip

WARMUP: F3 Mission, Windmills and SSH
THE THANG: Burpees, Merkins and Squats to CRHS. Wall sits and B2W, parking spot workout, alternate grave diggers, LBC, shoulder taps, gas pumpers HR Merkins, Monkey Humpers, Plank Jacks, OH Claps, each island did Iron Mike buy-ins since nothing is ever really free. Mosey back to FCMS and did Bobby Hurley at the BB courts
MARY: Heels to heaven, penguins
ANNOUNCEMENTS: convergence, Dredd
COT: prayers for many family and friends entering new season in their lives.

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Huntington Farms Out-and-Back

Simple out and back. Out Holbrook road, left into Huntington Farms. 4.6 milers, make a right on Farm Branch and run to end for turn around (only Vuvu did this). 4.0 milers just turned around at end of Old Springs (main road into Huntington Farms from Holbrook). Some did a bit of bonus mileage around shopping center.

Rain wasn’t bad at all, the water drains pretty well on Holbrook, and most drivers (there weren’t many) gave us plenty of room.

Thanks for the chance to lead, TimeMachine!

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WARMUP: Various exercises and some stretchy things. Then we moseyed to the lower lot past the theater.
We Partnered up. Partner 1 does exercise while partner 2 begins to lunge walk. After Partner 1 completes the exercise he catches up with partner 2. Partner 2 performs Exercise while partner 1 lunges walks. Repeat until each partner completes 5 rounds of the Exercise. Then back to the starting point; once all Pax were in we went to the next round to rinse and repeat.

Round 1 – 5 Burbees
Round 2 – 10 Outlaws
Round 3 – 15 Merkins
Round 4 – 20 Big Boy Sit ups

Video evidence was previously posted.

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16 minute miles

Disclaimer and routes provided
THE THANG: All paces of jogging :running: Started after the whistle
Hwy 160 to Spratt to Harris to Munn and back to COT at some point. Some got 4ish and some got 8ish, and some got some trails
MARY: she was missed but remembered
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 9/21 Sundae Ruck, Convergence 9/28
COT: We Hugged, We shared, and we prayed for one another

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