Sweepin’ like it’s 1776

Hot Humid July in SC pre-run with Grout and Re-tread.

WARMUP: run to parking lot where old tega cay coffee used to be and do 17 in cadence American Hammers then run to lowest point on Dave Gibson and do 7 in cadence merkins then run to flag pole at the school and do 6 in cadence low slow squat

1776 sweet the Leg style
17 American Hammers
7 Merkins
6 Squats

At flag pole and at tega cay coffee parking lot. Every time you pass the low point of dave Gibson do 3 burpees.

Get as many rounds as possible

MARY: no time


COT: 5th core principle

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2024.18 Sweep the Leg

Run behind Gold Hill Middle for suicides.
Base Line
7 Wide arm typewriter merkins in the sequence: Center, Left, Right, Center, Right, Left, Center
At the turn:
7 Wide leg typewriter squats in same sequence

We need to find Cheshire’s info, cause I don’t see it anywhere…

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This one goes to 11

Did an out and back to Tega Cay Walmart. Some did trails. One rucked. Some did 11.
Convergence, men’s shelter and CSAUPS
COT: Health and blessings.

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WARMUP: Merkins, Moroccan Night club, Side Straddle-Hop
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your news letter
COT: prayers and Praises 4 members of PAX

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Sweatin’ It To The Oldies

11 PAX sweated out the weekend toxins and accelerated in the humidity this fine beautiful morning. We did 3.9 miles total with 25 squats at First Horizon, 25 plank jacks at Model A. Always look after the six and come home to your family the same way you left. Look out for each other PAX!

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Merkins &

WARMUP: 20 SSH, 10 IW, 10HW, 10ish Windmills
THE THANG: Merkins & … 100Yd Suicide, 10 Merkins at each cone 10 yds apart plus each cone has an exercise 10 Burpees, 20LBC, 20 Squats, 20 Fluters, 20 Mt Climbers, 20 Lunges, 20 CDD, Bear Crawl end of field, 20 Plank Jacks and 10 Man Makers. After each cone run to the end, then come back to the next cone up.
Couple rounds of Circle of Hell
Increasing count/time rounds of Calf raises and Wall sits with bear crawls up/down the hill.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lots of CSAUP, 1776 at Bushwood, Bethel Dinner 7/4. New shirts, F3/State logo out now & new the Fort shirt coming soon.
COT: 2.0 recovering from minor procedure, church family member moved from one hospital to another for more intense medical care.

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8 Churches in 4.25 miles

St Paul’s Episcopal
5 burpees

Unity Pres
5 burpees
10 merkins

St John’s UMC
5 burpees
10 merkins
15 squats

First Baptist
5 burpees
10 merkins
15 squats
20 lunges

Church of God
5 burpees
10 merkins
15 squats
20 lunges
25 mountain climbers

Sisk Memorial Baptist
5 burpees
10 merkins
15 squats
20 lunges
25 mountain climbers
30 flutters

5 burpees
10 merkins
15 squats
20 lunges
25 mountain climbers
30 flutters
35 American hammers

Attempted to visit Community Pres, but turned back early and still arrived late. Hard work was still done

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B.O.T wants a HIVE Hat

WARMUP: SSH, CP, IW, we ran to the far side of the parking lot with kettlebells and Olaf lead us in some stretches
21-15-9 WOD
21 left arm clean snatches
21 jump over burpees
21 right arm clean snatches
21jump over burpees
15 left arm clean snatches
15 jump over burpees
15 right arm clean snatches
15 jump over burpees
9 left arm clean snatches
9 jump over burpees
9 right arm clean snatches
9 jump over burpees

Ran to the end of the parking lot with bells did some squats and lunges. Ran back to COT
COT: Closed in prayer

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