Broga, Merkins, Pyramids, & More Merkins

WARMUP: plank, upward dog<>downward dog, variety of merkins, plank jacks, shoulder taps with variety of updog<>downdog mixed in; run to parking lot near WEP: dynamic warmup including buttkicks high knees to soldiers Carioca lunges- 10 merkins after each
THE THANG: pyramid at the playground 1 pull-up-2 merkins-3 big boys (up to multiple of 7 so finished with 7 pull-ups to 14 merkins to 21 big boys)… down the pyramid- 7 chin-ups:14wide arm merkins: 21 flutters down pyramid to 1:2:3 of those
On curb on playground area: 10 burpees, 9 situp-getups, 8 burpees, 7 sit-up-getups… down to one
MARY: mosey back to Veterans park, repeat the plank, merkin, updog<>downdog thing from warmup with a little extra stretching mixed in
ANNOUNCEMENTS: thanksgiving convergence at Ranch!
COT: overarching theme of thankfulness = family and health!
*also important to note- Block Party is located at Veterans Park, not WEP, like it was 2-3 years ago! Been awhile since I’ve posted at BP! Thanks for the opportunity Kermit!

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Almost Hit the Jackpot

YHC had scheduled a triple 7 Q but we ran short and only got the double 7.

Repeating Hill 7’s

Main Street (Railroad Tracks to Five-Oh)

Academy & Withers (to Watson)
Bobby Hurley’s/Burpees

Move to playground
Omaha – not enough time to hit the third group of 7’s.
Bearpees to Finish – made it to 8:32

Lots of Mary was done in between 7’s while picking up the 6. Dark Helmet closed us out with flutters.

Read your newsletter
Bucks for Clucks – Santini for more info

Band Camp traveling to the land of country grammar over the weekend for work
Patience as fathers.

How can we except our kids to learn from us when we don’t practice what we preach?

Punch List out.

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Could’ve been worse


Moseyed up the Massey St Hill to the parking lot.
Counted off into 3 groups to engage in a DORA style workout.
50 Merkins, 100 BBs, & 150 squats per pax in your team. As the group completes the exercise, a pax runs down the hill and back. Swap out till all reps are done.

Moseyed over to the parking lot behind Springs Global on McCammon St for another DORA style. Maintaining the same group,
25 half burpees (down to merkin and back up stopping at the squat position as 1 rep), 50 Mike Tyson’s, 100 LBCs. 1 pax from each group runs to the end of the parking lot and back. Swap out till reps are completed.

Headed over to the parking lot with the big wall by Pike for some wall sits and merkins. Lined up on the wall, and from the outside in, each pax would do 10 merkins then back on to the wall. Once we got to the center, repeat going back to the ends.

Headed over to COT to wrap up with 10 burpees OYO

MARY: had a little lamb?

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Loopy Loops

WARMUP: SSH, IW, squats, Rebel merkin, MNC
THE THANG: 3 stations were established with 3 exercises at each station all 15 reps.
1st station – Lot next to Loom at the short wall
Exercise Dips, Derkins, Step-ups

2nd Station – Church of God parking lot
Exercise – WAM, Squats, Monkey Humpers

3rd Station – Top of Hill parking Lot
Exercise – CDD, Flutters, Merkins

Circle back to the first station and repeat. The loop was .5 miles. We all got 3 laps in and ended back at station 1 for a shoulder burn. Exercises in cadence.
25 MNC
25 OH Claps
15 CDD
10 Diamond Merkins.

Back to COT for Mary
MARY: Flutters, LBC with Feet at 6”, American Hammer.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: several announcements with events coming up. Make sure to look at the newsletter.
COT: lifted up prayers for healing, illness, family and marriages.

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Orange is the new NC State Red

WARMUP: mossy to playground for SSH, IW, HW, merkins
THE THANG: Each PAX completed 10 pull-ups then ran the path. For round 1, 15 merkins at each swing. Complete another 10 pull-ups and repeat path with 20 LBCs at each swing. Complete another 10 pull-ups and repeat path with 15 squats. Wrap it up with 10 pull-ups. Not sure Dark Helmet completed pull-ups or proper merkins since he was in the dark the entire time. Slapshot was leader as he’s trying to encourage PSU football team to whip up on that school to the south (No Pusher that doesn’t mean South Carolina) – Ohio State. Maximus wore the new NC State colors orange for his failed bet on them beating Clemson (but the ACC is a basketball conference not football conference 🤷‍♂️). Band camp never stops pushing PAX and Kermit is still in cloud 9 for Tennessee (the real orange) for beating the other school to the south (again, not South Carolina nor Georgia). Bobber even posted and complained that the monkey bars were wet (isn’t he a fisherman? Aren’t they always wet?)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: skeet shooting sign ups!! Shower curtain collecting coats
COT: prayers for Shower Curtain continued healing, balance – even better harmony.

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Hill climber light post beat down

WARMUP: 10 SSH, 10 Cherry Pickers, 10 imperial walkers
THE THANG: Started with a mosey to WEP where we did a light post workout on the hill behind the amphitheater. The totals from the work out were 50 burpee’s, 80 Lunges, 90 HR Merkins, 80, Squats 50 LBC’s
After this we moseyed over to the playground for a Dora workout with a partner with 50 pull ups, 100 Merkins, 200 big boys. Total run distance was 1.6 miles
MARY: 3 minutes
ANNOUNCEMENTS: news letters

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Head -Shoulder -Shoulders -knees OH No

4 Corners of weeping WEP

Warm up:
15 SSH
15 Wind Mills

Mosey to WEP

4 Corners of Pain!
All corners are 25 reps of each

Lap 1: Hand Release Merkins, MtN Climbers (Double Count)
Lap 2: LBC, Flutters (Double Count)
Lap 3: Squats, Lunges (Double Count)

We didn’t make it to lap 4 but we ended with 10 Burpee’s

Mosey back to COT

Praise for Funhouses son coming to visit. Prayers for safe travels for my in laws and for my daughter Kaylie who will be dedicated this Sunday

-Yard Sale

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Deck of Awesomeness

Mosey to FM Church of God…SSH, Low slow squats, seal jacks and Moroccan nightclubs. Mosey to FM Baptist rear parking lot.

Deck of cards: Hearts = Merkin. Spades = BBSU. Diamonds = Lunge. Clubs = Crab cakes. Joker = 15 burpees. 2s = Lap around parking lot. PAX made it through 90% of the deck before DOAH decided to “help” by selecting new cards for the remainder of the WO. As punishment for DOAH’s “help,” we pivoted to 7’s on the Withers St hill. Jump Squats at the bottom and merkins at the top.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Many options for community leadership coming up in the next few months.


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Shoulder BURN w the Fire Marshall

Warm-up – Mosey to up the Pikes parking lot
Side Straddle Hop
Cherry Picker
Hillbilly Walkers
Downward Dog/HoneyMooner
Side Straddle Hops
Mosey to the Far End of covered area and launch into Drillbits (all exercises OYO and cumulative, meaning the sequence is repeated adding the new exercise at each successive Drill)
1/6: 10 Burpees – Lap (If Raining – Down/Back under Awning)
2/6: 15 Jumping lunges -Lap
3/6: 20 Merkins – Lap
4/6: 25 Squats – Lap
5/6: 30 Moroccan Nightclubs – Lap
6/6: 35 LBCs – Lap
2 minutes of Wall Sits
Mosey to Springs courtyard x3 rinse and repeat
5 – step ups
10 – derkins
15 dips
Pike Lower Parking lot – 2 minutes of Wall Sits
Mosey back to the Upper Pikes parking lot for 8 minutes of Mary
Head Back to COT – finish w Side Straddle Hop

ANNOUNCEMENTS: F3 Road cleanup this wkend. – w Fogarty

COT: prayers for marriages. 2.0s. Praise for F3 workouts and health

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Stars and Stripes

Cherry Pickers
Hillbilly Walkers
Imperial Walkers
Upward Dog
Downward Dogs
Mountain climbers
Moroccan nightclubs

THE THANG: Mosey up hill

Star Cone Workout

Start in middle, return to middle after every exercise

Round 1- Mode of transportation- Run
20 merkins
4 corners each corner had an exercise
1- Plank jacks (30)
2- LBC (25)
3- Monkey Humpers (15)
4- Star Sits or XO’s (10)

Round 2- Mode of transportation, Bear Crawl
5 Burpees
1- Apolo Ohnos (5)
2- Jumping Lunges (5)
3- Jumping Squats (5)
4- Bomb Jacks (5)

Mosey towards Pike engineering

Wall sits
One person lunge walks to curb and sprints back
Take turns until all have completed

Move closer towards parking lot
10 box jumps or step ups

Mosey to side of Pike for Team Dora

4 run to far end of lot and and 4 complete exercises (in cadence)

100 CDD
200 Flutters
300 Arm Circles
MARY: American Hammers
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Trash Cleanup 9/24, Pints N Padres 10/6, Shoes for Kenya, Bethel Mens Shelter 10/15
COT: Had to be there

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