A group of 22 pax converged at the HT lot for another edition of Golden Corral. Once the runners took off, and the ruckers marched on, 3 Pax joined YHC for the bootcamp workout. Here is what we did:
Mosey around the HT parking lot and pause for a quick warm up of knee pulls, ankle pulls, toy soldiers, lunge twists and arm circles. Mosey a little further to the perfect spot for COT:
All in Cadence:
SSH x 40, merkin x 10, squat x 20, mountain climber x 30, alternating lunges x 15, CDD x 15, LBC x 20
Mosey to front of HT store and face the front parking lot:
Full parking lot suicides (stop at each concrete island in lot). Repeat 2 more times.
Mosey to the side of the HT store:
- Balls to the wall/hold, bear crawl to the O’Reilly parts store and balls to that wall. Bear crawl back to HT store.
- Peoples chair against HT store, 10 overhead claps, lunge walk to O’Reilly parts store and peoples chair against that wall. Lunge walk back to HT store.
- Repeat #1 above
- Repeat #2 above
Plank it up for a quick talk on the word of the month: IMPACT
I mentioned to the Pax that one of the strongest aspects of F3 is the network that has been built over the years. There is strength in numbers and I the best example of the impact of a large network was the flood relief provided to Columbia two years ago. Hundreds of men organized a relief effort in an incredibly short time. It was an amazing thing to see and to be part of. Another way you can have impact through your F3 relationships is reaching out to your Pax when they need encouragement or just a note to let them know you are thinking about them. A quick text or phone call can make a huge difference when you are down.
Back to work. Indian Run around the whole lot and circle up for quick ablab:
Hello Dolly x 20, Freddie Merc x 20, Superman hold x 30.
End with the Body Destroyer (lie flat on the ground, breath deep, relax, no talking)
Naked Man Moleskin
Was good to be Q at the Corral after an extended break including some time on IR. It’s still one of my favorite AO’s. Something about being under the lights makes it pretty cool. We had a good group today. My apologies to Manifold and Curious George for not learning your names before we started the workout. My calls for 10 counts from ‘you guys down there’ were a little awkward. Glad to have you men, and Bones with me today. Hope to see you again soon.
I shared my thoughts on the word of the month, IMPACT, with the group (which is a rarity for me). I’m not much for breaks when I Q (other than 10 counts) so we did this in the plank position.
It was an awesome, very humid, morning at the Corral and a pleasure to lead such a fine group of men. Thanks for the Q spot, Decibel!
Go Sleeveless for Cheech, this Friday, June 22 at all workouts
Prayers for Dark Helments friend who was killed in a motorcycle accident, F3 Elmer who has luekemia, and for a friend of Drop Thrill , whose child who has recovered from a serious illness.