Double weasel shakedown

WARMUP: we pledged
THE THANG: ran to hardee’s for instructions.  
1. Partner up
2. Run in opposite directions in a circle
3. First time you meet your partner, 5 merkins (chest hits the ground and slap hands at the top), second time you see partner, 5 big boys with legs locks and slap hands at the top.
4. Next round is 10 of the same at both meet up points.
5. Next round is 5 rinse and repeat, then back to 10.

After round 3 and 4 and 3+ miles later, did some Mary at Hardee’s while we waited for the 6.

Rand back toward COT and stopped at Hobo’s for some legs via 10 sumo squats.  Then back to COT.
MARY: A little round Robin of Mary.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read. Your. Newsletter.
COT: schools and teachers and new jobs for M’s

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Take me to C.H.U.R.C.H

Nine men got dressed and ready for C.H.U.R.C.H this morning. Conditions were perfect for August (68 and breezy). Here’s what we did.

* 10 Low Slow Squats (IC)
* 10 Mountain Climbers (IC)
* 10 Plank Jacks (IC)

Mosey to Sisk Memorial Baptist
* Carolina Dry Docks – 10
* Hand Release Merkins – 10
* Up Downs – 10
* Ranger Merkins – 10
* Copperhead Squats (Low Slow Squats) – 10
* Howling Monkeys (10 Monkey Humpers per person) – 80 total

Mosey to Fort Mill Church of God (repeat above)
Mosey to First Baptist (repeat above)
Mosey to Unity Presbyterian (repeat above)
Mosey to St. John’s UMC (repeat above)
Mosey back to COT

* 100 Carolina Dry Docks
* 50 Hand Release Merkins
* 50 Up Downs
* 50 Ranger Merkins
* 50 Copperhead Squats
* 400 Howling Monkeys
* 2 miles

Fort Mill is a land of churches (seems one is on every corner). But just as standing in a garage doesn’t make you a car, going to church doesn’t make you a believer. Whatever you believe, show it in the way you carry yourself. Have convictions. Stand for your beliefs. The world is your pulpit, so let your walk be your message.


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Sweaty at Minnow Pond by CH

On a toasty morning in the gloom @ MinnowPond everyone got in between 3-4 miles with three pain stations.  For most 4 rounds were completed with pain stations of…

  • 30 Merkins –  Corner of main and 160
  • 20 Jumping (Squats/lunges) – Church of God
  • 10 Pull-Ups – Printshop

It was a glorious morning!  1% better.


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Smokin Tour of Pain

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Morrocon NC, Broga, Strawberry Pickers, and Imperial Walkers
THE THANG: Mosey to four corners by church. Performed exercises at four corners at end of each street being 10 reps of Merkins, Squats, Big Boy Sit Ups, and Mountain Climbers with 1 Burpee when coming back to four corners. Completed 2 rounds of each exercise with 3.5 miles.
MARY: Didn’t have enough time.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Friday Convergence, Stuff the Bus, and HIM Camp
COT: Prayers and Praises

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Hot in the City…

WARMUP: Mosey to Print Shop
5 Burpees at Print Shop
10 Merkins at The Crossings
15 Dips at The Church of God
20 Squats
Rinse and repeat
3-4 miles between front and back of PAX
2 rounds of exercise moves
Convergence next Friday
Stuff the Bus next Saturday
Prayers for all the new drivers on the road and over all of our relationships with our 2.0s

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Running Street Jackson

Tried to make a pun on an Outkast song lyric “I’m sorry Ms. Jackson” by saying “We’re running street Jackson.” But much like running Jackson Street, it wasn’t funny. (Although I laughed)

Ran for a mile
Core work for the 6
5 burpees
10 hand release merkins
16 split squats (8 each leg)

Rinse and Repeat

Keep after it. Awesome to see guys that don’t typically run 3+ miles in the gloom crush it today.

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Laps around WEP

WARMUP: Pledge…run around WEP to parking lot. Windmills, Moroccan Night Clubs, Slow Low Squats, Merkins, Knees to chest, Seal Jacks.
THE THANG: Run lab around WEP. Merkin ladder: start at one side of parking lot with 1 Merkien….Bear crawl accross….2 Merkins…..Bear Crawl back….3 Merkins….etc. until 10 Merkins. Run a Lap. Lt. Dan’s around parking lot (4 lunges w/1 squat). Ab work (flutters, LBCs, Hello Dolly) 10 diamond Merkins. Run back around WEP to COT.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: F3 Dad’s camp, F3 men’s camp
COT: Praises for 2.0s

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Postal Loops

Ran to former Hardee’s location. CCDs, Squats, and LBCs in cadence.
Ran Springs, Elliott, Unity loop to Post Office.
Partner up. Each partner ran in the opposite direction, 10 merkins when they meet up, 15 CCDs, Squats, and LBCs at the Post Office. Rinse and repeat, Pax completed 3 to 4 loops.

Back to COT.

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Spiderman Loop, without all the Spiderman crap

WARMUP: Pledge of Allegiance
THE THANG: Spiderman Loop. Up Main, right on Tom Hall, right at Town Hall, right at top of hill at LOom. Stop at Town Hall to max Merkins, stop at Print Shop for 10 Pull Ups.
MARY: None that I can remember
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Click Bait has something awesome going on the weekend of August 11.
COT: Prayers for healing.

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