Simplicity is not always easy

– SSH x20
– Imperial Walkers x10
– Windmills x10

Simple….loop around Fort Mill with 6 pain stations.
– Improper Pig = Merkins x20
– Fort Mill Animal Hospital = Diamond Merkins x20
– Fort Mill Town Hall = Wide Arm Merkins x20
– Fort Mill Baptist Church = Xs & Os x20
– Jacked up parking lot at the hill = LBC x20
– Print Shop Parking Lot = Side LBC x20 each side

– Click Bait HIM Camp – See newsletter for details.

Thank you Funhouse for the opportunity to Q at one of the strongest AOs in the region!

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Choose Your Cluster

Pledge of Allegiance then Mosey to FMRX.

4 cluster of cones set up in the parking lot. 3 cones in each cluster. One exercise (and count) on each cone. Pax, OYO, run the loop through downtown Fort Mill, choose a cluster of cones, do the exercise in the cluster, then rinse and repeat. The cones may or may not have been repurposed from yesterday’s workout at Ring of Fire.

Some had just a few minutes for Freddies and Flutters.

Awesome work by all pax. Thanks, FunHouse, for the opportunity to lead!

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Pendulum O’ Pain

WARMUP: The Pledge of Allegiance.
THE THANG: Pendulum O’ Pain. Run to Jekyll’s town center (near the churches at bottom of hill). Run up to the Town Hall, Merkins until failure. Run down hill and back up to parking lot at the factory, 20 Squats. Rinse and repeat for 35 minutes. Mosey back to COT.
COT: Prayers and Praises.

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Golfin at the Pond

The Q “came in hot” to the AO and thanks to Backdraft the Pledge of Allegiance was completed.


At each green:
5 Burpees
10 Merkins
15 Squats
20 Mtn Climbers

Back to COT

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Once a year Q

WARMUP: 6 Windmills
THE THANG: After Funhouse led us in the Pledge of Allegiance, we ran to the bottom of Main ST where the gaggle performed 1 burpee then ran to the 2nd light pole (16 on the Hobo’s sIde) perform a burpee then run back to start. at this point the “A” group began to separate themselves from us mortals. Epstein didn’t kill himself. Continue performing 1 burpee at ever other light pole and running back to the start until you reach the end of the street. Run back to the start, perform your burpee then choose your own adventure loop. Big loop, over the bridge and around the block. Lil loop, take the alley behind hobos and head back to the start. Rd 2 was 5 merkins, Rd 3 was 5 CDD. Some Pax got more miles than others, looking at you #Badlands and #MacGyver.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Murph options, other things I don’t remember
COT:Prayers for marriages and sick family members. God answers your prayers, keep praying and they will be answered. Sometimes blessings come from ppl and places you didn’t expect.

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From the Archives

WARMUP: Disclaimer and Pledge were pronounced. Nothing else is allowed at MP if there’s no FNG.

THE THANG: pax ran to WEP and mustered at the far end along path near 160 and Sidney Johnson St (who is that guy?).

3 rounds of running and pain as follows:

round 1: Run (not a mosey!) across park to hill, bear crawl to top, 20 squats, bear crawl down, run back to start, 20 shoulder taps, plank for the six.

round 2: repeat, adding 20 monkey humpers after squats

round 3: repeat adding 20 side lunges after humpers

mosey to WEP parking lot

AMRAP session (AKA Free MacGyver)

run to top of stairway to heaven 10 merkins, run to parking lot at entrance from Ardrey St, 10 Freddy’s

repeat sequence adding 10 to each exercise on each end until time is called

mosey home

COT: solid work by all pax today — 100% veteran HIMs, good push, average mumble chatter, solid reminders of GetTo, no plateaus, no finish lines. stay close to your brothers and keep posting.

veteran pray out by 3rd F Q Emeritus Short Sale.

Thanks for the invite Funhouse and for keeping the Pond spicy!

appreciate the much needed recharge from you men! long live The Fort!

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Gas station route of pain

WARMUP: massey uphill to utility parking lot
I. Partner DORA – 100 Merks, 200 squats, 300 LBC with run up and down hill.
II. 1 mile loop with pain stations at each gas’s station. Same exercises as DORA but rep was 15 each.

Touch workout with the hills!

MARY: no time

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Don’t be a 🐱

WARMUP: Pledge of Allegiance
THE THANG: AL loop down to skipper turn right, right on Still, left on 21. 10 merkins and 10 squats at every turn. 2 loops a little over 4mi. For the 🐱’s little loop around Main Street. For the record there were on 2 non-🐱in the group roll-off and old bay
MARY: nada
COT: Luca, Atticus, Package and others.

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Speed Work With Push-Ups

Mosey to WEP
Speed work, variation on One-Ones.  Quarter loop fast, quarter slow, quarter fast, quarter slow.

Exercises in ground at lap marker.  Are cumulative after each lap.

10 Burpees
20 SSH

10 Merkins
20 Mountain Climbers

20 Peter Parker
20 Parker Peter

20 CDD
10 Bomb Jacks

20 Squats
20 Monkey Humpers

COT: Read your Newsletter

Honor To Serve

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Is this Pineville?

WARMUP: not much
THE THANG: run to the VERY back of Whiteville Park. Stopping along the way.

Each stop: Mary/Yoga for the 6
5 Burpees
10 merkins
15 squats

Examined the F3 Statue of men helping each other overcome an obstacle. If you know, you know. Keep striving to know and be known

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