Boom Town Central Recon #3

  • QIC: Popeye
  • When: 7/13/16
  • Pax: Italian Job, Pistol, Bazinga, Iron Sights, Popeye
  • Posted In: The Fort

Recon #3 of the new up and coming AO Boom Town Central aka BTC.  You may be thinking to yourself, “A third recon for a new AO?” Well you’d be surprised. This new AO should be called a MEGA-AO for all of the potential pain stations it possesses.  Make no mistake, the BTC will be a Boot Camp/Run AO because of the distance you must travel to get to all of the painful goodness.

To recap: The 1st Recon we just rolled with just what was around this area, with no idea what was in store. If I remember correctly the PAX that posted for that recon were impressed with the 3.1 miles of pain.  The 2nd recon Apache discovered a new trail that led to an area we determined most at least one or two PAX would need to bring a head lamp to traverse. That brings us to the 3rd recon.


After a quick #TurkeyPunch & #EH of a South Carolina State Trooper wondering what in the world we were doing out at 5am, we stretched our legs before we moseyed.

We took a left at the loop of Tech park stopping at a hill just before the Comporium Building.

Mini-Quadzilla –

  • 1 Merkin then NUR up the hill 1 Merkin at the top Run down
  • 2 Merkins then NUR up the hill 2 Merkins at the top Run down
  • 3 Merkins then NUR up the hill 3 Merkins at the top Run down
  • 4 Merkins then NUR up the hill 4 Merkins at the top Run down
  • 5 Merkins then NUR up the hill 5 Merkins at the top Run down

Mosey for a little light pole dealers choice did the following at each light pole we encountered

  • Merkins
  • Low Slow Squat
  • Lunges
  • LBC’s
  • Al Gore (2 rounds)
  • Plank while one PAX run to the next light pole and back
  • 5 Diamond Merkins + 5 Reg. Merkins + 5 Wide Arm Merkins

Mosey to the Trail entrance

Italian Job took point at lead spider web catcher since he was the one with the head lamp. IJ turned off the head lamp to prove if a future Q uses this trail he will need some form of light to guide the way.

Moseyed to the Baxter Hood Center.  New undiscovered AO territory – At the first parking lot there were signs for 30 Minute Parking so at each parking spot we did 30 of the following

  • Merkins
  • Squats
  • LBC’s
  • Over Head Claps

Long mosey of the perimeter of the Baxter Hood parking lot. To the road behind and around York Tech College. Still undiscovered territory. Bazinga told the PAX to give all you got for about 100+/- yard to the stop light.

Mosey back through the Arrow Point Credit Union Parking lot so YHC’s runkeeper map would make a nice connected circle. That’s Q-OCD I suppose.

Finished up at COT after 2.85 mile run/boot. Not to shabby.

We will have, yes, one more Recon of the MEGA-AO of the BTC next Wednesday if any PAX would like to join in. Tentative launch of the BTC Boom Town Central Aug 3rd.

PS: for future BTC Qs – There is a grumpy old Bull Frog at the first bridge of the inner loop trail around Tech Park. We have decided to pay homage to the believed to be 100 year old frog and apologize to him for walking him up by doing 10 Groiners if he croaks at us for waking him up.


Popeye OUT!



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Complain if you must, but do no NOT quit!!

  • QIC: Longshanks
  • When: 07/09/2016
  • Pax: Twister. Jiffy, Deacon, Peabody, MacGyver, Double D, Quack Attack, Bolt, Kid Rock, Ginsu, Hollywood, Dojo (FNG Todd), Spitz, Longshanks
  • Posted In: The Fort

14 PAX descended upon The Fort despite YHC being the Q today.

Weather Conditions – hot and humid with 100% chance of PAIN. Board of Pain that is.

FNG was present (thanks Bolt for the EH), so full disclaimer was given.

The Thang

Mosey lap around the park stopping at the first drill bit for:

20 x SSH
10 x Windmills
15 X Imperial Walkers

Continued on the Lap with some high knees, butt kicks, and karoake before arriving at the Board of Pain. Told them this BOP would be done with a partner. Partner A does the exercise while Partner B runs the 1/4 mile. Keep Switching back and forth while completing the reps of each exercise.

100 Burpees
150 Calf raises (50 regular, 50 in, 50 out)
100 Ski Abs (back and forth counts as 1)
100 Merkins
100 Squats
200 LBC’s
100 Carolina Dry Docks
100 Russian Twists (left then right equals 1 rep)
100 Mac Tar Jai’s
100 Jump Squats
100 Mountain Climber (2 count equals 1)
200 Shoulder Raises/Press
100 Mary Catherines
200 Hello Dollys
100 Wide Arm Merkins
100 Squat Jacks
100 Nipplers
100 Burpees

Mosey Back for COT/BOM

Announcements – Invergence September 30th more details to come, Jay’s Run on July 22nd, Star Command Convergence and F3 Picnic at Spitz/Sweeper’s farm on July 23rd.

Prayers – for this country and all the divide/hate/tension going on within it.

1. Thanks to Ginsu for the Opportunity to lead this morning. Always fun to punish the PAX on a Saturday morning at WEP.
2. Big Welcome to FNG Todd. aka Dojo. Not one ounce of complaint this morning given the BOP can eat you up and spit you out.
3. Speaking of complaining, thats all Twister did. He was warned yesterday, he posted anyways. And even though he complained the entire time, he DID NOT QUIT!! That’s what makes him a true HIM!!
4. Thought for sure either Ginsu or Peabody was gonna splash this morning given they were up playing cards and drinking bourbon last night. Neither splashed and Ginsu and MacGyver were on Nipplers when time was called. 5-6 more minutes and I think they would’ve finished the BOP. Maybe next time we will skip the warmup and go the full hour.
5. T-claps to both Bolt and Kid Rock. They both posted to Cindy Lou’s Mary Lou’s Black Diamond prior to taking on the BOP.
6. T-claps to Spitz. Rucked in Rucked out.
7. Hollywood. Good Meeting you today and even better having you as my partner.
8. Great conversation with Bolt, Double D, and Deacon at Chicateria. Really got me thinking.
9. The BOP is hard, The BOP is challenging, the BOP at times will make you want to quit. Kind of sounds like life doesn’t it? I did it partner style for a reason. It’s still not any easier or painful. Burpees still suck. Merkins still suck, and what the heck are Nipplers. You are constantly moving. Either running or doing the exercise and yes, after an hour you are thankful its over. Just in life, it isn’t easier just because you have someone there to help out. But I do know this. You will get further along in life with someone there to help you and to encourage you when things are tough and painful. It may be someone in F3. It may be a coworker. it Bay be someone you don’t even know yet. But find that someone that you can turn to when things aren’t going the way you want them to go.
10. There is the other guy you can turn to as well. HIS name is GOD. Zechariah 1:3 – Therefore say to them “thus says the Lord of hosts ‘return to Me’ declares the Lord of hosts, so that I may return to you,” says the Lord of hosts.

Longshanks out!!

TClap |

WhatDid HIITS Varsity

  • QIC: WhatDid
  • When: 07/08/2016
  • Pax: Backdraft, Clampett (FNG), ChickenWing, Patton, CakeBoss, Socrates, Pusher, WhatDid (QIC)
  • Posted In: The Fort, Varsity

Today’s Q was a honor. I was able lead some of the forts elite and a FNG through my first HIIT Q.

After a slightly extended rules of engagement and disclaimer for the FNG, which was followed by the nantan making sure I didn’t miss anything, we went after it.

The thang…
Mossy down to the lower school for a quick warmup. While passing the only lighted area at the school, the pull up bars, I warned the pax that we would be visiting those shortly.

Circle up for… SSH
30 Moroccan night clubs
15 windmills

That was a brief warm up, we had work to do.

We then mossied up to the pull up bars but it turned to a sprint due to the Patton push. Nice!

At the pull bars we completed four sets of:
30 second pull ups
10 second break
60 SSH
10 second break
20 burpees
1 minute break and repeat

You can do the math, but I’ll give you a hint, that’s 80 burpees!!!

We then mossied over to the track. We had some work to do…

200 meter sprint
10 second break
15 squat jumps
10 second break
20 walking lunges
10 second break
30 seconds of calf raises

We then mossied back to the main lot for some abs:
30 crunches
20 flutter kicks
20 American hammers

Patton and pusher were the “pushers” today. As always, Pusher kept the mumble chatter high. Patton kept the group moving….leading the leaders on the 200 meter sprint.

Many prayers were asked for our law enforcement and first responders. These people take a larger responsibility than most can comprehend or will ever truly appreciate. See a cop, firefighter, military person, thank them.

Prayers for Package’s Dad Knee surgery recovery.
CakeBoss’s friend Steven who is battling Hodgkin’s.

Welcome Clampett. He’s been looking for a morning group like F3 for years. We need to make sure we’re giving it away. Shout out to Chicken Wing for showing Clampett the way.

7/22 – Spud Run
7/23 @ Spitz place for a second f picnic
7/29 – Third F convergence on Financial Responsibility at Eternal Church

Thanks SkateOrDie for the opportunity to lead the workout.
WhatDid out!

TClap |

The Fort Logo Redesign


On September 30th, we will be celebrating the 4th Anniversary of the F3 the Fort with the Invergence held at Anne Springs Close Greenway (more details to follow). Since the inception of F3 in York County back in 2012, our region has seen tremendous growth and now hosts over 750 Pax across Fort Mill, Tega Cay, Rock Hill, York, Lake Wylie and soon Lancaster.

The original design of the Fort logo completed by Bounty Hunter has been a stalwart throughout this growth. However, it is time to update the logo to further represent all of the Pax across the region.

Beginning immediately, YHC is asking for all of our creative Pax to submit a new logo design to represent our region. All submissions should be sent to Submissions must be completed by July 31st. This will allow for an F3 Mudgear t-shirt order to be completed by the Invergence.

Entries will be shared below. The winning submission will receive a free t-shirt courtesy of the Fort region.

Thanks in advance for your help! See you in the gloom.

Current Entries:

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A burst of Independence on the 4th! Weak BB be warned.

  • QIC: Sapper
  • When: 07/04/16
  • Pax: Popeye, Schrute, Pistol, Geronimo, Apache, Burgandy, Longshanks, Rebel, Bill Bye, Flat Tire, Corruption, Stang, Mr. Big Stuff, Iron Sights, Mackenroe, Saw, Van Wilder, Money Bags, Royale, Bing, Witch Hunt, Mr Clean, Smiley Face, CSPAN, Cake Boss, Outlaw, Trucker, Fusion, Dream house, Watson, Shark Bait, Fish Sticks, Cornerstone, Hoffa, Honey Pot, Sweeper, Chuckie, Hot Sauce, Black Hawk, Sapper.
  • Posted In: The Fort

I would like to thank everyone for coming out and starting this AO off right! Being able to start a site on the 4th was extremely meaningful for me. I would also like to thank Burgandy for bringing his group from old Continue reading

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Party of 7 to celebrate Independence day at Quagmire!

  • QIC: Puddles
  • When: 7/4/16
  • Pax: Spitz, The Mandarin, Corn Hole, Router, Snookie, and Bones
  • Posted In: Quagmire, The Fort

Nothing like a little early morning independence day sweat session in celebration!

Let everyone know that this is off the cuff with no prep. Let’s all find out how it goes, shall we?

Let’s mosey!

How about some high knees…


Butt Kickers…


Karaoke right…


Karaoke left…


Circle it up…

First exercise is the side straddle hop In Cadence x25…

LBC x25… Imperial Walkers x25… Moroccan nightclub x25… Merkins x20… Windmill x15…

Let’s Mosey…

How about some Peoples chair, 10 count each… Arms out…Arms up… Spitz’s turn for some Air presses…

Let’s Mosey to the big red balls…

OYO Running some suicides…

15 Merkins  at the starting ball and 20 LBC at each progressive ball…

Let’s mosey to some grassy area and do some Jack Webbs…

That was fun, Not! Let’s mosey to the fountain…

30 dips followed by some low slow squats in cadence x15.

Oh Guess what it is COT time. Wanna race? Nope, see you there.

Prayers for Zima’s, M’s grandmother in her time of challenge. We ask for peace and comfort for all.

I thank the lord for the 6 PAX that joined me back after a short absence, that I certainly feel to the core. Happy 4th to all may God continue to bless, and enrich our lives as we continue as HIM’s for HIM!

TClap |

Recon: BTC aka. Boom Town Central

  • QIC: Apache
  • When: 7/1/16
  • Pax: Apache, Bazinga, Sapper, Popeye
  • Posted In: The Deep, The Fort

As Rock Hill continues to grow there’s the need for new AO locations. In fine Apache fashion, YHC and a few other PAX, unfartsacked ourselves, suited up, took a whole jar full of #RedPill and posted at the Rock Hill Business Technology Cetner (BTC) or now named Boom Town Central.  The tall building across the road from York Tech College.  Plenty of parking and a great spot for F3 shovel flag advertising.


Apache led us in a quick warm up – I mean really quick 10 SSH and we were off.

We ran into Tech Park off Anderson Road and we barely scratched the surface of what this place has to offer. Bazinga’s M works in one of the businesses in the park and knew the layout to get us started and not lost. We hooked a left and discovered a wall for a round of People’s Chair Heads Shoulders Knees and Toes.

We were off again and before we knew it we were face to face with a nice little hill for a mini 5 round of Jacobs ladder.

We then hooked a right onto the walking trail.  The first bridge we approached was perfect for a round of Dirkins and Dips 3 sets of 10 each. While a what we believe was a slightly overgrown swamp thing of a bull frog croaking at us for waking him up.

We were off again where YHC spotted what else a nice 15 step set of stairs. We proceeded to 5 merkins at the bottom and 5 at the top for 5 rounds.

Off again we come to the lake in the center of tech park and another bridge for more dips and Derkins.

On the other side of the lake we found a mountain of rocks next to the Social Security building which Apache led us in 10 Squats with a rock.  But there was no time to waste we were off again.

The next bridge we encountered looked as if it had seen better days so we passed on the Dips and Dirkins.

The loop around the lake is approximately 1 mile from what Bazinga tells us. We came out where we started and moseyed along the road around the lake. We walked a bit talking about the potential of other areas and fields around the lake area.

Exiting Tech park we found a short cut back to the BTC through the Arrow Point Parking lot.

From there we reconed around the BTC building adding in a few Bear Crawl Merkins X5 on each side of the building.  Before stopping back at the COT we were just .25 miles short of 3 miles, so we ran the length of the BTC parking lot again to get to 3.1 miles. including a few burpees/merkins into the mix.

COT done.


This AO, if chosen has a lot of potential for being one of the most popular AOs around. I guess the F3 upper management and we folks in research and development will have to have a meeting.

Popeye OUT!

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The 3rd Annual Hog & Coyote!

  • QIC: Zima, Cerrano, Catfish
  • When: 06/18/2016
  • Pax: The Fort Regional PAX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (it's an attendance thing)
  • Posted In: The Fort

Way back in 2014 Worldwide Leader threw out THIS preblast. It described an eight mile course that, according to most of the comments, sounds absolutely crazy. 17 PAX gathered on that glorious morning and crushed the course. Little did they know, that they had started a painful tradition for the PAX from The Fort and surrounding regions.

Then, last year, Pusher published THIS preblast. It describes a 12 mile course. Once again the PAX embraced the suck and 75 men pushed themselves to the limits over the 12 miles and 5 pain stations. You can catch Solid State’s awesome backblast HERE.

Well, a couple of months ago Zima asked if Cerrano and I would take the helm and help coordinate this epic CSUAP to a new level. Zima already had the course in mind and with a few tweaks, it was stretched from Tega Cay to Rock Hill. It spanned over 14.5 miles with five pain stations and a triumph finish at the top of the Old Town parking deck! Then Zima threw a curveball and introduced the 12.5 mile (ended up at 14ish miles) rucking option! Plenty of options to get your red pill in this CSUAP!

An event of this scale required a 2nd F venue the likes of which the PAX hasn’t seen before. So we reached out to the best social coordinator among us and Apache answered the call! This brother got with his buddies at LRB and coordinated the most well organized 2nd F ever!

Now, part of this CSUAP was a race named the Armadillo – the stretch from the Hills of Gloom to the Old Town parking deck with one pain station in between. If you recorded your time please enter it HERE.

We had several photog’s on the course and their images are being compiled in THIS album. Please join and share you images as well, we all love to have proof we completed the insanity!

Big T-Claps to Legal Remedy for opening their doors early for the PAX and hosting a 2nd F event the likes of which had not been seen!

In total, 20 souls braved the rucking option and ~60 took the 14.5 mile running option.

These events continue to get larger, harder, and better! I’m pretty excited to spend Father’s Day weekend 2017 recovering from the 4th annual Hog & Coyote!



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The Pain Came Down in Buckets

  • QIC: General
  • When: 06/29/2016
  • Pax: Fire Marshall Bill, Trailblazer, Zimmeran, Sasquatch, Mission Impossible, Cross-Check, MacGyver, So-Crates, Cake Boss, Skate or Die, Geronimo, Huckleberry, Atlas, Peabody, Cash, General
  • Posted In: Ring of Fire, The Fort

Last night as I was loading approximately 350 lbs of drywall buckets filled with sand, rocks and plate weight into the back of the Camry; the M came outside and asked “What the hell is all of this?” I told her that these are toys for The COOP Pax to enjoy tomorrow and that I intend to use them on a hill…a long gradual hill. She shook her head and said “Your sick and you may not have any friends after this.” She would be right when speaking of most groups; however, I knew that a group willing to show up at 5AM day in and day out in the name of pain were of the same mindset and would embrace the challenge.

I snuck into the AO early to drop my gifts at the bottom of the hill. 15 PAX gathered around ready for the pain to commence. Atlas decided to join us after wrestling with the decision all night of which AO to post to. From there, it began. Short mosey down the hill to the small parking lot where we circled up for a warm-up that included: WAIT, HOLD UP! Here comes Sasquatch zooming in the back entrance that we did not existed. He caught up quickly and joined the PAX to make an even 16. Now, the warm-up included:

  • Side-straddle hop
  • 5 Burpees OYO
  • Imperial Walker
  • Wind-Mill
  • 5 Burpees OYO
  • Merkins
  • Wide Arm Merkins


  1. SUICIDES (AKA Island Hopping) as renamed by Sasquatch, where we hit 3 total – 2 sets Skate or Die and Mission Impossible were setting the pace crushing the suicides
  2. SPRINTS (Sprint to 1st island, jog to the end, Sprint to 2nd island, jog to end, full sprint to 3rd Island) Strong push from all PAX on the last Sprint made it close and too hard to call; although video replay may give it to Mission Impossible
  3. Team Bucket Carry (Version 1) – We made our way back to the long gradual hill and PAX adjusted to my lousy math skills and teamed up into groups of 3. Peabody had hoped that a construction crew had left the buckets of sand behind. Unfortunately, this was not the case. Partner 1 and Partner 3 remained at the bottom of the hill as Partner 2 headed to the summit in prep for the start. The gist, Partner 1 carries 60ish lb bucket uphill at a blazing pace to Partner 2. Partner 2 runs down hill handing off to Partner 3 who then heads uphill handing off to Partner 1 and restarting the cycle. Each PAX had the opportunity to go uphill and downhill with 60 grueling lbs 2x each. PAX uphill (Barracks) alternated OYO Pull-ups and Dips. Downhill PAX were led in Mary that included (Peter Parker, Parker Peter, Squats, Merkins, LBC, Freddie Mercury, American Hammer, Hello Dolly, Rosalita and others) Sorry, Cake Boss I cannot remember the order. Thanks to Cake Boss, Sasquatch, So-Crates, Skate or Die and others to taking the lead on the Mary exercises as YHC was uphill.
  4. Team Bucket Carry (Version 2) – PAX stayed in their groups. Partner 1 takes the bucket uphill to the 1st drop-point (1st tree), drops the bucket and returns back to the group tagging Partner 2 who picks up the bucket from the 1st drop point and takes it uphill to the 2nd drop point before returning back to tag Partner 3, so on and so fourth until we reach the STOP sign at the top of the hill. What goes up, must come down and so we repeated coming down the hill until the clock expired on us.


Strong effort from the PAX this morning from Sprints and all the way through the hill climbs with a 60ish lb bucket. Thanks again to those who stepped up and lead some of the Mary exercises. Per my M’s warning, I hope that I still have friends after this workout. You all pushed through and crushed it this morning. Great work out of Zimmeran this morning for his 2nd post. Keep coming out brother, you’re doing awesome. Thanks to Geronimo for giving me the opportunity to lead. It’s always a pleasure to share the gloom with you all. If you ever need buckets, sand and rocks for a workout feel free to reach out to me and I’ll lend them to you.

Over and out – General

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