Stronghold at The Fort

  • QIC: Jekyll
  • Pax: Magnum, Longshanks, Repeat, MacGuyver, Hasselhoff, Santini, DD, Rebel, Chicken Hawk, Mission Impossible, Ginsu, Dirty Bird (FNG), Kotter, Peabody, Utah, Tesh
  • Posted In: The Fort

16 of Fort Mill’s finest  and 1 FNG who will call F3 Atlanta home escaped the Fart Sack for a FORT tour.  It was a fullbody beatdown:

MacGuyver opened the workout with lap around the AO and a strong COP warm up.

The Thang:

Drillbit Ladder: 6 mile markers along the path.  5 burpees, 10 merkins, 20 jumpsquats, 30 LBC, 40 calf raise, 50 SSH

Discussion of Finding your Purpose: intersection of talent and passion.

Hillwork: partner Wheelbarrel, elbow crawl, sumo walk, X/O, Dying Cockroach

Partner: Merkins, Derkins, Dips, Ski moguls

Relay sprints

4 minutes of Mary


Naked Man Moleskin

Incredible morning to be in the gloom with my brothers.  Air was crisp and clean, grass was frosted and crunchy and once the sun came up- carolina blue skies.  Unfortunately, the skies did not foreshadow a tarheel victory.  My substitute teachery for Q school developed into Co-Q at the Fort.  No matter.  I was prepared and the men were ready to work.  Many new faces to me this morning.  I got to work out today with Mission In Possible who i met earlier this week at Varsity.  Great guy who pushes hard and gravitates toward the challenge.  Aye, brother.

Ginsu somehow conned his visting friend, now “Dirty Bird” into getting out of the rack for a 7am beatdown on a saturday.  Not sure he knew that was on the agenda but we sent him back to ATL with a full head of steam and probably a little sore.  GInsu- on you to get him to post down there.

Longshanks and MacGuyver were once again out front with Chicken Hawk always lurking.  Keep chasing the front of the pack.  You’ll be there too.

Santini’s mumblechatter, complainorama was on point.  Trained by the best. #Dredd

I swear these instructions are simple and clear in my head.  Directing the PAX needs some work.  #facepalm

Gladiator Games 12/12 0630 Indian Land, Christmas Party 12/19, Star Wars 12/20 3:50pm Manchester Cinemas


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Star Command Convergence – POSTPONED DUE TO WEATHER. DATE TBD.

As many of you are already aware, our brother Padre left the Fort Mill Region and joined the Pax in Easley. We hear he, and his burpees, have been a great addition to the Upstate. Since we haven’t met many of our Pax in the GSA area, we have decided to converge 1/23/16 in Sparkle City. Details below:

WhenJanuary 23, 2016 @ 0700-0800 Boot Camp, followed by Coffeeteria (more details to follow) EVENT POSTPONED DUE TO WEATHER. NEW DATE TBD.

Where: “Star Command” 9768 Warren H Abernathy Highway Spartanburg, SC 29301

Who: All hungry for pain!

Qs: Padre, Iceman, CSPAN

This promises to be a fun event with PLENTY of mumble chatter, maybe even some friendly region-to-region competition. This AO is a middle point between the Greenville-Spartanburg and Fort Mill-Rock Hill locales. Work with your regions to clowncar. You will not want to miss this event.

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Half a Ladder & a Block Party

  • QIC: Catfish
  • When: 12/01/15
  • Pax: Repeat, Duke Nukem (Welcome Brother!!), Cross Check, Mission Impossible, Socrates, Patton, Montelongo, MP, MacGyver, Old Bay, Dark Helmet, Stang
  • Posted In: Block Party, The Fort

Old (and by old I mean really young and fit) Repeat must have felt sorry for YHC, so he invited me across the river to Q at the heart of Fort Mill’s AOs. There’s no way I was going to miss the chance either!

I arrived fairly early (blaming it on the Qdrenaline and some set up) with Repeat coming in not long after I arrived. Soon Dark Helmet joined the party. So there we stood at 0510 and chatter started about PAX count for the morning. But in true F3 fashion the gates opened and we ended up with 13 PAX for a cool, damp Tuesday morning Block Party.

A disclaimer was given (although I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t have been approved by legal council – seriously not a professional) and away we went.

Took a brisk jog over to the lot in front of springs for a short COP of SSH’s, some of C-Spans favs – windmills, some low slow squats and some merkins. Wrapped up a brief warm up only to head to the gun store hill for Jacobs ladder with 10 Bobby Hurley’s at the top and merkins at the bottom. YHC called an audible half way thru, wanted to make sure we had plenty of time for our block party!

There was a line of cinder blocks lined out in the parking lot. The exercises were:

  • SSH
  • Monkey Humpers
  • Burpees
  • Right Side Row
  • Curls with 20 lb Kettle Bell
  • Left Side Row
  • Tri extension w/cinder block
  • Floor press w/ cinder block
  • Overhead press w/ cinder block
  • Squats with cinder block
  • Dips
  • Clean and Press with 30lb Kettle Bell
  • Run across parking lot, carrying 30lb sand bag

The PAX running with the sand bag was the timer, everyone cycled down an exercise as the runner returned and passed off the sand bag.

After two complete cycles we moseyed back to the virtual shovel flag (hey Repeat, where was the flag brother?!?!) for 9 mins of Mary. If you haven’t done an extended ab workout in a while, give it a try … it’s a real crowd pleaser!

Appreciate the oppurtunity to lead the very fit men of Fort Mill! Even the FNG (welcome Duke Nukem!!) wasn’t slowed down by the workout! Thanks again for letting this Rock Hill boy cross the river!!


Catfish … Out!!

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We’re more than just a running group..or are we?

  • QIC: Longshanks
  • When: 11/28/2015
  • Pax: Mainframe, Ginsu, Seacrest, Santini, Dawgpound, MacGyver, Flat tire, Boeheim, Olive (Isotope), Longshanks (QIC)
  • Posted In: The Fort

9 Pax from The Fort and 1 Special Guest from Isotope descended upon WEP to work some some turkey and avoid the post Thanksgiving fartsack.  Disclaimer was given and  we went.


Moseyed over to the parking lot in front of the Springs Building.  Handed the Q over to Olive from Isotope, so he could lead the warmup – SSH x 25, IW x 15, Cherry/Cotton Pickers x 15, Toy Soidiers x 15, Merkins x 15, Mountain Climbers x 15.  Hands the Q back to YHC. And off we mosey to steps by the Millstone Monument.

Lucky 7’s #1 – 7 rounds of 3 exercises, 7 reps at each.  Base of the stairs – 7 calf raises, run up the stars and run to the wall by the playground, 7 box jumps, run down the hill to the sign for Rock Hill, 7 squats.  After 7 rounds of this plank it up.

Mosey over to the hill with the F3 statue. Talk about F3 statue.  Then run up the hill do 10 Mkatar Giayes and then run back down the hill and plank.  Mosey over to the short wall by the Spring building.  15 Dips (IC), then 10 Diamond Derkins OYO and 10 Incline Merkins OYO.  Mosey back to WEP.

Lucky 7’s #2 – start at the base of the stairway, run up and do 7 merkins, run to playground and do 7 pullups, run back to the base of the stairway and do 7 Carolina Dry Docks.  Repeat until 7 laps completed.  Plank when finished.

Just enough time for Burpees to heaven.  Audible to 4 minutes of Ab-lab instead consisting of LBC’s, Flutter kicks, Rosalita, Dying Cockroach and Superman (and lots of mumblechatter from Santini)


Announcements – not just read the email but if you aren’t signed up to get the weekly email make sure you get it and read it.

Prayers – Cable guy and his ankle


  • Thanks to MacGyver for the Opportunity to lead this weekend.  Great push by everyone.  Enough mumblechatter to keep it fun but not so much that the PAX isn’t working hard enough.
  • Thanks to my Spartan Brother Olive for making the trip down from Isotope.  Thankful for all the brothers I have met through both F3 and Spartan.  Aroo AYE
  • I think Boehiem GPS’ed us at 4 miles today.  Great mileage for a bootcamp.
  • MacGyver out front on the Lucky 7’s all day, but did an extra lap each time with the 6. #HIM
  • Seriously thought Santini was going to leave after finding out YHC was the Q.  But he didn’t.  Thankful for the leadership he provides to our group.
  • Great to see The Hive core group of Seacrest, Dawgpound, and Ginsu. Felt kind of weird without kettlebells.
  • Mainframe keeps gettting better and better every time I see him.  Keep after it!!
  • Flat Tire sure does have a way of influencing the Q.  Maybe cuz he’s like 6’8 or something like that and YHC is only 5’9.
  • Number of burpees this workout – 0.  Yep thats a ZERO.  When’s the last time I Q’ed a workout without Burpees?
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Just a walk in the park and a game of cards

  • QIC: Maximus
  • When: 11/24/15
  • Pax: Esso, Birdcage, MacGuyver, Trucker
  • Posted In: Block Party, The Fort

I was excited at the opportunity to again Q the original AO in The Fort. So excited that I followed my tradition and threw out a few tweets the day before. Well, this may be the last time I do that because, short of a cold and rainy post with CSPAN and CSPAN only (yes, 2 for those keeping score), this was the fewest PAX for a Q of mine in almost 3yrs. The 4 other PAX that posted showed up and showed up strong. It didn’t matter what I offered up, they knocked it down every time…with hardly any mumble chatter.

So with that, we took a jog around the park to circle up next to the playground:
Warm Up: SSH, Squats, Wind Mill, Mountain Climbers, Diamond Merkins

Mosey to the Playground:
It’s hard to partner up with 5 of us so we did the following as a group.
10 Pull Ups / 20 Dips / 10 Pull Ups / 20 Dips / 10 Pull Ups / Run a lap

Mosey to one of my favorite spots at this AO, the 5′ wall by the Springs bldg:
3 of us on the wall for muscle ups while the other 2 run a lap around the parking lot. Flapjack and repeat.

In the cold, dark gloom, nobody noticed the deck of cards that was placed at the base of the light pole. Once I brought that to attention, some groans could be heard. Don’t worry, it’s customary and so is the pain. Considering the escaping time, it was time for another OMAHA so we only went through about 1/2 the deck but it looked like this:
Hearts = Merkins
Spades = Burpees (missed the Ace)
Clubs = Carolina Dry Docks
Diamonds = Jumping Lunges

I had so much more on the Wienke but again, another OMAHA so we could honor DD with a nice set of Monkey Humpers followed by
Super Man and the rip cord for a few 10 counts
American Hammers
X & O’s for Decibel
V-Up Toe Touches

I’ve been involved in mind-testing and brutal beatdowns over the years but I’m learning that in many cases, it’s not about the quantity, but rather the quality. And on this 28 degree morning, the quality of these 5 was top shelf. I’ll take these guys any day.

Announcements: Read the what? Oh yeah, the email…READ IT. Thanksgiving convergence and a little sampling of fried turkey. Joe Davis…DO IT. Christmas Party…PAY AND SHOW UP (if you’re able).

Prayer Requests: Time of Thanksgiving this week and safe travels for all. Stay safe and return to the gloom. Our service men & women, those gone, retired, active and their families. Thank God for them and their protection/service. Fresh starts on a new day with our kids/families. Trucker’s appt on his foot and hopefully a quick and full recovery. Our own CABLE GUY. Rest up, don’t push it and get back out there. We’ll keep a spot for you in the COT, albeit, downwind from the PAX!!

As You Were.

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Back at WEP

  • QIC: Backdraft and McGuiver
  • When: 11/21/2015
  • Pax: Bubba Gump, Tesh, Bolt, Double D, Dark Helmet, Ginsu, Flat tire, Longshanks, Red Banjo, Pusher, Magnum, Pippen, Highlife, Menthol, WWL, Baeheim, McGuiver, Backdraft
  • Posted In: The Fort

Always awesome to get asked to Q at WEP. It was a cool morning and tons of mumble chatter going on while cars were continuing to pull in up until the start time. The co-Qs were even wondering if they were going to have enough coupons to cover the crowd.

Backdraft started off the morning with a quick paced mosey around WEP to get the blood pumping.

Circled up for SSH x 50, IW x 20, windmills x 15, Mtn. Climbers x 20, 6 inches, Squats x 15

Mosey to playground and partner up.

Round 1-    P1- high knees around park- P2-Pull ups

Round 2-     P1- shuffle facing right,       P2- Derkins

Round 3-       P1- Shuffle facing Left,      P2- Dips

Round 4-       P1- Bear crawl strait sections, crab walk short sections,      P2- Squats

Pass off to McGuiver

Mosey to car to pick up coupons.

2 bricks per person. do not set down after you took them.

Mosey to field and line up

lunge walk to third tree. jog back.

10 Burpees OYO

mosey to track.

Drill bits around the track mosey in between.

Drill Bit 1 alternating shoulder presses

Drill Bit 2 Moroccan night clubs with coupons

Drill bit 3 windmills

Drill bit 4 Jack webs 1:4- 5:20 Merkins: overhead claps with coupons.

Variety of Mary with coupons


Always a pleasure to Q. Lots of mumble chatter early on, but got hushed pretty quick with the intensity the PAX put out on all the exercises.

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It looked easier on the weinke

  • QIC: Italian Job
  • When: 11/20/15
  • Pax: Apache, River Rat, The Riddler, Good Neighbor, Turbine, Boots, Creed, Popeye, Tinker Toy, Smoke Wagon, Catfish, Bogey
  • Posted In: The Fort

This morning, 13 of the area’s finest came to Petra for a slow burn beatdown. Conditions were perfect – 46 cool fall degrees.

The Thang


.5 mile mosey around the parking lot

  • Stretch because we aren’t as young as we once were
    • Wide leg left, right, center
    • Right over left
    • Left over right
    • 15 Windmills in cadence
    • 25 SSH
    • 50 MNC

Circle up for the Ring of Fire

  • Hold the plank while all 13 took turns doing 10 merkins

Line up for cross parking lot races (exercise to then run back)

  • Toy Soldiers
  • Run (all you got)
  • Nur
  • Lunge Walk
  • Bear Crawl
  • Duck Walk
  • Crab Walk
  • Frog Jumps
  • Bunny Hops
  • Alligator Walk
  • Fiddler Crab

Line up for stationary cool down

  • 15 Crab Jacks
  • 20 Donkey Kicks
  • 20 Monkey Humpers
  • 20 Scorpion Dry Docks
  • 20 Bomb Jacks courtesy of Popeye and Bogey

Mosey to the Wall

  • 2 minutes of People’s Chair
  • Slow Tinker Toy count Balls to the Wall

6 Minutes of Mary (dealer’s choice)

  • LBCs (Good Neighbor)
  • Hello Dolly (Turbine)
  • American Hammer (Boots)
  • 6 Inches (Creed)
  • Plank Twist (Popeye)
  • 20 Burpees (Tinker Toy)


Always good to see my brothers getting stronger. Great job today everyone. YHC doesn’t really understand “slow burn.” It looked much easier on the weinke. Excellent work by River Rat bringing two newbies in two weeks. Welcome again Boots and Creed. Also, welcome back Smoke Wagon – good to see you back in action.

Final Thought

We are here to encourage and lift each other up. It is in our nature to push ourselves harder when we are running with our brothers. Being competitive by nature sometimes makes us resent when our brothers are getting stronger and faster than us. Life is not a race. We will get where we need to be when HE wants us to get there. And when we see our brothers getting stronger and faster, celebrate with them. Don’t resent them. We are different than what the world wants us to be. We are called to be leaders in our homes, workplaces, and communities. Encourage others and celebrate with them as they succeed. Continue to be the #HIM we are called to be.


  • Monday Convergence at FMHS 11/23
  • Thanksgiving Convergence at Springfield Middle 0600 (Fort Mill) 11/26
  • Gladiator Games 12/12
  • Christmas Party 12/19
  • Joe Davis Run 1/9

Prayer Requests

  • The Dry family and the loss of their daughter
  • Work stress
  • Families
  • Travelling mercies
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Ladders Here, Ladders There

  • QIC: Repeat and Old Bay
  • When: 11/14/15
  • Pax: MacGyver, Photobomb, Tesh, Red Banjo, Magnum, Highlife, Boeheim, Repeat, Old Bay
  • Posted In: The Fort

Thanks to YHC for being so lazy busy this week, this backblast is being posted way later than usual.  Thus, the exact details are becoming a fuzzy, fading memory with each passing gloom.  Nonetheless, both Repeat and I remember all the pax working hard to make each other stronger.

The Thang:


  • SSH Indian Lunge – Single line formed and pax did SSH, as man in back did lunges to front.  Stopped after everyone had lunged
  • Indian run to next drill bit for Windmills 10x (IC)
  • Mosey to next drill bit for Tunnel touches 15x (IC)
  • Mosey to next drill bit for Mountain Climbers 20x (IC)

Mosey to tree-covered brick garden near hidden entrance of Springs building, and each pax finds a piece of knee-high wall.  Commencing 20 minutes of leg work:

  • 10 squats
  • 10 knee-ups (each leg) on the wall
  • 10 box jumps on the wall
  • rinse and repeat

Mosey down to parking lot with taller wall for People’s Chair

  • Jack Reacher while sitting -10x (IC)
  • 5 slow Bombjacks
  • Rinse and repeat

Mosey across 160 to open field

  • Dan Taylor variant – Jack Webb style of 1:3 ratio of 2 exercises, ascending to 5 reps
    • 1 Squat (ascending to 5 by 1)
    • 3 Knee Tar N’Diayes  (ascending to 15 by 3)

Mosey to Massey hill for ladder #1

  • Up hill backwards starting at 5 Imperial Walkers (descending by 1)
  • Down hill frontwards starting at 1 squat (ascending by 1)


Hand off to Repeat

Mosey back to tree-covered brick garden near hidden entrance of Springs building.

  • LBCs
  • 10 X Derkins
  • LBCs
  • 10 X Merkins
  • LBCs
  • 10 X Incline merkins

Mosey to playground and partner up (size doesn’t matter)

One person does an exercise (below) while the other takes a lap around the playground, then flapjack.

  • X 3 for pull-ups
  • X 5 for dips

Mosey to hill for another ladder.  LBCs at the bottom and merkins at the top.
Start with one LBC and 10 merkins end with 1 merkin and 10 LBCs

Close with a few minutes of mary.


It was great to see Magnum posting again, after some time on the IR.  And some might consider Banjo to be a Kotter.  Of course, it could be that he’s been posting the whole time, and we just didn’t recognize him without all his winter getup.

Repeat and I were honor to Q and appreciate the opportunity.  Thanks MacGyver for having us.



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Week #2 of “Home The Masters”

  • When: 11/07/15
  • Pax: DD, CSPAN, FNG- Angus, FNG-Leadville, Yeti, & Clampett
  • Posted In: The Fort

Bang!-0430 and I jump in DD’s SUV on the road trip to our Augusta, GA brothers. Great fellowship on the ride down, appreciate the counseling brother, and I never imagined we would be in the “Masters” division for #OLD Qs…

Conditions were slightly overcast, cold, 38 degrees, and an absolutely beautiful morning for a #downpainment to start the second week of this AO. By the time we got to BOM the sun was warming up…


Disclaimer (2 FNGS– Angus and Leadville) and discussion on keeping up, modify as needed, and not so quick discussion on what is required to be an F3 workout.

  1. Free
  2. Men only
  3. Peer Lead
  4. Outdoor
  5. BOM

And off we went…

Long slow looping our way around the park, felt like about 3/4 a mile


SSH, IW, Squats, Windmills, Moroccan Night Clubs, Monkey Humpers, an additional set of squats.

Long warmup Plank-o-Rama series. Clampett seemed to enjoy it.

Ladder merkin series= with 5 & 10 & 15 and long run around parking lot

Squat series=with 10 squats x 10 half laps= 100 total

Arkloader Series

Back and forth across parking lot with bear, lunge, crab, lunge, backwards bear, backwards lunge, toy soilder, and jogs.

DD on Q

Jog to pavilion

Box jump series = awful…

100 Derkins and 100 Dips series (crowd pleaser)

Long ABLAB series to include LBC, Freedie, Twists, Dolly, and many more…it was enough to get me tired…

Mosey to lot to finish the arkloader and a nice cool down series…


Prayer & Praise, BOM, and a good discussion on the #StarfishF3 model.


Always an honor to be part of a launch, here is everything in my notes:

  • Appreciate you listening to my sermon on F3Nation and the impact it has made on my life
  • Pancake breakfast at Grace UMC was very delicious
  • AO is first class, need to come back so I can run you to the River
  • I still miss all the good restaurants in Augusta especially French Market
  • #HIM = High Impact Man
  • #NoFatPants = Once you make the physical change of F3, burn the ship and those fat pants as there is no going back. A man who can’t get his 1st F on track will never get his 2nd and 3rd Fs online.
  • Read “Freed to Lead” here is the link:
  • Always make the 1st F too hard, the 2nd and 3rd F will come only with deliberate leadership

Appreciate the enthusiasm, and get your twitter account going, and follow us @CSPANF3 @Double_D @F3TheFort

We will see you next time,


TClap |

F3 Dads 2nd F Star Wars


Make it a full on 2nd F weekend: December 20th, the day after the great F3 Christmas Party- (Thanks Funhouse!), we have another opportunity for 2nd F.  This is an F3 DADS event.  Bring your 2.0(s) boys and girls for the 3:50pm showing of Star Wars, The Force Awakens.

Here’s the deal:

  • What: Star Wars Movie
  • Who: All Pax and 2.0(s) (boys and girls) are invited.
  • When: Sunday December 20th
  • Where: Manchester Cinemas, Rock Hill, SC
    • Time: 3:50 show time.
  • Why: F3 Dads.  Spend time with our 2.0s and give them the same experience we had as kids.  And transport back to when we were kids ourselves.  Wearing your Han Solo jacket or Yoda ears is purely optional.

This is opening weekend and the screen cannot be reserved.  The 3:50 time slot will sell out.  Call the theater or book on line for this show time.  Currently there are 230 seats open.  I anticipate our group to be atleast 100-150 ppl.  25-50 Pax each with kids.  Book ASAP…that is, after you finish booking your tickets for the Christmas Party.

Q’s- talk up in your COTs



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