3 Days Later…still feel it

  • QIC: Aquaman & Maximus
  • When: 08/29/15
  • Pax: Smuggler, Gears, Decibel, Cerrano, Bolt, CSPAN, Trucker, Rock Thrill, Willie, Zima, Fish Sticks, Thriller
  • Posted In: Alcatraz, The Fort

Life gets crazy but yet seems to pause just in time to enjoy a 60 minute beat down on the rock known as Alcatraz. I don’t have it in me to be all sorts of creative so I’ll get right to the point. Much like our first half Q Saturday, Aquaman, this will be all about speed, no lolly-gagging.

14 men in the PAX:
With Aquaman on Q and a disclaimer:
Warm up loop to the fire station and back for our rapid-fire COP.
SSH x 20
Seal Jack x 20
Rapid Squats x 20
Windmill x 15
Partner up and grab a paver per team: Line up at one end of the parking lot. Partner 1 declines feet on the paver so heels are on the block and toes pointed down while Partner 2 sprints to the end of the parking lot and back. Do this 3 times each. Partner 1 then leaps side to side over the paver staying low and placing one foot on the paver each time he jumps side to side; staying low. Partner 2 sprints to the end of the lot and back. Do this 3 times each. Take pavers back to their home and mosey to the steep neighborhood hill. OYO, 4 squats at the bottom of the hill, long jump with a flying squire halfway up the hill (killer) then sprint to the top for 4 monkey humpers then run back down. Reminder, Bolt doesn’t like a slow jog downhill. Do this 4 times and try to hold the Merlot down.

Hand off to Maximus to kill whatever you have left:
Form a circle in the field and do some ab rollers with some 10counts along the way for good measure. Get into a tighter circle to do a little Russian twist while passing a 35lb KB, counter clockwise then clockwise.
Head to the grass beyond the bases. Bear crawl to the next base and 10 Peter Parkers/10 Parker Peters. Reverse bear crawl back to the starting point for 10 more/10more.

Mosey to the playground and grab a partner. Partner 1 does 10 Pull Ups while Partner 2 does 20 CDD. Flapjack and repeat.
As a group and in cadence, slow dips and diamond merkins.
Mosey to the field and circle up:
Clock Merkins 1-6 then 6-1 followed by Mak Tar Jah
Ab Lab: Super Belly aka Pepper Mill
20 Second parachute
Grave Digger

Mosey to the other field and line up at one end:
Sprint to the first light pole for 10 Wide-Arm Merkins and 20 LBC. Sprint to the next light pole and do another 10/20. Sprint to the end for another 10/20. Sprint back All You Got then COT.

Aquaman and I had a lot of fun with this one and it is always awesome to see the creativity my man comes up with. Great job fellas.

Announcements: Way too many to write – read the weekly email. Take note of the Labor Day plans. Various 5K/10K options.

Prayers: Colombia team leaves Friday, Injured PAX, Illnesses in the family

As You Were.

TClap |


Mark your calendar, get ‘a hall pass’ from the M, and come join your fellow Fort Mill area pax for our annual birthday party, The Fort Invergence!    This September will mark the third year anniversary of F3 in the Fort Mill area,  and we’ll celebrate it with a night of great food, fellowship, and a look back of all that we’ve done since September 2012.

What:  Fort Mill Invergence (3rd anniversary party)

When:  Friday, September 18, 5:30PM

Where:  Bruce T. Rush Pavillion at the Anne Springs Greenway

Bring:  Food, drink, chair, some cash (to cover the pavillion rental/donations to the F3 Foundation)

Use the link below to RSVP and list what food you will bring:

F3 The Fort Invergence RSVP/Dinner Sign Up

This years theme is  High Impact Man (#HIM).   Several members of the Fort area Pax will review our accomplishments over the past year, and talk about where we are going in the coming year.    Our F3 leaders, OBT and Dredd, will be there too to discuss the plans for F3 nationwide.


Consistent with the HIM theme this year,  we would like to recognize those who had an impact on the pax or the Fort area region.   Was there someone who got you through a tough workout or run?  Who inspired you?  Who got you out at 5:15 each day when you didn’t feel like it?  Who supported you through a tough time?  Who made a difference this year?  Who exemplified the HIM?

Please submit the name of the person with a breif summary to  fcicciarello1@gmail.com.  We will either read them or post them during the event.  You can remain anonymous if you like.  This is not a contest or competition, but rather just a chance to share some good stories from the past year.

Burning the Ship!

Once a man embraces F3 principles, he no longer needs adjustable waist trousers to accommodate his yo-yo waistline.  Bring in the clothes that no longer fit you. We will be celebrating the war and donating these clothes to a good cause.  Lay down the pogo and stick it to the 40 that comes with it!

There will be weekly Twitter updates as the date gets closer.  This is great event and one you won’t want to miss!  Hope to see you all there.



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Rock Hill Board of Pain – Week 4

  • QIC: Italian Job
  • When: 8/27/15
  • Pax: Toro, Scout, Silver Bullet, Turbine, River Rat, Mayhem, Bogey, Mugshot, Popeye, Riddler, Sgt. York, Burgundy
  • Posted In: The Fort

13 men helped finish off the Board of Pain at ManU this morning. I for one am thrilled to see it retired for a while. Final results are as follows:

(1/4 mile run between each exercise)
Burpees – 100
Calf Raises – 150 (50 regular, 50 toes pointed in, 50 toes pointed out)
Ski Abs – 100
Merkins – 100
Deep Squats – 100
LBCs – 200
Carolina Dry Docks – 100 (Toro-100)
Russian Twists – 100
Mac Tar Jai– 100  (Scout-100, Silver Bullet-100, Turbine-20)
Jump Squats – 100 (Mayham-55, River Rat-4)
Mountain Climbers – 100 (Italian Job-100, Bogey-100, Popeye-20)
Shoulder Raises – 200
Mary Catherines – 100
Hello Dolly – 200 (Riddler-100)
Wide Arm Merkins – 100 (Burgundy-100, Sgt. York-100)
Squat Jacks – 100
Nippler– 100
Burpees – 100

Final standings are as follows:

First Attempt Best Week Rungs Jumped
Riddler 100 Deep Squats 100 Hello Dolly 9 Most Improved
Sgt. York 100 Mac Tar Jai 100 Wide Arm Merkin 6 Highest Rung
Burgundy 100 Jump Squats 100 Wide Arm Merkin 5 Highest Rung
Catfish 200 LBCs 50 Mac Tar Jai 3
Geppetto 75 Dry Docks 20 Jump Squats 3
Italian Job 100 Mac Tar Jai 107 Shoulder Raises 3
Popeye 100 Russian Twists 50 Mtn. Climbers 3
River Rat 100 Dry Docks 4 Jump Squats 3 Best Form
Toro 100 Deep Squats 100 Dry Docks 2
Aqualung 60 Deep Squats 25 Dry Docks 2
Tinker Toy 100 Jump Squats 200 Shoulder Raises 2
Bogey 25 Mac Tar Jai 100 Mtn. Climbers 2
Mailman 50 Russian Twists 100 Mac Tar Jai 1
Padre 100 Jump Squats 40 Mtn. Climbers 1
Mayham 100 Mac Tar Jai 55 Jump Squats 1
Mugshot 50 Jump Squats 50 Mtn. Climbers 1
Sweeper 200 LBCs 200 LBCs No Change
Schrute 100 Mac Tar Jai 100 Mac Tar Jai No Change
Posh 100 Jump Squats 100 Jump Squats No Change
Van Damme 100 Merkins 100 Merkins No Change
Transplant 45 Mac Tar Jai 45 Mac Tar Jai No Change
Swamp Fox 100 Mac Tar Jai 100 Mac Tar Jai No Change
Billboard 50 Mac Tar Jai 50 Mac Tar Jai No Change
Wheels 50 Jump Squats 50 Jump Squats No Change
Scout 50 Mtn. Climbers 50 Mtn. Climbers No Change
Silver Bullet 100 Mac Tar Jai 100 Mac Tar Jai No Change
Turbine 20 Mac Tar Jai 20 Mac Tar Jai No Change


Our award winners were:

  • Most Improved – Riddler (up 9 rungs)
  • Highest Rung – Burgundy and Sgt. York (all the way through Wide Arm Merkins)
  • Best Form – River Rat

Overall, you can see how far the group progressed:

Board of Pain Challenge:
(1/4 mile run between each exercise) Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Burpees – 100
Calf Raises – 150 (50 regular, 50 toes pointed in, 50 toes pointed out)
Ski Abs – 100
Merkins – 100 Van Damme
Deep Squats – 100 Toro, Riddler, Aqualung – 60
LBCs – 200 Sweeper, Catfish
Carolina Dry Docks – 100 Geppetto – 75 Aqualung – 25 River Rat Toro
Russian Twists – 100 Mailman – 50 Popeye
Mac Tar Jai– 100 Sgt. York, Schrute, Italian Job Geppetto – 90, Transplant – 45, Catfish – 10, Riddler – 10 Mailman, Mayham, Swamp Fox, Catfish – 50, Bogey – 25, Billboard – 50 Scout, Silver Bullet, Turbine – 20
Jump Squats – 100 Tinker Toy, Burgundy, Posh Padre Mugshot – 50, Geppetto – 20, Popeye – 15, Wheels – 50 River Rat – 4, Mayhem – 55
Mountain Climbers – 100 Italian Job – 30 Scout – 50, Riddler – 40, Padre – 40 Italian Job, Bogey, Mugshot – 50, Popeye – 50
Shoulder Raises – 200 Tinker Toy, Burgundy, Sgt. York Italian Job – 107
Mary Catherines – 100 Tinker Toy, Burgundy, Sgt. York
Hello Dolly – 200 Riddler – 100
Wide Arm Merkins – 100 Burgundy, Sgt. York
Squat Jacks – 100
Nippler– 100
Burpees – 100


I again want to take the time to acknowledge the guys for their hard work. Great showing by Burgundy, York, and Riddler joining me each week on this journey. Excellent work by all Pax. We’ll return next week to a regular mantastic workout at ManU.


Crimestoppers Pancake Breakfast at Fatz Café in Rock Hill 9/19/15 from 8-10. Bring your families and support this cause. $7 for adults and $4 for children 4-8. Includes pancakes, sausage, fruit cup, coffee, tea, milk, or juice. Reach out to Popeye for additional details.

Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure – 10/3/15. Click the link to join F3 Nation Turkey Punchers . Help support this worthy cause. http://charlotte.info-komen.org/site/TR?team_id=337820&fr_id=5686&pg=team

Oct 24 (Saturday) @ Leatherneck (near Columbia) – F3 registration is open until Sept 12, so get your teams organized!  Check out this pre-blast from F3Nation, and this information specific to The Fort. Contact Old Bay with questions and/or your team info.

Prayer Request:

Injured F3 brothers (Shrute, Van Damme)

Those affected by the shootings in Virginia

Toro’s new Bible Study

Those racing in the Asheville Super this weekend

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Plank Wheel at Eagle’s Nest

  • QIC: Italian Job
  • When: 8/25/15
  • Pax: Riddler, Sgt. York, Burgundy, Hasselhoff, River Rat, Turbine, Bogey, Popeye
  • Posted In: The Fort

This morning 9 men woke up, rolled out, and showed up to enjoy a morning stroll through Winthrop University’s campus. 5:15 came a bit early this morning and the Pax were dragging a bit. No worries, we still filled the 45 minutes with mumble chatter and some exercises.

Warm Up

Nothing special here:

  • 25 SSH
  • 15 IW
  • 15 Windmills

At this point the meter maid, rent-a-cop, 5.0 showed up, so we mosied on.

The Thang

Mosey to DiGiorgio Campus Center

  • While taking turns doing Shoulder tap Merkins, the Pax held a People’s Chair
  • 25 Squats
  • 25 Calf Raises
  • 25 Dips
  • 25 Derkins

Darn if the Popo didn’t show up again, so we mosied on.

Mosey to Scholar’s Walk

  • High Knee to end of walk
  • Butt Kickers back
  • Karaoke to end of walk
  • Back Pedal back
  • Full Sprint to end of walk
  • Jog back

Mosey short distance to the circle greenspaces

  • Hold the Plank while taking turns running around the large circle (Riddler named Wheel of Plank). Plank varieties included:
    • Standard Plank
    • Elbow Plank
    • Right hand high
    • Left hand high
    • Right foot high
    • Left foot high
    • Right hand high while in elbow plank
    • Left hand high while in elbow plank
    • 6 inches

Slow Mosey back to Oakland Pres for 6 Minutes of Mary. Exercises included:

  • LBCs
  • Peter Parkers
  • Crunchy Frogs
  • Freddies
  • Protractor
  • Standard Sit Ups


Great work today. Our slower pace today was hopefully a welcome retrieve from the past couple weeks of beatings we’ve all endured. Thanks Hasselhoff for crossing the river to join us. I hope Bogey and Popeye made it to the bathroom since both nearly Elvised during the workout. Great job York and Burgundy being our gazelles today. It wouldn’t surprise me if both of you went for an extended run or followed today’s workout with a trip to the gym (#BeastMode). Excellent leadership by Riddler taking care of our 6 today. I see River Rat and Turbine getting stronger every week. You guys are all doing the right things and I’m proud to call you brothers.

Remember that “A cord of 3 strands is not easily broken.” Continue to rely on God and stick with your brothers. Between you, Christ, and other men – you can overcome anything!


Crimestoppers Pancake Breakfast at Fatz Café in Rock Hill 9/19/15 from 8-10. Bring your families and support this cause. $7 for adults and $4 for children 4-8. Includes pancakes, sausage, fruit cup, coffee, tea, milk, or juice. Reach out to Popeye for additional details.

Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure – 10/3/15. Click the link to join F3 Nation Turkey Punchers . Help support this worthy cause. http://charlotte.info-komen.org/site/TR?team_id=337820&fr_id=5686&pg=team

Oct 24 (Saturday) @ Leatherneck (near Columbia) – F3 registration is open until Sept 12, so get your teams organized!  Check out this pre-blast from F3Nation, and this information specific to The Fort. Contact Old Bay with questions and/or your team info.

Prayer Request:

Injured F3 brothers (Shrute, Van Damme)

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WEP Workout

  • QIC: Hasselhoff/MacGyver
  • When: 08/22/15
  • Pax: Twister, Slinghopper, Sugar Daddy, Mainframe, Javert, Mile Hile, Hans, DD, Skinner, Assassin, Repeat, Cina, Barry Manilow, Quack Attach, Doug Pound, Bubba Gump
  • Posted In: The Fort

18 Pax in the Gloom at WEP for MacGyver’s Money Back Guarantee Workout!

Hasselhoff start the Q with a run to the park for COP.

20 X SSH

15 X Windmills

25 X MNC

15 X Merkins

20 X Low Slow Squats

15 X Peter Parkers

20 X LBC

Moseyed to the Spring’s Building

15 Steps Ups YoYo

15 Inclined Merkins

Moseyed to the Wall at Springs

Wall Sits X 3

Moseyed to the Playground near Main Street. Broke into four groups with four stations. Station 1: 10 Buprees, Station 2: 15 Hello Dolly’s, Station 3: 20 Mountain Climbers, Station 4: 25 Squats – Rinse and Repeat

MacGyver took over from there.  Over to the Veterans Park for the pledge.

Ran suicides with 5 burpees, 10 CCD, and 15 Diamond Merkins

Repeated with 5 jumpups, 10 , 15 jumping lunges, 20 Monkey Humpers

Ran to behind Springs, where the group was split into two. One group did pullups X 5 while the other group did squats. Rinsed and repeated.

Ran back to WEP where it was dealer’s choice for exercise. One person called out the exercise and ran while the rest of the group performed the exercise.

Back to parking lot for COT.

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Rock Hill Board of Pain – Week 3

  • QIC: Italian Job
  • When: 8/20/15
  • Pax: Scout, Mugshot, Riddler, Mailman, Geppetto, Popeye, Mayham, Catfish, Bogey, Billboard, River Rat, Padre, Wheels, Tinker Toy, Sgt. York, Burgundy, Swamp Fox, Italian Job
  • Posted In: The Fort

Another improvement Thursday with the Board of Pain at ManU this morning. 18 crazy men decided to leave their fartsacks to attack the evil BoP. So proud of these guys.

Below are the outcomes this week:

Board of Pain Challenge:

(1/4 mile run between each exercise)

Burpees – 100

Calf Raises – 150 (50 regular, 50 toes pointed in, 50 toes pointed out)

Ski Abs – 100

Merkins – 100

Deep Squats – 100

LBCs – 200

Carolina Dry Docks – 100  (River Rat)

Russian Twists – 100

Mac Tar Jai– 100  (Mailman, Mayham, Swamp Fox, Catfish – 50, Bogey – 25, Billboard – 50)

Jump Squats – 100 (Mugshot – 50, Geppetto – 20, Popeye – 15, Wheels – 50)

Mountain Climbers – 100 (Scout – 50, Riddler – 40, Padre – 40)

Shoulder Raises – 200 (Italian Job – 107)

Mary Catherines – 100 (Tinker Toy, Burgundy, Sgt. York)

Hello Dolly – 200

Wide Arm Merkins – 100

Squat Jacks – 100

Nippler– 100

Burpees – 100


Every man improved from last week. Our newcomers to the BoP were Mugshot, Scout, Mailman, Mayham, Bogey, Billboard, River Rat, Wheels, and Swamp Fox.

  • Riddler went up another 2 rungs to Mountain Climbers. He’s improved 6 rungs from his first week.
  • Catfish went up 30 Mac Tar Jais this week.
  • Sgt. York jumped 1 rung to Mary Catherines. That’s 4 rungs from week one.
  • Geppetto went up 1 rung to Jump Squats. That’s a gain of 3 rungs since the first week.
  • Popeye went up 2 rungs this week to Jump Squats.
  • Padre went up 1 rung to Mountain Climbers.
  • Tinker Toy and Burgundy went up 1 rung to Mary Catherines, a gain of 3 total from week one.
  • YHC went up 1 rung to Shoulder Raises, 2 rungs up from week one.

Our newbies made quite the showing today. A few notes of record:

  • River Rat had great form today. He took his time to make sure everything was done right. Great work!
  • Mailman, Mayham, and Swamp Fox hit it hard and completed Mac Tar Jais – no small feat.
  • Awesome work by Billboard in his first week with F3. The guy is drinking from a fire hose and doing great!
  • It was good to see Bogey resurface after a few weeks of IR.
  • Mugshot and Wheels both posted for the first time at BoP and got through 50 Jump Squats. To do that in week one is super impressive.
  • Perhaps the most astonishing is how Scout continues to CRUSH everything we throw at him. This guy made it to 50 Mountain Climbers – at age 68! You read that right. We’re starting to wonder if he’s human. Double Respect!

Remember men, we do this to get better. You are all an inspiration. Show up next week to finish out the BoP Challenge and see who made the most progress.


8/21 (tomorrow) Food Truck Friday. Bring your families for some Fellowship with your F3 brothers. We will meet at Fountain Park at 6PM. Look for the shovel flags.

Register for the MudRun. Check the weekly email for details.

Prayer Requests

Our F3 brothers on IR (Van Damme, Schrute).

Tinker Toy and Mailman’s pastor’s wife, Wendy.

Parents, children, and teachers with their return to school.


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Leg Day

  • QIC: Cornhole and White Lightning
  • When: 8/15/15
  • Pax: Jiffy, Decible, Gecco, Spitz, Rebel, Crash, Mudhen, Maximum, Royale, Senator Tressel, Change Order, Slum Lord (FNG/NGO), and Little Lightning
  • Posted In: Alcatraz, The Fort

With the BRR approaching Cornhole and YHC did not want to interrupt any of the PAX’s BRR training plans.  Here is what you accomplished to start the weekend:

Dynamic Warmup

Jog Down / Jog Back

Toy Soldier / Jog back

High Knee / Jog back

Butt Kickers / Jog Back

Circle Up

SSH x 50   –   IW x 20   –   Mtn Climber x 20

Mak Tar Jai – 10 OYO – Moroccan Night Club – til it hurts

Sprint Work

Split up

Round 1 – Split Up

1’s Sprint Down and Back

2’s Merkin Work

Alternate with Regular, Diamond, and Wide Merkins

Round 2

Sprints x 3 – Plank Work

Regular Plank / On your elbows / Plank Punches

Round 3 – Mosey to Brick Wall

Run Around Field x 3

People’s Chair / Balls to the Wall / People’s Chair

Playground 3X – 10 each
Step ups/leg, Derkins, Pull ups, Dips

The Hill – 3X

Bottom – 10-Merkins, Backward run
1/3–20-Squats, Lunges
2/3–20-Monkey Hump, Run
Top–10-Jump Lunge, Run down
Mosey to short wall 20 step ups
20 loungers


I was excited when my 2.0, Little Lightning, decided to join us this morning. Not just because of the workout, but because of the men he was surrounded by in that hour.  You all are a great example for him and other 2.0’s.  You are:  Men that push themselves and each other, Men that encourage each other to do more than you thought you could, Men that share in each others joys and pain, and men that pray together.  Thank you for being this example.


TClap |

Preblast – CAH “Deep in the Heart” Fundraiser 09/19/2015

  • QIC: Chicken Hawk
  • When: 09/19/2015
  • Pax: All PAX (The Fort, Tega Cay, Indian Land, Rock Hill)
  • Posted In: The Fort

On Friday night, 09/18/2015 you will be enjoying fellowship with your fellow PAX sharing stories about how you smoked the PAX during your finest Q moments.  The next night in nearly the same location the Children’s Attention Home will be hosting a fundraising event for the Fort Mill community.  This event is a great opportunity for you and the M to lock shields with other PAX and enjoy an event with some southern hospitality.  F3 has also been asked to provide support for this event to help be volunteers to help direct cars to parking spaces and be runners during the event.  Pick your passion, serving through volunteering or support a great cause through a date night with your M.  See the following links for more information:

Sign up for Date Night:


Sign up to Volunteer:


F3 at The Fort has been partnering with the Children’s Attention Home for over a year and a half now and if you volunteer in our bi-weekly events with the home or if you don’t know anything about the home this is a great opportunity about how this group home provides hope for children that otherwise have none.

F3 is already making an investment into these kids on a biweekly basis engaging with the children at CAH.  Let’s continue to expand how the men of F3 can have a real impact on the lives of the 43 children that the home protects, educates and loves.  Please consider coming out to support a great cause along with your fellow PAX.


Chicken Hawk


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Week 2 – Rock Hill Board of Pain

  • QIC: Italian Job
  • When: 8/13/15
  • Pax: Van Damme, Aqualung, Popeye, Geppetto, Transplant, Catfish, Riddler, Padre, Tinker Toy, Burgundy, Sgt. York, Italian Job
  • Posted In: The Fort

This morning, 12 of Rock Hill’s finest rolled out of the fart sack and rolled into the Board of Pain. Special shoutout to our DJ, Catfish for providing the tunes this AM. Burgundy said it best, “Nothing gets you going better than Kelly Clarkson in the morning.” #Don’tJudge #WhatDoesn’tKillYouMakesYouStronger

Exercises are as follows:

Board of Pain Challenge:
(1/4 mile run between each exercise)
Burpees – 100
Calf Raises – 150 (50 regular, 50 toes pointed in, 50 toes pointed out)
Ski Abs – 100
Merkins – 100 (Van Damme)
Deep Squats – 100
LBCs – 200
Carolina Dry Docks – 100 (Aqualung – 25)
Russian Twists – 100 (Popeye)
Mac Tar Jai– 100 (Geppetto – 90, Transplant – 45, Catfish – 10, Riddler – 10)
Jump Squats – 100 (Padre)
Mountain Climbers – 100 (Italian Job – 30)
Shoulder Raises – 200 (Tinker Toy, Burgundy, Sgt. York)
Mary Catherines – 100
Hello Dolly – 200
Wide Arm Merkins – 100
Squat Jacks – 100
Nippler– 100
Burpees – 100


Every man improved from last week. Our newcomers to the BoP were Van Damme (only his 2nd post), Popeye, Transplant, and Padre. I look forward to seeing your improvements next week. The other men upped their game big time!

  • Riddler went up 4 rungs from Deep Squats all the way to Mac Tar Jais
  • Catfish went up 3 rungs from LBCs to Mac Tar Jais
  • Sgt. York jumped 3 rungs from Mac Tar Jais to Shoulder Raises
  • Aqualung went up 2 rungs from Deep Squats to Carolina Dry Docks
  • Geppetto went up 2 rungs from Carolina Dry Docks to Mac Tar Jais
  • YHC went up 2 rungs from Mac Tar Jais to Mountain Climbers
  • Tinker Toy and Burgundy went up 2 rungs from Jump Squats to Shoulder Raises

I’m very proud of Riddler. The guy has no quit in him. Up 4 rungs – INCREDIBLE! Super impressed by our top dogs again this week – Burgundy, Tinker Toy, and Sgt. York. You guys are machines! Our Pax in Rock Hill are doing great work. Share this joy with others and help us to reach the Sad Clowns in our neighborhoods, workplaces, and churches. Spread the word: There’s room in the gloom!


Fort Mill Care Center Move this Saturday. Details here

Prayer Requests

Our F3 brothers on IR (Shrute, Bogey, Stang, and others).

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Blame it on the Rain

  • QIC: Popeye
  • When: 8/11/2015
  • Pax: Catfish, Fusion, Riddler, Sgt. York, Mug Shot, Shingles, Gepetto, Transplant
  • Posted In: The Fort

Nine Faithful, High Impact Men (#HIM) woke up in the wet, drizzliing gloom for a spinach induced beat down at the hands of me, Popeye. This was my first full Q and the rain was not going to slow down the F3 brothers at the Eagles Nest.

The Thang –



Windmills X15

Imperial Walkers X20


Mosey – To the Diggs Field, aka. The F3 playground

THE ROCKS WILL CRY OUT… and your muscles

First grab a rock from the creek bed – one preferably to your size and stature. There was a little mumble chatter about grabbing a small stone.  Take the rock to the bottom of the steep hill behind the chiller plant.

Bottom of the hill

20 Squats with rock in hand – drop the rock then run up and back down the hill

20 Curls with rock – drop the rock, run up and down the hill

20 Over Head Press with the rock – drop the rock, run up and down the hill

Rinse and Repeat X2 (However, round three dropped the sets to 10 reps each)

(NOTE: The plan was to run up the hill with your rock, but due to the slick conditions from the rain there was a safety audible to drop the rock and run up the hill stoneless.)

Threw in a little bit of the WORD Luke 19: 39-40 about how Jesus on his entry into Jerusalem – “Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Him, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples.” But Jesus answered, “I tell you if these become silent the rocks will cry out!.”

Mosey to the amphitheater


Start at the bottom of the amphitheater:

Merkins X5

run the length of the amphitheater to the other end and do

Squats X10

Rinse and Repeat all the way up the 20 rows. (You can do the math on the number of merkins and squats were involved.  There was a little mumble chatter from Catfish about how he told his wife about how since Popeye was on the Q there wouldn’t be much running. He was wrong.)

Rest up with a quick 10 count and we were off again to the Picnic tables in front of the West Center building.


Dips X20

Dekins X20 (Note: Due to the tables being slick from the water falling from the sky another safety audible was given to be careful that no feet would slip off the seat causing face plants.)

Irkins X20

Merkins X20

Rinse and Repeat X3

Mosey back to the COT for a short 5 minute Ab Lab

LBC’s X20

Flutters X20

Hello Dolly X20

Plank Twists X20 (some modified to 10)

LBC’s X20

Finish off SSH X30

Fun and Mumble Chatter was had by all


Thanks to the PAX for allowing me to Q today, as said in the disclaimer I am far from a professional but thanks to all F3 brothers who push me I continue to get better & stronger day by day.

8/15 – The Fort Mill Care center Move is still on (for now) this Saturday. Fusion says they are still waiting on a certificate of occupancy and hope to have it this Saturday.

10/3 – F3 Nation Turkey Punchers are getting together to punch the turkey out of cancer.  Sign up to run in the Race for the Cure in Charlotte Oct 3rd.   Here is the link to our team page http://charlotte.info-komen.org/goto/F3TurkeyPunchers or click here to sign up.  If we get enough people to sign up we will make shirts. #TurkeyPunch

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