Burpee Broad Jump Beatdown

  • QIC: Padre
  • When: 6/29/15
  • Pax: Boeheim, Red Eye, Pusher, Schrute, Sweeper, Catfish, Package, Sargent York, Burgundy, CSPAN, Chaser, Tinker Toy, Apache, Italian Job
  • Posted In: The Fort


Padre thought he heard a train whistle blowing…

In case you are not aware, a rule at “Old Town” is when you hear a train whistle blow, you stop whatever you are doing and do 10 Burpees (shout out to the Greer, SC F3 Boys for that idea). So we began our deal with what he thought he heard in his head – 10 Burpees.

Mosey to the Parking Garage:

Apparently Padre thought he heard a lot of whistle blowing: Burpee Broad Jumps from bottom of the garage to top (Chaser said it was burpee broads for a quarter of a mile up hill). I believe it!

At top introduce the idea: “Humility”  Thought is if you say you are humble you are probably not.

Mosey to the Fountain:

Pair up

100 Merkins (partner runs to other side and switch)

200 Squats

Mosey to the Amphitheater

Continue to the thought of “Humility.” Padre challenged the guys to think of humility in regards to “identity.”  As men, it is our “identity” wrapped up solely in what we “do.” True humility does not have to tell others what we “do” for a living.

10 Prison Cell Merkins at the bottom (shout out to TinkerToy)

Run to top of Amphitheater

9 Jump Lunges

8 Prison Cell

7 Jumps Lunges

6 Prison Cell

5 Jump Lunges

4 Prison Cell

3 Jumps Lunges

2 Prison Cell


Final Thought on Humility.  Padre stated that he is overwhelmed with Jesus being more powerful than what he can comprehend and yet He humbled himself and put on “human clothes.” Padre also tried to affirm the guys who come out week after week, day after day. He confessed that he has tendencies at times to think he is better than he actually is. He stated that the guys keep him humble and make him desire to get better.

This whole backblast are Padre’s words transcribed. But I wanted to add a final thought. Men of Rock Hill and Fort Mill, I’m proud of you. Every day you get up and push the covers to the side, wipe the sleep from your eyes, and attack the day with such ferocity that the devil himself thinks, “Oh crap, they’re up again!” You men inspire me to be a better dad, husband, brother, employee, and friend. Thanks for the constant reminder of what a real man is – one that prioritizes what truly matters. You guys ROCK and I’m proud to call you my brothers in Christ!

Announcements: Check the weekly email



TClap |

F3 Dads – The Fort – Take care of your six

  • QIC: Rooney & Spiderman
  • When: 06/27/15
  • Pax: Brickmaster, Gears, Sweet Sweet, Transplant, Megaforce, Solid State, Big Apple, Cartwheel, Maximus, Jumper, Old Bay, Picaso, Dash, Bernake, Beast Mode, Corruption, Chaser, Flash, Wildcat, Panther, Man of War, Hot Wheels, Zima, Tiger, Howitzer, Thing 1, Thing 2, Thing 3, Thing, 4, Thing 5, Badger, High Life, Heat Wave, Power Man, Mayhem, Cheetah, Burgundy, Fairy, Gerry T, Wall Ace, Cheeseball, Crab Cakes, Lil E, Lilly Pad, Road Runner, Bounty Hunter, Baby Bounty, Roadhouse, Rapunzel, Red Helmet, Dark Helmet, Cupcakes, Sirano, Dominator, Axel, Short Stop, All Star, Catfish, Pepperoni, Splash Lightning, Pink Tank, Spiderman, Jellyfish, T-Rex, Rooney
  • Posted In: Alcatraz, F3 Dads, The Fort, The Reservation

65 Dads and 2.0s posted for The Fort’s final #F3Dads workout of June 2015. What an inspiration our 2.0s are to each of the PAX. T-Claps to White Lighting for organizing this months events.

Rooney on Q. Disclaimer then mosey to warm-up.

SSH x 10
Low, Slow, Squat x 10
Windmill x 10
Merkins x 5
Mountain Climber x 10
Peter Parker x 10

Circle Plank:
Tap the person to your right and pass it around. We started in two places. Recover after you were tapped twice.

Over Under:
Dads alternate Plank and lying flat. 2.0s go under the plank and over the legs of the Dad lying down.

Water Break

Animal Walks:

Line up shoulder to shoulder along path for some animal walks. Each walk is about 10 yards out then run back.
-Bear Crawl
-Koala Bear Carry – Dad carries 2.0 on back … hold the hand of other 2.0/2.0(s)
-Monkey Walk – squat and waive arms around
-Duck Walk
-Unicorn – 2.0 on Dad’s shoulders and flapping arms. Dad uses hand on forehead as horn and trots around.

Prayer and turn over to Spiderman for Q

2.0 Capture:
2.0’s line up 10 yards from Dad. 2.0s take off running 40 yards. Dads take off after their own 2.0s and try and catch them. Scoop them up and hug them if caught. Reverse direction. Rinse and repeat!

Kid Curls:
-Choose one of your 2.0s (or rotate per set) – 10 curls using your 2.0 x 3
-Choose one of your 2.0s (or rotate per set) – 5 bench presses using your 2.0 x 3

Mosey to hill for the Pack Mule:
-Dad carries one 2.0 up the hill
-Both run down
-Dad does merkins (The digits of your Dad’s age added together – i.e., 46=4+6=10)
-3 sets

Water Break

Sharks and Minnows (4 sets)


The most powerful moments at an #F3Dads workout for me are the laughter I hear and hugs I receive from my 2.0s. These memories are ones I will always cherish! However, posting with my 2.0s isn’t perfect. Jellyfish and T-Rex always groan and complain some during an #F3Dads workout. They have also mastered the art of bellyaching about being tired and hot.

I started to think about when I post … I do the same thing my 2.0s do! I just don’t always say it to the other PAX. I bellyache a lot inside and sometimes it manifests in a grunt or groan. I push through because of the men around me. The men I’m accountable too. The men who give me encouragement. As a member of F3 we look our for our six!

I forget sometimes that my 2.0s are little and expect them not to complain when they have to do merkins at the top of a hill. I was reminded on Saturday that they need us like we need our F3 brothers. During a Dad’s workout they need us to chase them, carry them, hold their hand, hug them, wipe away tears, bandage a scraped knee, get them some water and even some encouragement. They are my six!

God bless our PAX, our community and this great country!


TClap |

Crucibowl Circuit with a Friend

  • QIC: Old Bay and Chicken Hawk
  • When: 06/27/2015
  • Pax: Rebel, Transplant, McGyver, Corruption, Airborne, Green Wave, Mainframe, Dark Helmet, Cake Boss, High life, Bernanke, Aqua Lung, WWL, Little E, Sir Topham hat, Dog Pound
  • Posted In: The Fort

20 PAX enjoyed a stroll in the park and down town for an hour of pain and a little service.  PAX #21 still not named was a 40lb sack of sand that represented those in society that don’t fit in, that stay in the shadows because they are not accepted as mainstream.  No one usually invests in them emotionally or spiritually.  The call to the PAX was to step up and share the burden of carrying the sack and serving a less accepted brother.  The call is to go out into or sphere of influence and invest in those that no one else will invest in and accept them and try to influence them in a Godly way.

Mosey 1/3 way around WEP

Dynamic Warm-Up

  • SSH x30 => Butt Kickers 20 yards
  • IW (high) x20 => Butt Kickers 20 yards back
  • Windmills x10 => High Knees 20 yards
  • Peter Parkers Peters x20 => High Knees 20 yards back
  • Mtn Climbers x15
  • Dry Docks x20
  • LBCs x10

Crucibowl climb/circuit, 5 rounds with increased reps each round (2, 4, 6, 8, 10)

  • Station #1 – plank jacks
  • Station #2 – burpees
  • Station #3 – mountain climbers
  • Station #4 – bombjacks

Mosey to the Springs complex for some partner wall work

  • 3 wall climbs / PAX CDD
  • 5 wall climbs / PAX CDD
  • 7 wall climbs / PAX CDD
  • 20 count balls to the wall / PAX Merkins
  • 30 count balls to the wall / PAX Merkins

Mosey back to WEP

  • Partner Tennis ball toss and catch (catch = plank, drop = burpees); continue to move further apart and running sprints after each throw.
  • Finish with 3 minutes of Mary
    • 20 LBC
    • 15 Hello Dolly
    • 15 Hi Lo Flutter
    • 15 Freddie Mercury
    • Protractor


TClap |

Will This Ever End

  • QIC: White Lightning and Aquaman
  • When: 6/28/15
  • Pax: Trucker, Minuteman, Copperfield, Decibel, Cable Guy, Gears, Lugnut, Maximus, Zima, Cerrano, Axl, Mr Clean, Kaiser, Howitzer, and Pugsly (FNG)
  • Posted In: Alcatraz, The Fort

17 PAX, including 1 FNG, welcome Pugsly, woke up this morning and chose to start their weekend with what felt like a never ending beat down at Alcatraz.

The Thang:

Warm up jog to the tennis courts

SSH x 25 – IW x 20 – Mtn Climber x 20 –  Up/Down x 5 – Peter Parker x 15 – Up/Down x 5 – Parker Peter x 10 – Up/Down x 5

Line Up – Lunge Walk across tennis courts / Jog Back  – Bear Crawl across courts / Jog Back  –  Gator Merkin 1/2 way down – Reverse Bear Crawl rest of the way – Flip Flop

Partner Suicides – Suicide / CDD – Suicide / LBC – Suicide / Low Squat

Hand Off to Aquaman

Mosey to Wall – Wall Steps 10/5 – Wall Dips 20/20 – Derkins 20/10

Mosey to Hill – Partner Up – Run Hill / 10 Bomb Jacks x 3

Mosey to Paved Trail – Plank Ladder Up the Hill, to the Glennon Center. PAX Favorite

Find a step – 100 Calf Raises

Mosey back to the hill – Grab your Partner and a Rock

Partner 1 runs to the base of the hIll / Partner 2 Endless Curls – Rinse and Repeat with Tricep Extensions

Mosey to Tee Box for some Mary – LBC’s – Heels to Heaven – Elbow Planks/Knees to Elbows

Half Mile Sprint back to COT


I left the COT amazed at the impact this group of men is having on each other, our community, and families.  YHC is truly blessed to have found a group of High Impact Men that continues to push each other not only physically, but spiritually, and socially as well.


CAH – Need PAX help on 7/3 at the Children’s Attention Home -aka The Justice League. See Chicken Hawk for details.

August 8  7:00 – 11:00 am- Worlds Largest Coffeeteria / Pancake Breakfast fundraiser for PAX serving in Columbia South America – Rock Hill – Applebee’s

September 12 – Camp Care 5K, (and brats).

September 12 – Preemie Fundraiser – Olde Meckelenburg Brewery – See Decible for Details

24 hours of Booty – Cerrano


2.0’s of Pax who are currently serving in Columbia S. America

Decible and Maximus’ wife in their new business venture.

Each of our families and the different struggles that we are dealing with.  Truly a blessing to be able to share with each other.

Prayers that the horrible incident in Charleston brings our community, (black and white), closer together.




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Hog & Coyote 2015 – The Fort’s Annual CSAUP Event

  • QIC: Pusher, World Wide Leader, CSPAN; Change Order (Ballroom), Jekyl ( Golden Corral), Hard Drive and Assassin (Slow Burn), MacGyver (WEP), Peach (Patriot)
  • When: 06/20/15
  • Pax: 75 Iron men from The Fort with guests from Area 51 and two FNGs, welcome MoonBoots and Mamma Jamma
  • Posted In: Alcatraz, CSAUP, The Fort, The Reservation

The Hog and Coyote Took place on 20, June 2015

The Weinke
Mr. Weinke

The Thang:

75 Iron Men…
75 Iron Men

…posted to the Ballroom for a beat down with Change Order.

Getting it done at the Ballroom

Mosey… two miles to Golden Corral…

Dawns Army

…enjoy a pain station in time for sunrise…

Feeling unincorporated yet?

…mosey… three miles…
Off your feet

…to post at Slow Burn…

Off your feet

…mosey two miles to post at WEP….

The first bridge...

FEBA, it is finally time to run!

This Armadillo is on!

The Armadillo is awarded to the fastest time between WEP and the Patriot.

Congratulations to FNG – MoonBoots who posted the fastest time.
Flyers Club

Waldo came in next.

Followed by Red Banjo
Buh duh dirn dirn dirn

Here’s to the #HIMs crazy enough to dream up the Hog and Coyote and the PAX that brought it to life with support and participation.

T-Claps to the support crew.
Mount Up!

Special T-Claps to Mr. Spitz for hydration.
High Quality H2O Right there!

Site Q’s
Ballroom – Change Order
Golden Corral – Jekyl
Slow Burn – Hard Drive and Assassin
WEP – MacGyver


Reported times:
34 min +/-
Moon Boots
Red Banjo

Ringer 41:48
Funhouse 43:08
Long Shanks 43:55
Jekyll 48:00
CoPay 51:00
Flat Tire
Senator Tressell
Dark Helmet
Barry Manilow
FNG Mamma Jamma


See the newsletter for links to photos.


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“Operation Independence” – Gift Card Drive #HIM


As we approach Independence Day it reminds us of the struggles and sacrifices made to have freedom. Even once that freedom is achieved, the fight is not over and we must press on to preserve what was attained.

This life we live on earth is not easy and when you are behind the eight ball, it is even harder. Please read this message from Tinker Toy and the plan for assisting a young man, but mainly showing the example of a real man…..High Impact Man (HIM),

Hello friends!
We have a young man transitioning from foster care in York County to full time independence who is moving into his first apartment (we will protect his confidentiality by not providing his name).  We were hoping to collect some items to help him along in this journey.  This is a wonderful young man who works very hard and goes to college…he is striving to make very wise choices and seeking after the Lord.  Will you pray for our friend, for blessings, direction, and a heart sold out for the Lord.  Will you pray that God will provide abundantly for his needs and that he will know he is loved!
There are many household items that are being donated by church small groups and our orphan ministry at our church already.  Being on a tight budget, what he would need most from our F3 family is gift cards to/for:
Gift card can be brought to any workout and given to Cake Boss, Tinker Toy, Padre, or Mailman. My wife and I will distribute the gift card to this young man as he needs them so he can start to learn how to budget. We don’t want to give everything at one time to avoid the temptation of spending where he doesn’t need to. He has never been taught the basics of adulthood so we want to make sure we help him learn how to best budget his finances now that he is on his own.
Thank you for your hearts and generosity for this young man.  A life without a family entering into adulthood can be very scary and overwhelming, so we are asking that the body of Christ overwhelm him with God’s love and bless him with a little of what we have been so richly blessed with ourselves as a demonstration of His love. 
And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’ (‭Matthew‬ ‭25‬:‭40‬ ESV)

In His Hands,

Sean Baxter (Tinker Toy)
So men, starting today through July 4th we will collect these gift cards and get them to the following PAX – Cake Boss, Tinker Toy, Padre, or Mailman.
Whatever monetary value to can do, no amount is too small as this young man has nothing but his future ahead.
Any questions, please reach out to myself or Tinker Toy.
TClap |

Not doing Hog and Coyote? Dora and Bear crawls to Heaven for you!!!

  • QIC: Longshanks
  • When: 06/20/2015
  • Pax: Hipper, Lil E, Dogpound. Dark Visor (respect), Sharknado, Mainframe, Uncle Sam, Longshanks
  • Posted In: The Fort

8 PAX descended upon the Fort on a hot a humid day as the majority of the Fort Pax decided to do a CSAUP named the Hog and Coyote.  These 8 may have preferred to do the Hog and Coyote after an hour of Dora, Bear crawls to heaven, and other stuff.  Disclaimer noted and off we go.

The Thang

Mosey to main field for warmup – 25 x SSH, 20 x IW, 15 x Windmills, 15 x Mountain Climbers, 10 x Peter Parkers, 10 x Parker Peters.  Mosey to the playground for round 1 of Dora 1-2-3.  Partner up.  1 partner will do a lap around playground while the other partner works on the exercise.  After lap is complete they flapjack and continue where first partner left off.  100 pullups, then 200 dips, then 300 regular situps. Plank when done.  After the 6 is in we mosey to the base of the hill for round 2 of Dora 1-2-3.  While one partner is running up the hill the partner is doing exercise.  Flapjack and continue.  100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 SSH (was going to be 100 burpees, 200 merkins, 300 squats but audibled due to the heat and humidity).  Plank when finished.  After 6 is in mosey to the base of the stairway to heaven.  Start at first light and bear crawl to second light and do 1 merkin, run back down to first light.  Bear crawl from first light to third light and do 2 merkins, run back to first light.  Bear crawl from first light to fourth light and do 3 merkins, run back to first light and plank until the six is in.  Mosey to shade fro dealers choice Mary – LBC’s, Dying cockroach, Freddy Mercury, Rosalita (IC in Spanish), Machine Guns, and Plank Jacks.  Mosey back around the playground for COT with 5 burpees OYO upon getting to COT.

Announcements – Gladiators game in Indian land on August 1st.  Happy Fathers Day.

Prayers – Charleston Victims, Dads being good dads.

Moleskin – When the date for the Hog and Coyote was first announced, the first thing that came to my mind was I have to switch dates with someone so I can do the Hog and Coyote.  I had already switched dates once to do a Spartan Race, so to me, my responsibility was to stay as Q, and allows others to have the opportunity to do the Hog and Coyote.  What you realize through F3 is sometime you have to lead, sometime you have to follow, and sometimes you have to sacrifice what you what to do so others can.  While Q’ing today, it was great to see the Pax doing the Hog and Coyote pass through at various times.  The ones I talked to where happy that when they got to WEP, they were not doing my portion of the workout (not sure the other 7 that showed up to do the Fort were happy either, but iron sharpens iron).  I am thankful that I got to run the last leg of the Hog and Coyote and meet up with my brothers at the Patriot.  Most busting my butt for not doing the whole thing.  Always it’s and honor to be a part of this group and to lead this group.

TClap |

The Fort – Triple Threat in da Gloom!

  • QIC: Iron Horse, Flat Tire, Cake Boss
  • When: 06/13/15
  • Pax: Iron Pony, Dark Helmet, Spiderman, Iron Horse, Bogey Catfish, Fusion, Rooney, Santini, Radar, Dogpound, Hasselhoff, Boehiem, Macquiver, Flat Tire, Kodiac, Man O War, Pusher, Barry Manilow, Red Banjo, Seacrest, Tico, Repeat, Cake Boss, FNG=CoPay, FNG=Paula Dean
  • Posted In: The Fort


PAX and 2 FNGs arrived at WEP to take their DRP (Daily Red Pill). Iron Horse, Flat Tire and YHC (Cake Boss) awaited the arrivals and prepared a 3 course meal of pain. As the clock struck 0700, Iron Horse gave the cursory disclaimer of not being a professional, however if anyone knows Iron Horse, he does things pretty close to professional as anyone I know. Off we went for what was supposed to be the “Warm Up”.

The Thang: Iron Horse at Q

Mosey our park drive to Springs parking lot for a lap, to the wall along the building for a little peoples chair (let the 6 catch up). 60 secs and off we mosey across the street to the wall for 20 dips & 20 derkins OYO and then another mosey to small parking lot off 160 for another round of peoples chair and story time…..minus the story time.

Quick sprint across 16t0 to field by tracks for 4 corners of fun. Split into 1’s, 2’s 3’s & 4’s. rotate through all 4 corners.

Corner 1 – 10 burpees sprint to corner 2

Corner 2 – 30 merkins crab walk to corner 3

Corner 3 – 30 squats spring to corner 4

Corner 4 – 30 Bombjacks lunge to corner 1

Warm up over and Q handed to my man Flat Tire

Jog across 160 to statue of 3 men climbing a wall. Flat Tire talked about what this statue means as we look at it, and what it was described as on the plaque, however he went on to mention what it reminded him of Ecclesiastes 4:12 And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” Standing alone we are vulnerable to fail, but with our F3 brotherhood, we can lift each other up and be strong together in order to get over the wall!!

Partner Up for some Fun o Pain

Wheel Barrows up the hill, swap with Partner when pain is too much.

Top of Hill, begin sequence of 100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 LBC’s while partner runs down & up hill. Real crowd pleaser!!

Few rounds of Plank derkins off partners back, dips off partners back, old school full sit up 40 reps each…..fun times!!

Hand off Q to Cake Boss

YHC pulled the PAX in tight to mention something about order. We all have done something that we probably are not very proud of, but we still did it, looked around and made sure nobody saw us and moved on down the line. When I say we looked around, we looked left to right, ahead and behind us, but we never looked UP. If we look up when facing decisions or even when faced with a crisis, it puts Order into our Chaos. Putting God first gives us the sense and guidance needed to deal with the chaos we live with daily.

Mosey to the playground at WEP—–Maktarjis as we wait for the 6

With partners – #1 does pull ups while #2 runs lap – 3 rounds

Maktarjis as we wait for the 6

YHC talked about Moses and when he observed an Egyptian soldier beat one of the Israelite slaves, Moses looked every direction except for up and killed the soldier and buried the body, thinking nobody saw this and he can hide it. If he only looked up, and followed God’s order for all of our lives, he would not have had that mess on his shoulders to carry. What are we living with that we think we are hiding? What should we be looking up for instead of hanging our heads low?

Line up for the Tunnel of Love, 26 men crawling through the tunnel.. ….Mosey over to the Drill Bit for 35 SSHs – Mosey to next Drill Bit for Jailbreak to COT.

We had a great showing at The Fort. Men had lots of Mumble Chatter but the work was done and the men survived the Triple Threat.

@ FNGs “CoPay” and “PaulaDean” did a great job. Welcome!

Iron Horse has redefined the Warm Up. Little warning for his next Q

Thanks to Flat Tire for another impressive beat down. Great team work for sure!

Humbled and Honored as always to be part of this PAX and its willingness to stand together, encourage and serve one another.

Cake Boss

TClap |

231 Merkins, 231 LBCs, 176 Burpess, 176 Jumps, and 4 miles

  • QIC: Italian Job, Padre
  • Pax: Peach, Walker, Bandit, Winchester, Popeye, AquaLung, Utah, Lock Pick, Twister, Geppetto, Padre, Italian Job
  • Posted In: Alcatraz, The Fort, The Reservation

This morning would have been a good morning to fartsack. But those 11 men that joined YHC and Padre got stronger, faster, and better. It was worth the beating.

The Thang

  • SSH
  • Morroccan Night Clubs
  • Windmills
  • Low Slow Squat

Mosey to the wall for

  • People’s Chair (all Pax took turns counting to 10 – no rest, no break)

Mosey to the courtyard

  • 25 step ups each leg
  • 25 dips

Mosey to the football field

  • Blackjack – this one is new for the Patriot. It’s similar to 11s, but longer and more difficult:
  • 20 Merkins, run to the other sideline for 1 LBC
  • 19 Merkins, run to the other sideline for 2 LBCs
  • All the way down to 1 Merkin and 20 LBCs
  • 231 of each

Prior to handoff, YHC encouraged each man to continue posting. Your presence at these workouts keeps me coming back. We are accountable to our brothers and it’s our responsibility to show up even when it gets tough.

Hand off to Padre

  • After a quick 10 count, Padre introduced us to a new Burpee ladder exercise:
  • 10 knee tuck jumps—10 side Burpees
  • 9 same—9 double thrust burped
  • 8 same—8 1 armed burpees 4 right 4 left
  • 7 same— 7 4 right leg only/ 3 left leg burpees
  • 6 same— 6 burpee
  • 5 same —- same 5
  • Until 1
  • 136 of each

Padre shared some words found in Proverbs 12 about discipline. We are to love discipline. F3 is about pushing ourselves to be better. The only way to get better is be disciplined in our workouts, work, family, and relationships.

Mosey to picnic table

  • 2-3 rounds of 10 10/ 5 5
  • 10 burpee jumps on to bench or table followed by a 10 sec rest
  • 5 burpee jumps and 5 sec rest

All You Got Mosey to COT

Naked Moleskin

This workout took the feel of a Monday Old Town beating. Each man pushed past the humidity, sweat, heat, and pain to finish as a unit. These men are disciplined in their approach to their workouts. Twister said it best, “I may not always finish first, but I always finish.” Any one of the Pax could have mailed it in and quit when the sweat starting pouring in our eyes. None of us would have known if you skipped the 147th merkin or 90th burpee. But you didn’t. You continued for you and for your F3 brother struggling right next to you. Good work men. I’m proud, as always, to sweat right beside you.

Big shout out to Geppetto for putting in 4 miles prior to our 4 mile workout today. The man is a BEAST! Great job Walker finishing first in Black Jack. Awesome work Utah, Bandit, and Winchester for being right there on his heels. Twister and Peach, you guys have no quit in you and it encourages the rest of the Pax. Thanks for the work you continue to put in. Lock Pick continues to show up and get faster and stronger. He’s the quiet guy that one day runs behind you and 3 weeks later leaves you in the dust. Aqua Lung and Popeye, your endurance has greatly improved. Good work pushing yourselves each week. And finally, you guys may not have noticed, but Padre went for an extra round of Burpee jumps when everyone finished. Not only that, but he went from jumping on the benches to jumping on the table. Mad hops from the man of the Lord. Great job!


2nd F – Tuesday 6PM McHales

CSAUP – 2nd Annual Hog and Coyote – Check the weekly email for details. Start time is 0600 at Hardee’s on Gold Hill next Saturday

Winchester is selling coffee as a fundraiser for his brother’s mission trip to Uganda with Samaritan’s Feet. Catch up with him if you’re interested in supporting this cause.

Prayer Requests

Winchester’s brother’s mission trip to Uganda

Colombia mission trip – continued prayers and financial donations are appreciated

Burgundy’s mother-in-law passed away unexpectedly. Let’s continue to life up his wife and his family in their time of loss.

Utah’s co-worker’s (TC) wife was just diagnosed with cancer. Let’s pray for healing and strength during the treatment process.


TClap |

Cookie Cake at the Colosseum

  • QIC: Maximus
  • When: 06/09/15
  • Pax: Anchorman, McGruff, Package, Spitz, Hasselhoff, Boeheim, Cerrano, Zima, Seacrest, Axle, Decible, Private Ryan, Green Wave, Dos Leches, Jeter
  • Posted In: The Colosseum, The Fort

16 PAX met in the very dark parking lot of GHMS for another installment of the Colosseum. I hope to get on the ball and get a Q list out so that ya’ll get stop seeing the same ‘ol routine week after week. T-claps to Cerrano for not only running with Zima to the AO this AM but for also doubling back to go find Axle. I think he logged an additional 2mi or so, never a man left behind.

Half way through the disclaimer, I was getting a few, “yeah, yeah, yeah, we know the drill”, so with that, I shut up and we took off to the back lot.

Warm Up:
10 Burpees
Butt Kickers

Play Ground:
Group 1 = 10 Pull Ups
Group 2 = 15 Swing Crunches
Group 3 = 20 Dips
Cycle through and REPEAT

Football Field, nice and soupy but at least it was starting to lighten up a little:
20yd/30yd/75yd suicides with 15 Flying Squirrels upon completion
Everybody’s favorite – TUNNEL OF LOVE. The imaginary trophy definitely goes to Spitz for speed in the tunnel. Man moves like a snake chasing a mouse.
Duck Walk 20yds / Bear Crawl 15yds / Duck Walk 15yds / Bear Crawl 20yds
Burpee Broad Jump x 10 then sprint to the other end zone

Circle Up:
Mak Tar Ninjas x 20
10 Wide Arm Merkins

On the steps:
25 Calf Raises each leg and 25 fast step ups each leg. REPEAT

Mosey to the Bus Lot:
Slow Freddie
X’s & O’s (This is when I said I had to include the AB work to work off the cookie cake. Which was met with a few side comments better left to experience in person.)
10 CDD into 10 Dips

Strong showing this morning and it is awesome to see some regular faces. As we all know, there are a lot of good options on a Tuesday so I appreciate the support of this new AO. I keep taking us to the same locations for slight modifications each time but eventually, we’ll take advantage of all the pavement and very long walls out front. Does anyone really read these anymore? I’ll find out soon enough.

Announcements: F3 Dads Saturday 0930 at WEP, Hog & Coyote 6/20 0600 Ballroom, New AO TCES 0515 Wednesday

Prayers: Friends mom had a successful cancer surgery last night (with some complications), Flat Tire’s M, Private Ryan and pregnant wife are moving to CT.


TClap |