51st Hive of 2021 – Cultural Credit

15 PAX gathered in the gloom. We started with one or two less, but by 0505 we were at 15 and nobody fell out….so I’m calling it a win.


Mosey further than PAX were expecting
Some Yoga
1 Burpee

1st movement

Head to the courtyard
15 Swings
5 Single Leg Deadlift
Bear Crawl w/ Bell (stop when Q calls for the next set)
15 Swings
Bear Crawl w/ Bell
15 Swings
Bear Crawl w/ Bell

2nd movement

Head to the outside of the gym
Try to keep the bell in your hands the whole time
8 goblet squats, suitcase carry w/ the left hand for about 40 feet
7 goblet squats, carry back w/ the kettlebell in the right hand
6 goblet squats, left hand suitcase walk
5 goblet squats, right hand walk
4 goblet squats, left hand walk
3 goblet squats, right hand walk
2 goblet squats, left hand walk
1 goblet squat, finished
Time under tension about 3 minutes

3rd movement

Back to the main parking lot. Line up facing the length of the lot and the practice field
5 Lawnmower Pulls each side
5 Racked Lunges each side
5 Snatches each side
Sprint to the other side and back (about 100yds)
10 Lawnmower Pulls each side
5 Racked Lunges each side
5 More Racked Lunges each side
3 Snatches each side
7 Snatches each side
Spring to the other side and back

Brief music history lesson. See NMM

4th movement

10 minutes of work
timer set for every minute
15 swings, 10 push-ups, rest the remainder of the minute
15 swings, 9 push-ups, rest
We made our way down to 15 swings, 1 push-up



(Naked Man Moleskine)
YHC likes to incorporate some kind of message to encourage 2nd or 3rd F acceleration (in myself as much as the PAX). There wasn’t a whole lot on my heart beside focusing on work (teaching music) lately; so, I went with a short music history lesson.

A Concerto is a piece for soloist and orchestra. It comes from a Latin word meaning to contend or to strive. These showcase pieces are written for a soloist to contend with their instrument or strive to demonstrate greatness. Concertos are presented in 3 movements…fast-slow-fast (Think of “movements” like sections or large chapters in a book)

A Symphony on the other hand is a piece for an orchestra. It comes from a Latin word meaning “to sound together” or “in harmony.” Symphonies are typically presented in 4 movements (although some symphonic composers famously break that mold with 5 or 6 movement works). The movements were initially grouped fast-slow-dance (European courtly dance)-fast. Later (early 1800s) that structure became fast-slow-joke (called a Scherzo)-fast. PAX can decide for themselves if the 3rd movement of the workout was a joke or not! 🙂 Composers eventually began changing the tempo within each movement and even linking different movements together with no pause (like binge watching something on Netflix).

Here’s a Concerto to check out: Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto no. 1 https://vimeo.com/371584269
(the opening piano block chords in the first movement are a GREAT moment. Turn the speakers up!!)

Here’s a Symphony to check out: Brahms Symphony no. 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QLuYj2jxoc
(The height of sublimely invigorating music, German seriousness, attention to detail, and connection with tradition.* Try to follow the melodies as the move and evolve. Again…listen LOUD!)

BTW: audiences traditionally no longer clap between movements as a sign of unbroken contemplation, attention and general respect for the integrity of the larger work. However, most performances pre-1900 would have had a fairly raucous amount of applause between movements. Some audiences even demanded a movement be performed again before the orchestra could go on. So if you clap between movements, just know you’re following an older tradition than the one now common in our concert halls. And feel free to bring that up during intermission when someone looks at your side-eyed for clapping between movements. #Candor

Here endeth your cultural credit for the day

*As I wrote these notes about Brahms 4, I noticed they’re also things Uhaul gripes about working for a German company. No commentary; just thought that was an interesting connection worth thinking about.

An honor to lead as always. Thanks Airborne for the opportunity

12/24 Santa Boss 5k/10k – 0600 launch from Pantheon (Tega Cay Elementary)
12/24 Convergence – 0700 at Pantheon (still Tega Cay Elementary)

Video evidence in tweet form

Prayers for:
Praise from Straight-Up for a wonderful day yesterday
Praise from Drop Thrill on Xmas performances happening again with his vocal ensemble
Peabody’s co-worker that had a seizure
Pausing to actually enjoy this season with your kids, despite all the business of things that need to happen. (Thanks for this one Slash!)

Band Camp dismissed

TClap |

Thanksgiving Convergence 2021

68 PAX in attendance for a pre-thanksgiving beatdown and some fellowship on a brisk morning Thursday 11/25/2021.


With the anticipation of fried turkey, oreos and coffee brought by @Change Order, @Smuggler and @RubySlippers, mumble-chatter abounded,  until @Hardwood took the center and called attention at 0600 hours. Disclaimer was disclaimed and the call for new FNG’s was made, no new FNG’s was the lone blemish on the otherwise fantastic morning in my humble opinion.

Run options led by @Gekko and a Moderate group led by @TripleLindy set off as the rest of the PAX moseyed towards back of Springfield Elementary. First Destination was in parking lot way back by the Middle School.

Circled up and @Hardwood called out the following exercises:

SSH- 40


Downward Dogs and Honeymooners

Low & Slow Squats

Cyclops: Stay in Squat Position and complete Moroccan Nightclubs


The Thing

Series of Webs

Starting with Merkins and Overhead Claps

1×4 for 10 rounds of excruciating shoulder pain, mumble-chatter becoming more focused on the task at hand

more SSH 🤮

Next we completed ANOTHER WEB, worse than the last,

Shoulder Taps and Moroccan Nightclubs

1×4 for 10 more rounds that was never ever going to end

Lots of requests for Burpees strangely or anything other then arm workouts!


YHC began the 2nd half of the workout with more SSH

Mosey around to front of Middle School with 3 stops for 5 Burpees OYO, at the request of the PAX

Line up at bottom of small hill in front of school and explain the workout, AMRAP LEG CIRCUIT

Teams of 4 ish men cycle through three exercises at bottom of hill individually:

2 Squats

2 Split Lunges

2 Bomb Jacks

Next Broad Jump up Hill to top and complete the following:

2 V-ups

Bear Crawl to bench

2 Step Ups

Run around and down to bottom of hill stopping at cones for 2 burpees (two stops per lap)

Meet back at bottom of hill and repeat, only this time DOUBLE ALL REPS TO 4X

Goal is to complete 5 rounds or AMRAP, almost completed but just short of time before we had to get back to COT

YHC shared a article on Gratitude, and then @Shady shared the heart of the Fort, the success of @Seamstress initiative with the help of the PAX, @Seamstress shared his excitement and appreciation for the success of the event! Great job by all T-claps!

Finally we had a shovel hand-off YHC taking the Ranch from a long line of great site Q’s which I hope to make proud.

Then we were finally able to enjoy the fried delicacies and coffee! Cheers!



TClap |

Friday Funday at the Hive!

Started with simple Warmup

Workout was a circuit of exercises and running

A round was 30 reps of an exercise, run across one lane, 20 reps, run two lanes, 10 reps, run three lanes. Repeat with next exercise.





Dead Lifts

Overhead Press


Chest Press



TClap |

Grumpy Old Men

Walker and I had the Qs at Catawba Ridge High School.  Lots of old man jokes were flying around social media.  My disclaimer was I had not picked up my kettle bell in about two months and promised there would be no running.

We started out with the typical warm-ups (SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Plank Stretches). Next, we walked over to the far end of the parking lot to get some space from the boot campers.  First series of exercises:

    • Kettle bell swings (5, 10, 15 reps) at each island, mode of transportation lunge walk
    • Repeat exercises in reverses (15, 10 , 5 reps), reverse lunges

Next, 11s between the side walk.  Bear crawl with bell, shoulder press, crab walk back with bell, tricep extensions.

Back to the parking lot

  • Squat thrusters (5,10,15 reps) at each island, carry bell above head to next island
  • Repeat exercises in reverse (15,10,5 reps)
  • Man makers 5 reps at each island, carry bell above head to next island
  • Repeat exercises back to COT.

Great job guys!



TClap |

Keg and Kettlebell

Started with some warmup then the stuff.

One PAX takes the keg (empty, but still weighting approx. 30 lbs) and carries it around two parking islands and back to the group.  The rest of the PAW do an exercise until he returns.

American Hammers

Carolina Dry Docks


Box Cutters


Air Drama



Al Gore


Butterfly BigBoys

Skull Crushers



Lawn Mowers


Chest Presses

Hello Dolly

Side Lunges

The PAX blasted thru this list in half the time so as each PAX left with the keg, he chose an exercise for the rest of the PAX to complete.  @Bandcamp is not invited back for calling Turkish Getups.

TClap |

A Dozen in the mist

When 19 HIM descended upon Bushwood and the Snake Pit, YHC did not know how the split would break out.  7 opted for no kettle bells and a ruck or a beatdown delivered by Olaf but 11 HIM chose to join YHC for a 4 corners style workout  – parts of which may have surprised a few folks and parts were likely expected (consistency is a trait we are trying to sharpen after all).

At 0500, YHC came upon a large parking lot and with no rain falling, sidewalk chalk was decreed the flavor of the day to sketch out the work that was to follow.  Upon completing the 4 corners of 3 exercises each, an arrival happened at 0511.  The next 4 minutes of mumble chatter and the joy of seeing fellow brothers in the gloom ensued until 0515 arrived, when Olaf disclaimed us enthusiastically.  With that, we were off.  Here’s what happened.


Noticing that a total of 12 PAX brought bells, the math worked out favorably to break up into groups of 3 (more on the significance of that later).  We walked/jogged/ran/moseyed with our bells to Corner number 1 of the parking lot.  After completing 10 windmills IC, 3 bells were left and the PAX and 9 bells moseyed to

Corner #2 – after 10 Imperial Walkers were done in cadence, 3 bells were left and PAX and 6 bells moseyed to….

Corner #3 – after 10 Hillbilly Walkers in cadence, 3 bells were left and the PAX and the last 3 bells moseyed to…..

Corner #4 – the last 3 bells were left and we circled up to complete COP of:

5 burpees, 10 low slow squats, after squat #10 the people’s chair was held while we completed 10 moroccan night clubs and 10 air presses in cadence.  Bobber was notably pleased at this sequence and we recovered to begin 4 corners in groups of 3 – the main event.

Groups of 3 completed all 3 exercises in counts of 9, 22 and 21 – fittingly aligned with today’s date.  Upon completion, PAX ran to the next corner and continued this effort for 30 ish minutes with the kettle bells left at each station (more on that later).  The lucky exercises were:

Corner 1 – 9 thrusters, 21 chest presses, 22 flutters with press

Corner 2 – 9 manmakers, 21 hammer curls, 22 squats

Corner 3 – 9 burpees, 22 swings, 21 upright rows

Corner 4 – 9 flying squirrels, 22 merkins on the bell (11 each side), 21 LBC’s with the bell

PAX completed nearly 2 rounds and got their money’s worth.

All bells were then brought back to corner #1 at 0555 and YHC posed the following thoughts:

NMM – Ecclesiastes 4:12 tells us that though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves but a cord of three strands (the number of PAX per group) is not easily broken.  PAX were assigned 3 per corner for a reason beyond the math.  We reflected on this as well as the significance of being a part of as shield lock and how we are better with this in our life than not.  It ensures that we are also leaving no man behind per F3’s credo.

The different weights of kettle bells represent the fact that, in life, we never know what weight we will be asked to carry – the same way no PAX knew this morning what weights would be at which stations (other than their own of course) but we do know that a weight shared among many becomes less and less of a burden and more of a joy.  As we work through and overcome struggles and challenges, we realize that the joy on the other side is worth the work, the pain, the sacrifice and the abandonment of ourselves in serving and being there for others – living 3rd.

My thanks goes out to 3D for the call to the bullpen and the opportunity to Q #eastofthepeachstand.

Honored to share the gloom with you all.  Until next time,


TClap |

Remember the 13

Today at the Armory, we spent 45 minutes in an attempt to remember and honor the 13 Service Members who paid the ultimate sacrifice last Thursday, August 26, 2021 in Kabul Afghanistan. While they are not the only ones lost or affected by this last 20 years of service, they are the most recent.
We had 25 PAX (1 FNG) in attendance and a number of shovel flags.

Operation Freedom’s Sentinel: This is the operation involving U.S. forces serving in Afghanistan in/around Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan in an effort to evacuate U.S. citizens and those that have supported U.S. forces over the last 20 years.

Around 6pm local time, on Thursday, August 26, 2021, a suicide bomber walked into a crowd and detonated the vest.

13: U.S. Service Members were killed in the blast

170: Estimated number of Afghan civilians killed in the blast

15: U.S. Service Members injured

200: Estimated number of Afghan civilians injured in the blast

Regardless of your opinion of the events leading up to and surrounding this attack, our U.S. Military is a volunteer force aware of the risks they face.

Today, we will honor and remember those 13 U.S. Service Members who paid the ultimate price last Thursday.

Marine Corps
Sgt Johanny Rosario Pichardo, 25, of Lawrence, Massachusetts, assigned to the 5th Marine Expeditionary Brigade, Naval Support Activity Bahrain.
Sgt. Nicole L. Gee, 23, of Sacramento, California, assigned to the Combat Logistics Battalion 24, 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit, II Marine Expeditionary Force out of Camp Lejeune, NC.
Staff Sgt. Darin T. Hoover, 31, of Salt Lake City, Utah. He was 0369, an Infantry Unit Leader assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment.
Corporal Hunter Lopez, 22, of Indio California. He was a Rifleman assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment.
Corporal Daegan W. Page, 23, of Omaha, Nebraska. He was an Infantry Rifleman assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment.
Corporal Humberto A. Sanchez, 22, of Logansport, Indiana. He was a Rifleman assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment.
Lance Corporal David L. Espinoza, 20, of Rio Bravo, Texas. He was a Infantry Rifleman, 2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment.
Lance Corporal Jared M. Schmitz, 20, of St. Charles, Missouri. He was a Rifleman assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment.
Lance Corporal Rylee J. McCollum, 20, of Jackson, Wyoming. He was a Rifleman assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment.
Lance Corporal Dylan R. Merola, 20, of Rancho Cucamonga, California. He was a Rifleman assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment.
Lance Corporal Kareem M. Nikoui, 20, of Norco, California was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment.

Navy Corpsman Maxton W. Soviak, 22, of Berlin Heights, Ohio. He was a medic assigned to the 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, Camp Pendleton, California.

Staff Sgt. Ryan C. Knauss, 23, of Corryton, Tennessee. He was assigned to the 9th Psychological Operations Battalion in Ft. Bragg, NC.

Source: Military Times & Taskandpurpose.com

The Thang:
Plank while we listened to the list of names, ranks, assignments of the fallen.

13 Burpees
13 SSH

Mosey the estimated .1mi that we’d do before each of the 13 exercises
13 Upright Rows

13 Lunges (ea leg)

13 Staggered Merkins (13 with the right hand on the bell then flapjack)

13 KB Swings

13 Squats

13 Leg Lifts

13 Lawnmower Pulls

13 Curls each arm or 26 two-handed curls

13 Box Cutters

13 Flutters w/ Press

13 Overhead, single-arm press

13 Side Lunges (ea leg)

13 Merkins

We had a few minutes at the end:

Flutter Kicks w/ Press
American Hammers
We then reread the names.


TClap |

Bells. Apparently at Abercrombie and Fitch…

I forgot how fun it is to Q gear workouts. I haven’t actually participated in a gear workout in (checks notes) a long time.  I was excited to have 3D’s invitation, but it took a few tries to get a date that would actually work.  I mean, it’s east of the Peach Stand. Foreign territory. Almost its own region.  I’ve never even seen the high school where this AO is located…

So when the date came, I found a sitter for Pantheon, loaded up the car, and started on the long journey to the Snake Pit.

the gloom

I needed time for setup so I arrived at 0500 with a list of bad ideas, my just under 100lb sandbag,  and sidewalk chalk my 2.0’s probably won’t know is missing.

U Haul was already in the parking lot. I could tell because when I got within ten yards of his car I suddenly felt a waive of acrimoniousness wash over me. (I kid, I kid… mostly). He was leaning on his trunk, or tailgate or whatever the heck you call the back of an SUV, listening to music that I imagine is generally best-suited for a night of Aldi wine, a can of nacho cheese, a bathtub, and 90’s teen drama on Netflix.

Really, though, it would do any PAX good to spend a few minutes in conversation with U Haul. He’ll help you understand what it’s like in a world without diplomacy, and you’ll be thankful for it. Especially if you don’t agree with him.

So anyways, I threw my sandbag on my back and hauled it over to the other part of the parking lot and started writing down all the bad ideas.

Upon my return to the flag area, U Haul was still busting out tunes that reminded me of all the times in high school all the kids I knew thought that Nickleback, The Verve Pipe and Green Day were writing music specifically for their sooouuuuul.

Lots of other PAX showed up and we found that there was an FNG in our midst. After a quick review of the five core principals and a disclaimer, the Bootcampers ran off with Sugar Daddy and…


A quick mosey around the parking lot by CoT, which was cut short by Tesh arriving a few minutes late and driving responsibly and predictably through my intended path. We also spotted one of those Jeep things pull in, which ended up being Pudge who ran laps solo without showing up to CoT. You do you, Pudge.

the thang

Pick up the bells and head to the other side of the parking lot where I have 8 parking spaces with fun activities. But there are 11 of us, and so we wrote down two extras. Do I remember the order? No. I do not, but they were:

  1. Bag Carry
  2. Farmer Carry
  3. Swings
  4. Curls
  5. Upright Row
  6. Bent over row
  7. Chest Press
  8. Swings (yes, a second swings slot, because they’re awesome)
  9. Goblet Squat
  10. Tricep Extensions
  11. Wood choppers (some people called them hay bailers)

The carry slot had the sandbag, Henry**, in it. I’d known that not a lot of people would be all that keen on lifting this beast up on their back to carry it around the parking lot, so I figured whomever was next to the bag could assist in loading the carrier, or could simply do a shared carry (also a beast of task, considering how shifty the weight is in that bag).  We had more people than I was expecting, and it was odd, so I made the call to just have one PAX carry the bag, and the other farmer carry the bells. Or they can co-carry. So long as every PAX carried twice.

After the instructions were explained, I started playing some music that I knew full well only I really liked. But after years of hearing music I don’t like, I figure now we’re even.  For the record, I don’t even remember which playlist it was that I was on… but it was probably something called “Shuffle Syndrom” from Spotify.  Or similar.

After a full rotation we dropped the weight and lined up by the sidewalk for two sets of suicides.

Suicides were simple enough. Three stopping points. At the end of each run, drop for 5 merkins and run back to start (no merkins at the start). Here I changed up the music to Project 86 to fit the mood for running.  The second suicide traded pushups for squats.

We had about 5 minutes left, and I took the now somewhat winded PAX back over to the weights where we did 30s sessions with 10s breaks until time. (with the carry subbed out for deadlift of the bells or bag, whichever you prefer).

**The bag is named Henry because you’re supposed to name them, and I used to work for this dude who was an absolute slave driver, but without that job I’d never be where I am today.


Took roll call and had our FNG hang out in the middle to talk about himself. Being from Albequreckey(?)… I’m sure you can spell it if you live there, people had a lot of fun finding things unique to the state and we settled on “Tumbleweed”… before the really bad stuff came out.

Lots of announcements and things to do coming up and some prayers offered up.


First off, I’m thankful to have been able to get out of bed (very early) in order to Q this morning so far away from home, so thanks 3D for making time for me to Q.

Today I learned that there are different rules east of the Peach Stand.  For instance, when a TWSS was dropped people were genuinely surprised at the 5 burpee penalty/reward. Also, you can’t use big words like “caprices”.

And, now, I’ve never spent any time in an Ambercroby and Finch before, but I have walked by it, so when one of the PAX commented on the music that he felt like he was shopping there, I thought, “yeah, I look like those models. I get why you said that” (cannot recall which PAX said this, but I’m certain that’s what they were thinking).

If you plan to make people farmer carry someone else’s bell, make sure you’re going to be carrying Tesh’s bell.  Which I did… by chance. But I don’t mind appearing magnanimous. I mean, “nice”.


TClap |

Carolina Day

Simple stretches

SSH 38X in cadence

Run to pull up bars, high knees and butt kickers along the way
Six pull up
Six chin ups
Six switch grip pull ups

Grab a cindy and bring it to the curb (we’ll use it later); hold plank out there

Run as a group down to base of hill
Do alt shoulder taps 28X IC
Flag Indian run: flag stays at front, last pax drops and does two merkins

Stopped at bottom of the hill and went through Battle of Sullivan’s Island / Carolina Day story

PRECISION: Six count Burpees, in a moderate-paced cadence, 6x

Run back up the hill

Cinder block routine:
Timer is sled pull: down to stop sign and back (four blocks in sled)
Pax did: Thrusters, Curls, Bent over rows, Squats, Flutters/chest press, KB swings, Uneven merkin/plyo, Overhead carries/walk
Each pax got to pull the sled twice.
Pass the Ammunition
All pax line up at the curb, about an arms-length apart, plank with hands on the curb. We do six curb merkins in cadence; after which the pax at the end pulls through the cinder block down to the pax next to him. Block gets passed all the way to the end of the line and then gets passed back to the first pax. Upon block’s return at the start, pax did another six curb merkins in cadence. Repeat.

Run suicides:
Run to post #1: do two bobby hurleys, run back to start, run to post #2 and do two bobby hurleys, run back to start. Repast, but do three bobbies this round.
Big Boy Sit ups (17X IC)
LBC (17X IC)
Amer hammer (17X IC)
Flutters (17X IC)

Fini, COT

Carolina Day (formerly known as Palmetto Day): Established to remember/honor the Patriot victory at the Battle of Sullivan’s Island.
This was a battle that the Patriots should have lost as the odds were greatly against them:
The British were well trained
British had twice as many cannons as the Patriots
Patriots had limited amounts of gun powder and ammunition
The fort at Sullivan’s Island was only half-way finished (Two of its four sides were barely constructed).
This is where Divine Providence comes in:
* Early in the battle, a British cannonball/bomb hits the fort’s magazine, but it does not detonate.
* One of large British ships was just a little too far away from the fort and thus put extra  gunpowder in their cannons, and when fired, the cannons broke their mounts.
*British Marines landed on Isle of Palms to attack the fort from the rear, based on the info that they could cross the river to Sullivan’s island with ease. However, the intel was wrong and the gap was too wide and deep. The patriots were able to easily keep the Marines away.
*The British sent in three lighter ships further up the channel to lay heavy cross-fire in the fort. Even though their guides/pilots said the ships could make it, each British ship ran aground and could not lay fire on the fort.

Col. Moultrie for the Patriots used his limited gunpowder and cannons wisely. Making calculated, precision firing resulting in considerable damage to the British ships.
Battle lasted about 10 hours.  Small amount of losses on the Patriot side, heavy on the British side.

About the South Carolina flag:
Indigo color because the surrounding low country grew lots of indigo, and was the color/dye used for the patriots uniforms.
In the battle, a British shell knocked the fort’s flag down. Those watching from Charleston were shocked and expecting the worst to happen next. But Sgt Jasper bravely ran out to the fallen flag, affixed it to a staff used for stuffing cannons, and hoisted it up again. Jasper later would be decorated for his actions.

Impact of the victory:
It took 17 days for the victory news to reach George Washington, and he used it to encourage and boost the morale of his troops. The victory showed the Patriots could stand up to the strongest military in the world and be successful.

TClap |

Casualties carry at Currahee

Today’s non moderate ruck WOD brought some mumble chatter at the beginning but then most of us got gassed and out of breath so barely any words were being said.

buy in: 1/4 mile run, 50 BBSU.. main event: one mile carrying casualties (ladders loaded with sandbags for 240# and 230#) with Tabata every two minutes, stop, put casualty down, 10 push-ups with ruck on alternating with 10 squats with ruck on. Pick up casualty and keep moving. We finished the mile in 33 minutes :muscle:, buy out: 1/4 mile run and 50 BBSU, Tabata clock was still ticking so more push-ups every two minutes. Endex: 1/2 mile ruck with sandbags, switching bags with partner every time the alarm went off.  Totals: movement 2 miles, +- 200 merkins, +- 80 squats.
Great push everyone!!


TClap |