Board of pain, faraway fences and bat flipper bear crawls

Nearly 3 miles were achieved by some, significantly less by others (Slash & UHaul always chose Bear Crawls…).  Some very solid mumblechatter…  A little flatulence…  Short chat on Lent and the presence of Catholics in Fort Mill…  Probable hair styles for the Son of God…  All in all it was a pretty eventful morning…

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Runnin’ Long Laps at The Pond

Minnow Pond on a brisk 35 degree morning? Sure, I’ll bite. This one’s gonna be short on content but heavy  on work. First I must say that it was good to see some of the not-so-regular guys at this edition.

We had 2 post for extra-extra credit, a few more post at 0500 for the extra credit. Finally at 0514, 10 of us made our way over to Ol’ Glory for The Pledge Of Allegiance. Have I said that I do love this tradition ‘Shanks has established.

Ok, it’s 0515 and here is your brief disclaimer to cover the bases. After that, we took off up the Massey hill just to pull a U-turn at the Church and run it back to the Minnow Pond parking lot for a little more warming up:

SSH & some 180 degree jump squats…THAT’S IT, after all, you just ran up and down that hill.

We then took off on our 1.1mi loop that we’d get more comfortable with. Again, go up the Massey hill but this time, go down to the gas station.
Post up at the gas station for our first set of exercises. Every time we stop, we’d be doing the same 3 exercises and the same number of reps.

(20) 2ct Flutters
(15) Jump Squats
(10) Hand-Release Merkins

Take off to make a R/T on Harris St
R/T on McCammon St
Straight through the light to the Founders Bank parking lot for

(20) 2ct Flutters
(15) Jump Squats
(10) Hand-Release Merkins

Take off to make a R/T on Clebourne St
R/T on Main St
Back to the Veterans Memorial flags for

(20) 2ct Flutters
(15) Jump Squats
(10) Hand-Release Merkins

So that is 1 lap and the goal is to do this repeatedly to ensure you cover the 3mi minimum but also including the exercises at each of the 3 stops on each lap.

Some of the PAX got close to 3mi. Some got over 3.5mi but all pushed and got pushed.



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Back to the bells

I had the date on my calendar, but when I got a reminder over the weekend from 3D, I couldn’t help but be excited!

While I’ve Q’d my fair share at the old digs (The Tomahawk), this was my first official Q at the Snake Pit!  As I’ve thrown down some memorable Qs (there was the time…nobody was allowed to put down their bell for the entire workout, or the time we did the catch me if you can and we ran all the way out to Dobys Bridge Road, or the Ring of Fire (had to be there))…so what to do….what. to. do.

So there we were, the morning of…the PAX rolled in, a disclaimer was disclaimed, and off we went…the PAX lined up for an Indian run, man in the back performed 3 KB burpees before running to the front of the line as went meandered our way all the way around the perimeter of the school grounds.

The PAX rallied up at the bottom of a hill where they were divided into 2 groups of 4.  Stations (cones) were set up instructing the PAX on what exercise to complete.  There were 4 stations about 15 yards apart with exercises as follows:

1. KB swings, 2. Alternating Lunges w/ overhead KB triceps extension, 3. KB squat, curl, and press, 4. swap the bell for a 35lb brick and run to a cone about 25 yards away and back (this PAX was the timer).  Exercises at each station were completed while the PAX were running.  To rotate, the PAX that completed the run made their way back to station 1, while all other PAX bear crawled with their bell to the next station.  After 4-5 rotations through the stations, the PAX returned to the starting location for PAX-led Mary and COT.

Always an honor to lead!

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9 Branded by the Ring of Fire – 3D’s 1st F3iversary

In honor of my FNG post on Jan 15, 2019, I led 9 PAX reenacting the Ring of Fire dealt by SkateOrDie during my first post.  Weather was warmer than last year.

Warmup – Mosey, Moroccan Nightclubs, Hillbilly and imperial Walkers, windmills, Cherry Pickers, Plank, honeymooner, Plank, Downdog with calf stretches

Workout – PAX in circle with their respective weights.  Skate or Die also brought a concrete brick.  10 exercises.  Started with 20 reps and then worked down by 2.  Rotated weights after each exercise.  After each round I randomly rotated us or mixed us up so we used the weights in different order.  Threw a mosey in after 2 rounds.  Were only able to get down to 12 when Polaroid reminded us it was 6!!

Overhead Press


KB Swing


Tricep Ext

Lunge Pass thru


Calf Raises

V Ups


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Push, pull, who mows your lawn…what?

8 (soon to be 9…then 10) PAX gathered for chilly Snake Pit morning.  Getting the formalities (disclaimer) out of the way, YHC didn’t waste time moving b/c it was COLD!  We took off behind, I guess it’s behind, the football field for a short mosey down to the break in the road, then circled back to the side parking lot where warm-up would be conducted (before we ran back to the parking lot, 5 burpees were thrown in…yep, that kind of warm-up). As we were running back, this is where PAX #9 (JWOW) graced us with his trademark tardy appearance…glad you made it my friend!  Better late than never and he was energized out of the gate like a kid on Christmas morning!

Warm-up included: mountain climbers, Morracan night clubs, imperial walkers, cherry pickers, SSH, windmills, burpees (yes burpees in the warm-up is a crowd pleaser), squats, then some up stretching.  Stretching was downward dog, honeymooners, leg and back stretches.  The warm-ups above were for the most part counts of 10 with exception of burpees (3) and SSH (30…only b/c we were waiting so long for Trucker! hahaha).  Birdcage was kind enough to pay YHC a “compliment” that he needed a 10 count during the warm-up…joking/not joking is how I took it but we moved on to The Thang.

The Thang

As we all got mentally prepared for next steps, YHC tried to start some tunes which turned out to be an interesting topic for the workout.  90’s hip hop was first up…hopefully no one was offended by Biggie or Snoop’s lyrics b/c there was about zero movement from YHC to stop that “parental advisory” train from coming.  The following exercises were called out in sequence after each was completed by the PAX.  About midway through these exercises, the local legend (and PAX #10) joined our group of merry men…none other than Spitz!  Just in time for Snoop to bust some rhymes…Spitz was not entertained by these lyrical beats.

  • 30 swings
  • 30 squats (bell hits the ground and that doesn’t mean lean over, it means bend your back…)
  • 30 shoulder presses
  • 30 up rows
  • 30 (15 each leg) lunges
  • 30 (15 each arm) clean and press

With the first set done, our “cool down” was running lines in the parking lot (old school suicides) so 3 lines of different distance became our next task to attack.  Once the PAX finished their cool down, it was back to business.   Prior to getting back to business, 80s rock station was selected (much to Trucker’s approval!).

  • 30 (15 each arm) plank rows
  • 30 American hammers (single count)
  • 15 manmakers (crowd pleaser)
  • 30 (15 each arm) lawnmower pulls….or Javier pulls…huh Birdcage?  If you’re reading this and have questions, take them up with the Cage’iest of all Birds.
  • 30 KB presses (on your back, bench press)
  • 30 triceps extensions (on your back if you want Trucker…jeez, but those are technically skull crushers which we didn’t call, but you do you)
  • 30 shoulder shrugs

Back to our 3 sets of lines for cool down…and no, we didn’t do any 10 counts that I can recall.  That’s what running lines is for.  Back to the mix where the music changed again, not without some ribbing from Birdcage, who was quickly satisfied by the new selection “Beastie Boys” channel.  Uhaul also started to bust some rhymes, but nothing to the effect of what can be thrown down by the likes of Flat Tire, Jekyll, or rap goddess Pusher (goddess just seems to fit better)…sorry Uhaul, you’ve got to see these guys go and then you’ll see where I’m coming from.  Before we got started, beachbody enthusist 3D was asked to select “1 or 2″…he choose 2 without knowing why, only to be informed we were doing the 2nd set of exercises all over again.  C’mon man, I thought this was a softball of the 1 or 2…YHC was way wrong on him picking up on this.  Can’t win them all.  See set #2 above for what we did again.

Once this was done, another cool down was in store, then 3 short exercises of MARY.  We stayed where we were for COT, did all things at the end, and collected some great praises!  Thanks for the opportunity 3D, hopefully I qualified to the Snake Pit standards.  If not, bring me back and we can dial it up a few more levels if that’s what the Site Q wants!  Great group today and I’d give the group a 8-9 on the mumblechatter scale which is good when it’s cold!


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A Copperhead Christmas (5lbs of Gummies too)

My first time Q’ing and it was a lot of fun (except counting in cadence). A very sincere thanks to the Pax for helping me thru my maiden voyage and braving the weather on a chilly December morning. Happy Holidays to all.

The Snake Pit Parking Lot, Dec 4th 2019

Warm up in Cadence

20 x SSH, 10 x Chain Breakers, 10 x Cherry Pickers, 15 x Mountain Climbers, 10 x Moroccan Nightclubs

12 Days of Christmas (main workout)

Day 1x: Parking Lot Run (on Day 7 switch to Bear Crawls)

Day 2x: Squat Jumps + previous day

Day 3x: Big Boy Sit Ups + previous days

Day 4x: Merkin with hand release + previous days

Day 5x: U-Haul’s + previous days

Day 6x: Leg Flutters + previous days

Day 7x: Freddy Mercury’s (Bicycle Sit-up) + previous days

Day 8x: Bicep Curls + previous days

Day 9x: Skull Crushers or overhead triceps curls + previous days

Day 10x: Apollo Ohno (speed skaters) + previous days

Day 11x: Kettle Bell Swings + previous days

Day 12x: American Hammers + previous days

Burpee Challenge

1x Burpee in 1 minute,  2x Burpees in 1 minute, 3x Burpees in 1 minute, 4x Burpees in 1 minute, 5x Burpees in 1 minute, 6x Burpees in 1 minute, 7x Burpees in 1 minute, 8x Burpees in 1 Minute

Announcements, Prayers and Praises

Circle of Trust


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Ohhh Milk!

The gloom was upon us as we watched our former brothers @F3_Polaroid and @birdcage_f3 ran away out of unadulterated fear and loathing to find a safer path known as Whites Road…

A custom playlist was created for this one, along with fully laminated and Snake Pit logo’d work out stations, as per usual for a UHaul led workout.

The PAX arrived once again to the rockish crooning of Bob Seger’s Like a Rock to put us in the mood for strong, unbothered by responsibility, handsome younger versions of ourselves that probably never existed outside of our own Sad Clown younger selves, but I digress…

Warm ups were had by all while Maroon 5 played us a Wake Up Call so we could limber up for the pain stations which would be 3 in number to allow for a rotational situation…  Two groups of 3 and one group of  2 would cycle through…


  1. Standing Shoulder Press x20 while others executed Hello Dolly or Box Cutters, switch, repeat… White and Nerdy – Weird Al
  2. Kettle Bell Swings x25 while others executed Air Dramas until their legs or sphincter gave out, switch, repeat…  All Summer Long – Kidd Rock
  3. Hammer Curls x25 while others pretended to do as many Shoulder Taps as possible, switch, repeat…  Jump – Van Halen
  4. That anger management candidate Malcolm showed up again to chase PAX around while they tried peacefully to carry their bell above their head…
  5. Skull Crushers x25 while others whose sphincters had recovered did Low Slow Squats, switch, repeat…  Fat Bottomed Girls – Queen
  6. The UHaul in cadence x10 while others executed copious numbers of Plank Jacks, switch, repeat…  Down Under – Men At Work
  7. Laying Press x20 while others hammered out American Hammers until their abs twitched, switch, repeat… You Shook Me All Night Long – AC/DC
  8. Malcolm shows up again…
  9. PAX are freed to choose their next exercise and all merely move to the next station as they would have if they were not freed…  Shut Up and Drive – Rihanna which I believe I skipped to get to I Want You to Want Me – Letters to Cleo
  10. PAX collected for Laying Chest Press x25 and Sumo Deadlifts in an alternating fashion while Rodney Atkins reminded us that If You’re Going Through Hell you should just keep on going because you might get out before the Devil knows you’re there…  It didn’t work, the rinse/repeat cycle was fully engaged and no one escaped…
  11. As has become the tradition at UHaul led workouts, the PAX gathered for 5 minutes of Mary while R.E.M. drove home the point that Everybody Hurts and it doesn’t stop until 0600.

Name O Rama included a strange outburst from @hunteregnor that you should watch…

Announcements, Praises and Prayers were shared by all…

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Launching the Snake Pit

YHC was honored to be asked by 3D to Q out East and, based on the calendar, an inaugural Q for the Fort’s newest kettle bell AO.  It required a separate trip to get familiar with the grounds, but a quick scan of the A/O left YHC with lots of options and, fortunately, a great group of HIMs gathered to launch the Snake Pit.  After disclaimers were put forth and JWOW came in hot, we moseyed off around the parking lot, without the bells.

COP – Corner #1 – low slow squats x15

Corner #2 – Side Straddle Hops x 20

Corner #3 – Imperial Walker x 15, People’s Chair hold with Moroccan night clubs x 15 and a                                     10-count hold

Stadium entrance – Merkins x 10, salutations right and left, 6-inch hold with a 10-count

PAX grabbed their bells and moseyed into the stadium, down to the field for a partner pyramid.

In any adversity or challenge we face in life, going through it with others helps ensure we come out stronger on the other side.  In the spirit of working through a challenge (and because partner work was notably present), we did, well, partner work.

While partner 1 began the exercises at the goal line, partner 2 ran to the 50 yard line and back and picked up the exercises where partner 1 left off.  Exercises built on one another a la pearls on a string, to the mid point anyway.

10 goblet squats

10 goblet squats, 20 hammer curls

10 goblet squats, 20 hammer curls, 30 tricep extensions

10 goblet squats, 20 hammer curls, 30 tricep extensions, 40 American hammers (w/bell)

10 goblet squats, 20 hammer curls, 30 tricep extensions, 40 American hammers (w/bell), 50 swings

50 swings, 40 American hammers (w/bell), 30 tricep extensions, 20 hammer curls, 10 goblet squats

40 American hammers (w/bell), 30 tricep extensions, 20 hammer curls, 10 goblet squats

30 tricep extensions, 20 hammer curls, 10 goblet squats

20 hammer curls, 10 goblet squats

10 goblet squats

Once all were finished (PAX planked or did LBC’s if they finished before the 6), we moseyed with bells to the flag for a pledge of allegiance and did 30 flutters with the KB press

Mosey out of the stadium back to the lot for the start of a partner DORA – 50 swings and 100 hammer curls.  Partner 1 started the exercises while partner 2 ran to specified landmarks and back, and vice versa.

With no time left to get to 150 and 200 on the DORA, we moseyed back to COT for:  20 flutters with the KB press and 15 LBC’s with the bell.  At that point, it was 0600 and work was complete.

Announcements were made, prayers and praises were offered and YHC led us out.

Special thoughts are with Alright Alright Alright as his ankle heals.

Thanks to 3D for the opportunity to lead the inaugural workout and launch of the Snake Pit and to have the privilege of getting better in the presence of many HIMs.






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Hill Day at Pathfinder

Backblasts- they are important. Even for running workouts. it is part of being the Q. Do it.

Well, after multiple times of Skate or Die asking me if I would Q Pathfinder and me saying yes, but not committing to a date, he finally threw a date on it and asked one more time. Yes, I will. And I am thankful for his persistence and for giving me the opportunity to lead.

For those who have not joined Pathfinder, you are missing out. Not sure why, but it is not listed as a category on here. #uncategorized #rogue

Anyways, Skate drummed up the idea  a little over a year ago of a roving running workout on Tuesdays, which The Fort needed, and the cool thing is the Q decides where the launch is and at what time it launches. Then it gets Tweeted or Slacked the night before. It offers a ton of variety and the 2F is outstanding. Keeps it interesting. No man left behind. Lately, trail runs have even entered the mix.

We (Skate, Harry Caray and I) met today at the Massey clubhouse today at 5 AM. Warm up mile to the entrance the long way and then head over Oxford Place next door, which is just full of hills. I thought I could stop the mumblechatter, but those boys were not even phased. Chatted the whole way. Haray Caray left a bit early to hit Crossroads (#HIM). Skate and I cooled down one more mile or so and then went back to launch. Skate pulled out his phone where he missed Cashflow’s text from 5:03 that he was almost there. #cobains. About that time, we heard steps in the distance and up ran Cashflow and Birdcage. Birdcage said he remembered the launch was 5 AM, but he forgot when he got up this morning. Yeah. I could not really give him a hard time, since he just obliterated the P200 after setting fire to the 10K course at Joe Davis 10k..

Anyways, what matters is that we all got a great run in and then we had a prayer to start our day. The Fort offers a lot of great options on Tuesdays and this is one of them. let’s support Skate or Die. Give it a try. next week, Stang Q’s the trails again.


Tomorrow the focus is on mental health at Abyss, Coop and Pantheon. Please plan to attend one of them. Brothers will be sharing their hearts and this is an issue that affects more people than you know.

Support our brother Olive this Saturday at the Christina Latini Memorial 8k

Clown cars leaving Starbucks at 6:30 AM

Virtual run option at Alcatraz, too

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Tomahawk 2019.05

I’m posting this a little late because I have been lacking in the discipline department lately.  It’s my One Word because for some reason, I knew it was going to be a hard year to stay motivated…

This workout was a JackWeb-o-thon.

Warmup (nothing special)

Small dora to ramp up heart rate (100 merkins, 200 LBCs while partner farmer carries 2 KBs 40 yds and back)

Snatch and Tricep Ext x10 each
Jack Web – up to 7
Snatch and Tricep Ext x10 each

Squats and single leg deadlift x10 each
Jekyll Web – (squats and jump lunges)
Squats and single leg deadlift x10 each

Russian twist and dying cockroach (w KBs) x20 each
Tesh Web? – (leg lifts and heals to heaven)
Russian twist and dying cockroach (w KBs) x20 each

Some more exercises to finish up time.

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