Self Scouting and Kotter Fest @ THE Ballroom

17 (or 18) hearty Fort Pax unpartook of the fartsack to join their brothers at Ballroom. Amazed to see some Kotters (like Free Bird and Deep Dish) as I pulled in. Always exciting to see some of the boys come back to the Gloom just like it’s exciting when new faces show up. Bro hugs ensued.

At the appointed hour, Disclaimer was given and we were off to the other side of PKMS for:

Warm-O-Rama ; Seal Jacks, Merkins/Plank series/Imperial walker, Squats, LBCs. MNCs. Then a nice mosey to the football field for:

The Thang;

7 of diamonds – 7 Plank Jacks in each corner of the field, Bear Crawl to Goal Post then Lunge Walk. Run Length of field 2nd Lap- 7 Plank Jacks & 14 Squats- Got some of the newer Pax to call the cadence, getting ’em ready.

To the track – Partner up, CATCH ME IF YOU CAN -3 BURPEES/PARTNER. RUN BACKWARDS AROUND TRACK. Round 2-5 Bombjacks, but run forwards.

Some Words ON Self Scouting in the New Year- Take to time to look back at your year with an eye towards improving in some area in 2020. Learn form your past mistakes but don’t let them define your trajectory. Your History is not your Destiny.

Back to FIELD – Captain Thor Lite – 1 Weezy, 4 Am Hammers then Jack Webb (6 rounds). Mosey to COT. Announcements- One Word Convergence, Grapevine Takeover. Prayers for healing Pax, Lost loved ones, marriages.

Great group this morning, Honored to Serve these fine men.

Shortest Of All Sales.


TClap |

Litter Bugs and 4 Corners

Birthday Q with a good crowd. Humbled.

Mosey to the big lot by Empire, the plan was to do some dynamic warm-up, unfortunately, one large vehicle kept me from setting up the majority of the morning here. Little did we know that dodging trash was another thing.

Back and forth across the lot
high knees, butt kickers, windmill walkers, squat walkers, karaoke L, karaoke R, toy soldier
…. and enough dodging trash, mosey over to the Lowes lot
power skip, bear crawl*2, 75% run, 100%, 100%

mosey to the lot by Persis and circle up
Freddie*10, Morrocan NC*10, Carolina DD*10, OH clap*10, dying cockroach*10, richard simmons*10, HR merkin*10, imperial walker*10, LBC*10, hillbilly walker*10, flutter*10, LS squat*10, shoulder tap*10, windmill*10, rosalita*10, calf raise*2*10, Travolta*10, monkey humper*10

split in 4 groups for 4 corners, hit a corner, back to the middle for 5 makhtar n’diayes between every corner, corners included
10 stationary lunge, 10 shoulder taps IC
10 inchworm, 10 SSH IC
10 scorpion DD IC, 20 OH claps IC
10 HR merkins, 10 hillbilly walker IC

Find some grass for a full 10-40 Jack Webb (with a couple on the backtop)

Little did I know that at this point there was some expectation of a Matt Foley (Jack’s less intelligent younger brother) … we’ll do 2 next time

back to 4 corners, flip the boards for a second round, no middle this time, clockwise rotation
10 hello dolly IC, 10 seal jacks IC
10 donkey kicks, 10 weed pullers IC
10 plank jacks IC, 10 squat jumps
10 V-ups, 10 flying squirrel

time. back to COT.

prayers for Cash, among others.

Honored and humbled by the quantity and quality of PAX, a who’s who of HIM.

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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Inertia at The Ballroom

19 PAX at The Ballroom

Above is the insight into my mind……

Here’s a more legible list of what we did:
Mosey in a circle to catch Renaissance
– SSH – used to count the PAX present….
– IW x a few
– HW x the same amount
– Peter Parker until dissent
– Down Dog – Up Dog
– Shoulder Tap until dissent

Mosey to basketball court
– Toy Solders a sufficient distance to garner griping about this being a “Moderate” workout
– Butt Kickers
– Side Shuffles

Mosey down the hill
Split into 3 groups to do a Leg-O-Rama (one PAX does the reps, other PAX hold the pose until all have completed the reps)
– Squats
– Calf Raises
– Monkey Humpers
– 5 reps
– Run up the hill do 10 reps of each
– Run down do 15 reps of each

Mosey to Basketball court
– some burpees in cadence
– a round of Howling Monkeys to 10

Mosey back
– did some step ups when YHC found a plethora of benches


How often do we let the inertia of what we are or have been prevent us from realizing our potential?

Thanks to Manziel for the opportunity to lead
Band Camp dismissed.

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Footloose in Fort Mill

Five men met in downtown Ft. Mill for a boot camp workout on a brisk South Carolina morning.  Here is what they did:

Warm up with some walking stretches:  knee to chest, ankle to waist, lunge twists, toy soldiers, and arm circles.  Mosey along Monroe White Street to Tom Hall and head towards Maint Street.

Circle up in the Kimbrell’s parking lot.  All in cadence:

SSH x 20,  windmill x 10, merkin x 7, squat x 20, mountain climber x 15/hold plank/right and left arm and leg high/hold/6″/regular/6″/regular 5 merkins, LBC x 15, IW x 15, Morrocan night club x 25 while walking along Main St.

Mosey on Main Street, take a left onto Confederate,  and assume people’s chair along the building across from the Improper Pig (take in the smell of smoked meat…)

Hold People’s chair with overhead arm claps.  Recover and then BTTW and hold until all pax did a 10 count.  Repeat this two more times.

Mosey to the side walk along Millstone Park, find a partner.

R1:  Partner 1 runs up the hill and does 10 merkins, while partner 2 does SSH’s

R2:  Partner 1 runs up the hill and does 10 bombjacks while partner 2 does squats

R3:  Partner 1 runs up the hill and does 10 burpees while partner 2 does calf raises.

R4:  Everyone together, bear crawl up the hill and do 10 merkins in cadence.

R5:  Repeat R4

Mosey to the Ft. Mill Police parking lot for ABLAB:

Freddie Merc x 15, flutter x 15, American hammer x 15, Superman x 3.

End with the body destroyer


Naked Man Moleskin

It was pretty cold this morning.  When I arrived at the church, there were a handful of cars in the lot and no one was outside.   I started stretching outside and thought the guys would come out and join me, but no takers.  No one left their car until about 5:14 and I actually had to coax Uhaul out of his car so we could start the workout.

Once we got moving,  though, everyone warmed up pretty well.  We moved through town and took advantage of the buildings, lots, and green spaces available in the area.  This was my first Q at Footloose and it was fun to explore this great AO.   Welcome back, Kotter:  I had not seen Lil’E in a long time and it turns out he’s been on an extended fartsack leave.  Good to have you back, brother and let’s keep it going.  It was a pleasure to lead the group today.  T-claps to Boss Hogg who went for a solo walk this morning, but re-joined us at precisely 6:00 on the dot.   That’s impressive timing my friend.  Anchorman and Barry Manilow finished their run and met us for COT.

Announcements, prayers, and praises:

Read  your newsletter.

Prayers for Kenyan and his family.

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Disco inferno with DJ Twister

Twister was up to getting the group awake this am with some 70s TV trivia which is good for the respect crowd but very challenging for those of us born in the late 70s…and even an 80s in there.  Since YHC controlled the weinke but not the jams, all was good.  Disclaimer was given as the sweet melodies of 80s rock played in the background, and a brisk mosey ensued to the track.

Warmup of SSH, windmills, imperial and hillbilly walkers, merkins, low slow squats for counts ranging from 10-25 got the blood flowing.

Boss Hogg took off for loops on the track given the nursing on the shoulder while the rest of us counted off in 2 splitting into groups.  Here’s the game: name the 70s TV show tune played by DJ Twister and avoid the 5 burpee penalty.  While you’re thinking of the song, do the name of the exercise called off by Shady below with a minimum and maximum number associated (this was adjusted very quickly b/c some people watched a lot of TV growing up!)

  • 10 hand release merkins
  • 20 squats (10 min)
  • 25 CDD (10 min)
  • 30 lunges (10 min)
  • 50 plank shoulder taps (20 min)
  • 40 ski jumps (20 min)
  • 60 calve raises (30 min) – out/reg/in
  • 20 diamonds (10 min)
  • 50 SSH (25 min)
  • 25 merkins (10 min)
  • 40 mountain climbers (20 min)
  • 30 American hammers (20 min)
  • 30 plank jacks (15 min)
  • 50 LBC (25 min)

We rinse and repeated through most of the list but the minimums were removed a second time through.  With about 15 min left, we ran around the track stopping at each 100 yard corner where we did some core (for the most part).  1st corner was 50 LBC, 2nd corner was 20 big boy (and some monkey humpers for our our track walkers passing by), 3rd corner was 30 American hammers, and 4th and final was 30 flutters.

With about 5-10 min remaining, we took our last bit of time to the football field.  Lining up on the goal line, we ran back and forth from the goal line to the 10 yard, back to goal then to 20…all the way to 40 yard line.  At each 10-40 yard line, we did 1 burpee for 10 yard up to 4 burpee at 40 (so a total of 10 burpees + the running for those of you who struggle with quick math!).  Once back on the line, there was time for a 10 count along with a message about being intentional.  Be intentional with the exercise, be intentional with your kids at home and at their activities, be intentional with your wife – pay attention to them!

Once everyone caught their breath, we rinse and repeated the lines and burpees – crowd favorite!  Once said and done, we did a mosey back to COT for closing ceremonies.  All in all, great morning and great push from the PAX.  Enjoyed it as usual and thanks to Manziel for the opportunity!!


TClap |

Celebrating Shield’s 49th @ Footloose

Warmup: 49 SSH
Party: 7×7’s = 7 rounds of 7 counts of: Monkey Humpers, Incline Merkins, Peter Pointers, Merkins, LBC’s, Squats, SSH
Happy 49th Shield! pRespect!

Next we mosey’d up and down Confederate St, Indian style. We finished on the far side of Southern Sugar. There we did a wall sit while the 2 ends broke off to do 2 burpees. Another mosey later we were at Fort Mill Church of God running up and down their stairs. I like to call that the Smithers Stair-climb because the first time I did it was when Smithers was on Q. It hurt me back then so I knew it made me better. I try to incorporate it into every Footloose Q now.
Around the corner we found another set of stairs that a few of us ran up and down twice. At the top we circled up for a round or 3 of Mary. Another slow mosey got us back to C.O.T. We prayed.

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VQ at the Millstone with a Guillermo 1-2-3 Routine and the Presidential Wall of NoN-sEnSe

The hype was huge, the turnout was moderate for Boss Hogg’s VQ at the Millstone. All 8 PAX in attendance got to enjoy the first day of cooler temperatures. 3 PAX went for a walk…2 with rucksacks and 1 with his arm in a sling. Huge T-Claps to Smithers for showing up while on the IR. The remaining 4 PAX followed the most Boss of all Hoggs on his VQ journey.

The Thang:

Mosey’d from Veteran’s Park to the parking lot across from Puckerbutt Pepper Company
• Stretched arms and legs
• 15 – Gas Pumpers (for my buddy Twister…Respect!)

Mosey’d to the St. John’s United Methodist Church parking lot
• Toy Soldiers across the parking lot – jogged back to starting side
• High Knees across the parking lot – jogged back to starting side
• Lunge Walks across the parking lot – jogged back to starting side
• Butt Kickers across the parking lot – jogged back to starting side
• Carioca across the parking lot and back in the opposite direction
• Shuffled across the parking lot and back in the opposite direction

Mosey’d to First Baptist Church of FM parking lot (home of Footloose!)
Circled up…
• 15 SSH
• 15 Windmills
• 15 Cherry Pickers
• 15 Imperial Walkers
• 15 Hillbilly Walkers

Mosey’d to FM Church of God parking lot
Next up was a Guillermo 1-2-3 routine. For those of you know don’t know (and I would be shocked if any of you didn’t already know this), Guillermo is Dora’s infant brother who does not fully grasp the concept of pairing PAX in 2’s and progressively moving from chest, to core, to legs. Guillermo likes to divide the entire population into two groups. The goal being that the exercising group works out together with focus on form, not speed. In concept, this was a great idea. Given that there were only 5 PAX participating in the Guillermo 1-2-3, one group included 3 PAX and the other included 2 PAX. The routine included:
• 100 Squats
• 200 LBCs
• 300 Overhead Claps
The group not performing exercises got to snake the stairs across the street.

Next up, was the Presidential Wall of Non-Sense! Don’t worry, there is nothing political behind this. The non-sense had to do with the exercise itself. PAX formed a line to begin the border wall. PAX were instructed to hold a tree via the Al Gore or by planking to form the wall. The HIM at beginning of the wall was instructed to run to the imaginary forest to gather more trees for the wall. Trees were knocked down via 1 burpee, 2 donkey kicks, or 3 Bobby Hurleys. Once the HIM obtained another tree from the imaginary forest, he returned to the end of the wall and held it in place via the Al Gore or by planking. The exercise continued until the wall crossed the parking lot.

Finally, with time running out, the PAX mall walked back to COT. The leader of the group dropped out of line to perform 1 burpee, 2 donkey kicks, or 3 Bobby Hurleys. Once completed, they rejoined the group at the back of the line. The process was repeated until COT was reached.

At the end of the workout, Boss Hogg was asked about his VQ experience.  He responded in the words of the great scholar Borat Sagdiyev, “Great Success!”.

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Lead where you are – 2 years have flown by @ THE Ballroom

What a beautiful, steamy fall morning as the gloom saw 19 of The Fort’s finest show for our Shovel flag Hand-off at THE Ballroom. Can’t believe that it was over 2 years ago when Cake Boss asked YHC to take over Site Q duties for this awesome AO. #Honored and Humbled. Numerous FNGs and VQs later, it is time to hand over the reins to my guy, Manziel. Tclaps my friend.

Mosey to other side of the school


  • Seal Jacks * 20
  • 5 Burpees
  • Merkins * 10
  • 4 Burpees
  • Squats * 15
  • 3 Burpees
  • Gas Pumpers * 15
  • 2 Burpees
  • SSH * 20
  • 1 Burpees

MOSEY to ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STAIRS- LADDER 10s- 1st set-LBCs at bottom, SSHs at top, Bear Crawl up, Stairs down, 2nd Set-Merkins at bottom, squats at top

At this point, I shared some:

 Thoughts on Leadership – F3 has been called a “Leadership Machine”, this is a great environment to hone your leadership skills. As it says in Q Source – “Man is by nature a Group-forming animal. In My Experience – I grow as a leader when I am pushed OUTSIDE MY COMFORT ZONE. AYE? As Maximus & Royale both related at the Invergence – people saw leadership potential in them before they realized it themselves. LOOK WHERE THEY ARE NOW. When Cake Boss asked me to be Site Q for THE Ballroom about 2 years ago – I was honored. And grateful for Manziel taking the reins now. STEP UP WHEN CALLED UPON-YOU WON”T REGRET IT.  

Mosey to Elem School Playground – 3 EXERCISES- Shoulder Taps (single count), SQUAT JUMPS, FLUTTERS- START WITH 5 OF EACH, RUN TO OTHER END OF CIRCLE, ADD 5 ON EACH LAP. Only made it to 15s. had to save time for one of my faves . . .

SO MOSEY TO Front of PK Middle School for– JACK WEBB

Name-o-Rama, Announcements: Fort Mill Care Ctr mowing, new Millstone AO, Crossroads. Prayers for marriages, families, injured Pax. Then YHC expressed my gratitude to Manziel for taking over and thanked all the Pax for being there that morning and over the last 2 years. Took us out in prayer.

So, get out there and lead gents. Push outside of your comfort zone-you won’t regret it.

Short Sale, out.

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