Everything BUT The Kitchen Sink

WARMUP: Mosey through the parking lot with intermittent stopping for bear crawl, burpees, SSH, Merkins and crab walks
THE THANG: Every PAX grab 1 coupon to be your partner for the workout. Now, load up all the additional gear (Kettle Bells, Sand Bags, Rucks, Jerry Cans, Medicine Balls, Plate Carrier) and move it to the lot on the right side of the school. There is a penalty applied. Every time you set a weight down or hand it to someone else, everyone does 3 squats.
With your personal coupon:
10 Man Makers
20 Overhead Presses
30 Squats
Now, load up all the gear again and move it to the parking lot on the other side of the school. Same penalty applies, every time you set a weight down or hand it to someone else, everyone does 3 squats.
With your personal coupon:
40 4ct Flutter Kicks w/ Press
50 Curls
Now, grab all the gear and move it around the big loop on the outside of the field with the same penalty.
MARY: Throughout and a bit at the finish.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Happy Hour always looking for Hive Q’s. Full scale Shieldlock throw-down at Varsity this Friday…be prepared. Bethel Men’s Shelter assistance, Independence Day Convergence, Stuff The Bus, HIM Camp.
COT: Indeed. 5th Core Principle.

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Let’s not bicker and argue over who killed who

WARMUP: Begin run to Pull Up Bar Driveway, stopping periodically for
10 Windmills IC
10 Hillbilly Walkers IC
10 Shoulder Taps IC
10 Merkins IC

THE THANG: Coach Pat Summit’s Definite Dozen
12 Stations. First round as a group, then OYO.
First Round: 10 reps each
Second Round: 20 reps each
Third Round: 30 reps each
1. Merkins – Respect yourself and others – There is no such thing as self-respect without respect for others.
2. Sumo Squats – Take Full Responsibility – There are no shortcuts to success.
3. LBC’s – Develop and Demonstrate Loyalty – Loyalty is unilateral. You have to give it to receive it.
4. Bomb Jax – Learn to be a great Communicator. – Communication eliminates mistakes.
5. Calf Raises – Discipline yourself so one else has to – Self-discipline helps you believe in yourself.
6. Pull Ups – Make hard work your passion. – Do the things that aren’t fun first and do them well.
7. Lunges – Don’t just work hard, work smart. – Success is about having the right person in the right place at the right time. Know your strengths, weaknesses and needs.
8. Wide Arm Merkins – Put the Team before yourself. – Teamwork doesn’t come naturally; it must be taught.
9. Big Boy Sit Ups – Make winning an attitude. – Combine practice with belief. Attitude is a choice. Maintain a positive outlook.
10. Seal Jax – Be a Competitor. – Competition isn’t social. It separates achievers from the average. You can’t always be the most talented person in the room, but you can be the most competitive.
11. Squats – Change is a Must – Change equals self-improvement. Push yourself to places you haven’t been before.
12. Carolina Dry Docks – Handle Success like you handle failure – You can’t always control what happens, but you can control how you handle it.

We successfully finished the round of 30 reps, before collecting cones and moseyed back to COT.
Olaf was timing us, but we made it back at 0600 on the dot!

MARY: n/a
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Hanging with Stang, July 4th Convergence, Take a new PAX out for coffee.
COT: Stays in CoT

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Honey Badger Millenia Beatdown

Imperial Walker
Moroccan Night Clubs

Cubbie really wanted to lead the chorus on Medium Pace but decided to keep leading the workout.

100 reps, run 1 football field lap x 10 times.
First person to 100, everyone runs together
1. Burpees
2. Lunges (2x)
3. Merkins
4. LBC
5. Mtn Climbers
6. Flutters (2x)
7. Calf raises
8. Squats
9. SSH
10. Box Cutters

Great chatter on:
– 4 colleges who start with a color
– Office Space and how we miss the PC Load Letter error on printers
– many many (and yet not enough) Adam Sandler quotes

MARY: Marty Bird was our Ray from Ghostbusters. The destructor he choose for our last 100 count was Carolina Dry Docks


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Cubbie Cornhole

WARMUP: Light Jog around the parking lot, sidestep R/L, karaoke R/L, Toy Soldiers, Nur, Bear Crawl

Low Slow Squat
Imperial Walker
Moroccan Night Clubs


Part I:
Progressive Ladder (String of Pearls)
Start with 5 of first exercise, run down to Dogtopia and back, Then do 5 of first, run, 10 of second, run, etc

5 – Merkins
10 – Lunges (2x)
15 – Mtn Climbers
20 – Squats
25 – Flutters

Part II: (We should have spent more time here. Was only last 15 min)
Cubbie Cornhole
Count by 1s and 2s and split
Two play Cornhole, normal scoring
– 1 pt – bag on the board – other team does 10x Big Boy situps
– 3 pts – bog in the hole – other team does 10x CDDs
– Winners – 10x Burpees
– Losers – 10x Kraken burpees

While others are playing, I would should put the following exercises while we watched:

– Planks
– Al Gores
– Calf Raises

Team Cubbie/38/Soup/Half Shell was victorious.

MARY: None
COT: Be intentional with your time this weekend. You have an extra day, use it wisely. Prayers for families, teachers, and veterans.


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Rock buddy

Ran around and did some wheelbarrows up a hill then pull up bars and another hill and sprint and squat and merkin and laugh and more squat and Mary and pray. Twas glorious!

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Gas station route of pain

WARMUP: massey uphill to utility parking lot
I. Partner DORA – 100 Merks, 200 squats, 300 LBC with run up and down hill.
II. 1 mile loop with pain stations at each gas’s station. Same exercises as DORA but rep was 15 each.

Touch workout with the hills!

MARY: no time

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“Good Ol’ Suck”

Mosey through soccer field and around to side of school
5 Windmills IC (Yeah!)
11 Merkins IC

Mosey to rear of school.
6 Rounds Chelsea to kick off –
5 Pull Ups, 10 Merkins, 15 Squats EMOM

Keep a perspective as you move through your life… stages of life come and go.

Mosey to front of soccer field
Pyramid Complex – 50 yd mosey in between rounds
5 Burpees
10 Big Boys
15 Merkins (Reminder – this one was zero fun)
20 Squats
25 CDD’s
A wild Olaf appeared and was tagged in by Dirty Harry at this point in the weinke.

Mosey back to bus loop.
Isometric Recovery
Low Slow Squats x 20
Hold 60 Seconds at end of last squat
Pulse 20 times

Mosey to COT
11xWWI Sit up
22xHeels to the Heavens

Prayers for Luka, Grassy Knoll, community in times of need
Praise for family, Divac’s 2.1 being born today

Blood Drive tomorrow – hit up 3D for info

Punch List out.

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No one reads these…

WARMUP: We did, in fact, warm up.

Round 1:
– Get a partner – size ALWAYS matters. That’s what she said.
– Mile loop with stops. At each stop, 10-10-10, Merkins, Squat Jumps, Flutters (4ct)
Loop =
1. Run up Massey to the parking lot on Right
2. Run from Parking lot to far end of Sisk Parking Lot on left
3. Run to Valero
4. Slight left onto Spratt – stop at intersection of Leonidas
5. Run to other end of Leonidas – intersection at Kanawha
6. Left on Kanawha – left onto White St – stop at FM Rescue Squad
7. Run to Amoco on Corner of White and Spratt
8. Run back to bottom of Massey…

Round 2:
– Same loop. 10-10-10 is CDDs,
– Slight variation is bear crawl up Massey to top and Partner Carry down Leonidas

MARY: No chicks.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter…

COT: The 5th Core Principle.

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Honey Badger – Q School 101

Following the Honey Badger First Monday of the Month 7 minutes of burpees we moved to a lighted area near the gate to the football field. There was a supposed to be a 601 group peel off, but Slap Shot likely needed a minute after taking the record for the most burpees in 7 minutes.

Started with some explanation to the men of the components of a workout and the purpose/importance of each. Disclaimer, Warm-up, The Thang, Mary, COT. Given that we had AKA in attendance there were a number of PAX participating that taught YHC how to Q. This provided a unique opportunity to identify three PAX in attendance that either had never Q’d or had Q’d less than 5 times. I catered a lot of my message to them and some to all in attendance.
• SSH x25
• Windmill x10
• Imperial Walker x10
• Diamond Merkin x10 (at this point I mentioned the importance of good form in leading. If your form is poor, then your leadership is poor. A number of PAX tend to cheat the exercise, count fast, and get ahead of the PAX they are trying to lead.)

Mosey past the pull-up bars to the bottom of the hill. The point of this part of the lesson was planning. When planning a Q, Google Maps is a great tool as you will you see things that you may not have seen in the gloom before. The hill behind me was a great example. Every PAX in attendance has run that hill at some point, but they may not have noticed the equally spaced trees moving up the hill. These can be used as a markers as part of a workout. YHC have Q’d this workout previously, but it offered a nice example of how to use an AO and that creativity does not need complexity to offer a solid challenge. It also highlighted that setting up a workout that allows PAX of different speeds and fitness levels to challenge themselves together is always a good idea.

Round 1:
• Bear crawl to the first tree 1 Spider-Man Merkin (Merkin while bringing right knee to the right elbow and then repeated on the other side)
• Run to the pull-up bars and complete 2 pull ups.
• Run back to the bottom of the hill
Round 2:
• Bear crawl to the first tree and complete 1 Spider-Man Merkin
• Bear crawl to the second tree and complete 2 Spider-Man Merkins
• Run to the pull-up bars and complete 4 pull ups
• Run back to the bottom of the hill
Rounds 3-5: Continue the series through 5 trees
Once all the PAX finished up the series, we circled up in the street near the pull-up bars. The 3 PAX that did not have experience Qing were invited to the center of the circle. I took a turn counting cadence and then the PAX each had an opportunity.
• Squats x25
• LBC x15
• Flutters x15
• Merkins x15

Each member of the PAX then grabbed a coupon from the stack of cinder blocks. We circled up and had another demonstration of counting cadence with the PAX involvement.
• Overhead Press x25
• Curls x25
• Bentover Rows x25
Put the cinderblocks back and moved to COT.

Reminder on how to write a backblast. Open slack and type /backblast and select the form that pops up.

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