Gettin’ Cindy Wit It (nah nah nah nah nah nah)

Disclaimed and started to mosey when more cars were pulling in so stayed close to CoT while everyone got parked…

WARMUP: Jog around CoT lot and circle up near stop sign near ROTC building

Goofballs, broga doggy stuff, merkins, mountain climbers, OH claps, windmills (IC)

5 pullups, 10 merkins, 15 squats – SSH for the 6. Run down hill to lower stop sign and back to pullup bars

repeat x 5 rounds

Grab a block and circle up in street near ROTC building –
10 swings, 10 curls, 10 OH presses, 10 bent over rows (IC) then bear crawl to stop sign near CoT and jog back. high knees for the 6

repeat x 3 rounds

rifle carry block down hill to stop sign – murder bunny back to ROTC building

MARY: about 6 flutters

ANNOUNCEMENTS: lots of fundraisers. Time of giving – find something important to you and make an impact

COT: job searches and families

Thanks for opportunity Kaiser

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Halloween Hootenanny

• Side Straddle Hops – 20
• Windmills- 10
• Imp Walkers – 10
• Merkins – 10 double
• Mtn Climbers – 10 double

Indian Run through parking lot to the Covered breezeway: person in rear sprints up front:
• 5 clap jump burpees (Belchers?)
• Squat in a row, Each person does 2 burpees all the way down the line.
• 20 Step-ups OYO
• Dying Cockroaches – 10 double
• LBCs – 10 double
Mosey to the wall:
• Balls to the wall with counts
• Wall Sits – Arms out– Hold for 10 count
• Recite the F3 Mission
• Recite the F3 Credo
Mosey to Cafeteria tables:
Partner work with one person running to the 3rd lamp post while the other did the following. Then switch.
• Dips
• Derkins
• taint crushers (butt touch squats)
• incline merkins
• Carolina Dry dock till the 6 came in
Mosey to pull-up bars:
One partner runs the bottom of the parking lot hill and does 3 burpees while their partner does pull-ups AMRAP. Switch off 2X.
Mosey to the bottom parking lot:
• One partner runs the length of the parking lot and back while the other does merkins, LBCs, American hammers AMRAP. Switch off for each exercise.
• Flutters till the 6 came in.
• Overhead claps- 2 count 30X
Mosey back to the flag

• Low slow squats
• Peter Parkers
• J-Los
• Indian Run around the parking lot

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lots of 2nd F happenings. Read your news letter.

COT: Prayers for mental heath, People in need around the world, Family, and the kids that are trick or treating tonight.

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The Nethers

WARMUP: No. This is Minnow Pond, bro…

– Run to top of main street – rally at Hardee’s
– 15 burpees to kick it off

– Run to Town Hall
– 15/15/30 – Merkins/Squats/Flutters

– Run to Domino’s
– 15/15/30 – Merkins/Squats/Flutters

– Run to Wing King
– 15/15/30 – Merkins/Squats/Flutters

– Run to corner of Doby Ct. on RIGHT
– 15/15/30 – Merkins/Squats/Flutters

– Run Doby Ct to other end (loop)
– 15/15/30 – Merkins/Squats/Flutters

– Run down Doby’s Bridge and turn LEFT on Kimbrell – run to corner of Kanawha/Pine Trails
– 15/15/30 – Merkins/Squats/Flutters

– Run Kanawha Ct – then turn LEFT
– 15/15/30 – Merkins/Squats/Flutters

– Run to 160/Tom Hall – then turn LEFT
– 15/15/30 – Merkins/Squats/Flutters

– Run back to COT – if time make a stop at Domino’s
– 15/15/30 – Merkins/Squats/Flutters

– Total mileage should have been in the 3.3-ish range…

MARY: Only for the fast guys that didn’t go pick up the 6

ANNOUNCEMENTS: No one reads these. I’m not typing it. Read your newsletter or whatever…

MOLESKIN: Need to add this as a section to the Slack/Back… it’s a fun recap of the odd and funny happenings during the workout… like Bobber being at the very back, or Jekyll railing on and on about investments or whatever it was, or YHC pulling a Zima and tripping on the sidewalk… stuff like that.

COT: 5th Core Principle

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Orange is the new NC State Red

WARMUP: mossy to playground for SSH, IW, HW, merkins
THE THANG: Each PAX completed 10 pull-ups then ran the path. For round 1, 15 merkins at each swing. Complete another 10 pull-ups and repeat path with 20 LBCs at each swing. Complete another 10 pull-ups and repeat path with 15 squats. Wrap it up with 10 pull-ups. Not sure Dark Helmet completed pull-ups or proper merkins since he was in the dark the entire time. Slapshot was leader as he’s trying to encourage PSU football team to whip up on that school to the south (No Pusher that doesn’t mean South Carolina) – Ohio State. Maximus wore the new NC State colors orange for his failed bet on them beating Clemson (but the ACC is a basketball conference not football conference 🤷‍♂️). Band camp never stops pushing PAX and Kermit is still in cloud 9 for Tennessee (the real orange) for beating the other school to the south (again, not South Carolina nor Georgia). Bobber even posted and complained that the monkey bars were wet (isn’t he a fisherman? Aren’t they always wet?)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: skeet shooting sign ups!! Shower curtain collecting coats
COT: prayers for Shower Curtain continued healing, balance – even better harmony.

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WARMUP: Only if you showed up early.
THE THANG: The MURPH (in honor of Lt. Michael P. Murphy)
Run 1 Mile
100 Pull Ups
200 Push Ups
300 Squats
Run 1 Mile
MARY: Yes – Led by those that finished with time to spare.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Shieldlock challenge and various other happenings found in your weekly newsletter.
COT: It happened and was important for the 16 of us in that B.O.M.

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Figure 8s on the Minnow Pond

WARMUP: The first lap behind the pacer (YHC) served as the warmup with three stops for exercises along the way.

THE THANG: The route today was a figure eight on the map — out the lot up to Skipper for a right turn at the Pharmacy (fka bank) down 160 to a right turn on Main street, down hill to a left turn on Railroad Ave left turn at Print Shop across the connector to Munroe White down the hill to Academy back to Main Street and Memorial Park.

Each time pax get to Print Shop it’s 10x Perfect Merkins (= Hand release Merkin with Shoulder tap at the top)

Each time pax get to Pharmacy lot it’s 20x Squats + 30x Plank jacks.

All pax got at least 3 laps for 3.3+ miles each.

MARY: Rebel led some Mary as the pax reconvened at the lot.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Whetstone revival at Hanging with Stang today (if you’re reading this you either made it or didn’t), Beers for Beetus, read your newsletter

COT: Pax pushed hard today, esp after lap 1 during which there was much mumblechatter. It’s cold out but not too cold for these HIMs!

Tesla and Shady were kings — crushed it, nowhere in sight!

16 pax owned Main St Fort Mill during first lap…should’ve had a camera recording the scene for a hype vid

Themes of Grace, Disgrace, Expectations and Shame running across my radar in recent days/weeks. Stirring interview with Marcus Mumford included his living for a long time “under layers and layers of shame.” Reflections on that article and his recent songs continue to draw me deeper. Check it out and reflect on your own experience —

Thanks for the invite Jekyll! Missed you!

Always an honor, pax! Thanks for pushing yourself and me today!

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WARMUP: Not much in the way of warm up. 15 burpees to get the blood flowing, a short jog for a few Abe Vigodas, Cherry Grabber Tappers (or whatever the heck we call these), and some SSH.

THE THANG: As I have now learned that I make moderate workouts and am only around for the yapping, instead of telling you all that we did, just imagine a nap. It was probably about like that.
Just kidding… here’s what went down…
Mosey to corner of AO Jones and HS driveway (by stadium)
Find your rock
– 30 curls
– 30 OH press
– 30 chest press (on 6)
Run up AO Jones to next entrance
– 20 flutters (4-count)
– 20 LBC
– 20 Dolly
Run up AO Jones to the first light
– 10 Wide-arm Merkins
– 10 Regular Merkins
– 10 Diamond Merkins
Run to the light at Springfield
– 5 burpees
Back down the hill – repeat each station as you go
Turn left at the rock station
Run to the painted crosswalk
– 20 squats
– 20 calf raises
– 20 bombjacks
Run to pull-up bars
– 10 pullups
– 10 knees to chest
– 10 dips on the curb
Bottom of the hill
– 5 burpees
Back to corner – repeat each station – THAT’S 1 mile and one rep.
Go as hard as you can and as far as you can for 45 minutes.

MARY: It’s for dudes only.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter.

COT: The 5th Core Principle.

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WARMUP: Not much in the way of warm up. 15 burpees to get the blood flowing, a short jog for a few Abe Vigodas, Cherry Grabber Tappers (or whatever the heck we call these), and some SSH.

THE THANG: As I have now learned that I make moderate workouts and am only around for the yapping, instead of telling you all that we did, just imagine a nap. It was probably about like that.
Just kidding… here’s what went down…
Mosey to corner of AO Jones and HS driveway (by stadium)
Find your rock
30 curls
30 OH press
30 chest press (on 6)
Run up AO Jones to next entrance
20 flutters (4-count)
20 LBC
20 Dolly
Run up AO Jones to the first light
10 Wide-arm Merkins
10 Regular Merkins
10 Diamond Merkins
Run to the light at Springfield
5 burpees
Back down the hill – repeat each station as you go
Turn left at the rock station
Run to the painted crosswalk
20 squats
20 calf raises
20 bombjacks
Run to pull-up bars
10 pullups
10 knees to chest
10 dips on the curb
Bottom of the hill
5 burpees
Back to corner – repeat each station – THAT’S 1 mile and one rep.
Go as hard as you can and as far as you can for 45 minutes.

MARY: It’s for dudes only.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter.

COT: The 5th Core Principle.

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Shih Tzu à la Carte

I surveyed the surroundings and the PAX as the clock approached 0515… a few knee braces… but everyone was wearing running shoes so I figure people dress for the workout they want…. here we go.

WARMUP: Mosey through some stink until we found a spot to circle up on back side of teeter.

Goofballs, mountain climbers, shoulder taps, yoga stuff, Windmills all IC

3 course buffet –
Course 1 – Chest work
40 wide arm merkins run 1/8 mile 10 step ups each leg run back 1/8 mile
30 missionary merkins run 1/8 mile 10 step ups each leg run back 1/8 mile
20 diamond merkins run 1/8 mile 10 step ups each leg run back 1/8 mile
10 CDDs

Course 2 – Leg work
40 squats run about 150yards 10 four count flutters run back 150 yards
30 monkey humpers run about 150yards 10 four count flutters run back 150 yards
20 lunges (each leg) run about 150yards 10 four count flutters run back 150 yards
10 BombJacks

Course 3 – Core work
80 SSH run about 100yards 10 burpees run back 100 yards
60 LBCs run about 100yards 10 burpees run back 100 yards
40 Hello Dollys run about 100yards 10 burpees run back 100 yards
20 Big Boy Situps

Mosey toward wall on back side of Red Bowl where we sat for dessert…

Dessert extras –
Wall sit with MNC and OH claps (IC)

shake it out then back onto the wall

Wall sit – stay in wall sit while everyone takes a turn doing 5 good form merkins

We couldn’t handle hearing any more of the dog barking that seemed to be coming from red bowl, so we headed back to CoT.

MARY: Freddie’s and flutters

F3 launched in Hong Kong

Skeet shoot early November

Bourbon Tasting mid November

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Deck of Awesomeness

Mosey to FM Church of God…SSH, Low slow squats, seal jacks and Moroccan nightclubs. Mosey to FM Baptist rear parking lot.

Deck of cards: Hearts = Merkin. Spades = BBSU. Diamonds = Lunge. Clubs = Crab cakes. Joker = 15 burpees. 2s = Lap around parking lot. PAX made it through 90% of the deck before DOAH decided to “help” by selecting new cards for the remainder of the WO. As punishment for DOAH’s “help,” we pivoted to 7’s on the Withers St hill. Jump Squats at the bottom and merkins at the top.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Many options for community leadership coming up in the next few months.


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