Where’s the Rain?!

WARMUP: SSH, Imperial Walker, Windmills, moseys
THE THANG: Agility runs, 7 Burpees-People’s Chair, 2 rounds of Tabata legs, chest and core
MARY: Thunderstruck Plank Jacks
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Culture Club grand baby arrived yesterday. Harry Carry’s 2.0 has Trumpet audition at Winthrop, JCruise has a donor lined up for Winthrop Music/Arts department that will match 3x small dollar donations, I suggested Band Camp get pledges for each mile he Bear Crawls in March.

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Where’s the Rain?!

WARMUP: SSH, Imperial Walker, Windmills, moseys
THE THANG: Agility runs, 7 Burpees-People’s Chair, 2 rounds of Tabata legs, chest and core
MARY: Thunderstruck Plank Jacks
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Culture Club grand baby arrived yesterday. Harry Carry’s 2.0 has Trumpet audition at Winthrop, JCruise has a donor lined up for Winthrop Music/Arts department that will match 3x small dollar donations, I suggested Band Camp get pledges for each mile he Bear Crawls in March.

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2 is better than None

WARMUP: SSH, IW, squat, arm circles
THE THANG: took a lap around looking for any potential double downers from Soul to Sole.

Ran to bottom of stairs. 5 squats at bottom, run stairs, 5 merkins at top. Alternating lunge walk and bear crawl to next set of stairs. Rinse/repeat x5.

Dip derkin, step up series at amphitheater benches.
MARY: she was there

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2 is better than None

WARMUP: SSH, IW, squat, arm circles
THE THANG: took a lap around looking for any potential double downers from Soul to Sole.

Ran to bottom of stairs. 5 squats at bottom, run stairs, 5 merkins at top. Alternating lunge walk and bear crawl to next set of stairs. Rinse/repeat x5.

Dip derkin, step up series at amphitheater benches.
MARY: she was there

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Metal 🤘🏻

WARMUP: SSH, merkins, arm circles, squats
THE THANG: Tabata 60 secs on, 60secs off:

Halo, Merkin, swing, Flutter, Row, LBC, Goblet Squat, Jump squat, Single Leg Dead lift, Alt Lunge.

We got through 2 rounds of this full body upper middle and lower workout. Lots of great mumble chatter mostly about the hair metal play list. Let’s just say it was a generational divide!

All worked hard and felt it the next day.
Aye! Jekyll

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Hidden Karma on MJs B-Day

WARMUP: SSH X10, Baby Arm Circles X 10, Cherry Pickers X 10, Short Mosey, High Knees, Karoake, with a 7 (dips & Derkins) on the back benches. Mosey to Bball court.

THE THANG: 4 corners at each 3 pt line. Each station began with 6 Bobby Hurleys (honoring Michael Jordan’s birthday – remember the 6 threes he hit in the first half of the Finals back in 90?) Station 1: 10 Shoulder Taps in cadence then run, Station 2: 20 big boys (yes 20) then lunge walk, Station 3, 20 Merkins then NUR, Station 4: 10 LBCs in cadence then bear crawl. Plank for the 6. Then reversed the transport mode and direction. Crawl Bear, Run, Reverse Lunge Walk, NUR. Plank for 6.

Mosey to back drive. Had 9 toys under a blanket (3 sand bags, 2 Cindy’s, 1 curl bar, 1 KB, 1 Case of Water, and a Jump Rope. Pax rotated stations of labeled exercises with about a 80 yard out and back run. Totaled about 16 rounds.

Mosey to COT for 10 in cadence mak tar jyes
MARY: Nah.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Cannoli Run, Christmas Party
COT: Prayers lifted.

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WARMUP: various around the parking lot
THE THANG: partner Dora with 100 merkins, 200 squats and 300 lbcs with a run to the other end of the strip in between

We did various waterfall rounds ( bond jacks, bear crawls, etc) while the rest of us did a wall sit outside persis
MARY: a few

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120 pounds of fun!

Cold but glorious morning in the gloom. 5 fellow pax joined me for the following.


10 Windmill IC
3 burpees
20 seal jacks
15 MNC
3 burpees
15 plank jacks
Stretch(looked at a very low flying plane)
15 Mountain climbers
3 burpees


Everyone partnered up got a sandbag and engaged in a lazy Dora… with a twist.

Partner 1 does 10 reps with a sandbag while partner 2 does as many reps as they can of the accompanying exercise. Each partner switches off after 10 reps until the cumulative total is met.

60 Man makers with Burpees
60 squats with squats
60 curls with flutters
60 flutter press with LBCS

Now every minute… on the minute a timer would go off and everyone had to run to the end of the parking lot and back. This made it fun!

After this routine we did an Indian “run” (it was really more of a walk) where the leaders would partner carry the 120lbs sandbag while the 6 had to do 10 HR merkins to catch up. We made it around the parking lot twice before tapping out with about 2ish minutes left. I closed us out with some Mary and that was it.

Big thanks to Maximas for the lead and to all who showed.

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Balls (as in Coors Light party balls) Room

I warned a select group that we would be “running”, in fact, I called it speed(ish) training. As we arrived and the wind was whipping through, I realized “sprints” on the football field were not in the cards for this young crowd.

On to plan B

Mosey around the school and down towards the gym, too cold, back up the hill, we tucked ourselves in against the building and did our token warm ups, I’m sure they were spectacular.

Mosey on down to the other school (less windy).

We did some exercises and ran a bunch, some bear crawl, lots of squats, a few merkins. Ran some more. Calf raises. Ran some more.

Then came the Burpees, both of them, a total of 12 for the group, a few were questionable, Re: form. Claps were completed on 50% of them.

When you Q and it is cold out, keep the PAX warm, running would be the preference, as opposed to constant hugging, but you do you.

we logged 2.67 miles, officially, that is 3-ish or “3” depending on your math skills.

Chatter was had, primarily topics were Black Label, Stroh’s, Coors Light Party Balls, Schlitz, Old Milwaukee, Meister Brau, PBR (was it always a craft beer?), Red, White & Blue, etc, etc.

Short Sale was a SC, but showed
Twister did not, some BS about “getting miles”
Consul did not even pretend he was on the invited text group
DOJO ran with Bass
Bass led the pack
Anchorman did the work after realizing this was not SlowBurn
Boogie Down is a stellar site Q

I heard it, and can’t unhear it … my Q was referred to as “a black diamond for old guys”

I appreciate the fill-in opportunity … or maybe … thanks for asking, if I came to mind in the top 10, I’m doing good.

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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