Four for a tour

Was a nice warmish morning
WARMUP: SSH, IW, seal jacks, squats, windmill, merkin
1. Pearls on a string with 5 stops. Each for SSH, IW, Squat. Ran around the perimeter of Kingsley.
2. Dip Derkin Step up series. 10 each. Rinse repeat x3
3. Jack Webb (crowd pleaser) 1 merkin to 4 overhead claps. Went to 10-40.
MARY: yes in a round robin fashion
ANNOUNCEMENTS: wine dinner tonight and bethel men’s shelter serving tonight
COT: Parents good health, resilience in our children

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Countdown to Sunrise

Moseyed to 3 different areas for warm ups:

– IW
– Windmills
– Hillbilly Walkers
– Seal Jacks

– Peter Parkers
– Plank Jacks
– Parker Peters

– Some abs I can’t remember

Run to east side of pond: 50 Merkins
Run to west side of pond: 45 squats
East side – 40 LBCs
West side – 35 CCDs
East side – 30 Lunges
West side – 25 big boy sit-ups
East side – 20 wide-arm merkins
West side – 15 bomb jacks
East side – 10 American Hammers
West side – 5 burpees

During runs west, there was a section for bear crawling
During runs east, the same section was to be lunged

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Reservation for Two Please

WARMUP: SSH, IWs, Hillbillies, karaoke, toy soldier, butt kicks, high knees, nur
THE THANG: We ran 3 ish miles down to Harris St Park, thru downtown FM and back. We stopped a lot several churches and paid homage at the Print Shop as well. Stretching, core, burpees, Merkins and squats were the spice throughout, ensuring we stayed warm on a morning that measured 20 degrees at launch.

Thanks to JWOW for the fellowship and sharpening in addition to his steady leadership of our OG AO!
MARY: 2 mins to finish
ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2DB later in the morning
COT: Always!

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18 degrees and toasty

WARMUP: mosey to coupons (rocks) with karaoke, butt kickers, and high knees along the way.
THE THANG: 3x rinse and repeat 8 exercises, all in cadence:
Merkins 15
Peter Parkers (from elbow plank position) 30
Curls 15 (with 1 big coupon)
LBCs 20
Arm Raises 20 (with small coupons)
Box Cutters 15
Side Arm Raises 10 aka Monkey Cymbal Crashers (with small coupons)
Freddy Mercurys 20

Each round had a short mosey with side straddle hops or seal jacks before returning to coupons.

Running bonus at gravel parking lot:
2 x 80% lap with recovering lap
1 x 100% jail break up hill to road

Mosey back to COT
MARY: none needed
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Old Bay on Q next week!!!
COT: Gratitude for our creature comforts (shelter, warmth, food, water) in light of what people without those necessities are facing in this cold weather. Prayers to lean in to God and be light as we go through our lives.

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Pick your poison

WARMUP: SSH, IW, Hillbillies, MC, merkin

Nosey to stairway down from Epic where we did Apollo Ono, Side lunge, mogul jumps while trading off sprints up and down the stairs.

Next OB and MM traded off picking a spot to run to where the other pax then called an exercise. YHC called varying count of burpees at every stop before running to the next spot.

MARY: done inside Thang
COT: lots of praises, prayers for kids starting college and returning to work after baby birth, prayers for being a better husband

Jekyll was missed. He’ll certainly bring some form of misery back to DP soon.

Thanks to OB and MM for the fellowship and push throughout a cold morning!

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Choose Hard

WARMUP: Run to bandshell at WEP
THE THANG: We did laps around WEP with an accumulator thrown in for fun. When returning to the bandshell after each lap pax did the following starting with the first exercise and then adding the 2nd to it, then the 3rd, then adding the 1st exercise on top of the original 3 following the 4th lap

Burpees x10
Should taps x20
Squat x30

We got in 5 laps before returning home. All the effort in continuous fashion kept the pax warm and kept the cranky mumblechatter flowing.

MARY: done inside the Thang

ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D items and more
COT: yes!

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No rain, no pain

WARMUP: Some of the usual windmill, IWs, etc
The rain was light but steady throughout and it didn’t scare off any of the pax. 36 degrees and wet — I’m grateful anyone showed up but I was especially grateful to see my co-Q Trucker. We used the morning as a faceoff between Trucker repping Penn St and DD repping Notre Dame in advance of the CFP game the following Thur.

Trucker led off with a history lesson of the rivalry that started in 1913. His upper body sequence included the list below with 19 reps on the first round and 13 reps in the second round.

Chest press
Skull crushers
Lat swings
Shoulder press
Front shoulder raises
Upright rows
Bent over rows
Mosey to funeral home and back

DD took over halfway through for a lower body sequence that included 4 quarters (4 rounds) of the following:

Cleans R/L
Goblet squat
Racked lunge R/L
Goblet calf raise
Core exercise
Mosey to front of church and back

It was a great .morning (once it was over) and a great warm up for the Irish victory 4 days later!

MARY: nah
ANNOUNCEMENTS: wine event, D2D, etc
COT: yes!

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Phi Slamma Bama

WARMUP: The first 10 mins of the ruck
THE THANG: We continued the ruck for another 35 mins covering the Alabama route rolling back down Main St and then up around the Pharmacy and back home. No official Strava results but certainly close to 3 miles. Pax moved briskly throughout to keep the heart beating and the body warm. Nice job by all pax!

Great to have Bacon out for his first post at DP.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D, wine event, etc
COT: yes!

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4 corners of Pain

She was a balmy 31 degrees. I was the only one wearing shorts. Go figure. Great to see so many faces at DP!
WARMUP: run to sunbelt parking lot. Standard array of SSH, IW, squat, cherry pickers, arm circles, merkins. Some karaoke thrown in for good measure to get blood pumping on cold morning.
THE THANG: 4 corners with reps of 25 each. Run between the corners. Squat, Carolina Dry Docks, Merkin, Mountain Climbers.
MARY: yep with some stretching
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Charity Wine Dinner fundraiser Feb 6th at Epic. Sign up is in 2nd F channel.
COT: Bella, sunrises, family travel, the Pax.

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