Working Hard at the Yard

WARMUP: Disclaimer was disclaimed and we started to mosey. Goal of warm up was to cover 1 mile with various exercises along the way. Exercises while moseying – karaokes, high knees, and butt kickers. First stop during warm up was by the front of the school. Low slow squats x10 in cadence and mountain climbers x12 in cadence. Then we partnered up, cumulative rep count of 100 with each partner doing alternating sets of 10 reps. While partner A was performing 10 step ups partner B was holding a wall sit. Keep switching until you hit 100 reps total. Moseyed to the next area for similar routine to warm up upper body. Partnered up, 100 cumulative reps, this time while partner A is performing 10 merkins partner B held 6 inches. Moseyed to a 3rd area for a similar routine for core. Partnered up, 100 cumulative reps, partner A performed 10 sit-ups while partner B performed flutters. Goal was met as we covered 1 mile.
THE THANG: Moseyed to the track layout in the bus parking lot. Created 2 routines to be completed in alternating fashion.

Mini MP, running with push ups around the track.
10 – Diamond Merkins, run 2 laps
15 – Derkins (feet on curb), run 2 laps
20 – Merkins, run 2 laps
25 – WideArm Merkins, run 2 laps

Routine on the inside of track layout:
Bear Crawl from the inside of the track layout to the middle of the oval (to the basketball hoops). Complete the listed exercise and the bear crawl back to the track layout. Exercises were:
10 – Split Lunge Jumps
15 – Jump Squats
20 – Squats
25 – SSH in cadence

Alternated by completing the first phase of the mini MP routine and then move right into the 1st phase of the bear crawl routine. Keep alternating until all 4 phases are complete. Ended right at 45 min, maybe went a few seconds over.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Blood drive, Bethel Men’s Shelter, Mental Health Awareness WOD, read your news letter.
COT: Love is a choice. What kind of choices are you making?

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Circle of death

Moroccan Night Club
Imperial Walkers
Mountain Climbers
10 man makers
squat hold with the bell
Turkish get ups
10 man makers

The Thang:
Partner up for Catch me if you can. One partner did 10 merkins and the other partner carried both bells. The first partner then caught up and swapped.

Next up was 6 cones with exercises that we rotated through.
20 Burpees
20 Curls
20 Seated one arm presses
20 American Hanmmers
20 Goblet Squats
20 Single Leg Dead lifts(oil derricks)

The PAX got in 3 rotations or more around the circle.

Overhead one arm carry the bell back to the COT.

10 V-ups with bell
LBC’s in Cadence

The Site Q duties were passed from @airborne to @happy hour. Airborne has done a great job with this site and we look forward to Happy Hour’s leadership. We had 2 FNG’s which was great.
Thanks for the opportunity to lead!

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20-23 No OYO

WARMUP: Slow mosey around the parking lot to get the blood moving, then circle up for 10-20 of each:
* Windmills
* IW
* Strawberry pickers

THE THANG: 20-23 – Get through it together
20 exercises, 23 reps each, divided into 5 groups of 4 exercises. Everything done together, in cadence, since getting through anything is better together with someone, right? After a group is completed, run a lap around the parking lot – together (approx 400m),
Group 1
* Merkin
* Plank Jack
Group 2
* Box cutter
* Wide-arm merkins
* Sumo squat
* Imperial walker 2ct
Group 3
* American hammers 2ct
* Dips
* Lunge 2ct
* Shoulder taps 2ct
Group 4
* Situps
* CDDs
* Calf raises 2ct
* Hillbilly walker 2ct
Group 5
* Leg lifts
* Diamond merkins
* Monkey humpers
* Mountain climbers 2ct
Between each round, we discussed (each person was asked for input)…..
A. Something about 2022 that made you happy, proud, etc (the good)
B. Something about 2022 that made you sad, angry, etc (the bad)
C. What is the main thing or big thing you want to do to improve yourself in 2023
D. Something you feel you need or is important to help you with ‘C’ above
E. Something you can do to better serve or improve your ‘church’ and/or community. Note that your ‘church’ is wherever you lead, you impact, you preach, you teach.

* Read your newsletter and get involved! Start 2023 off right!
* Reboot of Q-Source for 2023
* D2D Fundraisers

* Alot lifted up in both prayer and praise

Thanks for the opportunity to lead!
Blessings and SYITG

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What’s that noise?

Yard Q
12 31 20 22

12 SSH
31 Moroccan NC
20 imperial walkers
22 hillbilly walkers
12 mountain climbers
31 LBC
10 merkin (20)
22 low slow squat
12 windmills
31 overhead claps
20 calf raises
22 raise the roofs
12 Bobby Hurley
31 American hammers
20 Freddie Mercury
22 flutters
25 CCDs

365 reps

Pick PAX
best accomplishment
One thing could have done better
Name exercise 22 reps
Do exercise then move to next pole or something

Hip flexors

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12 Days Gone With The Wind

WARMUP:  it was windy so we kept it short and sweet and tried to find shelter.


12 days

2- Turkish getups
5-Diamond merkins
6-chest press
7-American Hammers
8-Calf raise
9-Sumo goblet
10-Lunges (10 each leg)
11-Merkins / Lawnmower

ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Clave Boss tomorrow and bootcamp following at 730

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Kaisers last Hoo-rah

Mosey to football field, to 50 and back to end zone
10 Windmills IC
10 HW IC

20x everything IC – start on goal line
Squats IC -> toy soldier to 20
Monkey Humpers IC -> lunges to 40
Jump Squats IC -> broad jumps to 40
Calf Raises IC -> butt kickers to 20
LSS IC -> duck walk to end zone
Jog to 50, sprint back to end zone

Rinse and repeat with 15x, 10x, 5x IC

Moseyed to pull up bars
3 rounds of 5 pull ups, 10 merkins, 20 Big Boys

Flutters, v-ups, Freddie mercury’s, box cutters and stretching

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas Eve convergence


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Superman made me do it


Cherry pickers
Low and slow squats
MNCs so Cyclops


downward dogs
Upward dogs
Peter Parker’s



Mosey to side of pike building

Bear craw under awning allllll the way down

Mosey to half wall

30 Dips
30 Derkins
30 step ups

Mosey to park
Jack Webb (5 rounds)
Mike Tyson’s
Chin ups

Chin ups to failure OYO

Mosey around park- counter clockwise
Every bench complete the following:

15 air squats
10 calf raises
5 flying squirrels

7 or 8 benches were passed on way to pavilion
Under pavilion

Wall sits while 6 comes in

Take turns burpee broad jumping to end of stage and run back to wall

Started with Dora but then modified to group work for time management sake we had important work to do

50 J-Los

Calf raises
Pigeon toe calf raises

50 flutters (4 count in unison)

Mosey all the way to Kimbrells furniture store to complete monkey humpers tears facing inside Kimbrells where Cicada was supposed to be setting up a men’s breakfast.


Stretches and a couple rounds of Mary

Freddy mercuries
Box cutters

COT: shared letter from F3 Safari

Good morning my brother.
My name is Phelix Obuya (F3 Safari), born and raised in Kenya. Iwas born in abject poverty to an extent that we rarely had two meals. I wore my first pair of shoes when going to High school. Iwas born in a family of 7 but 5 of us died, my late dad included, therefore it is my 78 year old mum, my brother Chris and I who are alive. Am 48 years old and have been a member of F3 since 2020.
I hold 2 Master Degrees in Strategic Management and Community Studies and have worked with diverse organizations. Chaplain Steven Hubbard and I founded a Foundation and got it incorporated in Kenya this year. Damien’s Hope Foundation as it is called follows the ethos of the late St. Damien of Molocai, a Belgium Catholic priest who died while serving lepers. We therefore are dedicated to work with the “modern day lepers” who are needy and aren’t capable of meeting their basic needs in the society.
Damien’s Hope doesn’t have any kind of funding at the moment but we rely on personal contributions and goodwill.I do my apostolate on foot because many times I never have even cash to pay for transport. Having gone through very tough times in life moved me to found Damien’s Hope Foundation,
The reason am writing this mail is to sincerely thank you, Brother Patrick Lloyd, Fort Mill AO, Lake Wylie AO and Rock Hill AO plus any other person of goodwill who mobilized clothes, shoes and all the beautiful and valuable items that were received with gratitude to support our local F3 members and the needy in this community.
Allow me to conclude that by quoting from the Gospel of Mathew 25:35-40 that whatever you did, it was Jesus who benefited through your amazing support. We have received even some financial contribution that has always been handy in providing food and transportation to the pax who do not have any source of income and I always say, “Glory Be to God.”
Without taking much of your time let me take this humble opportunity on behalf of F3, Langata Kenya to THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART FOR THE GREAT WORK AND SERVICE TO THE NEEDY.
Never leave no man behind, don’t leave a man where you found him.
Be blessed.
Your humble Brother,
Phelix (Safari)

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Birthday Beakdown

31 SSH in Cadence
14 KB Halos (7 each direction)
12 KB swings OYO

6 Snatches each arm
Run a lap around the parking lot (~0.25mi)
12 Sandbag squat presses
Repeat for 7 rounds

To wrap up
31 overhead tricep extensions
31 bicep curls
31 shoulder press
16 lawn mower pulls each side
31 merkins

Some Mary’s were sprinkled in there

Year 31 for YHC
Christmas party at Airborne’s
Multiple AOs in need of site Q’s
81 years since Pearl Harbor was attacked. Thank you to all who served and sacrificed their lives in WW2

COT: Family, mental and physical health, marriages, etc.

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Foghat @ Ballroom w the Q stick!

WARMUP: Merks, Derks, Windmills, Squats LBCs and a mosey.
THE THANG: Circuit of 5/10 reps w 5 Bobby Hurley and a lap mixed in between reps. Closed out with 7’s Bombjack/Merks and mixed in some Wallsits and each Pax shared one thing their were Thankful for over the Thanksgiving weekend.
MARY: none
ANNOUNCEMENTS: litter pick up, Christmas party, and Mental health over the Holidays
COT:Cousin Eddie closed us out.

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Runway down

5 at The Hive, what more needs to be said?!?!

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Actually, no, it wasn’t the worst of times at all. YHC showed up to preset some lights, but the gate dividing the FMHS campus was closed for this first time ever. So, there was a quick audible and YHC set up some lights and cones on the hill down to the handicapped parking lot, which most PAX don’t even know exists. But for future reference, that hill sucks.

1 red herring light at the top of the entrance driveway
4 lights along the handicap driveway just out of sight

Warmup – yes, that’s an important part preceding physical activity. Do one, slacker.

Bottom of the hill:
Farmers carry up to cone one
2 swings
Farmers carry up to cone two
2 swings
2 snatches
Farmers carry up to cone three
2 swings
2 snatches
2 racked reverse lunges
Farmers carry up to cone four
2 swings
2 snatches
2 racked revers lunges
2 squat thrusters one arm
Farmers carry up to cone four
2 swings
2 snatches
2 racked revers lunges
2 squat thrusters one arm
Farmers carry up to top
2 swings
2 snatches
2 racked revers lunges
2 squat thruster one arm
2 manmakers

Then we did the full sequence
2 swings
2 snatches
2 racked revers lunges
2 squat thruster one arm
2 manmakers
Every time, but bear crawling down and then back up the hill.
Cone 1 – full sequence
Cone 2 – full sequence

Went to the red herring cone just for fun and did 20 Single Leg Deadlifts. Then COT and some Mary. I’ve already written too much and nobody will read this BUT………

NMM: nobody would have known that I had to audible. Just carry on with your plan, and act like you meant it.

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