It’s really 6ish at 6ish….

WARMUP: Making fun of HappyHour with tights but no shorts. Pulling a Menthol…
THE THANG: Munn, Harris, Massey, Academy, Banks, back up 160.

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Circle of death

Moroccan Night Club
Imperial Walkers
Mountain Climbers
10 man makers
squat hold with the bell
Turkish get ups
10 man makers

The Thang:
Partner up for Catch me if you can. One partner did 10 merkins and the other partner carried both bells. The first partner then caught up and swapped.

Next up was 6 cones with exercises that we rotated through.
20 Burpees
20 Curls
20 Seated one arm presses
20 American Hanmmers
20 Goblet Squats
20 Single Leg Dead lifts(oil derricks)

The PAX got in 3 rotations or more around the circle.

Overhead one arm carry the bell back to the COT.

10 V-ups with bell
LBC’s in Cadence

The Site Q duties were passed from @airborne to @happy hour. Airborne has done a great job with this site and we look forward to Happy Hour’s leadership. We had 2 FNG’s which was great.
Thanks for the opportunity to lead!

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Lucky Seven start off the new year at Armory

WARMUP: mosey around parking lot followed by some warm up including windmills, sides, rattle, hop, low, slow squats, Merkins, downward, dog, mountain climbers.
THE THANG: we carried our kettlebells to the fire pits for 4 rounds of OPRAHS:
Overhead Press
American Hammers

Then partnered up for some Catch Me If You Cans (one PAX suitcase carried weights double time(ish) around the parking lot while other PAX dropped and did 10 merkins then ran to catch up and switch

Then some partner Dora 1-2- and part of 3
100 curls
200 chest presses
300 squats but sadly the clock ran out

MARY: nope
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dam to Damn Bar: open to everyone, so tell your friends and family
COT: prayers for healing, patience during home repairs and remodel; named an FNG (welcome Pitfall!)

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Xmas Eve below Zero

Some PAX ran the Clave Boss and then rolled out. Other PAX rolled in for only the workout. Some PAX did both.

Split quickly into 3 groups. Rebound, Sprocket, and Mark Twain each took a group through a warmup and then visited 3 stations. Double D, 38 Special, and Band Camp lead the PAX at each stations. It was too cold (11 degrees Fahrenheit with some biting wind) to vote on which station was the Ghost of Christmases Past, Present and Future (see we did work in a little Xmas theme)

38’s portion:

The Roshamburpee-fest
Demonstrated a roshamburpee (plank position, 1, 2, 3 shoot).
Assigned one PAX to the end of each of the concrete paths. Everyone will run up the concrete paths in succession (or do whatever) and challenge the guy stuck at the end with a roshamburpee.
Winner gets up and runs up to the next level to challenge the next PAX. Loser stays put and keeps plank (or just tries to keep warm). At the five minute mark called “Sudden Death!”. Everyone tries to do laps but they always challenge anyone they run by (passing challenges in progress) and basically it looks like a bunch of pool balls knocking into each other the whole way. A lot of burpees. A lot of laughs. A lot of running. A lot of fun

Double D’s portion:

Started with 10 burpees OYO.
Group then broke up into 3-5 pax.
1 pax runs to block does 1st exercise in red while others in group do exercise in green.
Cycle all pax in group through, then move to second set of exercises.

4.OH Press
2.Clave Raise
3.Sumo Squat
4.Monkey Humpers

We planked for 6 and a short msg. Then group moved on.

Band Camp’s Portion:
Buy in with 20 Bulgarian Split Squats each leg
Ran a version of Red Barchetta-style workout
Run down – exercises
Mosey back – 5 burpees in cadence
50 in cadence Mountain Climbers (cold hands)
49 in cadence Flutters
48 in cadence Squats
47 in cadence Merkins

COT – and to all a good night!

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12 Days Gone With The Wind

WARMUP:  it was windy so we kept it short and sweet and tried to find shelter.


12 days

2- Turkish getups
5-Diamond merkins
6-chest press
7-American Hammers
8-Calf raise
9-Sumo goblet
10-Lunges (10 each leg)
11-Merkins / Lawnmower

ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Clave Boss tomorrow and bootcamp following at 730

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How do you say ISI?

1 lap
10 Windmills IC
15 MNC IC (or 19, who’s counting?)

ISI Dora
Round 1: Run to top of parking lot
– Goblet Squat
– Skull Crusher
– Lunges
Winner: Plank
Loser: American Hammers

Round 2: Shuffle
– KB Swing
– Curls
– Halos
Winner: LBC
Loser: Flutter w/ KB Press

Round 3: Bear Crawl
– Bent Over Rows
– Merkins
– Upright Row
Winner: Hello Dolly
Loser: Hello Dolly w/ KB press

Round 4: NUR
– Snatch
– OH Press
– Tri Extension

MARY: No Time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dam 2 Dam Fundraisers

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D2DB 10k 2023

It’s baaaaaaaaaack for year three!

10:30am – Walkers/Ruckers
11:00am – Runners

The hardware is sweet, the gear is swanky, the charities serve sincerely, and the route stays strong! Registration link and route map are up on the website.

Cost is $50 and includes the race shirt, race bag, and finisher medal. Registration deadline cutoff for shirts in 1/7/2023

Running this 10k could be the greatest thing you’ll do during the 11:00am hour on 1/28/2023. Just let that ruminate in your mind.

Bring your friends, families, spouse, children, co-workers, enemies, girlfriend, boyfriend, non-labeled romantic partner, and/or generic acquaintances. Let’s go!!!

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There are no Hills in Fort Mill

Pre-Warmup: A fraction of the disclaimer and the full Pledge
WARMUP: Nice mosey to MYERS STREET via 160, Sidney Johnson St and Jackson St.
THE THANG: The Ladder: 3 Burpees at the bottom of the hill, run up the hill to Sharonview and perform 10 no cheat merkins, 10 bomb jacks and return to the bottom for 3 more burpees. Mumblechatter started to slow here.. Next is 10/10 at Sharonview, proceed to McKenzie St for an additional 10 no cheat merkins, and 10 bombjacks and return to the bottom of the hill for 3 burpees. The last rep of the ladder was 10/10 at Sharonview, 10/10 at McKenzie and then 10/10 at Ardrey St. Return to the bottom of the hill and rinse and repeat until it was time to head back. Most Pax got in a little over one full cycle for about 80 no cheat merkins, and 80 bomb jacks.
MARY: There was Mary… Flutters, JLo’s V-ups, and a few others
ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D fundraising is ramping up, donate or help wherever possible. St. Jude 5K Run at Happy Hours house this Saturday – donate if you can, this is a great cause. Bethel mens shelter has an amazon list from Badlands, please help support this great cause. Tclaps to these HIM’s for organizing these events.
COT: Prayers for MacGyvers family as they lost both M’s parents in a short time. Prayers for patience and those lost in the upcoming holiday season.

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Wet roller coaster

– quick mosey, SSH, WM, IW
– “The Roller Coaster”: modified suicides: increasing reps at each cone: 10x / 20x / 30x / 40x / 50x. Run in-between the cones. After completing ladder, repeat with other exercise. List of exercises: squats, plank jack, MC, LBC. After each 5 min there was a 1 min “recovery” where PAX are required to do at least 10 burpees. Had some more running with some SSH and hand-release merkins mixed in there.
– some more SSH, hand-release merkins and burpees at the end together with the “swingers”
– read your newsletter
– was held

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