There was a steady, light mist that was more annoying than anything else. With Johnny Cash playing as everyone pulled into NaFo, the chatter began and it never, ever stopped. YHC was fine with it since it was my first Q in many moons, and I exceeded my own expectations by remembering how to call in cadence.
I will fail miserably trying to recount all of the stories that were told, but perhaps I could list some of the many subjects:
Johnny Cash & June Carter
King Soloman
Taylor Swift
White Snake
Nate Bergatze
Clint Eastwood, his movies and his quotes
The 6th Sense
The comedic relief was welcomed with the steady light mist beating down on us. And we still got our work in.
Mosey around parking lot
• 20 SSH IC
• 10 Windmills IC
• 10 LSS IC
• 10 MNCs IC
• Yoga – 4 rounds each side
o Chaturunga
o Warrior 1
o Skier / Humble Warrior
o Warrior 1
Mosey to Pull Up Bars
• Partner up – 3 rounds of 7 pull ups and wall sits
Mosey to football field.
• Figure 8 with 6 stations (2 at goal line, 2 at midfield, 2 at goal line). Movement will be run, nur or shuffle always facing the red clock.
o 15 Merkins
o 15 Big Boys Mountain Climbers
o 15 Overhead Claps
o 15 Squats
o 15 Flying Squirrels
o 15 Freddie Mercury Hillbilly Walkers
IT band stretches
ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D10K this weekend, Trash pickup next weekend, Bethel Shelter 2/1, Pints & Padres on 2/6
COT: Stays in Cot