The Puertorican Nightmare

WARMUP: Pre Run/Walk for some, then disclaimer given with shared route and counted 15 HIMs
THE THANG: The Route roughly +3.5 miles:
Founders to Munn Rd, Left on Munn, Left on Harris St, gingerly cross over Hwy 21, Left on Jackson, and Left on Hwy 160 towards COT. Some ran trails, some did not, some ran in pairs and some did not. All Pax accounted for at the end.
MARY: She was absent yet again!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: July 4th Convergence, July 4th Bethel Men’s Shelter (Venmo Donations please), 10th Year Anniversary at Slow Burn ( is on Q), 6/28 Acceleration Project, and Sign Up for Lawn Care duty at Fort Mill Care Center.
COT: Look after each other, we are the family we choose to be.

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14 hours and 32 minutes of daylight

WARMUP: Mozy followed by windmills, flutters, Moroccan nightclubs, shoulder taps
THE THANG: Mozy to back of the school for brief discussion that it is the Summer solstice. In Charlotte there are 14 hours and 32 minutes of daylight today and that we should do something for/with our 2.0s or Ms.
At the “horseshoe” (looked like a sunrise to sunset) we did 14 reps of one exercise then ran the sunrise-sunset to do 32 reps. Run sunset-sunrise and repeat until all reps completed. Exercise pairings were burpees/squats, merkins/mountain climbers, big boy sit ups/Carolina dry docks, Superman’s/plank jacks, Plank jacks (oops)/LBCs, Diamond merkins/SSH, American hammers/curb dips, Windmill merkins/shoulder taps.
Mozy to picnic tables for 14/32s of step ups/dips, dips/stepups, derkins/irkins, irkins/derkins.
Mozy to field by the light tower for full field sprints. Don’t recall how many but likely about 8. 10 count between sprints then rinse and repeat.
MARY: Full body destroyer at 5:59
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Upcoming events
COT: Marriages, health

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Moderately Done @ Slowly Burnin

WARMUP: Um – YES. SSH, Merk, Nightclubs, Squats, LBC, Mtn Climber.
THE THANG: Mosey, 7s (Merks, Bomb Jax), DORA ( Derkins, Dips, Squats), Ladder work w DK, DiaMerks, squats, BobHurl, BBs.
MARY: Yes – 4 mins with Pax taking turns leading the group.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Yes. CSAUP, Fort Mill Care Center, Christmas Party, Fathers Day
COT: Solid discussion

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Run, Plank, Exercise, Repeat: The ‘Are We There Yet?

YHC arrived 10 minutes early. As usual, Badlands was out for a Pre-Run.

– 5 SSH (IC)

The Thing
– Mosey 0.40 miles to the first Baxter entrance.
– Plank for the 6.
– 10 Low Slow Squats (feet together).
– 10 Merkins.
– 15 WW2 Sit-ups.

– Mosey 0.60 miles to the Sutton Rd 160 Intersection.
– Algore for the 6.
– Monkey humpers for active recovery.

– Mosey 0.50 miles to Flight Plan COT.
– 10 Lt. Dan’s (IC). Counting cadence was tricky, so we were off on the count.
– 10 Lunges each leg to make up for the Lt. Dan count.
– 10 Foxholes (WW2 Sit-up then flip over to a Merkin).

– Mosey 0.45 miles to Sutton Rd and Richards Crossing.
– Algore for the 6.

– Mosey 0.25 miles to the small hill on Richards Crossing.
– Plank for the 6.
– 3 hill repeats up to the sign and back.
– Basketball drill: side shuffle, bounce off the curb to the sign.
– Nur up to the top of the hill.

– Mosey 0.30 miles to the Mushroom Pool parking lot.
– Plank up for the 6.
– 7 Windmills (IC).
– 9 Chain Breakers (IC).

– Mosey to COT.
– With plenty of time left, we did 4 suicides in the parking lot.
– Still some time on the clock, so we did 10 Worst Worst LBCs.
– Attempted Imperial Walker Squats (IC) but messed up the cadence.

– Hog and Coyote next Saturday.
– The Sweaty Barry after that.
– Tortoise and the Hare.
– Jaeger.

Prayers & Praises:
– Suplex: Praise for finding F3 and absolutely getting after it.
– Punchlist: Prayers as he ventures out and builds a home in York, renting for a year.
– YHC: Asking the Pax to be more vulnerable in COT.

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A REAL BEAR ? of a workout

We saw a real black bear, 7 dear, a dead possum and an inch warm

WARMUP: mosey the warm up exercises
THE THANG: hill Dora, then back to runde park for a four corners of pain.
A variety of weights were in each corner.
Corners were chest press,
Lat pull over, curls, triceps
25reps of each
Mode of transportation for each round were :bear: BEAR crawl, lunge walk, high knees
MARY: one round of flutters.


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What a turnout

Word for the day was “consistency”. Anyone can do it in bursts or for a short while but a consistent performance will take you further. When you are tired or disinterested, that consistency will help you to focus.
WARMUP: Seal Jacks, IW, Windmill, Mountain Climbers, MNC and, of course, SSHs
THE THANG: mosey to back of Lowe’s. Partner up for Dora: 100 Merks, 200 Gas Pumpers (just for Twister) & 300 Sumo Squats.
10 partner hand slap Merkins, 10 partner Derkins (real crowd pleaser) and 5 Partner Giddy-ups per side.
Mosey to Persis wall, pax jumps out to do 5 bombjacks then 3 flying Squirrels. Ended with Jack Webb and the Q was gassed.
MARY: 2 rounds
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Summer of CSAUPs, FM Care Center lawn care
COT: Prayers for Destiny’s Father in law and a friend of Assassin’s wife with a brain tumor.
What a glorious humid day to be amongst the Pax. Honored and humbled by the great turnout.

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The Most Difficult Mile – maybe

12 men showed up at The Ranch. I made sure I emphasized “modify if necessary” when stating the disclaimer. We began with a mosey warm-up with stops at each light pole for exercises. We made our way to the front of Springfield Elementary for the workout instructions. Simple workout, 4 laps around the car loop.
1st lap – burpees broad jumps
2nd lap- lunges
3rd lap- bear crawl
4th lap- run

most finished the first two laps. We modified the bear crawl due to time.
Great job by all!

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