DIY DORA + Hill Repeats

This was YHC’s second Q at MP – and what a joy it was. I scanned through all *cough* ten *cough* of the back blasts to ensure the weinke was worth the price of admission.

As the HIM rolled in, the clock struck 0513 and we headed to the flag to say the pledge of allegiance. 

0514: Disclaimer, quick run down of the warm up lap and a hint at the plan for the day. 

And we’re off.

.55 mile loop at a 6:45 pace up Main St, left on Clebourne, left on 160, back to the gravel lot for a quick few movements.


Dynamic Warm Up

Karaoke in Gravel Lot, facing 160 out and back

Side Shuffle in Gravel Lot, facing 160 out and back

Butt Kickers

Circled up for Wind Mills in the paved lot.

It was at this moment that the bat flippers thought I wouldn’t get the required mileage due to the stop for the wind mills. I enjoyed their words and snickered on the inside as we prepped to head out.



The weinke was to be simple, but effective; a DIY DORA, if you will.

Start at the base of Massey St and mosey up to the end of the Sisk Memorial Church Parking Lot

Upon arriving at the end of the lot each PAX was to do the following:

10 Merkins

20 Squats

30 LBCs

Mosey back down the hill, rinse and repeat ten times to total 100-200-300.

After that first lap, it got awfully quiet. As we passed each other, like ships in the night, each PAX put in the work necessary to conquer “Hill One.” Esso did give me a good laugh. At one point he and I passed and he whispered “I hate you right now.” 100% worth it.

Fish Sticks, Long Duck, Maximus, and Gears led the pack as the rest of us hobbled behind. I am sad to say that nobody completed the full 10 rounds, though a few hard hitters made it 9. 

As quickly as it started, it ended, and we ran back to COT across 160. 3.9 miles total.


Naked Man Moleskine

This weinke, again, was simple yet effective. YHC has been attending Sweep The Leg and the hills have been my downfall. My goal today was to target a weakness and attack it, in the hopes to become better. That is the life we as leaders must live, or else we will become stagnant and fail. 

We should have this perspective with our faith as well. I think of Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 9:26-27.

26 Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. 27 No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.

This is the way we must live out our faith. For if we run aimlessly and without plan, the enemy will overtake us. Take some time today to focus on your current path and what trajectory you are on – intentional or unintentional. 


Thanks, Shanks, for the fun times today.

Punch List out. 

TClap |

Simple inconveniences

18 PAX gathered in for The Bubble amidst humid conditions outside a mushroom pool.

SSH x51
1 Burpee
Windmill x10
2 Burpees
Merkin x10
3 Burpees
Some yoga
4 Burpees

The Thang:
Run 1 mile to Alison Park
Al Gore to Monkey Humpers facing Sutton Rd multiple times to keep together-ish

6 Exercises for 12-reps (all in cadence):
Low Slow Squat
Alternating Lunge
Mountain Climber
Peter Parker

Rinse and repeat total of 144 (a gross) of reps

Run 1 mile back.
Stopping for some monkey humpers along the way to keep the group together-ish.


There’s a lot of turmoil going on in the world. Americans (in general) have largely been spared inconveniences since WWII (maybe gas shortages in the 1970s?). In many cities, we’re being asked or required to wear masks to quell the rampant spread of COVID-19. For almost all of us, this is an inconvenience. But luckily it is only an inconvenience.

Today’s workout was certainly not convenient, with the exception of the location for some PAX. We recognize how simple workouts in the humidity makes us better. YHC is officially exhorting us to be leaders and do the inconvenient things like wearing a mask for our community’s health.

Side note:

As an FM local, I remember when Baxter was a cow pasture. Traffic is worse in town, but so much about Fort Mill is better because of the folks who moved here. I appreciate what y’all bring to our town. It is great to post with PAX from all over who are working to make themselves and our shared community better. T-Claps to y’all.

What I learned:

At The Bubble, 10 PAX doubled down posting twice today. YHC tried to keep the warm-up close for those PAX arriving late. My advice to future Qs is: DO NOT plank up in the parking lot until 6:20 or so. Unless you want to raise your heart rate from fear rather than mountain climbers as a vehicle whips into the parking lot you’re lying down in…. My mistake. Won’t happen again.



Band Camp dismissed

TClap |

More Bear Crawling than necessary

The Ranch

Mosey got out of the gate.
Plank up wait for 6
Mosey some more

Some Yoga
Mountain Climbers
Peter Parker’s
Shoulder Tap

More Yoga
Sasquatch joined in

Mosey some more
Was thinking of sprints, but it was too wet for safety on that….so we did the Thighmaster (split squats)

Mosey back toward COT
Bearpees up to 10 burpees and 40 single count bear crawls
(1 burpee, 4 count bear crawl; 2:8, etc.)

Mosey back to the lap
Some balancing scales
Thighmaster again
One lap around the elementary school drop off area and back to COT

Howling Monkeys till 6am

Been thinking about what followers learn when they see a leader fail and how that leader responds to failure. Does that response show a follower more about a leader’s abilities and dedication than success?


TClap |

Bell Danglers

Fourteen/Fifteen bell slingers decided to make the hard decision and accelerate their Wednesday morning. A disclaimer was made and we were off. We slowseyed over to the front of the school with the bells for a traveling warm up.

  •  10 side straddle hops than a mosey
  • 10 windmills than a mosey
  • 10 merkins than a mosey
  • Toy Soldiers
  • Karaokes

The Thang:

Dora is her name. Pain is her game.

Partner #1 – 100 KB Swing, 200 Bent Over Rows, 300 Merkins

Partner #2 – Run up to the top of the hill by the high school entrance sign and do 5 burpees.

When partner #2 gets back switch assignments.

After the pain was fully unleashed, we slowseyed back down the hill near COT for thang part 2.

The Thang 2:

Bear crawl with bell two parking spots and do 3 man makers. Went halfway across the parking lot and there was a half time performance.

Half Time: 10 snatches sprint across the parking lot and back. 10 KB swings sprint across the parking lot and back to your bell.

Half time was over and back to the rest of the scheduled program. Continue to bear crawl across the rest of the parking lot while doing 3 man makers every two parking spaces.

Back to COT for 30 seconds of LBC’s at Santini’s request.

Announcements, prayers & praises.

Thanks for the opportunity 3D.


TClap |

Taking off the Training Wheels at The Snake Pit

14 HIMs showed up for what was promising to be a great morning.  Prior to this morning HIC had not posted in 3 weeks.  While not fartsacking, I certainly was not pushing myself.  Being know for not wanting to do much cadence there was a plan hatched the night before that was sure to be easy to lead yet keep everyone on their toes and with any hope, a bit sore the next day.


After a good bit of razzing from the group about an FNG on Q (Yeah I get it, it’s been a while) we start off.

Warmup:  Mosey around the lot. SSH (x20) MNC (x20) Tappy Tap (20x)

Grab your bells

Slight move of location for The Main Event.  Keeping with the theme of I don’t want to count we’ll use a run timer for the remainder of the morning.  One person runs out to the gate and back, the rest of us do exercises for that time.

Goblet Squats



Scull Crusher

Calf Raises

Overhead Press

Romanian Deadlift

Chest Press

Big Boy Sit-ups.


BREAK:  Move to the wall.  Peoples chair.  Everyone does 5 burpees down the line.


Second verse same as the first:

Goblet Squats



Scull Crusher

Calf Raises

Overhead Press

Romanian Deadlift

Chest Press

Big Boy Sit-ups.

Back to the wall:  Bear crawls to the end.


5 min of Mary.



Convergence at WEP on 7-11

My thanks to 3D for the call out and opportunity to Q.  It was much needed to get out of my covid funk.  It takes a village, and I’m thankful for all of you.

TClap |

Webbs on Webbs on Webbs

It felt so good to see my brothers on the west side. It has literally been too long. YHC was all smiles as the cars rolled up this morning.

Lately YHC has been reading a book titled The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, so I wanted to incorporate a little bit of that book into this workout. Would definitely recommend the book for a perspective shift on our pace of life. One way that I’ve seen a slower and more methodical application in work outs is the Jack Webb. So YHC had some fun creating terrible combinations of workouts based on experience and what other HIM have inflicted upon yours truly.

0500 hit and the disclaimer was disclaimed. The Ruckers went one way, and the boot campers went another.

Short mosey to COP location at an unhurried pace.

Burpee SSH Webb
1:5, 2:10, 3:15, 4:20, 5:0
Short Yoga Flow

Mosey to new spot at an unhurried pace

Bear Jack Webbs
1:2 ratio
Bear Crawl 1 Spot, 2 Bomb Jacks
Bear Crawl 2 Spots, 4 Bomb Jacks
To 10:20

Mosey to new spot at an unhurried pace

OG Jack Webbs
Merkins:OH Claps 1:4 – 10:40

Mosey to shovel flag at an unhurried pace

Ass Webbs
Squats:Al Gore Pulses 1:4 – 10:40

Ab Ripper X
25 of Each
In & Outs
Bicycles (Forward)
Bicycles (Backward)
Crunchy Frog
Fifer Scissors
Heels to the Heavens
10 x 4-Count American Hammers

YHC was happy to lead. The men brought it this morning.


Conversation at the Kingsley Amphitheater at 0700 tomorrow on racial injustice.
Olaf on Q at The Fort tomorrow
Royale on Q at Camp Thunderbird tomorrow
July 11 Convergence – JOC (May change to WEP)
Hog and Coyote Next Weekend
Bear/Dory – Beary 6K Thursday July 9 at 1900 – contact Cake Boss for more details

Pray for Cash and his battle. Reach out to Cake Boss, Chicken Hawk, or Spud to know more specifics.
Prayers for Olaf’s mother and step father – struggling through separation due to addiction.
Prayers for YHC and M/2.3 – recently had a tongue tie cut and still working through latch

Via COT a conversation came up about the impact of pornography on each of us as men – and the detriment that it can bring to our lives. Check out The Freedom Fight if you’re having any sort of temptation or addiction to porn.

Link here.

YHC just started the 30 day challenge and would be happy to be your accountability partner. Reach out to me on Slack.

Punch List out.

TClap |

Armory 5.11.2020

YHC was excited to lead on a cool, crisp morning. Was given the pass by the M to post after an 0200 feeding, so needless to say sleep was not an abundant resource leading up to this. 

Many familiar faces were seen prior to start – notables being Wegmans, Repeat, and Sugar Daddy (who brought an FNG!). Though chilly, the gloom was warm and fuzzy at the start of this beat down.

0515 struck. Disclaimer. Go time. 

Mosey out to far end of lot, drop bells on one end of the lot
Grab every other parking spot

5 Burpees OYO
Mosey to next row of spots
11xLow Slow Squat
Mosey to next row
11xTappy Taps
Mosey to next row 
Mosey to next row 
11xMoroccan Night Clubs
Mosey back to Bells
5 Burpees OYO

Five Rows of Spots
11 Reps Each Stop

Method of Travel
Lunge walk to each row

Row 1
Kid Launch

Row 2
One Legged RDL both sides

Row 3
Tricep Extensions

Row 4
Goblet Squats
Cossack Squats

Row 5
Burpee Snatch

OH carry back to start, Rinse & Repeat

We completed two rounds and headed back to COT for some Mary

Kettlebell Core Work
American Hammers x 20
In & Outs x 10
Flutters w/press x 20
Hello Dolly w/extended hold x 10
Six Inch Hold w/Bell x 1 min
Low Plank Hold x 1 min
WWI Sit Ups x 10

Rounded out with 8 burpees per PAX to reach 40/ea. 


While holding our low plank YHC talked about anxiety and hurry and how we as men aren’t made to have larger to do lists than we can handle. We aren’t made to be busier than life itself – even though it is touted as a sign of success in today’s hustle world. YHC mentioned Gods peace and how we should each take a moment today to let ourselves feel Gods presence and shut everything else off. A few verses were discussed. The second was spoken to the group but the first is also tantamount to the message.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
‭‭John‬ ‭14:27‬ ‭

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:6-7


Baby Wegmans is 2 months! Pray Wegs & M can keep him alive further.

YHC’s 2.3 is putting on weight and feeding better this week due to lactation strategy and bottle feedings.

UHAUL is going to satisfy all of his M’s desires via Honey Do List (#HIM) this week. 


Alcatraz is BACK! Follow up on Slack for more details.


Thanks JWOWW for the tap to lead. Excited to get back into the swing of things and see more of my brothers in the gloom. Welcome FNG Scalp!

Punch List out. 

TClap |

“Quarantine Convergence” – Snake Pit 4.22.2020

Snake Pit 4.22.2020

Disclaimer – we had an FNG so I had to cross the t’s and dot the i’s.

My goal was to play a Queen play list because my current quarantine stache is making YHC look like Freddie Mercury. We decided against the music for the sake of the residents nearby. 



20 SSH, 10 IW/HW/Moroccan Night Clubs


I wore an interval timer that was set to go off every 3 minutes. Every time it sounded we did two things:

1. 5 Burpees at each beep
2. Go onto the next Circuit and pick up where we left off from the time prior

Each Group Rotate After Each “Burpee-Val”

Circuit 1
25 Calf Raises Toes Pointed Straight
20 Goblet Squats
10 Skull Crushers
5 Clean and Press Each Side
30 Flutters With Bell

Circuit 2
25 Calf Raises Toes Pointed Out
20 KB Swings
15 Kid Launches
10 Curls Each Side
5 Right Turkish Get Ups
30 LBCs With Bell

Circuit 3
25 Calf Raises Toes Pointed In
20 Reverse Lunges (10 Each Side)
15 OH Press
10 Lawnmowers Each Side
5 Left Turkish Get Ups
30 American Hammers With Bell

In all, we made it through each round 3 times. You can do the math to figure out the totals.

While we were cycling through, I asked the PAX one by one to tell the group how they’ve taken advantage of all of the added time with family/friends. Most have been able to take a step back from the hustle and bustle of the commute/work/busy life and have been able to focus on their families more. This is a huge blessing that we must not miss the chance to capture!

In all, we had 12 PAX and 850 total burpees. It got a little hairy toward the end, but I believe everybody enjoyed the work. Thanks for the opportunity to lead, 3D.

Manion WOD this weekend – reach out to Maximus if you would like more details

Be Intentional in this time – how often are we forced to spend more time with our family?
1 Peter 5:7 – “Cast all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you.”
Praise for UHAUL’s Niece at Texas A&M for receiving a grant/scholarship to clear away most of her school debt.

Welcome, FNG: N-95!

Punch List out.

TClap |

Snake Pit in Quarantine

Short mosey
10 SSH
10 Mountain Climbers (slow count)
10 Parker Peters
10 Peter Parkers
10 SSH
10 Imperial Walkers
10 Hillbilly Walkers
Short mosey

The Thang: alternating with Kettlebell Swings

20 Merkins
10 KB Swings
20 Merkins
15 KB Swings
20 Merkins
20 KB Swings
20 Merkins
25 KB Swings
Short mosey

20 Goblet Squats
10 KB Swings
20 Goblet Squats
15 KB Swings
20 Goblet Squats
20 KB Swings
20 Goblet Squats
25 KB Swings
Short mosey

20 Flutters w/ bell in the air held
10 KB Swings
20 Flutters w/ press
15 KB Swings
20 Flutters w/ bell in the air held
20 KB Swings
20 Flutters w/ press
25 KB Swings
Short mosey

20 Cossack Squats
10 KB Swings
20 Cossack Squats – with bell
15 KB Swings
20 Cossack Squats
20 KB Swings
20 Cossack Squats – with bell
25 KB Swings

Final round to get to 100 of each exercise and 300 swings
20 Merkins
20 Goblet Squats
20 Flutters – bells in the air
20 Cossack Squats – w/ bell
20 Kettle Bell Swings

Add 20 burpees for @Slash at the end…..Ain’t nothin’ to it, but to do it.

PAX all worked in isolation today and at different times of day. I’m glad I got this in before the sun came up. It brings on a sweat. Motivation in isolation will dip before the 3rd, 4th, or final round…but knowing other PAX in the Fort were getting after it, kept me focused.

Stay safe during the COVID-19 outbreak. And do your part to slow the spread.

TClap |