LIV vs PGA Tour at the Hive

Uhaul was spinning the tunes by request which meant 80s and 90s rap hits. It is clearly a spiritual gift for him and the Pax appreciate it.


Mosey around the parking lot
Windmills x 10
MNC x 15


Separate into two groups (LIV tour and PGA Tour). Focus today would be KB exercises to improve golf swing accuracy and distance. Tours would do 3 sets of each exercise with 12 reps followed by a lap and then switch tours.

Hand Plank Reach
Mtn Climbers

PGA Tour
KB Swings

Lap then switch

Round 2
LIV Tour
Floor press
Russian Twist
Skull crushers

PGA Tour
Lateral swings
Slalom jumps

Lap then switch

All Tours
Goblet Squats
Big Boys

Mosey back to COT

COT: YHC had not Q’ed in some time and while I laid out a clear disclaimer, I failed to recognize that we had an FNG brought to us by Cohiba. Thanks to the pax, we were able to remedy this and provide him with a good name and explanation of F3 and the core principles.

I left the Pax with a question…what times in your life have truly brought you joy? Its a question that I was journaling about last night. What stands out to me is my wedding, the birth of my girls, seeing my girls succeed at something and the fellowship of the Pax

What has truly brought you joy?

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Choose Your Cluster

Pledge of Allegiance then Mosey to FMRX.

4 cluster of cones set up in the parking lot. 3 cones in each cluster. One exercise (and count) on each cone. Pax, OYO, run the loop through downtown Fort Mill, choose a cluster of cones, do the exercise in the cluster, then rinse and repeat. The cones may or may not have been repurposed from yesterday’s workout at Ring of Fire.

Some had just a few minutes for Freddies and Flutters.

Awesome work by all pax. Thanks, FunHouse, for the opportunity to lead!

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Pendulum O’ Pain

WARMUP: The Pledge of Allegiance.
THE THANG: Pendulum O’ Pain. Run to Jekyll’s town center (near the churches at bottom of hill). Run up to the Town Hall, Merkins until failure. Run down hill and back up to parking lot at the factory, 20 Squats. Rinse and repeat for 35 minutes. Mosey back to COT.
COT: Prayers and Praises.

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Whetstone – The Vertical Relationship between Men

15 Pax chose to make a downpainment on the day and learn more about Whetstone this morning at Colosseum. Rebound is leading the charge to educate the Pax on Whetstone and Shieldlock and incorporating Qs to discuss these topics. YHC was excited for the opportunity to Q and added a Blade in Maximus for additional pain and discussion.


Mosey to parking lot
IWs x 10
SSH x 30
Strawberry pickers x 10
Mtn Climbers x 15
CDD x 10
Identification of those Pax currently in a Whetstone

Mosey to back lot with track

Modified Dirty McDeuce
12 burpees
12 Big Boys
12 Squats
12 Merkins
Then a lap
Round 1 = OYO, Round 2 = in cadence, Round 3 = with a partner

Mention of hypocrisy “we are all hypocrites” and goal of “audio matching the video” through accountability and Whetstone.

Hand off to Maximus

A comment about Grace (brief comment) and mosey to the playground

15 Pull-Ups while partner does Jump Squats – Flapjack then repeat

Mosey to the wall for 10 Mike Tysons on wall then 5 Muscle Ups
15 Hand Release Merkins
5 Hand Release Merkins

Mosey back to the parking lot
Partner 1 NUR then Partner 2 American Hammers

Flutter Kicks with feet 12” apart
Jail break to COT
6” foot hold

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Gardenia The Valuables

Ran to Gardenia

Stopped along the way for merkins/squats to keep folks together

Hit Savona Trace to keep it real

At Gardenia did 5 HR merkins
Ran the Gardenia cul-du-sac: 6 burpees
Ran to the top of Gardenia: 1 bomb jack
Rinse and repeat: 5 burpees/2 bomb jacks
(Still 5 HR merkins in the middle)

Barely had time to make it back. Some may say YHC didn’t make it back by 0600, others may say that we were way early on Central time.

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Take More Risk

National Trail Day begged for trails run. So did Pusher’s trail shoes he hadn’t used. Glorious morning in the Gloom, with lively pax and a virgin trail journey by Assassin.

For those keeping score, we covered 5.5-6 miles by cruising down 160 to horse barn Greenway entrance, right down no name trail to the service rd to Cantrell to Lake Haigler for a pause at Badger Memorial bench/tree to pay respects to loop around Lake back to Timberline trail on far side to Kingsley trail to back entrance to Kingsley taking us home.

along the way there were stops to “water” the foliage, hydrate via normal ingestion or a swim (Olaf) and plenty of mumblechatter.

COT: Message today honored Badger and Pusher together. Badger’s early passing proves we aren’t guaranteed anything. Pusher’s desire to take on trails along with many late age humans wishing they’d played the game of life more aggressively as they come to the end teaches us to #TakeMoreRisk as we live each day

thanks for the Q stick Pusher!

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Golfin at the Pond

The Q “came in hot” to the AO and thanks to Backdraft the Pledge of Allegiance was completed.


At each green:
5 Burpees
10 Merkins
15 Squats
20 Mtn Climbers

Back to COT

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