Smokin Frat Party

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Morrocon NC, Strawberry Pickers, and Broga
Phase 1: Cheese Shredder
Phase 2: Ladder:
Round 1 – Burpees from Goal Line to 50 Yard line with reps at every 10 yard line starting at 1 rep at the 10 until 5 reps at the 50. Mode of transportation is Bear Crawl.
Round 2 – Burpees + Merkins from Goal Line to 50 Yard line with reps at every 10 yard line starting at 1 rep at the 10 until 5 reps at the 50. Mode of transportation is Lunges.
Round 3 – Burpees + Merkins + Bomb Jacks from Goal Line to 50 Yard line with reps at every 10 yard line starting at 1 rep at the 10 until 5 reps at the 50. Mode of transportation is Crab Walks.
Round 4 – Burpees + Merkins + Bomb Jacks + Peter Parkers from Goal Line to 50 Yard line with reps at every 10 yard line starting at 1 rep at the 10 until 5 reps at the 50. Mode of transportation is Crawl Bear.
Phase 3: Indian Run for 1/4 of a mile
MARY: Flutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Prayers and Praises

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Sweep the Sweat

I hot a sweaty morning at STL. Shirts were popping off before we started running.
Simple circuit route:

1st Stop (South State Bank) – 7 HR Merkins, 15 CCDs
2nd Stop (Kuester Mgmt) – 7 Lunges, 15 Squats
3rd Stop (TC Coffee) 7 LBCs, 15 Flutters
4th Stop (Pet Supplies +) 7 Man Makers

Rinse and Repeat, adding 1 man maker each lap
1 lap = 1 mile
All got 3 mile minimum

Great job guys!

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Sweaty Masey Marathon Prep

WARMUP: Discuss the route
THE THANG: A 4-mile run through the Masey neighborhood and Dobys Bridge with some hills along the way
MARY: American Hammers and Flutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Prayers and Praises

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Sweepin’ like it’s 1776

Hot Humid July in SC pre-run with Grout and Re-tread.

WARMUP: run to parking lot where old tega cay coffee used to be and do 17 in cadence American Hammers then run to lowest point on Dave Gibson and do 7 in cadence merkins then run to flag pole at the school and do 6 in cadence low slow squat

1776 sweet the Leg style
17 American Hammers
7 Merkins
6 Squats

At flag pole and at tega cay coffee parking lot. Every time you pass the low point of dave Gibson do 3 burpees.

Get as many rounds as possible

MARY: no time


COT: 5th core principle

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The Sweaty ? Prep

Disclaimer Shared
THE THANG: Trails or Roads Route Shared
MARY: she was missed
ANNOUNCEMENTS: the sweaty Barry coming up. Read your newsletter

COT: Don’t forget about one another, always have another’s SIX! Reach out to each other and encourage and support. We all carry burdens that we don’t share. You never know when one of us needs a NOD more than you know.

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